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JIUQUAN, Gansu Province, Sept. 6(Xinhua) ---- China’s manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 will be launched at an appropriate time between Sept. 25 and 30 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Gansu Province, a spokesman said here on Saturday. The mission will accomplish the first spacewalk by Chinese astronauts.
“All the major systems involved in the launching are now in the final preparation. The main tests for the spacecraft, the Long-March II-F rocket, suits for the space walk and a satellite accompanying the fly have also been finished, ” said the spokesman.
In addition, the ground control system is fully prepared, including the launch site, the landing site, and the communication for observation and control.
When Shenzhou-7 enters its orbit, one of the three taikonauts will conduct a space walk, said Zhao Changxi, a senior scientist with the project, earlier.
According to Zhao, cameras would be fixed outside and inside of the ship for live broadcasting of the space walk.
While the last mission of Shenzhou-6, with a crew of two, was aimed at several days of manned flight, this time the task might be more stringent as one of its main goals is the space walk.
Earlier reports said a crew of six astronauts had been chosen for the mission, with three manning the spacecraft and three substitutes. 
China successfully put two manned spacecrafts into orbit in 2003 and 2005 respectively, becoming the third country to send an astronaut into space after the United States and the former Soviet Union(now Russia).
56. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Shenzhou-7 is better equipped than the last two spaceships.
B. Shenzhou-7 will be more successful than the last two launches.
C. All the systems involved in the launching have been prepared.
D. China is ready for the launching of Shenzhou-7.
57. We can learn from the passage ________.
A. This will be the third time for Chinese astronauts to have a space walk
B. Three of the six astronauts chosen for the mission will walk in space
C. The space walk will be live broadcasted on TV
D. Everything has been prepared except communication system
58. The underlined word”stringent”most probably means
A. challenging   B. encouraging   C. interesting   D. moving

56---58   DCA       

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A newspaper in Helsinki,Finland,recently published a cartoon of a baby with a mobile phone,telling his parents that his diaper(尿布) needed changing.But it's hardly a joke.Helsinki is home to Nokia,the mobile?phone maker.It's one of the most “mobile”cities in the world.About 92 percent of its households have at least one mobile phone.And the kids start young.
“A relatively normal age to get a mobile phone is now 7,”says Jan Virkki,marketing manager for a mobile phone company.Among the second graders at the Kulosaari Elementary School,the most popular object of desire this year is not a Barbie or a Gameboy.It is a Nokia mobile phone with a picture of their own choice on the screen.
“One of the first things we discuss when school starts is the rules for mobile phones,”says Tiia Korppi,a teacher.Among the rules:You have to put it away out of sight.You cannot turn it on.You cannot send text messages to your friends,or play amusing tunes(令人发笑的曲调)in class,or call your parents or call for a pizza during history.
1.The author uses the newspaper cartoon to show that ________ .
A.he is good at telling jokes
B.he cares much for children
C.mobile phones are toys for new?born babies
D.mobile phones are widely used in Finland
2.The passage is mainly about__________
A.different uses of mobile phones        
B.a successful mobile?phone maker        
C.effect of mobile phones on children
D.school rules for the use of mobile phones 


