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I am a German by birth and descent. My name is Schmidt. But by education I am quite as much an Englishman as a 'Deutscher', and by affection much more the former. My life has been spent pretty equally between the two countries, and I flatter myself I speak both languages without any foreign accent.
I count England my headquarters now: it is “home” to me. But a few years ago I was resident in Germany, only going over to London now and then on business. I will not mention the town where I lived. It is unnecessary to do so, and in the peculiar experience I am about to relate I think real names of people and places are just as well, or better avoided.
I was connected with a large and important firm of engineers. I had been bred up to the profession, and was credited with a certain amount of “talent”; and I was considered—and, with all modesty, I think I deserved the opinion—steady and reliable, so that I had already attained a fair position in the house, and was looked upon as a “rising man”. But I was still young, and not quite so wise as I thought myself. I came close once to making a great mess of a certain affair. It is this story which I am going to tell.
Our house went in largely for patents—rather too largely, some thought. But the head partner's son was a bit of a genius in his way, and his father was growing old, and let Herr Wilhelm - Moritz we will call the family name—do pretty much as he chose. And on the whole Herr Wilhelm did well. He was cautious, and he had the benefit of the still greater caution and larger experience of Herr Gerhardt, the second partner in the firm.
Patents and the laws which regulate them are strange things to have to do with. No one who has not had personal experience of the complications that arise could believe how far these spread and how involved they become. Great acuteness as well as caution is called for if you would guide your patent bark safely to port—and perhaps more than anything, a power of holding your tongue. I was no chatterbox, nor, when on a mission of importance, did I go about looking as if I were bursting with secrets, which is, in my opinion, almost as dangerous as revealing them. No one, to meet me on the journeys which it often fell to my lot to undertake, would have guessed that I had anything on my mind but an easy-going young fellow's natural interest in his surroundings, though many a time I have stayed awake through a whole night of railway travel if at all doubtful about my fellow-passengers, or not dared to go to sleep in a hotel without a ready-loaded gun by my pillow. For now and then - though not through me - our secrets did ooze out. And if, as has happened, they were secrets connected with Government orders or contracts, there was, or but for the exertion of the greatest energy and tact on the part of my superiors, there would have been, to put it plainly, the devil to pay.
小题1: The writer preferred to be called ________.
A.a GermanB.an Englishman
C.both a German and an EnglishmanD.neither a German nor an Englishman
小题2:Which of the following words cannot be used to describe the writer?
小题3:The head of the company where the writer works is ________.
A.SchmidtB.Moritz C.Wilhelm’s fatherD.Gerhardt
小题4: The writer often stayed awake on the train or kept a ready-loaded gun in the hotel, because  ________.
A.some people sometimes let out the secrets of his company
B.the writer occasionally didn’t keep the secrets of his company
C.patents and the laws are strange things to have to do with
D.the secrets were connected with Government orders or contracts

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day, when I was in high school, I saw a kid named Kyle from my class walking home from school with all his books, I thought to myself, __1___ would anyone bring home all his books for the weekend? He must really be    2___.”As I was walking, I saw several kids running toward him. They ran at him,   3  all his books out of his arms and he fell down in the dirt, His glasses went   4   and landed in the grass.
I ran over to him.  5  I handed him his glasses, he looked at me and said, “Hey, thanks!”
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it   6    , he lived near me. We talked all the way home. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.
Kyle was the top student of our class, one of those guys that really found themselves during high school. Therefore he had the   7  to prepare a graduation speech. On the graduation day, I could see that he was   8   .So, I patted him on the back and said, “Hey, big guy, you’ll be   9  !” He looked at me and smiled.
He cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to   10   those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers… but mostly your friends, I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best   11    you can give him.”
I just looked at my friend with   12    as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend and was carrying his books home. “Thankfully, nothing happened. My friend   13     me from doing the unspeakable.”
Not until that moment did I realize that you should never underestimate(低估) the   14    of your actions. With one small gesture you can   15   a person’s life. For better or for worse.
A.passed by
B.came up
C.went on
D.turned out


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tim Richter and his wife, Linda, had taught for over 30 years near Buffalo, New York--he in computers, she in special education. "Teaching means everything to us," Tim would say. In April1998, he learned he would need a heart operation. It was the kind of news that leads to some serious thinking about life's purpose.
