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This is love, hand in hand with you, old age to the old.
I made a promise to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a(an)   31  husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.
The   32   had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The   33  was quoting Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an   34  of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to   35  that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would   36 .
And it did,   37  from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks   38  on you.”
“Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said,   39  and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled.   40  the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn   41  a walk on the beach. I started to refuse,   42 
then I thought she wanted to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the   43  flew their kites.
So it went. Two weeks of not calling the firm where I am a director. We visited the shell museum   44  I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole   45  passed. I made a new promise to keep on remembering to choose love.
There was one thing that went   46  with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn  47 me.    “What’s the matter?” I asked her.
“Tom,” she said in a(an)   48  voice, “do you know something? I don’t….”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… that   49  I had several weeks ago … our doctor … did he tell you something about me? Am I dying?”
It took a moment for it all to be understood. Then I burst into   50 .
“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”

A.surprisedB.frightenedC.disappointed D.discouraged
A.otherwiseB.butC.yet D.so
A.neighbors B.touristsC.childrenD.employees
A.stared at B.glared atC.glanced atD.pointed at
A.checkupB.makeupC.buildup D.cutup


解析【小题1】考查形容词。结合Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.可知作者要尽力做个充满爱心的丈夫和父亲。
【小题2】考查名词。 结合下文可知作者“要尽力做个充满爱心的丈夫和父亲”的想法是来自车载收音机中听到的一个谈话节目。
【小题4】考查名词。根据下文 A person can choose to love可知“爱是出于自愿的行为”。
【小题5】考查动词。admit 承认。此处作者反思自身的缺点。
【小题6】考查动词。由首句 “I made a promise to myself...”可知,“所有这些情况都会改变”。
【小题7】考查副词。right用于加强语气,以便精确地表达时间关系或空间关系,如right after, right in the middle of等。right from the moment就在从那一刻。
【小题9】考查形容词。结合Tom, you noticed可知丈夫的赞美出乎妻子的意料,听了之后感到“又惊又喜”。
【小题11】考查动词。suggest sth.提议;提出。对应下文的I started to refuse。本处不是“took a walk”,而是“……提出到海滩上去散散步。”
【小题14】考查连词。承接上文“虽然我usually hate museums, 但我还是去visit the shell museum”。
【小题16】考查形容词。前文讲的是作者一直按自己的承诺对待妻子和孩子,过得很愉快;46空后的however表转折,所以此处应是出问题了(go wrong)。
【小题17】考查动词短语。 结合上文的puzzled可知对于作者的变化,Evelyn有些迷惑,所以她盯着作者,想弄清楚是怎么回事。
【小题19】考查名词。结合doctor 可知几周前Evelyn做了次体检。
【小题20】考查名词。结合全文可知Evelyn 把作者的转变误以为自己快要死了,才对她这么好,弄明白妻子的意思后,作者哄然大笑。可结合Evelyn and I still laugh about it today判断答案。


