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Policeman:Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view(看清) of the accident?
Jimmy:Oh, yes. I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it quite clearly.
Policeman:Do you know what time it was?
Jimmy:Yes.___1___ It was 2:45 exactly.  
Policeman:Good. ____2____
Jimmy:Well, quite slowly — about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up York Road. ____3____ But they were still red when he went over them.
Policeman:I see. ____4____ was it also driving slowly?
Jimmy:It was coming along Union Street about 30 miles per hour. It was a blue Toyota. ____5____
Policeman:Did you see what colour his traffic(交通) light was?
Jimmy:Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.
A.What about the car?
B.I checked my watch.
C.Didn‘t you see the car?
D.Now,how fast was the truck moving?
E. Was the car going beyond the speed limit?
F. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change.
G. The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.

大意是讲:一个警察在处理一次交通事故时,向 Jimmy 了解有关情况。
1. 选 B.警察问Jimmy 是否知道事故发生的时间,Jimmy 不仅知道,而且还准确地说 It was 2:45 exactly.由此可见,他是看了表的(……checked a watch)。
2. 选 D.此题从其答语 Well, quite slowly — about 10 miles an hour. 可显然推知。
3. 选 F.此空可根据下文 But they were still red when he went over them 推知(尤其是stillred 两词)。
4. 选 A.此交通事故涉及一辆卡车和一辆小汽车,细心的考生会发现,上文讲的是卡车的情况,而下文讲的小汽车的情况,所以此处应填一个转换话题的句子,因此选 A 最适合。
5. 选 G.现在还剩下三个选项 C,E,G,而 C,E 是两个问句,从含义上看,只可能是警察提此问题,不可能是 Jimmy 提此问题,所以只能选 G.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Devra Davis was an American epidemiologist (流行病学家) and writer. In When Smoke Ran Like Water, Devra Davis takes the reader from killer smoke to the serious problems of the present including breast cancer and climate change. Davis has been devoted to decreasing illness and loss of life from environmental pollution for decades. She is determined not to let figures and numbers hide the people whose lives are in danger.
One of the things that makes When Smoke Ran Like Water, her book on the battle against pollution, so powerful is that she hasn’t just only studied the statistics (数字统计), but she’s lived them. As a child in the Monongahela River town, she survived the 1948 smog (烟雾) pollution that was reported to have killed 20 people. She writes, “The 50 people who died in the month following decade are nowhere counted. And there is no counting of the thousands called the non-killed - all those who went on to suffer in various poorly understood ways.”
For Davis, counting counts. She focuses on epidemiology, the science which is rooted in numbers. Her book is a series of related stories, which uses a convincing (具有说服力的) method to support her conclusions. For anyone interested in the future of human health, When Smoke Ran Like Water also provides a valuable basis for understanding and action.
67. We can learn from the text that Davis cares most about_____.
A. the measures taken by governments to fight environmental pollution
B. the lasting damage to health caused by environmental pollution
C. the number of people died in environmental pollution
D. the environmental pollution caused by the smog in 1948
68.The author thinks that When Smoke Ran Like Water is a powerful book because_______.
A. Davis was an expert in the study of pollution
B. Davis used real numbers to study pollution
C. Davis was good at writing interesting stories
D. Davis put her real-life experience into the book
69. What kind of method is used by Davis to support the conclusion?
A. The reasoning method          B. The storytelling method
C. The statistic method              D. The experiment method
70. The purpose of the text is to________.
A. show the damage caused by pollution
B. explain why When Smoke Ran Like Water is popular
C. introduce When Smoke Ran Like Water to readers
D. tell the life of the American writer Devra Davis


