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第一节  对话填空。阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

W: What do you hope to do after graduating?

M: I’d like to go into management. I’ve (76)a_______ for several jobs

already. How about you?

W: After I finish (77)u_______, I have to do some more studies to pass

exams to become a lawyer. I think I’ve got a good chance of passing.

There’s a possibility of (78)g_______ a job with a firm in London,

provided that I do well.

M: We both have to (79)o_______ many difficulties if we are to achieve

our ambitions.

W: If life were easy, then we would achieve our ambition (80)q_______

and then get bored.

M: Unfortunately, some people are going to(81)w_______ hard yet not succeed.

W: You can’t achieve something that’s totally unrealistic.

That’s (82)w_______ ambition needs to be realistic.

M: As long as you plan carefully, most things are possible. It’s always

good to have a backup plan in (83)c        things go wrong.

W: I think it’s important to be successful in a field you are truly

(84)i_______ in, not something that other people force you to do.

M: My father wanted me to become a doctor, but I knew it would be

impossible for me.

W: I hope my (85)p_______ don’t try to interfere in my choice of career.

(76) ___________

(77) ___________

(78) ___________

(79) ___________

(80) ___________

(81) ___________

(82) ___________

(83) ___________

(84) ___________

(85) ___________

76.applied     77.university  78.getting    79.overcome   80.quickly 

81.work       82. why      83.case    84.interested   85.parents


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省银河中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期3月月考英语 题型:填空题

A survey basing on 1 ,000 students found that half of the pupils and 80%   76._______
of the middle school students sleeps less than nine hours every night.77._______
And too many homework given by school teachers and parents is       78._______
the main reason .Other reason lies in students' bad habits. Some            79_______
students, for example, are absent-minded while doing his homework .         80_______
and some waste their after-class time. The third reason is that some       81.________
students have to get up early on week-days to get school far away         82._________    
from home. Experts are calling at schools and parents to cut down on       83.________
the amount of homework. And students should make a good use of their time. 84.________
And it would be well if they could choose to study in a nearby school.       85________


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省大连市第二十三中学2009--2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:填空题

第II 卷(共35 分)
April 24, 2010    Sunday                                    Sunny
Today is Sunday. I didn’t get up early as usually. In the morning after I finished my homework, I do some washing. Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited him to see a movie. And unfortunately, when we got to the cinema at 3 p.m., we found all the tickets had sold out. Then we went back to our school and played the football. After that, we were about to go home while we saw our English teacher, Mr. Zhao, come into the school. He told us we had made great progresses this term. He also suggested they read more and wrote more. We promised him that we would follow his advice.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省牡丹江一中2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:填空题

I first met Li Meng at a friend birthday party five years ago. Then I invited Li Meng over in my place .We listen to my CDs together and soon became good friends. Three years ago, Li Meng’s parents invited I to spend two wonderful week in Qingdao with them during the summer holiday. Li Meng and I loved walking along the beautifully beaches there .Last year I was ill but had to stay in hospital for a week. Li Meng came see me every day. Then, her father has changed jobs and they moved to another city. Since then we haven't see each other much, but we've kept writing to each other.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省四校2010届高三下学期第二次联考英语卷 题型:其他题



第一节 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


W: Hi, Ben, Where have you been?

M: I’ve been to the library and (76)b       some English books. Why do you ask?

W: I thought you’d been to the post office. Did you find the money I left on the desk?

M: Yes, 10 dollars (77)a       . But I don’t know what it is for.

W: Didn’t you see the note I left to you with the money?

M: Note? Why note? I don’t see any note.

W: (78)R      ? It’s very strange. I left the money with a note (79)s______ I wanted you to go to the post office and get some (80)e______ and stamps for me. I also put the ink bottle on them in case they might not draw your attention.

M: I see now. Why cant’ you go and get them (81)y______? The post office is only about 30 (82)m      walk from here. We often go for a walk there after having (83)s      .

W: Of course I know how far it is from our school. I can’t go there myself because I’m very (84)b_______ doing some chemical

experiments in the lab. And what’s more, I have to prepare for my English exam. You know I failed the last one. If I can’t pass this time , a hard time will be (85)w       for me. 














科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省三明市三校高三上学期期末联考 题型:填空题


第II卷 (共35分)




  Though great progress has been made in science these years, there

are still many people in p_____ conditions in sole parts of the world.        76. ___________

They make their l_____ by collecting and selling used things. Their         77. ___________

Children cannot go to school because they have no e_____ money to      78. ___________

Send their children there. Why do you think so many people still _____      79. ___________

from poverty now? The answer lies _____ the population explosion.            80. ___________

A president of a ____(发展中) country once said: “ It was we who are to   81. ___________

____ for the poverty because we used to produce children without limit.”   82. ___________

Although these few words _____(听起来) simple enough and strange,            83. ___________

they have clearly pointed out one of the _____(原因) of the poverty.             84. ___________

It’s a good lesson for us to learn in f_____.                                                            85. ___________