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年度辽宁省沈阳四校协作体高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Coming from the Bronx, Jennifer Lopez knew from an early age it would be tough to achieve her dream. In an interview in 2002 she remembered, “I had such a will in me. I had such a passion in me. I could overcome my situation. But a lot of people will get beaten down and be held back by that.” Lopez was not beaten by her situation. She worked hard dancing, singing, and acting in theaters and her hard work paid off with small roles in television and films.
Lopez’s big breakthrough came in 1996 when she played the main role in the movie Selena. For this movie, Lopez got paid $1 million and became the highest paid Latin actress of all time. Since then, she has had starring roles in several successful movies, including Out of Slight(1998) with George Clooney.
Then, Lopez turned her attention toward music. In 1999, she released first album, On the 6. Two songs from the album, “If You Had My Love” and “Waiting for Tonight,” both reached number one on the Billboard music charts. The album sold more than three million copies around the world.
After starring in The Cell (2000), Lopez released her second album, J. Lo, in 2001. The album went straight to the top of the Billboard chart. At the same time that her album came out, Lopez’s new movie, The Wedding Planner, opened in theaters. It became the number one movie at the box office. This meant that Lopez was the first entertainer to ever have a number one album and a number one movie at the same time! Like her first album, J. Lo went tripe-platinum.
But her entertainment career was not the only thing Lopez focused on that year. 2001 was also the year Lopez started her own line of clothing, called J.Lo, and she married Cris Judd, a dancer who performed in her videos. The marriage did not last long, and Lopez and Judd divorced nine months later.
In 2002, Lopez starred in the films Enough and Maid in Manhattan. Maid in Manhattan became Lopez’s biggest movie yet, earning $19 million during its first weekend in theaters. Lopez also put her third album, This Is Me… Then, and the single “Jenny from the Block” hit number one for a week. To go with her line of clothing, Lopez introduced her own perfume.
In an interview, Lopez was asked if she planned to do more acting, singing, designing, or something new. She answered, “Yes, yes, yes, and yes! All of those things. I love making music, I love doing movies and all the other things. I think that everyone should do everything that they have a passion for.”
【小题1】What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Lopez is better at singing than acting.
B.Lopez has done many things in her career.
C.Lopez grew up in a poor family.
D.Lopez has had many problems in her personal life.
【小题2】Which of the following was most important in helping her career take off?
A.acting in the movie SelenaB.getting married to a dancer
C.releasing a second albumD.starring with George Clooney
【小题3】Which is NOT true about Lopez?
A.She has had several number one songs.
B.She was a famous singer before she started acting.
C.She wants to do other things besides acting and singing.
D.She wanted to be an entertainer when she was young.
【小题4】“… J. Lo went triple-platinum.” What does this mean about the album?
A.It was made by an actor or actress.
B.It sold more than three million copies.
C.It had songs from a movie on it.
D.It sold most of its copies outside the United States.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省瑞安中学高三5月适应性考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Today I was at the mall waiting for friends, when a lady wearing a knit hat and a sweater came up to me and, shivering, said, “I’m homeless. Would you mind buying me some food?”
In that split second, everything I’d learned since kindergarten flashed through my mind. Don’t talk to strangers … Be a good citizen … People will take ­advantage of you … Treat others as you wish to be treated … The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return … I guess love won the debate. “Sure,” I said. “What would you like?”
She thought and then said, “I’d like to get Chinese food.” We headed upstairs. On the way she told me about when she was a teenager. She remembers taking pictures for the yearbook with her best friend. She was in the band and played basketball. She got good grades and was a good student.
She ordered soup, an egg roll, white rice, and pepper chicken. I would normally think that was a lot, but she had probably barely eaten in the last few days. I got my usual – lo mein and General Tso’s chicken.
As we ate, we got to know each other. She asked if I played any instruments. I replied that I played the violin, cello, and guitar. She told me she played the flute, piano, guitar, and violin. In the middle of our meal, I realized something. And she thought of it at exactly the same time.
“So, what’s your name?” she asked.
“I’m Claire,” I said, startled at our exact same thought. “What’s yours?”
“Joyce,” she said with a smile.
We continued talking, and she asked my favorite subjects in school and if I wanted to go to college. “Hopefully,” I replied. “I’m interested in nursing.”
“I went to college for nursing,” she said.
I was taken aback. How could we have so much in common? Was she pretending so I’d feel sympathy for her? But her eyes were genuine as she said this.
Meanwhile I was eating my lo mein, picking around the cabbage and the other vegetables. Joyce said, “If you don’t like it you can take it back.” I told her that I liked it, but was not fond of the vegetables. She broke into a big grin. “You don’t like vegetables, huh? Neither did I. But now I do.” I immediately felt guilty. How could I be picking at my food across from someone who barely gets to eat at all?
I tried my best to finish, but she seemed to sense my guilt and said, “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want it.” How could she know what I was feeling? I told her the dish was my favorite, but I just eat slowly.
She replied, “I used to like lo mein, but pepper chicken was my dad’s favorite, so I get that now.” Noticing that she used the word “was,” I assumed her dad had passed away. I found it sweet that she gave up her favorite in order to honor her dad.
She asked why I was at the mall.
“I’m waiting for friends. We’re going to see ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,’” I replied, stumbling over the words a bit.
“‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,’” she echoed in awe. “What’s that about?” I realized that she didn’t see commercials for movies.
I explained the basic plot and she chuckled. “A man who is born 80 years old and ages backwards! That sounds interesting.”
She got up to get a to-go box. “Would you like one?” she asked, but I refused. I realized that this food would probably last her for a few days, and I was glad she had ordered a lot.
“Would you like these?” I asked, gesturing at the food I had left untouched. “Oh, no, thank you,” she said. “This is enough.” I got up to throw my tray away, feeling guilty about wasting so much.
“I need to meet my friends now,” I explained. “It was so nice to meet you, Joyce.”
“You too, Claire,” she replied with a smile. “Thank you.”
I headed to the theater, and she went back downstairs. It sounds like a perfect coincidence, but I can’t help but think that some force compelled us to meet. I kept puzzling, Why is Joyce homeless? It seems so unfair. She shouldn’t need people to buy her dinner. She was a nurse. She got good grades. She took pictures for her yearbook. She was the person I hope to be in the future. What went wrong? How could such a good life be rewarded with horrible luck?
I feel lucky to have run into Joyce. She changed my outlook. She is still a wonderful person, despite what the world has done to her. I wish her the best, and can only hope that the force that brought us together will help her find what she deserves in life.
【小题1】From the second paragraph we know that the writer _________.

