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【小题1】The minister was ____________________(陪伴)by his secretary to the US
【小题2】My mother was _______________(担心的,害怕的) when I fell over.
【小题3】They get ______________(离婚)two years ago.
【小题4】The only __________ (通道)to their house is along that narrow road.
【小题5】I’m glad to see his _____________(行为) at school improved.
【小题6】The newly-built cinema is convenient for the __________ (伤残的)to get in.
【小题7】Though he was made fun of, he was not ______________(生气的)
【小题8】To everybody’s surprise, they got _________(离婚) last month, though they had been married for only two months.
【小题9】To sleep late in the morning, I usually turn off my _________(警报) clock on Sunday mornings.
【小题10】We all ______________ (祝贺)our classmate on his becoming one of the Olympic torch holders.


【小题1】accompanied 动词陪伴accompany,本句是一个被动语态的形式,句意:这个大臣由他的秘书陪着去了美国。故使用过去分词的形式。
【小题2】alarmed  形容词alarmed,在句中做系动词后面的表语。
【小题3】married 本题考查了get+过去分词组成的固定搭配,get married结婚。
【小题4】access 名词通道,方法access构成固定词组have access to…有权进入…;可以使用…
【小题5】conduct 名词行为conduct,其近义词为behaviour.
【小题6】disabled 形容词残疾的,“the+形容词”表示“一类人”
【小题7】annoyed 形容词恼怒的annoyed,是由动词annoy转换而来,常常用来修饰人或者与人有关的事物。
【小题8】divorced 形容词离婚的divorced,常常与系动词get连用,形成get divorced的结构。
【小题9】alarm   本题是一个名词作定语的用法。名词警报alarm用来修饰名词clock。
【小题10】congratulated 考查固定词组congratulate sb on sth祝贺某人某事。


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃省武威第五中学高一3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】We need ___________ (能量) to live.
【小题2】Our government is paying more attention to ______(农业)development.
【小题3】He lost his b_____ and fell over.
【小题4】"You mustn’t leave the house without my p     ." The angry mother said to her son.
【小题5】I ____________(真诚的) hope that you and your father will be well again soon.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年吉林省长春市二中高二期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】Her son was filled with ________ (志向)to become a great inventor. 
【小题2】________ (宇航员)accept danger as being part of the job.
【小题3】________ (数码)cameras began to appear last year.
【小题4】That couple have come to terms on their________(离婚).
【小题5】A mother shouldn’t show too much ________(偏爱) to one of her children. 
【小题6】All the firm’s employees are entitled to at least a ________(两星期)holiday with pay each year.
【小题7】We must care for the weak who would ________(否则) fall by setbacks.  
【小题8】The smooth surface of the lake________(照出)the bright full moon.
【小题9】I felt much ________(同情) for the blind.
【小题10】Her________(天赋) for music was not appreciated. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省冠县武训高中高二下学期阶段测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】It has been __________________(证实,确认)that what he said was right.
【小题2】We were          by the display of lights.我们被灯展吸引
【小题3】He has           the habit of rising early.他已养成了早起的习惯。
【小题4】It is difficult to find a time that ___________ everybody.
【小题5】She is always ________________for class, but her friend is always late.
【小题6】Winning the baseball prize was the ________of my senior year.
【小题7】She is _________ to go to college, but anxious about not passing the entrance examination.
【小题8】Man shouldn’t be so       to animals.人类不应该对动物如此残忍。
【小题9】His failure made him __________.他因失败而绝望。
【小题10】The plan was ____________ by most of the students in our class.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃省甘谷一中高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】He  _________(捐赠)his collection of pictures to the museum.
【小题2】The sailors had to _________(遗弃)the sinking ship .
【小题3】Everybody in the class is expected to _____(参加)in these discussion.
【小题4】The People’s Republic of China was founded on _________(十月)1st.
【小题5】Is _________(星期六)the last day of the week?
【小题6】This kind of mushroom is _________(有毒的)though it looks beautiful. Don’t eat it!
【小题7】It is _________(方便的)to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.
【小题8】You can use the cards for any special occasion—weddings, births, _________(周年纪念日),etc.
【小题9】He decided to stay there for a _________(两星期)
【小题10】I was nearly scared to _________(死)when I saw a snake yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东聊城东昌府高三9月模拟调研(四)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】In order to have ___________(标准的) pronunciation, I read articles every morning and talk with foreigners at the weekend.
【小题2】 One day while he was working as a lorry driver he had a close e____________with death.
【小题3】The man viewed his m________ in life as protecting the environment from pollution.
【小题4】I know you don’t like her but try not to make it so o____________.
【小题5】His _____________(坚决的)look showed that he had made up his mind.
【小题6】The diaries contained detailed __________(叙述)of the writer’s experiences in China.
【小题7】The boy was c__________ about everything that he saw.
【小题8】The show has been _____________(延长) for another six weeks.
【小题9】A d_______is often used as a symbol of peace.
【小题10】She was very angry with her husband because he made their room in_____(混乱)