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&S Paving Ine.(铺路公司)in Atlanta,USA.In the following account,she recalls the job that challenged her   36  and skill but left her flying high.
“When the Atlanta Airport was under  37   in 1979,we were a new company struggling to make it.National Car Rental wanted to have 2500 square meters of dirt paved  38  the cars could be on site   39  the airport opened,and the official opening was only ten days away!  40   other local paving company wanted to do the job,  41  it couldn’t be done in such a short time.”
“Because we were new and really needed the work,we were   42  to try harder.We gave National Car Rental our offer and   43   our best effort to get the job finished within ten days.We also   44  them that if we failed,they would be no worse off,   45   they had plenty to gain if we succeeded.”
“We got the job and immediately went into  46  .Working at night needed lights,so I rented a machine to produce electricity for the site.Our  47  challenge was to keep the rock mixture  48  enough.All the available water wagons(洒水车)were rented out for the airport construction,and we certainly couldn’t afford to buy a new one. 49  ,I got a special   50   to rent fire engine hoses(消防水龙带)and connect them to nearby hydrants(消防);then I  51  held one of those hoses to  52  down the rock.”
“Those ten days were filled with challenges that 53  one creative idea after another.Nine days later,the night before the airport opened,National Car Rental was the  54  company that had cars on the parking lot.”
“The key to our success was having the    55   to take on any job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done.”
36.A.kindness               B.patience                    C.imagination               D.experience
37.A.construction          B.repair                        C.control                      D.development
38.A.after                     B.as                             C.for                            D.so
39.A.while                   B.since                         C.where                       D.when
40.A.Some                   B.Any                          C.No                            D.Every
41.A.stating                  B.reporting                   C.telling                       D.warning
42.A.able                            B.nervous                     C.afraid                        D.willing
43.A.supported             B.promised                   C.continued                  D.improved
44.A.asked                   B.surprised                   C.reminded                   D.demanded
45.A.though                 B.but                           C.as                             D.unless
46.A.discussion             B.action                       C.practice                     D.production
47.A.next                            B.first                          C.past                          D.previous
48.A.cold                            B.wet                           C.loose                         D.clean
49.A.Naturally                     B.Obviously                 C.Meanwhile                D.Instead
50.A.excuse                  B.order                        C.permit                       D.reason
51.A.exactly                 B.personally                 C.angrily                      D.hardly
52.A.pull                      B.knock                       C.hit                                   D.water
53.A.required               B.mixed                       C.followed                   D.formed
54.A.best                      B.last                           C.second                      D.only
55.A.courage                B.interest                      C.hope                         D.chance


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was four o'clock when we left Micatlan,and we traveled quickly until it became almost completely dark.It was our intention to return to our general quarters in Atlacomulco that night.We had a long journey ahead of us,especially because it had been decided there was no way we would try to cross the ravines again at night,since they were considered far too dangerous.Futhermore,an eclipse of the moon was expected,and,in fact,while we were crossing an open field,the moon appeared on the horizon,half in shadow,a rare and beautiful sight.
After a few hours of riding,we suddenly realized that we had lost our way,and worse still,had no way of finding it again.Night had fallen and there was not a single hut in sight,only great plains and mountains and the lowing of distant bulls all around us.We continued on ahead,trusting in luck,though it was difficult to say where she had brought us.By good fortune,our advance riders ran into two Indians,a man and a boy,who agreed to guide us their village and no further.
After an interminable and exhausting road,which we traveled at a brisk trot,the barking of several dogs announced an Indian village.In the dying light,we could just make out cane huts,firmly situated between the banana trees,with fenced gardens in front of each one.Our convoy stopped in front of one particular hut,a kind of inn or shop for alcohol,where a naked goblin-like figure,the ideal husband for a witch,was serving cheap brandy to the Indians,most of whom were already drunk.
We dismounted and threw ourselves to the ground,too tired to even think.Someone found us,God knows how,a cup of dreadful hot chocolate.We began to realize that we were completely lost,and so it was agreed to give up our attempt to reach Atlacomulco that night.Instead,we should head for the village of “E1 Puente”,where our guides know a Spanish family,made up of several unmarried brothers,who,without any doubt,would be delighted to offer us a safe refuge for the rest of the night.We remounted and began our journey,a little restored after the pause in our journey and the dreadful hot chocolate.
小题1:Where did we travel to?
A.El Puente.B.The cane huts.C.Atlacomulco.D.An Indian Village.
小题2:When we traveled at night_________.
A.there was a good guide leading us
B.there was a full moon in the sky
C.we could hardly see anything
D.we could see everything around clearly
小题3:When we lost our way we believed that_________.
A.we should stay where we were for rescue
B.we should go on to seek after our fortune
C.we should go back where we started
D.we should ask the Indians for help
小题4:When we reached the inn-like hut_________.
A.someone served alcohol and hot chocolate at once
B.we had a good sleep
C.we had a good drink
D.we were too exhausted to ask for anything