A.debated with the girl over moral issues
B.hates having to make a quick decision
C.hesitated before she decided to reach out
D.fell in love with the girl at the first sight
【小题2】The writer felt guilty for a moment because ________.
A.she was particular about food and also wasted so much
B.she was a strict vegetarian who ate very little
C.she didn’t order enough food for the girl
D.she urged the girl to take her share of food
【小题3】Why did Joyce end up unemployed and homeless?
A.She was a victim of high education
B.She actually had some kind of mental disorder
C.She graduated with average grades
D.The reason is not yet given.
【小题4】Which detail doesn’t show the coincidence in the story?
A.They both took interest in nursing.
B.They were about to ask names of each other at the same time.
C.When Claire headed to the theater, Joyce went back downstairs.
D.They were both musical lovers.
【小题5】The writer was very happy to have met Joyce because______.
A.she didn’t know what she was going to be until then.
B.this chance meeting changed her attitudes towards life in a way.
C.she was glad to be able to pay for someone in need.
D.hopefully the force that brought them together may bring good luck to Joyce.
【小题6】The passage is intended to _______.
A.arouse readers’ curiosity
B.explore social problems
C.teach readers a lesson
D.share a sweet personal story


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学高三上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Below is some advice on how to sleep better.
1. Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule
Go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss or turn. Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be tempting to stay up late. If you want lo changeyour bedtime, help your body adjust by making the changein small daily increments, such as 15 minutes earlier or later each day. As with your bedtime, try to maintain yourregular wake-time even on weekends.
2.Fight after-dinner drowsiness(睡意)
If you find yourself getting sleepy before your bed-time, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating to avoid falling asleep, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.
3. Keep your room dark and cool
When it’s time to sleep, make sure that your environment is dark. Even dim light —especially those from TV or computer screens —can confuse the body clock. Heavy curtains or shades can help block light from windows, or you can try an eye mask to cover your eyes. The temperature of your bedroom also affects sleep. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can interfere with quality sleep.
4. Turn off your television
Many people use the television to fall asleep or relaxat the end of the day. You may even have a television inyour bedroom. However, television actually stimulates themind, rather than relaxing it. Part of this is due to con­tent. Late night news and prime time shows frequently have disturbing, violent material. Even non-violent pro­gramming can have commercials that are jarring and loud.
5. Exercise early
Exercise helps promote restful sleep if it is done sev­eral hours before you go to bed. Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly— as long asit ’s done at the right time. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bed or work out earlier in the day.
6. Consult your doctor
Use a sleep diary and talk to your doctor. Note what type of sleep problem is affecting your sleep or if you aresleepy when you wish to be awake and alert. Try these tips and record your sleep and sleep-related activities in a sleep diary. If problems continue, discuss the sleep diary with your doctor. There may be an underlying cause and you will want to be properly diagnosed. Your doctor will help treat the problem or may refer you to a sleep specialist.
【小题1】To prevent yourself from sleeping too much on weekends, you should________.

A.go lo bed 15 minutes earlier than usual
B.go to bed at usual time
C.go to bed at any time
D.make an adjustment to your bedtime
【小题2】Which of the following makes it easier for you to have a sound sleep?
A.Watching violent programmesbefore going to bed.
B.Changing your bedtime only a little every day.
C.Using heavy curtains or an eye mask to block light.
D.Completing your workout just before bedtime.
【小题3】The following ways can help fight after-dinner drowsinessEXCEPT_______.
A.making a telephone call
B.doing some washing
C.getting clothes ready for the next day
D.having a rest on the sofa
【小题4】 If your sleep problems continue, you’d better_____________
A.move into a new house
B.discuss it with your family
C.change your present job
D.turn to the doctor for help


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏南京师大附中江宁分校高二下期末调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Robert Frost was one of America’s best known and most honored serious writers. But his fame came late in his life.

He was born in San Francisco, California in 1874. He lived in California during his early childhood. He was named after the chief Southern general in America’s Civil War. The general’s name was Robert Edward Lee. The poet was named Robert Lee Frost, because his father wanted to honor the general.

