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Micro bloggershave you ever compared the number of fans on your Sina Weibo or Tencent micro blog with those of your friends ?Don’t imagine you have more fans just because your number is bigger——some of them might be “zombie fans”or fake(假的)followers

That’s what Chen Chuanliang creator of Leijian Networkfound when he bet against his friend several months agoChenwho used to do data mining for Microsoft Asia Research Institutediscovered that there were far more invalid(无效的)micro blog accounts than he had imagined

Later Chen picked 1 0 users on Sina Weibo and analyzed their statisticsKai-Fu Leethe former CEO of Google Chinawho’s on Chen’s list of researchposted a message on his micro blog after he found out that he had more than 1 million fake fans(out of about 5 million)joking“I have 1 million zombie fans ?If unitedwe can finally defeat those plants

According to a report by S Weekly in Marchzombie fans on micro blogs are defined as invalid accounts signed up by network companies for the purpose of increasing the number of fans for certain users and getting them more attention

And this kind of fake followers are also very much alive on Western social networks such as Twitter and Facebook

The Financial Times reported in Augustthat Newt Gingricha Republican candidate in the US presidential electionbought about 80 percent of his 13 million Twitter followers and tried to use them as help in his campaign

Now there are also business deals through which users can get hundreds of thousands of fans for their micro blog accountsby paying a small amount of money

“We have been working to find ways to block or delete those invalid accounts”Mao Taotaoa spokesperson for Sina Weibo told S Weekly.

“But as the fake accounts grow so fastthey’re going to be here for a while

1.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

AMicro Bloggers???? BBlog Accounts

CZombie Fans????????? DMicro Blog Fans

2.Users get zombie fans for their micro blog accounts by________.

Amaking friends with people

Bpaying a little money

Chelping their weibo followers

Ddoing search on the Internet

3.It can be learnt from the passage that________.

Athere are more fake fans in America than in China

Binvalid accounts for micro blogs will be deleted in no time

Cthere exist many fake fans on western social networks as well

DNewt Gingrich had 13 millions followers in his presidential election

4.The underlined word“their” in the passage refers to

Adeals’? Bfans’Ccampaigns’? Dusers’









1.标题确定题:从文章第一段的句子:Don’t imagine you have more fans just because your number is bigger——some of them might be “zombie fans”or fake(假的)followers.可知这篇文章的标题是:僵尸粉,选C

2.细节题:从文章第七段的句子:Now there are also business deals through which users can get hundreds of thousands of fans for their micro blog accountsby paying a small amount of money.用户通过付一点钱为他们的微博账户获得zombie 的粉丝,选B

3.推理题:从文章第五段的句子:And this kind of fake followers are also very much alive on Western social networks such as Twitter and Facebook .可以推断出在西方的社交网站也存在很多虚假的粉丝,选C

4.猜词题:从文章第七段的句子:Now there are also business deals through which users can get hundreds of thousands of fans for their micro blog accountsby paying a small amount of money.可知their指的是用户,选D



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮复习训练:专题10 特殊句式与主谓一致英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was only after he had read the papers ________ Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? (2013·大纲全国,30)

Awhen?? Bthat

Cwhich? Dwhat



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮复习训练:专题1 动词的时态与语态英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Scientists discovered 163 new species in Southeast Asia’s Greater Mekong region last yearbut all are at risk of extinction due to climate changethe WWF said in a report released Friday.

The newly discovered creatures include a bird?eating frog with fangs (毒牙)a bird that would rather walk than fly and a gecko (壁虎) whose alien appearance inspired the report’s title of “Close Encounters”the conservation group said.

The report was released ahead of major UN talks on climate change in Bangkok next weekwhich are being held before a make?or?break summit in Copenhagen this December.

“Some species will be able to adapt to climate changeand many will notpotentially resulting in massive extinction” Stuart Chapmandirector of the WWF Greater Mekong programsaid in the report.“Rare and endangered species like those newly discovered are especially vulnerable (易受伤害的) because climate change will further shrink their already restricted habitats” he said.

“The new discoveries in 2010 include 100 plants,28 fish,18 reptiles,14 amphibians,2 mammals and a bird”the WWF report said.The area spans CambodiaLaosMyanmarThailandVietnam and China’s Yunnan Province.

“Among the new species is the bird?eating fanged frogwhich remains hidden in a protected area of Thailand despite the fact that scientists are studying there for 40 years” the report said.

The tiger?striped pit viper was discovered accidentally on an island off the coast of Vietnam when a scientist was looking? for a lizard and his son pointed out that his hand was on a rock right next to? the snake’s fangs.“We caught the snake and the gecko and they both proved to be new species” researcher Lee Grismer of La Sierra University in California was quoted as saying in the report.The leopard geckofound on another Vietnamese islandhas the coloring of a leopard and bizarre orangecat?like eyes and thin legs.

The Greater Mekong region has proved a rich area? for scientists.The WWF said in December 2010 that it had found 1,068 new species there between 1997 and 2009.

1. What is special about the newly discovered bird?

AIt usually walks.

