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Tattoos and body piercings(穿孔)have moved up on the trend list in recent years. Around Western schools lots of teens are sporting new holes and “flesh ink”(纹身). As with all other subjects, the Chinese will surely have to deal with this situation with respect to their children. To get a better view of what has happened in the West, 1et’s sit down and hear what they say.
Tiara from Indiana: 
I personally think body piercing is sickening. If there were supposed to be holes in your body,you would have been born with them. I do,however,think that ear piercing is not wrong. There is a difference between ear piercing and belly button piercing. Ear piercing is not nearly as dangerous. I would be sick if someone stuck a needle in my belly button.
Lee from Illinois:
Hi! I live in Illinois. I am 23. I have 12 tattoos and three piercings. I love my tattoos and consider myself an art collector. You would be surprised at who has given me the thumbs up on my art work. People on the street stop me to look at the tattoo on my leg. Most of them don’t know what it is. They just think the work itself is great.
Subotai from California:
I’m not forbidden of self-expression,but when I see high school students getting these piercings, I really wonder. In some cases, the drive is deeper and darker than mere fashion. A friend of mine tried piercing her own tongue with a safety pin. It got infected and she had a tongue the size of a cow’s.
Jackson from Ohio:
I don’t think it is wrong, but when people do it all over the place like their face and everything—I think that’s ridiculous. People who get the big “dragons that cover the whole body—I don’t think that’s necessary.” When I see naked chicks on guys, I think, “You have no respect for women.”
【小题1】Who doesn’t think tattoos and piercings except ear piercing are beautiful?

【小题2】We can conclude that        .
A.tattoos and piercings are a new kind of elegant art
B.all the teachers in the West are in favour of tattoos and piercings
C.everything is changeable as time goes on
D.it is necessary to live with different views of beauty
【小题3】The best title for this passage is probably        .
A.Body Art or Causing Damage
B.Doing Damage to the Young People’s Bodies
C.Young People’s Different Curiosities
D.The Latest Fashion


【小题1】细节题,由第二个看法第二行I do,however,think that ear piercing is not wrong. There is a difference between ear piercing and belly button piercing.可以知道答案,故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽省涡阳四中高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

I'd been travelling for long hours on a lonely country road when I had a flat tire. So I had to stop and get the tools to  36 the problem. It certainly wasn’t  37 doing this with a white shirt and suit on.
Nightfall was approaching. Suddenly a car pulled  38 from behind me. A man got out and offered to  39 me. Seeing his unpleasant appearance and tattoos(纹身)on his arm, I became  40 as thoughts of robberies flashed through my mind. But  41 I could say anything he had already begun to take the tools to change the  42 . While watching him I happened to look back at his car and noticed someone sitting in the passenger seat. This had  43 me.
Then, without  44 , it began to rain. He suggested that I wait in his car because my car was unsafe. As the rain increased, getting us wet within seconds, I  45 agreed. When I settle into the back seat, a woman’s voice came from the front seat. “Are you all right?” She turned around to me. “Yes, I am.’’ I replied with much  46  when seeing an old woman there. It must be his Mom, I thought. To my  47 , the old woman was a neighbor of the man who was helping me. “Jeff insisted on stopping when he saw you  48 with the tire. ”“I am grateful for his help, ” I said. “Me, too!” she said with a smile. He helped drive her to see her husband twice a week in a nursing home. She also said that he  49 at the church and tutored disadvantaged students.
The rain stopped and Jeff and I changed me tire. I tried to offer him money and of course he  50 it. It was shameful that I judged people by the way they  51 . As we shook hands I began to apologize for my  52 . He said, ‘‘I experience that same  53 often. People who look like me don’t do nice things. I  54 thought about changing the way. But then I saw this as a chance to make a  55 . So I’ll leave you with the same question I ask everyone who takes time to know me. If Jesus returned tomorrow and walked among us again, would you recognize Him by what He wore or by what He did?’’