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On Saturday August 12, 2000, during Northern Fleet training exercises in the Barents Sea, the Russian nuclear submarine(潜水艇) Kursk sank in about 100 meters of water with some 118 sailors aboard. It's known later that several officers were also aboard, observing the training exercises. The Kursk is lying on the ocean floor in the Barents Sea. The Russian Navy said that it was listing 30 degrees to port. Other sources reported it was listing as much 60 as degrees. According to a Russian newspaper, when the submarine Kursk failed to make contact with the naval command at the right time later that day, Northern Fleet Commander Admiral Vyachesav Popov ordered rescue ships into the area. It took hours to find the submarine, as it didn't launch(发射) a marking buoy(浮) before sinking.
Russian Navy Chief insisted that the submarine Kursk had been involved(卷入) in a major collision(碰撞), but a great deal of information shows that this is not true. Up till now, it's believed that an explosion in the torpedo compartment(鱼雷舱) in the nose of the Kursk was the likely cause. Now Russian government officially asked Norway for help in recovering of sailors' bodies first of all, and Norway has agreed to offer all help. But Russian insisted that only Russians work inside the submarine Kursk and that the work last for about 10~18 working days. It is expected to recover only 25~35 bodies from the Kursk.
It was not until October 25, when a team of Russian divers entered the submarine Kursk, some 350 feet below the surface, that truth became clear. On November 7, in the morning, owing to(由于)  the icy and the cold weather, a special rescue meeting held on Murmansk decided to stop the whole bodies recovering operation.
小题1:From the text we can infer that _______ led to the sinking of the submarine Kursk.
A.a small fighting with another foreign submarine
B.an explosion inside the submarine Kursk
C.a great collision inside the submarine Kursk
D.an attack from another foreign submarine
小题2:After Kursk accident occurred, Northern Fleet Commander Popov _______.
A.decided to recover all the sailors' bodies immediately
B.went to apply to Norway for help at once
C.decided to find out the real cause of sinking at once
D.sent several rescue ships into the Barents Sea
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A. The Norwegians were willing to offer all help.
A. If the rescue work did within 10~18 days, there would be about 30 sailors to be recovered.
B. It was not believed that there were many unclear weapons inside the Kursk.
C. A team of divers from Norway entered the submarine Kursk successfully on Oct. 25
D. It's reported that a major collision was unlikely to cause the sinking of the Kursk.
小题4:Why did Russia insist that only Russian divers can work inside the submarine Kursk?
A.Because the Barents Sea is very icy and the weather is too cold.
B.Because Russia feared that the top secrets inside the Kursk will be let out.
C.Because Russian divers are much more skilled than those from Norway.
D.Because Russian government wants to bring the cost down to the lowest degree.
小题5:The underlined words “make contact with” in the first paragraph refers to the idea that the submarine Kursk can't_______.
A.get in touch after much effort with the naval command
B.send up the nuclear weapons in the training exercises
C.get the naval officers to return to the Northern Fleet
D.get in touch after much effort with Russian government


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Official Theme for the 2005 World Exposition , Aichi,Japan is “Nature’s Wisdom”.
Name: The 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan
Theme: “Nature’s Wisdom”
Site: Steo City, Nagakute Town, Toyata City, in Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Period: March 25 to September 25, 2005
Projected number of visitors: 15 million
Nature has provided humanity with a means to develop into complex societies based on this very basic relationship.
A vast network of knowledge and wisdom has evolved from this basic relationship between humans and nature. Nature's wisdom,her mysteries, inspiring beauty and power,have been unlocked by minds and scientific processes. Humans have become masters of this knowledge and have developed incredible technologies to employ energy and other resources.
In an increasingly overcrowded world, it is sometimes hard to focus beyond everyday life and onto the long term effects of our technological progress. Surely then,we must be reminded of the true wisdom found in a continuous relationship with nature. After all,we are in a world seeing an increasing amount of media coverage of international debates concerned about damage to the environment. It is commonly accepted that as far as the environment is concerned,it is a time to re-think our relationship with nature before it is too late.
Model Community
Continuous development is what the Eco-communities project at Expo 2005 is all about. The Eco-communities project has been expected to reuse energy and to reduce and make use of existing waste. As well, the entire Expo 2005 site--expected to host 25 million people over a six-month period--has been designed with the conservation(保持)of nature and the local environment as the top priority(优先考虑的事).
Finding answers for today' s world must be done in the background of technology. Thus,the idea of eco-communities was developed. Yet, an understanding of the socio-historical background is just as important in today’s richly multi-cultural world of economically various states and unions. And so the "Art of Life" Expo 2005 sub-theme was expected to be a model of human participation on a global scale. Expo 2005 offers to the people of the world an opportunity to come together and discuss many global issues that face humankind. It is a place to bring together the world's talent to create a model community for the future where humans can live in harmony with nature.
64.What is the period of Expo 2005 Japan?
A.May 1-October 31.            B.March 25-September 25.
C.May 1-October 30.          D.October 9-0ctober 21.
65. Which of the following themes is Expo 2005 Japan's?
A.Better City,Better Life
B.Interactions between Urban and Rural Areas
C.Nature’s Wisdom
D.Environment, Resource and Technique
66.According to paragraph 3, nature has many features except ______.
A. danger      B. power     C. beauty       D. wisdom
67. We can infer that______according the contents of the passage.
A.the relationship between nature and humans isn’t close
B.it is easier for us to find the true wisdom
C.it is important and necessary for human to protect environment
and nature
D.harmonious community and Art of life can’t realize


