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1. I know the place well, so let me be your g       __.
2. Good news! The new medicine is having a good e           on the patient.
3. An unbalanced diet and lack of exercise can r            in health problems.
4. Setting a proper goal in our early life can make a big d           to our future life.
5. If the injuries are serious, it is v           to get the victim to the hospital at once.
6. The church being built has a            (典型的) western style.
7. Even today, ancient poems still            (吸收) to many young people.
8. I was            (失望) to find that the man I was looking for wasn't in the office.
9. At the end of each game, players traditionally            (交换) shirts with each other.
10. Whether the condition of global warming will be worse largely           (取决于) on whether we take 
1. guide       2. effect         3.result          4. difference   5.vital
6. typical      7. appeal        8. disappointed    9. exchange   10. depends

科目:高中英语 来源:2014届吉林省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I remember you mentioned the same thing on a _____ occasion. (先前)

2. The young man worked with us for nearly a year and made an excellent _____ upon us. (印象)

3.Our headmaster has been ______ the construction of our school. (处理)

4. The only ____ of illness that Bill has is a pain in his stomach. (症状)

5. We are very_____ about the relationship between China and Japan. (乐观)

6.Can you telephone me at your ____ to arrange a meeting?(方便)

7.____ in her work, she didn’t notice a thief slide in. (专心于)

8.The role will be one of the biggest _____ of his acting career. (挑战)

9. It is just a _____ job and I can leave anytime. (临时)

10.From these facts we can draw some _____ about how the pyramids were built.(结论)



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I'm________ (羞愧)of my feeling,and I don't want to rewind the recording of my life.

2.He is very successful,but he remains m________  about his success.

3.Her face was grey with ________(疲惫)

4.He jumped into the river to save the drowning child without _________(犹豫)

5.Her name,J.K.Rowling is forever a_________with Edinburgh in Scotland.  



科目:高中英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. I have been trying to ____________ (联络) my uncle but I can't get through.
2. Being unable to move freely, he has learnt to keep his heart open and ____________ (交流) thoughts with his readers.
3. The lecturer will talk about the similarities and differences in the Chinese and American school
____________ (体制).
4. He appeared ____________ (放松) and confident before the match.
5. The young champion made a moving short speech at the awards ____________ (仪式).
6. After the written test and interview, Jackson came to the c____________ that Mr. Li was not fit for the position.
7. The lectures c____________ many subjects --- arts, education, philosophy, etc.
8. My mum stood there, watching until the train disappeared in the d____________.
9. My parents looked a____________ at the news that I had won the competition.
10. His teaching is so well o___________ and clear that we all learn actively.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. I want to become an e_____________ consultant after graduation, for I feel

protecting our environment is very important.

2. The nervousness on her face b__________ her insecurity.

3. Do you know what the c__________ of your carelessness will be?

4. There is no doubt that parents have the r__________ to bring up their children.

5. Yesterday afternoon she came to see me with the i__________ of getting my help.

6. Don’t you think it __________(荒唐的)to go out for a picnic in such bad weather?

7. When the old man let out his real __________(身份) as the president of the multinational company, the woman was shocked.

8. I think it’s time we took some strict __________(措施) to protect our limited forests and grasslands.

9. It is reported that our country has made a __________(突破) in space science.

10. The manager felt really __________(有罪的) that he made a wrong decision and caused some loss.

