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完成句子 (共10小题;每小题l分,共10分)


She is quite __________ but what can you do ? _____ ________ she is a child.


He likes to _________ _______, so he is very _______ __________ his classmates.

他躲在门后, 直到脚步声逐渐消失。

He ___________  ____________ the door until the footsteps had ________  ___________ .


Don’t judge a person by his or her _______, but look at ______ _____ he or she speaks or acts.

我一直在看笔记, 这样一来我就不会忘记我要说的话。

I kept ___________  ____________ my notes ________ ______ I wouldn’t forget what I wanted to say.


No one knows when such a custom first __________  __________  ___________.

如果你能开车顺便带我一下, 我会表示感激。 我的车在回家的路上坏了。

I’d appreciate ______ if you can give me a lift. My car ______ ______ on the way back home.

 中国的新年在一月底和二月底之间, 取决于阴历。

The date of the Chinese New Year falls somewhere between late January and late February, _______ _________ the __________ calendar.

9.万圣节已经变成了开联欢的日子, 孩子们装扮成巫婆做各种特别的游戏。

Halloween has become a time for parties, ________ children __________ _________ _________ witches and play all kinds of special games.

10. 游客们说他们从来没有梦想到有这么美的风景。

    The visitors said that they had never ________ _________ _________ _________ such a beautiful scenery.

1. spoiled /After all

2.play jokes, popular with

3. hid behind,  died away

4.appearance the way

5.looking at so that

6.came into being

7.it broke down

8.depending on lunar/moon

9. when dress up as

10. dreamed of there being



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省荆门市20092010学年度高二上学期期末考试试卷(英语) 题型:其他题




71._______________(非常有可能)they failed to grasp the key points of what I said just now .(likely)

72. Our company insisted on__________ (签订一份协议) them in case there was a sudden change when cooperating. (agreement)

73. Water, which seems so simple and common, is ______________(使生命成为可能的东西.(what)

74. Martin Luther King.Jr _______________(以……而闻名)a freedom fighter for equal rights of black people in America . (know)

75. ____________(惊讶于)the beautiful scenery at the Copacabana Beach , he decided to come again the following year . (amaze)

76. How he regretted what he had wasted before, for it is impossible for lost time ____________.(弥补回来)  (make )

77. It is believed that he __________________(可能参与了)in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)

78.________(如果你要寻求帮助)when you are in trouble, please contact us and we are always here waiting for you.  (should)

79.The world is changing fast, and we are said __________________(正生活在) the “Information Age”, a time of new discoveries and great changes. (live)

80. Only if you show mercy yourself______________________(你可以希望得到) mercy. (hope)



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省武汉八2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:其他题





71.“It’s a new term and a new day.I wish I _______________( 能适应新环境) as soon as possible,”15-year-old Li Mingyang said. (adapt)

72.As Liu Qian puts it, it’s not the magic that makes it work, ______________________________ (我们工作方式) that makes it magic.( way)

73.___________________________, ( 尽管他的想法听起来奇怪) it was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as)

74.While watching Titanic, most people _____________________ (禁不住哭起来) when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself. (help)

75.There is much chance ___________________________(Bill康复) his injury in time for the race. (recover)

76.I think it important ________________________________ (与我们的朋友保持联系). (touch)

77._______________________________________ (她生病的原因) was that she ate something that had gone bad. (why)

78.If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what __________________________ (已发现) in science and technology. (discover )

79.Many people were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes ______________ by the shark. (人被吃掉). (which)

80.____________________________ (随着时间推移), we become older but wiser. (with,go )



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:其他题




71. Many of them ___________(对……有天赋) riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.(gift)

72. In my opinion, the new book written by the young writer_____(不值得一读).(worth)

73. How much money we should spend on endangered tigers ________(正被讨论) at the meeting now .(discuss)

74. The naughty boy is fond of _______________________(捉弄)his friends.(trick  n.)

75. Many people have warned us of the danger. We ___________(最好不要冒险) by crossing the river as a short cut home. (chance)

76. _________________________(众所周知) that pandas only live in China. (it, know)

77.The small town ______________________(我住过的) when I was a child has become a famous tourist attraction.(which)

78. You promised you would take the children camping, so you___________________ (必须遵守你的诺言).(word)

79. Her sudden arrival did not _____________________(阻止他外出) .(go)

80.The children rather than the robot _______________________(被迫) to clean the windows of the high building last week. (make)



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖北卷)模拟考试(二)英语试卷类型A 题型:单词拼写


第一节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

71. As Liu Qian puts it , it’s not the magic that makes it work , ____________(我们的工作方式)that makes it magic. ( way )

72. _________,(尽管他的想法听起来奇怪)it was accepted by all the people at the meeting. (as )

73. It’s _________ (你很愚蠢) be involoved in the trouble. (silly)

74. Mike _________ (肯定不在打扫)the classroom now. I saw him playing basketball on the playground a moment ago. ( clean )

75. Do remember _________ (把家庭作业交上来)before you go to your P.E class. ( have )

76.  _________ (他所需要的)is enough time and what I need are enough books.( what )

77.   _________ (困在)in the collapsed coal mine for more than 70 hours , the workers survived by eating newspapers. ( trap )

78. Your advice _________ (她等待)till next week is unreasonable, so she is wise not to take it. (wait )

79. _________ (如果你打开电视)and you will often see advertisements showing happy families. (turn )

80. Oh, _________ (多有趣)to skate on real rice! ( fun )


