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【小题1】After the earthquake, only few houses s________.
【小题2】The family began to d___________ the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights a week ago.
【小题3】They c_________ for the first prize in the race yesterday.
【小题4】I’m looking for the boss who is in c_________ of your company .
【小题5】It’s my great h______ to represent my school to attend the opening ceremony.
【小题6】 It remains unknown which country will h_________ the international tennis tournament.
【小题7】He was a__________ to Beijing University, which made his family excited.
【小题8】China is a country b________ to the Third World.
【小题9】While many people turn to computer for news and movies, it doesn’t mean that the TV set will be r________ in the near future.
【小题10】The gloves were d_________ for extremely cold weather.


【小题2】decorate sth with sth用…装饰
【小题3】compete for为…而竞争,时间是:yesterday.可知是过去时。
【小题4】考查词组:in charge of负责
【小题5】考查句型:It’s a great honor/honour to do sth.做…事是荣幸。
【小题7】考查词组:be admitted to被…录取
【小题8】考查现在分词做定语,belong to不能用被动,用belonging做定语。


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年四川省成都九中高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

A modern-day love story of a man spotting the girl of his dreams across a New York subway train and tracking her down over the Internet has failed to have a fairytale ending with the relationship over.
For Web designer Patrick Moberg, then 21, from Brooklyn, it was love at first sight when he spotted a woman on a Manthttan train last November. But he lost her in the crowd so he set up a website with a sketch picture to find her—www.Nygirlofmydreams.com.
Unbelievably in a city of 8 million people, it only took Moberg 48 hours to track down the woman, with his phone ringing non-stop and email box overflowing. New Yorkers took sympathy on the subway Romeo and joined his hunt.
The mysterious girl was named as Camille Hayton, from Melbourne, Australia, who was working at the magazine Black Book and also lived in Brooklyn. One of her friends spotted the sketched picture on the Web site and recognized her.
But after finding each other, appearing on TV and getting international press, the couple took their romance out of the public eye, with Moberg closing down the Web site and with both refusing to make any more comments—until now.
Hayton told Australian newspaper The Sunday Telegraph that she dated Moberg for about two months but it just didn’t work out.
“I say we dated for a while but now we’re just friends,” Hayton, now 23, told the newspaper. Hayton said she is still recognized about three times a week on the streets of Manhattan as “that girl” and the question is always the same: “So what happened?”
“I think the situation was so intense that it linked us,” she said, adding, “it linked us in a way that you could mistake, I guess, for being more romantic than it was. I don’t know. But I wanted to give it a go so didn’t wonder what if, what if?”
Hayton told The Sunday Telegraph that she is enjoying single life in New York, keeping busy with acting classes, working in two clothing stores. Last week she had a small role as a waitress in the long-running daytime soap As the World Turns.
“I just can’t believe it happened. It feels like a long time ago,” said Hayton. Moberg, however, was still refusing to comment on the relationship.
【小题1】After Moborg lost the girl in the crowd he set up a website with       .

A.a pretty notice to find herB.a rough drawing to discover her
C.an exciting program to attract herD.an inspiring story to move her
【小题2】 Moberg found the girl in a short time because        .
A.he phoned everybody in the cityB.he e-mailed everybody in the city
C.he continued his hunt day and nightD.he got help from the net citizens
【小题3】 What has happened to Hayton after the subway romance?
A.She has become a superstar in the city.
B.She has become a journalist in Australia.
C.She still gets noticed in the streets in New York.
D.She is out of work and is looking for a new job.
【小题4】The best title for this passage may be        .
A.NY subway romance hits end
B.NY subway romance causes debate(争论)
C.NY—a romantic city for the young couple
D.NY—a heartbreaking city for the young couple