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ruled Michael Jackson,s father can
receive some medical records related to his superstar son,s death.
The judge will review the records first before making them accessible to Joe Jackson,s
lawyer,Brian Oxman.Beckloff said the man can only receive records on or after June 25一
the day Michael Jackson died.
World number one Zhou Yang overcame three South Korean players to win the women,s
short track speed skating 1,500 meters final at the Vancouver Olympic Winter Games.
The l8-year-old made perfect debut(首次亮相)as she set an Olympic record of a winning time
of 2 minutes and l6,993 seconds among other seven skaters.
China has never won the women,s l,500 meters in the Olympics before,and this time Zhou,s
performance gave China its third gold medal in Vancouver.
China,s first compulsory,(强制性的)safety regulation on primary school buses,which re-
quires every seat to have a seat belt,will take effect on July l to help ensure safer transporta-
tion for the country,s 100 million students.
Each primary school bus must also be equipped with a“black box,”0r a recording monitor,
to record speed,travel time and distance.Also,the bus must be staffed by teachers who will
ensure student safety.
In addition,the new rule states that the color of the school buses should be yellow,and each bus must have at least two emergency exits.
Texas,the US
A software engineer who crashed his plane into a Texas building housing a United States
tax agency office,killing himself and at least one worker,apparently left behind an angry anti-government manifesto(宣言) detailing his financial difficulties and tax problems.
The pilot took off from an airport in Georgetown.about 48 km from Austin.He flew low
over the Austin skyline before plowing into the building.
57.We can learn from the first news that_________.
A.all Michael Jackson,s medical records can be accessed
B.Mitchell Beckloff will not go over the record first
C.medical records before June 25 won,t be received
D.Joe Jackson,s lawyer will not get any records
58.The new school bus safety rules include all the followings EXCEPT_____________.
A.the driver,s experience    B.the equipment of the bus
C.the color of the bus      D.emergency exits
59.It seems the software engineer crashed into the US tax office mainly because of___________.
A.unhappy marriage    B.mental disease
C.heavy work pressure D.financial and tax problems
60.We can infer from the news that____________.
A.Joe Jackson will be the first to receive the medical records
B.Zhou Yang once broke the Olympic records in the same event
C.the tax agency office is somewhere inside the building in Texas
D.the software engineer flew high over skyline before crashing into the building


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
MEXICO CITY: A jetliner from the beach resort of Cancun was briefly hijacked as it landed in Mexico City on Wednesday. The hijackers released all passengers shortly before federal police stormed the plane, and the crew emerged unharmed moments later.
Police, who did not fire a single shot, led as many as eight handcuffed men away from the airplane, which was isolated at the end of a runway in an area designed for emergencies. The hijackers’ motive was unclear, though Mexican news media initially identified them as Bolivians demanding to speak with Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
US, French and Mexican citizens were among the 112 passengers and crew on Aeromexico Flight 576, according to a US official who had been briefed on the situation. The official was not authorized to discuss the case and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Mexico’s transportation and communications secretary, Juan Molinar, said there was no bomb on the airplane, although some passengers said one of the hijackers held a package that resembled an explosive device, and a bomb squad (拆弹小组) was later seen near the airplane.
He did not immediately identify the hijackers or speculate on their motive.
“Various people who participated in the act have been detained and we are investigating,”Molinar said.
The attorney general’s office said it was opening an investigation into terrorism and kidnapping but did not specify how many people could be charged.
Mexican news media initially reported the hijackers were Bolivian, but Bolivia’s ambassador to Mexico, Jorge Mancilla, said Mexican authorities had no evidence that was the case. Mancilla said sources told him they could be Colombian or Venezuelan. Several passengers told reporters they did not notice a non-Mexican accent.
Passenger Rocio Garcia told the Televisa network that the pilot made an announcement after landing in Mexico City that the airplane was being hijacked. Passengers said the hijackers never communicated with them directly.
“These were scary moments,”she said.
She said she saw one of the hijackers whom she described as a well-dressed, older man.
“He looked fine, like a normal passenger,”she said.
Passenger Daniel Hernandez said he saw a hijacker carrying a Bible.
51.From the first paragraph we can conclude that _________.
A.the hijackers just wanted to play a trick on the police
B.the hijackers didn’t prepare for their action
C.the hijackers surrendered before the police fired
D.the hijackers lost their way at the last moment
52.From what Juan Molinar said we can learn that _________.
A.police were still trying to identify a possible bomb
B.passengers succeeded in stopping the explosion
C.a frightening bomb was found later on the airplane
D.several Mexicans were involved in the hijacking
53.What may be the first step taken when the hijacked plane landed?
A.They gave a sudden attack at the hijackers.
B.They kept the plane away from other planes.
C.They asked the crew to control the hijackers.
D.They abandoned the plane at the end of the runway.
54.The hijackers, as some passengers described, _________.
A.were good at bargaining with the police       
B.were all well-dressed American old men
C.all came from Colombia or Venezuela          
D.stayed calm and appeared noble, educated