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

-Mary, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy?
-Ah, it was great! The food was great! The wine was great! But the traffic was terrible!
-Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don’t want to think about it!
—  63
-Yes, so here’s a picture of the Tower of Pisa.
-How nice!
-It was raining that day, but it was still wonderful. We climbed to the top!
-That’s a photo of the Arno River. That’s the “Ponte Vecchio”, the old bridge.
-It was very interesting. There were beautiful old buildings in the city, and lots of wonderful museums.
-That’s nice.
A.And what’s this?
B.Why was it so bad?
C.Yes, it was wonderful.
D. What was Florence like?
E.Let’s return to the good parts.
F.Sure, what was your holiday like?
G.   Well, did you like your hotel there?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably was the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to fathering the kid. Unfortunately the son died in his late teens.
Meanwhile, Fitzgerald’s wealth greatly increased. He spent a lot on art works of the masters. Later Fitzgerald himself because seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully prepared his will as to how his wealth would be settled—to sell his entire collection at an auction (拍卖).
Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors and private collectors eager to bid (出价).Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgerald’s son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.
When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled (敲槌) the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgerald’s will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of his son.
The poor-quality painting didn’t receive and bidders...except one—the old servant who had served the son and loved him, and who for emotional reasons offered the only bid.
As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will:“Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my collection.”Then the auction was over.
小题1:The English Baron Fitzgerald was ______.
A.a museum directorB.a master of artC.an art collector D.an art dealer
小题2:Why did the old servant bid for the painting of Fitzgerald’s son?
A.He was devoted to the family.B.He saw that no one bid for it.
C.He knew the content of the will.D.He found it cheap for him to buy.
小题3:Fitzgerald’s will showed ______.
A his desire to fool the bidders                  B. his invaluable love for his son
C. his sadness at the death of his son             D. his regret of having no children to take over his wealth


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special.
However, the idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father’s Day while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon① in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her. It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices② and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a selfless and loving man. Sonora’s father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spikane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.
In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Roses are the Father’s Day flowers: red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.
When children can’t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental③. Most greeting cards are too special so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.
① sermon  v. 布道
② sacrifices  n. 牺牲
③ sentimental  adj. 感伤的
1. The United States is special in Father’s Day because ______.
A. many people celebrate the day                B. only America celebrates the day
C. America makes it an official day              D. all men are honored in America
2. At first, Father’s Day was fixed on June 19th because ______.
A. Sonora honored her father on her father’s birthday
B. Sonora’s birthday was June 19
C. it was decided by the president at that time
D. her mother died on June 19
3. How many years has passed before Father’s Day became an official day since the father’s day was celebrated?
A. 4     B. 10      C. 14     D. 24
4. According to the passage, on Father’s Day,  ______.
A. people will wear the same flowers to honor their fathers
B. only daughters wear red flowers to honor their fathers
C. children must go home to honor their fathers
D. fathers are often honored in different ways
5. According to the passage, we can infer that Henry Jackson Smart ______.
A. was very kind to anyone
B. did a lot for his daughter
C. was the first father honored in 1924
D. always help others by giving money