Someone once asked another American writer, Ernest Hemingway, how to become a writer. The best thing, he said, was to have an unhappy childhood. If this is true, Robert Frost’s childhood was unhappy enough to make him a very good writer. Robert Frost’s father was a reporter who wanted to be a politician. He often drank too much wine and became angry. Robert was the victim of his anger.

Robert Frost finished high school in 1891. After high school, Robert’s grandfather offered to pay his costs at Dartmouth College. But Robert left the school after a few months. He did not like it. He spent the next few years working at different jobs. At one time, he worked in a factory. Later, he repaired shoes. He was a teacher. He was a reporter. Always, he wrote poetry.

Robert Frost attended Harvard University for two years. After that, he returned to the many jobs he held before. For a while, Frost tried to take care of a farm in the state of New Hampshire. He was not a successful farmer. And he continued to write poetry. He said that until 1930, he earned only about ten dollars a year from writing.

In 1912, he decided to try to make a new start. He took his family to Britain. The cost of living was low. In Britain, Frost found a publisher for his first book of poems. The book was called A Boy’s Will. When it appeared in 1913, Frost received high praise from British readers. Praise was something he had not received in his own country.

Ezra Pound, another American poet living in Britain, read the poems and liked them very much. He wrote a magazine article about Frost. He also helped get Frost’s second book of poems published in America. That book was called North of Boston.

1.The followings are writers EXCEPT __________.

A.Robert Edward Lee

B.Robert Lee Frost

C.Ernest Hemingway

D.Ezra Pound

2.The passage wrote about Hemingway in order to show that __________.

A.he had great influence on Frost’s poetry and life

B.Frost’s poetry style was the same as Hemingway’s

C.Frost was unhappy because he was the victim of his father

D.Frost spent his childhood unhappily

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Once Frost’s first book was published he gained great praise in his country.

B.After leaving Harvard University, he began to learn to write poetry.

C.Frost was found lo have a gift in poetry while he studied in high school.

D.Robert Frost’s father was angry and drank a lot because he didn’t realize his dream.

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Robert Frost’s unhappy childhood.

B.Robert Frost’ s first and second book.

C.Robert Frost’s family and jobs.

D.Robert Frost’s life and poetry.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届黑龙江省哈尔滨市高三上学期期中考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Below is some advice on how to sleep better.

1. Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule

Go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss or turn. Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be tempting to stay up late. If you want lo change your bedtime, help your body adjust by making the change in small daily increments, such as 15 minutes earlier or later each day. As with your bedtime, try to maintain your regular wake-time even on weekends.

2.Fight after-dinner drowsiness(睡意)

If you find yourself getting sleepy before your bed-time, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating to avoid falling asleep, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.

3. Keep your room dark and cool

When it’s time to sleep, make sure that your environment is dark. Even dim light — especially those from TV or computer screens — can confuse the body clock. Heavy curtains or shades can help block light from windows, or you can try an eye mask to cover your eyes. The temperature of your bedroom also affects sleep. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can interfere with quality sleep.

4. Turn off your television

Many people use the television to fall asleep or relax at the end of the day. You may even have a television in your bedroom. However, television actually stimulates the mind, rather than relaxing it. Part of this is due to con­tent. Late night news and prime time shows frequently have disturbing, violent material. Even non-violent pro­gramming can have commercials that are jarring and loud.

5. Exercise early

Exercise helps promote restful sleep if it is done sev­eral hours before you go to bed. Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly — as long as it ’s done at the right time. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bed or work out earlier in the day.

6. Consult your doctor

Use a sleep diary and talk to your doctor. Note what type of sleep problem is affecting your sleep or if you are sleepy when you wish to be awake and alert. Try these tips and record your sleep and sleep-related activities in a sleep diary. If problems continue, discuss the sleep diary with your doctor. There may be an underlying cause and you will want to be properly diagnosed. Your doctor will help treat the problem or may refer you to a sleep specialist.

1.To prevent yourself from sleeping too much on weekends, you should________.

A. go lo bed 15 minutes earlier than usual

B. go to bed at usual time

C. go to bed at any time

D. make an adjustment to your bedtime

2.Which of the following makes it easier for you to have a sound sleep?

A. Watching violent programmes before going to bed.

B. Changing your bedtime only a little every day.

C. Using heavy curtains or an eye mask to block light.

D. Completing your workout just before bedtime.

3. The following ways can help fight after-dinner drowsiness EXCEPT_______.

A. making a telephone call

B. doing some washing

C. getting clothes ready for the next day

D. having a rest on the sofa

4. If your sleep problems continue, you’d better_____________

A. move into a new house

B. discuss it with your family

C. change your present job

D. turn to the doctor for help