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Beijing: The highly anticipated Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway will begin operation next year, and is expected to cut travel time to four hours, railway officials said.
The high-speed railway between China's two most important metropolises was scheduled to open in 2012 but will now open one year ahead of time, said Zheng Jian, chief planner with the Ministry of Railways.
Wang Zhiguo, vice-minister of railways, said that it would be a four-hour journey from Beijing to Shanghai, and only three hours from Beijing to Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu province.
At present, it takes about 10 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai and Nanjing by train. A new-generation bullet train that will travel up to 380 kilometers per hour (kph) is now under development for the high-speed rail link.
It will be rigorously tested this year, and engineers want the train to run at a top speed of 420 kph to guarantee a safe operational speed of 380 kph, Huang Qiang, chief researcher with the China Academy of Railway Sciences told the Beijing News.
Vice-Minister Wang Zhiguo said it was expected that high-speed trains would one day take passengers from Beijing to most capital cities within eight hours, except for Haikou, Urumqi, Lhasa and Taipei.
It is expected that an 110,000-km railway network will be completed by 2012, including 13,000 km of high-speed rail, he said.
China already has 6,552 km of rail track in operation --- the longest amount of high-speed rail track in the world.
At present, at least 10,000 km of high-speed rail line is under construction in China. About 3,676 km of new track for running trains at speeds up to 350 kph have already been laid and put into operation. Another 2,876 km of old tracks have been upgraded to run trains of 200 to 250 kph. .
Ultimately, China plans to construct a 120,000-km railway network, including 50,000-km of high-speed rail track, by 2020.
The Ministry of Railways wants to export China's high-speed railway technology to North America, Europe and Latin America.
Wang said, “State-owned Chinese companies are already building high-speed lines in Turkey and Venezuela. Many countries, including the United States, Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, have also expressed interest.”
56.When will the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway come into use?
A. In 2012.                   B. In 2013.                   C. In 2011.           D. In 2010
57. How much time will a passenger save by train from Beijing to Shanghai after the high-speed railway is open? 
A. 4 hours.                          B. 6 hours.                   C. 10 hours.          D. 3 hours.
58. Which of the following countries owns the longest railway in the world ?
A. China.                            B. America.                 C. Canada.            D. Russia.
59. Which city, in the opinion of vice-minister Wang Zhiguo, can passengers from Beijing reach  in high-speed trains within 8 hours ?
A. Haikou.                          B. Urumqi.                   C. Lhasa .             D. Changsha.
60. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A. The Ministry of Railways wants to increase GDP by exporting railway technology.
B. China’s railway technology is superior to that of many other countries.
C. Countries in North America have already imported the railway technology of China.
D. The United States also wants to build high-speed railways in Turkey and Venezuela.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