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The following is a true story. It happened in the northern end of Queens land, Australia, where all kinds of animals live in the forest.
Lisa, a 33-year-old woman, went to prepare lunch in the kitchen, leaving Barney, her three-year-old son, playing by himself in the back garden.
Suddenly, a sharp cry of Barney came into the mother’s ears, and Lisa rushed into the backyard in a hurry and found a big snake entwining(缠绕) the little child with its terrible body and trying to eat the boy as its delicious dish! It was a boa(蟒)! Lisa was terrified and quite angry. She made up her mind to save her son from the snake’s mouth.
It was fearless mother love that made Lisa forget what she faced. She took up an old hoe from the ground and beat the boa with all her might.
One...two... With the hoe, Lisa beat the snake repeatedly, but useless. The little boy’s voice and breath were getting weaker and weaker. Lisa’s heart was broken and she got nearly mad.
Suddenly Lisa put away the hoe and threw herself to the boa, opening her mouth and bit into the boa’s back as if trying to eat a rare steak(牛排). Lisa was really mad!
Blood was spurting(喷射) out of the boa’s body and covered most of Lisa’s body. The boa was so badly wounded that it let go of Barney and moved back into the forest hurriedly. It had never known how a man had such terrible sharp teeth! On halfway home, the boa died.
It was fearless mother love that saved the little boy.
61.When she rushed into the back garden, Lisa found  ______
A.a boa eating her son         
B.her son was playing with a big snake
C.her son in danger of losing his life    
D.her son was fighting with a boa
62.Lisa failed in fighting against the boa at first just because ______.
A.she was bit by the boa       
B.the boa was too strong
C.the hoe was not sharp enough 
D.she was afraid that she would hurt her son
63. Lisa bit the snake because ______.
A.she was mad      
B.she thought her teeth were much sharper than the boa 
C.her son was entwined by the boa
D.she hadn’t got any other way to fight with the snake
64.The best title for this passage is ______.
A.Mother and Boa            B.Fearless Mother Love
C.A Boa and a Boy            D.Saving a Boy from a Boa


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr Reese was born in a big city. His father had several companies and got a lot of money. He could give his son all the young man wanted. He was busy with his business and never asked him how he got along with his studies. So the boy spent most time in the restaurants or cinemas. Of course he was weak at his lessons and learned nothing at school. He made many friends but none of them was good and when they knew he came from a rich family, they began to teach him to gamble(赌博). Of course he lost much money.
Now Mr Reese was twenty and finished middle school. He could not do anything. But his father didn't mind it until one day he found the young man had sold one of his companies. He became so angry that he made him leave his house. The young man couldn't gamble any longer. His friends made him pay his debt. He had to ask his mother to help him and the woman often gave him some money. But one evening his father happened to find it. The old man stopped his wife from doing so. They began to fight in the room. The young man brought out a knife and killed his father. His mother helped him to run away, but soon after that he was caught and sentenced(判刑)to death.
It was a cold and wet day. Suddenly it began to rain hard when Mr Reese was being sent to the execution ground(刑场). Soon both he and the soldiers were wet through. He said angrily, “Bad luck! I shall be shot in such bad weather!”
“Don't complain(抱怨), brother, ”said one of the soldiers. ‘You're luckier than us all. We'll have to go back to the city after that!”
小题1:Old Reese never wanted to know about his son's studies because ____.     [    ]
A.he was sure his son was good at his lessons
B.he spent all his energies on his business
C.he knew nothing about the education
D.his wife looked after their children
小题2:The bad young men taught Young Reese to gamble in order ____.      [    ]
A.to play with him
B.to spend spare time
C.that the could get much money from him
D.that they could find jobs in his father's companies
小题3: Old Reese became angry because ____.       [    ]
A.his son had learned nothing at school.
B.his son was weak at all his lessons
C.his son couldn't do anything in the companies
D.his son had lost one of his companies
小题4: Mr Reese complained ____.   [    ]
A.he was sentenced to death
B.he would be shot
C.he went to the execution ground on foot
D.he would be shot in bad weather