A.embarrassed B.concernedC.discouragedD.puzzled


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市朝阳区2009—2010学年度高三年级第二学期统一考试 题型:阅读理解

Why People Get Tattoos

Jack lay, quiet and unmoving, for thirty minutes while a stranger
repeatedly stabbed (刺) him with sharp needles, causing blood to pour
steadily out of his leg. Jack was getting a tattoo. His friend Tony had
recently gotten a tattoo, and Jack was so impressed by it that he
decided to get one too. Peer pressure, media
influence, and personal expression are some of the common reasons for
wearing tattoos today.
The desire to be accepted by one’s friends or peers can have a great influence on what a person does. Sometimes, wearing a tattoo can be a sign that you belong to a certain group. Gangs often use special clothes and tattoos to identify their particular group. Some of these groups wear only brand – name clothes. Others wear tattoos. When a person’s friends are all doing something, that person in more likely to do the same thing.
The media is another big influence behind the popularity of tattoos in North America. A wide variety of media images(人物,图像) show tattoos-people appearing in commercials selling expensive cars, famous sports heroes with tattoos in magazines, fashion models wearing designer clothes that show their bodies tattooed with detailed and colourful patterns. These media images link tattoos to ideas of wealth, success, and status. As a result, many people decide to get a tattoo for its fashion and status value.
Many people decide to wear tattoos in order to express their artistic nature, their beliefs, or their feelings-in other words, to show their individuality(个性). A musician in a rock band may get a tattoo of a guitar on the arm. Some environmentalists may tattoo pictures of endangered animals on their shoulders. A tattoo can be a public sign to show what is important in a person's life.
As you can see, there are many reasons why young North Americans get tattoos. A tattoo can be part of a group's uniform, a sign of fashion. or an expression of individuality. The decision to get a tattoo is most often a result of the influence of friends or media or the desire to express oneself. For Jack, it was a mixture of all three.
63.Jack has got tattoos in order to           .
A.show his great bravery                         B.gain a special experience
C.make himself more healthy                   D.be different from others
64.According to the passage, media images are linked to         .
A.traditional lifestyle                              B.social position
C.cultural background                             D.public interest 
65.We can infer from the passage that          .
A.some people get tattoos out of pressure 
B.tattoo is related to religious belief
C.getting tattoos costs a lot of money       
D.most people with tattoos are artists
66.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
CP: Central Point     P: Point     Sp: Sub – point (次要点)   C: Conclusion


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年北京师大附中高二下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an a_________ to costumes.
【小题2】Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.
【小题3】To a_________ a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.
【小题4】Inner beauty refers to the kind of attraction found in a wide r_________ of personal qualities.
【小题5】I didn’t have any money left, so I went to the bank to c_________ a cheque.
【小题6】I asked my daughter to help make the decision, as I believe she is m_________ enough.
【小题7】In a foreign country, you can n_________ the price by using your fingers.
【小题8】There is no c_________ view on beauty.
【小题9】Eye r_________, I see the moon so bright.
【小题10】 Rowan had some speaking problems in his childhood, so he c_________ for this by talking very deliberately.
【小题11】“Beauty and Beast” c_________ a message that should be evident to all of us—you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
【小题12】Mr. Bean creates humour through a s_________ of simple and funny acts.
【小题13】Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more t_________ as it is not easy to lie with our bodies.
【小题14】He finds the taste of the raw hamburger truly d_________.
【小题15】Black humour finds the funny side of sad or d_________ events.
【小题16】The “OK” gesture in America can c_________ offence in Germany.
【小题17】A person who is feeling uncomfortable will often hold their body in a very r_________ manner, and have a t_________ look about their mouths.
【小题18】Romanticism was a literary and a_________ movement.
【小题19】Smile is one form of body language that receives u_________ approval.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I'd been travelling for long hours on a lonely country road when I had a flat tire. So I had to stop and get the tools to  36 the problem. It certainly wasn’t  37 doing this with a white shirt and suit on.