True End of an Era
SURPRISE, surprise---David Beckham is in the news again! Sure, the England football star was never one to shy away from the headlines. But this time it seems people are talking as much about what Beckham is not doing as what he is.
Beckham won’t be playing for England at the 2010 World Cup in South AfricA. An injury he picked up while playing for AC Milan will likely rule the 34-year-old out for four months. It could be a sad end to the career of a player who has given his all to England since his debut (首次登场) in 1996. But rather than feeling sorry for the loss, some people are finally calling for us to move on from the Beckham obsession (着迷).
“The romantic wish of him seizing the day and inspiring England to glory was poppycock (胡扯),” according to an editorial in the Guardian. It argued that Beckham is past his best and would only have played a minor role at the World Cup anyway. But you might not have guessed it from the reaction of the rest of England.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown sent Beckham a “get well soon” message, and a Scottish poet even wrote a poem about the injury, comparing Beckham to the Greek hero Achilles.
But is it possible to forget about Beckham? Over his career Beckham has embodied (体现) everything the English like to think is good about their country. Beckham was never the most naturally gifted of footballers, but he reached the top through hard work and determination. He never gave up, even when things looked hopeless. And even as a superstar, he never forgot where he came from.
For this, the English took him to their hearts. Not a day goes by without seeing Beckham’s name in the newspapers, but the reality is his fantastic career is coming to the enD.Of course, it is sad that he’ll miss the World Cup, but this is a chance for England to find a new hero.
As a global icon(偶像) we will certainly miss him playing for England in South Africa this summer. But I think it’s time we finally give Beckham a break from the headlines.
Choose the best answer:
66.Which of the following may not be a result of Beckham’s injury?
A.Not being able to take part in the 2010 World Cup in South AfricA.
B.Not being able to play for England for four months.
C.People forgetting him.
D.This injury perhaps ending his career.
67.______ gave Beckham a negative evaluation.
A.Gordon Brown              B.An editorial in the Guardian
C.A Scottish poet              D.Most British people
68.Which is not the reason for it being hard for people to forget Beckham?
A.He has embodied British good characteristics and traits (特征).
B.He is one of the most naturally gifted footballers.
C.He is determined to achieve his goals.
D.He always remembers his country.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

LOS ANGELES-British singing sensation Susan Boyle’s first album quickly climbed to No. 1 on U.S. album charts on Wednesday with sales of 701,000 copies, beating new releases by Adam Lambert and Rihanna and becoming the best-selling debut(首次演出) of 2009. Boyle, 48, a frumpy Scottish singer, who became an international YouTube phenomenon after appearing on TV show “Britain’s Got Talent”, also topped the British album charts earlier this week.
Her “I Dreamed a Dream” release through Sony Music Entertainment, marked the best U.S. opening of a female artist's debut album since Nielsen SoundScan began tracking sales in 1991, Billboard.com said. It was also the fastest selling album in Britain this year and has topped the charts in Australia and Ireland.
Billboard said only one album in SoundScan’s tracking history had seen a bigger opening week than Boyle. U.S. rapper Snoop Dogg’s album “Doggystyle” sold 803,000 copies in its first week in 1993—before traditional album sales began tumbling(falling rapidly) in the face of piracy(盗版) and a shift to digital sales.
Although Boyle finally failed to win “Britain’s Got Talent”, her April trial hearing for the show has been viewed more than 300 million times on the Internet.
In a good week for stars of TV talent shows, “American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert’s debut album “For Your Entertainment”, also released through Sony, debuted at No.3 on the Billboard 200 with 198,000 copies sold. Lambert’s strong showing followed headline news coverage of his bad televised live performance at the American Music Awards 10 days ago in which he aroused oral sex with a dancer and kissed a male keyboard player.
R&B singer Rihanna’s “Rated R”, her first studio album since being attacked by her then-boyfriend Chris Brown in February, bowed in at No.4 with 181,000 copies—the best sales week in the 21-year-old singer’s career.
Italian singer Andrea Bocelli held onto the No.2 spot for a third week with his “My Christmas” album with 218,000 new copies sold during the week, SoundScan said.
60. According to the passage, what albums were released through Sony Music Entertainment?
A. Doggystyle and I Dreamed a Dream.
B. For Your Entertainment and I Dreamed a Dream.
C. Rated R and Doggystyle.
D. My Christmas and For Your Entertainment.
61. What do you learn from the passage?
A. Doggystyle marked the biggest opening week in SoundScan’s tracking history.
B. I Dreamed a Dream was the fastest selling album in English-speaking countries.
C. Upon its release, Boyle’s first album ranked first on album charts on Wednesday.
D. Boyle became world-famous after she won Britain’s Got Talent.
62. Who may perform crazily and leave audience a bad impression?
A. Susan Boyle.       B. Andrea Bocelli.     C. Rihanna.        D. Adam Lambert.           
63. From the passage we can conclude _______.
A. The albums could have sold better if it had not been for piracy and a shift to digital sales
B. Boyle became world-famous because she was a female artist.
C. Being attacked by her then-boyfriend might decrease the sales of Rihanna’s Rated R.
D. Andrea Bocelli’s album My Christmas only kept the No. 2 spot for two weeks.