Not long after the surgery, Tim saw a brochure describing Imagination Library, a program started by Dolly Parton' s foundation (基金会) that mailed a book every month to children from birth to age five in the singer's home town of Sevier, Tennessee.“I thought, maybe Linda and I could do something like this when we retire," Tim recalls.  He placed the brochure on his desk, "as a reminder."
Five years later, now retired and with that brochure still on the desk, Tim clicked on imagination library .com. The program had been opened up to partners who could take advantage of book and postage discounts.
The quality of the books was of great concern to the Richters. Rather than sign up online, they went to Dollywood for a look-see. “We didn’t want to give the children rubbish,” says Linda. The books-reviewed each year by teachers, literacy specialists and Dollywood board members-included classics such as Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day and newer books like Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama series.
Satisfied, the couple set up the Richter Family Foundation and got to work. Since 2004, they have shipped more than 12,200 books to preschoolers in their in their area. Megan Williams, a mother of four, is more than appreciative: “This program introduces us to books I’ve never heard of .”
The Richters spend about $400 a month sending books to 200 children. “Some people sit there and wait to die,” says Tim. “Others get as busy as they can in the time they have left.”
What led Tim to think seriously about the meaning of life?
A.His health problem.B.His love for teaching.
C.The influence of his wife.D.The news from the Web.
What did Tim want to do after learning about Imagination Library?
A.Give out brochures.B.Do something similar.
C.Write books for childrenD.Retire from being a teacher.
According to the text, Dollly Parton is           .
A.a well-known surgeonB.a mother of a four-year-old
C.a singer born in TennesseeD.a computer programmer
Why did the Richters go to Dollywood?
A.To avoid signing up online.
B.To meet Dollywood board members.
C.To make sure the books were the newest.
D.To see if the books were of good quality.
What can we learn from Tim’s words in the last paragraph?
A.He needs more money to help the children.
B.He wonders why some people are so busy.
C.He tries to save those waiting to die.
D.Hconsiders his efforts worthwhile.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)
My husband and I went into a shop that sold handcrafted items in hopes of finding a few last-minute Christmas gifts.
There was a lot  36  . Every shelf and   37 was loaded with different crafters' handiwork. As I walked through the store, I noticed a wooden plaque(瓷花金属板) hanging on a wall. I turned to take  38  look and remember shaking my head "yes" at   39  printed on the plaque.
"Life isn't about waiting for the   40 to pass," the plaque proclaimed(宣布). "It's about learning to dance in the rain."
As I pulled my husband over and directed his attention to the plaque, I could see that he too   41 the simple lesson the plaque shared. How often in our daily lives had we put conditions on our   42 ? When we get the house paid off, then we can be happy. When things settle down with the kids, then we'll be able to do more together. There is so little joy for the here and now in the uncertainties of the   43 and thens.
Looking at the plaque, I found myself  44  to a hot and muggy day the summer before, when I unknowingly   45 the plaque's message. Light rain continued to fall as I walked out to get my mail. Water was still running   46  through the gutters(屋顶檐槽). I don't know what came over me,  47 I suddenly felt forced to do something a little crazy   48 my fifty-plus years.
I   49 my shoes and stockings and began walking barefoot through the water. It was deliciously   50 , heated by the pavement that had been   51 by the summer heat.
I'm sure my neighbors thought that I had   52 my last vestige of sanity(神智健全), but I didn't care. For in that moment, I was alive. I wasn't worried about bills, the future or any other day-to-day cares. I was   53 a gift — a pure and simple moment of joy!
The plaque now hangs in my living room, a Christmas gift from my husband. I walk past it multiple times each day and  54  pause to ask myself, "So, am I   55 in the rain?"
I think I am. I know I try to. One step at a time, I am learning to dance in the rain!
A.to purchase B.to see C.to choose D.to order
A.wallB.counterC.drawer D.panel
A.a firstB.a second C.a betterD.a worse
A.the word B.the designC.the note D.the message
A.happinessB.responsibilityC.desire D.virtue
A.keeping backB.thinking backC.going backD.dating back
A.interpretB.understoodC.conveyed D.lived
A.ortherwiseB.and C.butD.thus
A.come off B.put onC.throw awayD.slipped off
A.hardly B.incidentallyC.seldomD.frequently


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a  21 effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know  22  but whose actions gave a new  23 to the words — kind and generous.