Nightfall was approaching. Suddenly a car pulled  38 from behind me. A man got out and offered to  39 me. Seeing his unpleasant appearance and tattoos(纹身)on his arm, I became  40 as thoughts of robberies flashed through my mind. But  41 I could say anything he had already begun to take the tools to change the  42 . While watching him I happened to look back at his car and noticed someone sitting in the passenger seat. This had  43 me.

Then, without  44 , it began to rain. He suggested that I wait in his car because my car was unsafe. As the rain increased, getting us wet within seconds, I  45 agreed. When I settle into the back seat, a woman’s voice came from the front seat. “Are you all right?” She turned around to me. “Yes, I am.’’ I replied with much  46  when seeing an old woman there. It must be his Mom, I thought. To my  47 , the old woman was a neighbor of the man who was helping me. “Jeff insisted on stopping when he saw you  48 with the tire. ”“I am grateful for his help, ” I said. “Me, too!” she said with a smile. He helped drive her to see her husband twice a week in a nursing home. She also said that he  49 at the church and tutored disadvantaged students.

The rain stopped and Jeff and I changed me tire. I tried to offer him money and of course he  50 it. It was shameful that I judged people by the way they  51 . As we shook hands I began to apologize for my  52 . He said, ‘‘I experience that same  53 often. People who look like me don’t do nice things. I  54 thought about changing the way. But then I saw this as a chance to make a  55 . So I’ll leave you with the same question I ask everyone who takes time to know me. If Jesus returned tomorrow and walked among us again, would you recognize Him by what He wore or by what He did?’’

1.                A.find           B.make           C.fix   D.avoid


2.                A.useful          B.easy           C.wise D.lucky


3.                A.up            B.out            C.on   D.round


4.                A.carry          B.lift             C.drive D.help


5.                A.discouraged     B.frightened       C.disappointed   D.astonished


6.                A.when          B.until           C.as   D.before


7.                A.tire            B.suit            C.expression    D.shirt


8.                A.embarrassed     B.concerned      C.discouraged   D.puzzled


9.                A.warning        B.realizing        C.knowing  D.waiting


10.               A.directly        B.happily         C.hurriedly  D.unwillingly


11.               A.fear           B.satisfaction      C.relief D.excitement


12.               A.regret         B.amusement     C.surprise   D.delight


13.               A.working        B.repairing       C.fighting    D.struggling


14.               A.studied         B.performed      C.grew D.volunteered


15.               A.refused        B.kept           C.ignored   D.left


16.               A.behaved        B.spoke          C.looked    D.thought


17.               A.selfishness      B.stupidity        C.weakness  D.disability


18.               A.life            B.incident        C.reaction   D.change


19.               A.hardly         B.actually         C.finally D.probably


20.               A.point          B.start           C.remark    D.comparison




科目:高中英语 来源:2012届北京师大附中高二下学期期中考试英语题 题型:单词拼写

1. In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an a_________ to costumes.

2. Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.

3. To a_________ a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.

4. Inner beauty refers to the kind of attraction found in a wide r_________ of personal qualities.

5. I didn’t have any money left, so I went to the bank to c_________ a cheque.

6. I asked my daughter to help make the decision, as I believe she is m_________ enough.

7. In a foreign country, you can n_________ the price by using your fingers.

8. There is no c_________ view on beauty.

9. Eye r_________, I see the moon so bright.

10. Rowan had some speaking problems in his childhood, so he c_________ for this by talking very deliberately.

11. “Beauty and Beast” c_________ a message that should be evident to all of us—you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

12. Mr. Bean creates humour through a s_________ of simple and funny acts.

13. Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more t_________ as it is not easy to lie with our bodies.

14. He finds the taste of the raw hamburger truly d_________.

15. Black humour finds the funny side of sad or d_________ events.

16. The “OK” gesture in America can c_________ offence in Germany.

17. A person who is feeling uncomfortable will often hold their body in a very r_________ manner, and have a t_________ look about their mouths.

18. Romanticism was a literary and a_________ movement.

19. Smile is one form of body language that receives u_________ approval.