BIt likes walking and flying.

CIt can eat other birds.

DIt can eat frogs.

2. Stuart Chapman believes that________.

Amost of the newly discovered species can adapt to climate change

Bclimate change can cause massive extinction of the newly discovered species

Cthe newly discovered species are not so vulnerable to climate change

Dmany species have already died out because of climate change

3. When Lee Grismer discovered the tiger?striped pit viperhe probably felt________.

Afrightened? Bdisappointed

Cexcited? Dpuzzled

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

AThe Greater Mekong region is a rich area for scientists.

BMany rare species remain to be discovered in the Mekong region.

CScientists have discovered many new species in the Mekong region.

DClimate change threatens Mekong new species.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮复习训练:专题1 动词的时态与语态英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Could the Internet be totally free and should it beShould the Internet be regulatedThe recent disorder in the Arab world ____ by a disputed(有争议的) video damaging the image of Prophet(先知) Muhammad shows the United Stateswhich is busy ____ global Internet freedomhas paid a huge price ____ the lives of its diplomats.

In an unregulated Internet worldcheatingviolence or rumors can ____ serious consequences.Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors” ___ by the Internet and social media.

The US?led West always promotes Internet freedom and ____ any regulation as investigationbut it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “____ Internet”Moreover____ the Internet in the West __9__ to be freewith no obvious ____ and no limited sitesisn’t the structure of the main pages already hand?controlledwith selected press agencies and ____ occupying clearly dominating(显著的) positions?

The Internet has helped fight injustice____ corruption in places so far apart as IndonesiaIndia and Latin America.But the Internet could be extremely ____ as well.Various racist or separatist organizations are using their Internet sites to ____ strong feelings.Those who are spreading hate are frequently using the Internet as their tool.No country can ____ to make the Internet absolutely free.

The question is how to keep free flow of information ___ while protecting children from unhealthy workscommon citizens from ____ rumors and countries from unfair and damaging propaganda(宣传) attacks.And who sets the limits?

The ____ is that there will never be a perfect system.Every country will have to ____ its own systembased on its culturesocial ____ and the degree of danger it’s facing.

1.A.led? Bcaused

Cdamaged? Dattacked

2.A.helping? Bprocessing

Cpromoting? Dimproving

3.A.for? Bat

Cwith Doff

4.A.bring? Breach

Cfetch? Dtake

5.A.spread? Bexposed

Cdelivered? Dpassed

6.A.supports? Bfollows

Copposes? Ddislikes

7.A.free? Baccessible

Cavailable? Dhealthy

8.A.as if Beven if

Cso that? Din that

9.A.happens? Bintends

Coffers? Dappears

10.A.interruption? Binterference

Cdefense? Dpreference

11.A.programs? Bsubstances

Cchannels? Dsources

12.A.uncover? Bstrike

Cprevent Davoid

13.A.beneficial? Buseful

Csensitive? Ddestructive

14.A.increase? Bdecrease

Cupset? Dstrengthen

15.A.refuse? Bafford

Cfail? Dattempt

16.A.unpolluted Bunskilled

Cunoccupied? Duninterrupted

17.A.evil Bmeaningful

Cuntrue? Deffective

18.A.importance? Bconclusion

Cdescription Dpossibility

19.A.develop? Binvent

Cchange? Dstudy

20.A.trends? Bstructures

Csurroundings? Dfactors



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省龙岩市高三毕业班教学质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most people know that awkward feeling when you walk into an elevator with other people and try not to make eye contact(接触). But a new research suggests it may be down to a subconscious power struggle being played out as you make your way up and down.

? ? A study found that people decide where they stand based on a micro social statusestablished within seconds of entering the lift.

? ? Rebekah Rousia Ph. Dstudent in cognitive(认知)scienceconducted an ethnographic(人种论)

Study of elevator behaviour in two of the tallest office buildings in AdelaideAustralia.As part of her researchshe took a total of 30 lift rides in the two buildingsand discovered .There was an established order to where people tended to stand

? ? In a blog she writes that more senior men seemed to direct themselves towards the back of the elevator She said“In front of them were younger menand in front of them were women of aII ages.”She also notice there

was a difference in where people directed their gaze(注视)half way through the ride“Men watched the monitorslooked in the side mirrors(in one building)to see themseIvesAnd in the door mirrors(of the other building)to also watch others Women would watch the monitors and avoid eye contact with other users(unless in conversation)and the mirrors”she writes

? ? She concluded it could be that people who are shyer stand toward the frontwhere they can’t see other passengerswhereas confident people stand in the backwhere they have a? view of everyone else.

1.The passage is mainly about??????

A. elevator riding manners???

B communication in the elevator

C. elevator riders’ standing positions?

D. micro social status in the elevator

2.The underlined word“it”in the first paragraph probably refers to“?????

A. an elevator??? Bthe new research? C. eye contact? D.social status

3.A person who stands in the back of the lift is probably ????

A confident??? B shy??? C honest

4.The conclusion of the research in the passage is ????????

A. subjective??? Bobjective??? C critical???? D doubtful