I was walking down a busy street on a cold, windy day in early  24 , A homeless man, probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes , was  25 for change on a street corner.
A BMW car  26 on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about  27 years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked  28 across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything, he first gave him a lot of  29 and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves( 手套), beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he   30 them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a/an  31 mouth.
As he drove off, I couldn’t   32 thinking that it was probably the first time he had  33 the pedal( 踏板)of that top-brand BMW car with a   34  foot! I stood there and the looks of   35 appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.
Two men of about the same age  36 very different lives had met and the one who was  37 in materials had offered  38 than his shoes.He had left this BMW car and   39 down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,   40 and real generosity.
A.called upB.broke upC.pulled upD.sped up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Lots of people have hobbies. Some people collect old coins or foreign stamps; some do needlework; others spend most of their spare time on a particular sport.
A lot of people enjoy reading. But reading tastes differ widely. Some people only read newspapers or comics, some like reading novels, while others prefer books on astronomy, wildlife, or technological discoveries.
If I happen to be interested in horses or precious stones, I cannot expect everyone else to share my enthusiasm. If I watch all the sports programs on TV with great pleasure, I must put up with the fact that other people find sports boring.
Is there nothing that interests us all? Is there nothing that concerns everyone—no matter who they are or where they live in the world? Yes, dear Sophie, there are questions that certainly should interest everyone. They are precisely the questions this course is about.
What is the most important thing in life? If we ask someone living on the edge of starvation, the answer is food. If we ask someone dying of cold, the answer is warmth. If we put the same question to someone who feels lonely and isolated, the answer will probably be the company of other people.
But when these basic needs have been satisfied—will there still be something that everybody needs? Philosophers think so. They believe that man cannot live by bread alone. Of course everyone needs food. And everyone needs love and care. But there is something else—apart from that—which everyone needs, and that is to figure out who we are and why we are here.
Being interested in why we are here is not a “casual” interest like collecting stamps. People who ask such questions are taking part in a debate that has gone on as long as man has lived on this planet. How the universe, the earth, and life came into being is a bigger and more important question than who won the most gold medals in the last Olympics.
小题1: This text is most probably taken from __________. 
A.a research paperB.a course schedule
C.a personal letterD.a book review
小题2: Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?
A.Philosophical questions are as interesting as collecting stamps.
B.Thinking about philosophical questions is a serious interest.
C.Figuring out who we are and why we are here is man’s basic needs.
D.Philosophy has universal appeal and concerns everybody in nature.
小题3: The author believes that __________.
A.no existing subject can interest everyone in the world
B.different people may have different interests and concerns
C.everyone has to figure out who we are and why we are here
D.people in modern society pay more attention to philosophical questions


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I first visited hutong as part of a tourist group several years ago. We rode on a trishaw(脚踏三轮车) with a guide explaining the history, architecture and lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
Having visited the "must-sees" of Beijing, like the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Drum Tower and the Summer Palace, going into the hutong home of some famous ancient families gave the “Beijing experience” a human element.
My curiosity has sharpened over the years from reading about them at every opportunity. During the preparation for the Olympics I was eager to learn that some siheyuan courtyards in hutong were turned into accommodations(食宿) for visitors. I wished to stay in one someday.
Preparing for a recent trip to the capital, I eagerly sought one out. On my limited teacher’s salary, I settled on an affordable option, though I looked longingly at the more upscale courtyard accommodations.
As usual, I ended up having something closer to a true experience. A real family still lives in the courtyard, which is closer to the original. The rooms all opened into the central courtyard. Flowers were blooming, beans and peas were climbing up the bamboo fence, and the cat was napping in the sun. Every day after exploring the city, I'd hurry back to the hutong, take a quick shower and join the cat – snoozing(小睡) in a bamboo-made chair with a book ready nearby.
As the other guests came back we’d greet one another. There was a mother and young daughter from France, a guy from Canada, a mother and teenage daughter from the Netherlands, a teacher from England and several guests from various parts of China.
Coming and going through the narrow alleys(小巷) of the hutong, the residents would smile and give cheery “ni hao” (hello). Laughing children were playing under the watchful eyes of the neighbors. I felt right at home in this friendly neighborhood.
小题1: The main idea of the passage is about ______________.
A.hutong days realize my desires to live local life
B.Trishaw is the only way to visit the hutong
C.living in the hutong with other visitors
D.exploring the deeper of Beijing
小题2: When did the author have the idea to visit Beijing hutong?