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高三3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Most students hate their endless homework. The students from Class 2, Senior 2 of the High School Affiliated to Peking University certainly did before they published their own collection of English novels at home.
Their small book contains stories about a holy (神圣的) war, the happy life of a self-taught artist and the story of a laid-off worker who devoted his last breath to playing his beloved accordion (手风琴). The book becomes an instant hit on campus. About 3,000 copies have been sold and the class is already working on the second volume.
"We’re up to our ears in homework. Exercises and exams make us out of breath. But to do something creative and full of imagination is such a great achievement," said Yu Xiaoxiao, 16.
"I took the writing as an ordinary homework at the beginning, but after I finished the first part of my story, I could not help but let it flow," said Wang An, who wrote "Accordion".
Inspired by "Lord of the Rings", Jiang Lu wrote his story about magic wars between angels from the light and the dark side. "The main message of the story was to look at the balance of the world. Both dark and light angels fight with love as their weapons. I want to tell people that selfish love might bring hate," Jiang said.
"I was shocked by their work and felt so proud to be the editor of my students’ book," said Nathaniel Timmermann, the oral English teacher at the school. Liu Xiuqin, an English teacher, started the project by asking students to write whatever was in their mind every week. "They have performed beyond expectation," Liu said. "They wrote interesting stories and their English has improved after they started to express their real minds."
"We never imagined that our homework would be so popular and profitable (盈利的). We sell the novels at five yuan, but many teachers pay more to encourage us," said Yuan Mengyao.
【小题1】 After Wang An finished the first part of his story, he _________.

A.couldn’t go onB.had to put it aside
C.just wanted to express it freelyD.lost it
【小题2】What was not the outcome of the students’ homework of writing whatever was in their mind?
A.Being popular. B.Being profitable.
C.Improving their English.D.Winning prize.
【小题3】What is the reason for the students’ liking to write interesting stories?
A.It is creative and imaginative.
B.It is profitable.
C.Interesting stories are sure to be popular.
D.Interesting stories can be well sold.
【小题4】What is the best title of this passage?
A.Creative homework leads to a popular book
B.Writing interesting stories
C.Students’ new book
D.A popular book


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届浙江省金华一中高三上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Daniel stays home on workdays. He starts his personal computer in order to connect with the office which is about three hundred miles away in another city. After work, he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder, or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Daniel doesn’t talk to any other human beings, and he doesn’t see any people except the ones on television. Daniel is imaginary, but his lifestyle is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.
The world of business is one area in which technology is separating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals (终端) in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they’re dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers’ salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts. Many companies and consumers have already changed the way they sell or buy products. E-commerce, or business done on the Internet, is becoming more and more popular. This, therefore, makes it possible for people to do shopping without going out of their homes.
Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Music, for example, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living-rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing as well. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living-rooms.
【小题1】After work, Daniel likes to ______.

A.listen to music at the concert hallB.watch a movie in his living-room
C.chat with his friends on the net D.play baseball with his workmates
【小题2】The underlined sentence “Daniel is imaginary, but his lifestyle is very possible” means ______.
A.Daniel is a person full of imagination and he can make his life colorful.
B.Daniel is not a real person but the lifestyle of his kind does exist.
C.Daniel is only an ordinary person but he has his own way of living.
D.Daniel is a model who makes full use of modern technology in life.
【小题3】 What will the writer most probably discuss after the last paragraph?
A.Games and sportsB.Personal banking
C.Music and filmsD.International business
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.We may no longer need to communicate with other human beings.
B.Modern technology seems to be separating human beings.
C.We may no longer need to work in the office.
D.Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省福州外国语学校高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】After          (毕业) from college, we got the chance to travel abroad.
【小题2】When the war in Iraq broke out, they were c            about their son, who was working there.
【小题3】Earthquake is one of the most terrible d            .
【小题4】A d         person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.
【小题5】Do you know how many provinces the Yellow River f       through?
【小题6】His poor English is a(n)            不利之处)when he looks for a job.
【小题7】I hope that the problem will be settled in a               way. (和平的)
【小题8】The United States of America was f             on July 4, 1776.
【小题9】I p        swimming to running because staying in cool water is much more fun.
【小题10】There was a hot discussion because they each had a
different            .(观点)


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省晋江市季延中学高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

拼写单词 满分5分
【小题1】After a while he ___________(道歉) to me for his rudeness
【小题2】There are concerns that the refuges may not ___________(活下来) the winter.
【小题3】She has __________(康复) her health now.
【小题4】He was_________ (吸引) by her smile.
【小题5】I am afraid this isn’t a very___________(方便的) moment to see you.
【小题6】I need some __________(额外的) money.
【小题7】She has had the ___________(利益) of a first-class education.
【小题8】Do what you are told and don’t __________(争辩) with me.
【小题9】We should do __________(身体的) exercise every day.
【小题10】She _________(承认) having stolen the car.