A.As early as he was a little child
B.when he was reading the text books at school
C.during the preparation for the Olympics
D.the author doesn’t mention it specifically
小题3: The underlined word “upscale” in the fourth paragraph means _________.
小题4: What is the impression of the author about the people in hutong?
A.They came from all over the world.
B.They all wanted to enjoy the old life of Beijing.
C.They are living together in harmony.
D.They are living in a heavenly peace life.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water ahead on the path. I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn't covered by water or mud. As I reached the pool, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attack. It was so unpredictable and from somewhere totally unexpected. I was surprised as well as unhurt though I had been struck four or five times. I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me. Had I been hurt I wouldn't have found it amusing. And I was laughing. After all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!
Having stopped, laughing, I took a step forward. My attacker rushed me again. He charged towards me at full speed, attempting to hurt me but in vain. For a second time, I took a step backwards while my attacker paused. I wasn't sure what to do. After all, it's just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly. I stepped back to look the situation over. My attacker moved back to land on the ground. That's when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier. He had a mate and she was dying.
Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate. He had taken it up on himself to attack me for his mate's sake (缘故), even though she was clearly dying and I was so large. He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on her. His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate's safety seemed admirable. I couldn't do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the pool. He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.     
Since then, I've always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge barriers facing me.
小题1:Why did the writer change his direction while walking down a path?
A.To get close to a butterfly.B.To look over the bad situation.
C.To escape a sudden attack.D.To avoid getting his shoes dirty.
小题2:What made the man feel funny?
A.Making the attacker pause.B.Being attacked by a butterfly.
C.Being stepped on by his mate.D.Discovering the energetic butterfly.
小题3:From this experience the man learned       .
A.what he should do when faced with trouble
B.people should show sympathy to the weak
C.how he should deal with attacks
D.people should protect butterflies
小题4: Which of the following words can best describe the butterfly?
A.Careless.B.Amusing.C.Courageous. D.Aggressive.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Destiny and Personal Responsibility
One important variable affecting communication across cultures is destiny(命运)and personal responsibility. This refers to the degree to which we feel ourselves the masters of our lives, contrary to the degree to which we see ourselves as subject to things outside our control. Another way to look at this is to ask how much we see ourselves able to change and act, to choose the course of our lives and relationships. Some have drawn a parallel between the personal responsibility in North American settings and the view itself. The North American view is vast, with large spaces of unpopulated land. The frontier attitude of “King” of the wilderness, and the expansiveness of the land reaching huge distances, may relate to generally high levels of confidence in the ability to shape and choose our destinies.
In this expansive land, many children grow up with a heroic sense of life, where ideas are big, and hope springs forever. When they experience temporary failures, they encouraged to redouble their efforts, to “try, try again.” Action, efficiency(效率), and achievement are valued and expected. Free will is respected in laws and enforced by courts.
Now consider places in the world with much smaller land, whose history reflects wars and tough struggles: Northern Ireland, Mexico, Israel, Palestine. In these places, destiny’s role is more important in human life. In Mexico, there is a history of hard life, fighting over land, and loss of homes. Mexicans are more likely to see struggles as part of their life and unavoidable. Their passive attitude is expr4essed in their way of responding to failure or accident by saying “ni modo”(“no way” or “tough lick”), meaning that the failure was destined.
This variable is important to understanding cultural conflict. If someone believing in free will crosses paths with someone more passive, miscommunication is likely. The first person may expect action and accountability. Failing to see it, he may conclude that the second is lazy, not cooperative, or dishonest. The second person will expect respect for the natural order of thins. Failing to see it, he may conclude that the first is forcible, rude, or big headed in his ideas of what can be accomplished or changed.
小题1:The author thinks that one’s character is partly determined by        .
A.physical sensesB.general attitude
C.financial backgroundD.geographic characteristics
小题2:According to the passage, Mexicans would think that Americans are        .
小题3:The underlined word “subject” in Paragraph 1 probably means      .
A.a topic of a discussionB.a branch of knowledge
C.a person being experimented onD.a person under the power of others
小题4:The author would probably agree that        .
A.vast land may lead to a more controllable desire
B.heroic sense of life roots deeply in a small country
C.living in limited space contributes to an accepting attitude
D.fighting over land may help people gain high levels of confidence

