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Celebrating an 18th birthday is an important occasion for anyone, but for tiny Jyoti Amge, the milestone is even bigger news.

The teenager is already a celebrity(名人) in her hometown of Nagpur, India, but has now set a world record by officially being declared the world's smallest woman.

Despite her stature, 62.8 cm­tall Jyoti hopes to celebrate being crowned the world's shortest woman by launching a Bollywood movie career.

She took the Guinness world record from 22­year­old American Bridgette Jordan, who measures seven centimeters taller than Ms.Amge and who had held the title since September, 2011.

A teary­eyed Ms.Amge called the honor an “extra birthday present” and said that she felt grateful for being small.She also blew out candles on a birthday cake that was comfortably bigger than her. Even the Guinness record book at the ceremony only came up to her waist.

Ms.Amge weighs just 5.5 kilograms—only about four kilograms more than she did at birth—and has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia(软骨发育不全), which stopped her growing after her first birthday.

She has brittle bones and is likely to need care for the rest of her life, but that has not stopped her ambitions of entering the movie industry.

“I have put Nagpur on the world map. Now everyone will know where it is,” said Ms.Amge, who said she dreamed of one day becoming a Bollywood film star and getting a university degree after finishing high school.

“I want to make people happy,” said the future actress, who is going to appear in two Bollywood films next year.

As a teenager at school in Nagpur, Ms.Amge had her own small desk and chair, but said that the other students did not treat her differently. She sleeps in a specially­made bed and uses things that are smaller than average. Also, Ms.Amge insists on being treated like a normal young woman, and enjoys doing her make­up, going shopping with friends or watching movies.

“It has been my dream to be recognized as the world's smallest woman for many years,” said Ms.Amge.“I am very happy to be officially the world's shortest woman.”

56.According to the passage, Jyoti Amge ________.

A.grew little since she was three years old

B.tries to live a normal life like other young women

C.has made great achievements in the film industry

D.was especially happy to receive the big birthday cake

57.It is learned from the passage that ________.

A.the shortest American is 69.8 centimeters tall

B.Jyoti weighed 5.1 kilograms when she was born

C.Jyoti will go to college in two years

D.Bridgette Jordan was born in 1988

58. The underlined word “brittle” in Paragraph 7 most probably means ______.

A.strong and hard  B.easily­broken

C.well­protected  D.badly­wounded

59.Which words can describe Jyoti Amge the best?

A.Amusing and humorous.

B.Clever and friendly.

C.Cheerful and ambitious.

D.Hardworking and brave.

60.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The most successful teenager in the world.

B.The most famous girl all over the world.

C.The first girl student entering the Guinness book.

D.The shortest woman around the world.

【语篇解读】 近日,印度一名高中女生被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为世界最矮女性。这名只有0.628米的姑娘人小志气高,谈到自己的人生理想时表示,希望大学毕业后进入“宝莱坞”成为一名影星。

56.B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Also, Ms.Amge insists on being treated like a normal young woman, and enjoys doing her make­up, going shopping with friends or watching movies.”可推断Jyoti Amge尽力地像其他人一样过正常的生活,故选B项。

57.A 推理判断题。根据第三段可知Jyoti Amge的身高是62.8厘米,而Bridgette Jordan只比她高7厘米,故可推断最矮的美国人身高是69.8厘米,故选A项。

58.B 词义猜测题。根据“…is likely to need care for the rest of her life”可推断Jyoti Amge的骨头是脆弱的,故选B项。

59.C 推理判断题。Jyoti Amge希望像正常人一样地生活,说明她是乐观的;谈到自己的人生理想时她表示,希望大学毕业后进入“宝莱坞”成为一名影星,说明她是有雄心的,故选C项。

60.D 主旨大意题。Jyoti Amge是世界上最小的人,而全文是围绕她而写的,故最佳答案应是D项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Bedtime stories are one of the delights of early childhood. But according to

 Dr Julie Spreadbury from Queensland University, parents should not __61   up reading to their children __62  they enter primary school. She says listening to, reading and discussing the stories help children's __63  .

“My __64  indicates that once children can read themselves, most parents stop reading__65  them,”Dr Spreadbury says.

“__66  may be at the end of Year 1, which is far too__67  .”

Dr Spreadbury says __68  reading not only gives children a good start at school, but brings parents and their children closer.

“This makes it __69  for them to open up and talk to parents about things that are worrying them, or things they are __70  in their everyday life.”

61. A. speed         B. keep            C. give         D. hold

62. A. after          B. until            C. if           D. unless

63. A. thinking       B. comprehension   C. relaxation     D. development

64. A. theory         B. research         C. story        D. decision

65. A. about          B. from           C. to            D. through

66. A. Some          B. Most           C. They         D. That

67. A. difficult        B. early           C. much         D. informal

68. A. daily          B. healthy          C. fast          D. bedtime

69. A. easier          B. funnier          C. rarer         D. clearer

70. A. reading        B. promising        C. celebrating    D. Receiving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 “But what if I break my arm again?”My five-year-old daughter asked,looking very 1 .I knew she 2 very much to learn to ride,but ever since she’d fallen off her bike and broken her arm,she’d been afraid.

“Oh,honey,”I said.“I don’t think you’ll break another arm.”“ 3 I could,couldn’t I?”“You know,honey,”I said,“ 4 everything you do comes with risks.You could get a broken arm in a car 5 and then be afraid to 6 ride in a car again.You could break your arm jumping a rope.You could break your arm at gym.Do you want to 7 going to gym?”“No,”she said.And with a determined spirit,she stood up and 8 to try again.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very 9 little girl overcome a fear,and 10 myself on being a useful single parent after a painful divorce(离婚).

As we walked home,she asked me about a conversation she’d overheard me having with my 11 the night before.

“Grandma wanted you to find someone to 12 .”“What grandma wants is for someone to 13 my heart again.”“But Mom...”“You’re too young to 14 it,”I told her.“So I guess love isn’t like a broken arm.”she said.  15 to answer,we walked the rest of the way in 16 .When I got home,I called my mother and 17 her for talking about this to my daughter.Then I did what I’d seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon.I agreed to 18 Steve.

Steve was the man for me.We 19 less than a year later.It turned out my mother and  daughter were 20 .

1.A.surprised             B.disappointed            C.sad                       D.puzzled

2.A.wanted                B.hated                     C.lost                       D.gained

3.A.And                   B.Or                        C.Instead                  D.But

4.A.Almost                B.Hardly                    C.Nearly                   D.Mostly

5.A.trade                    B.sale                        C.accident                  D.show

6.A.ever                    B.never                     C.even                     D.yet

7.A.start                    B.regret                     C.finish                     D.stop

8.A.offered                B.agreed                   C.had                       D.chose

9.A.shy                    B.weak                     C.brave                     D.gentle

10.A.congratulating     B.praising                   C.encouraging           D.celebrating

11.A.father                 B.mother                  C.sister                    D.brother

12.A.like                    B.know                     C.love                     D.teach

13.A.warm                B.feel                       C.buy                      D.break

14.A.understand         B.believe                    C.accept                  D.receive

15.A.Unable               B.Unwilling                C.Uncertain               D.Unhappy

16.A.excitement          B.sorrow                   C.silence                   D.surprise

17.A.punished            B.scolded                   C.thanked                 D.appreciated

18.A.hire                  B.meet                     C.fire                      D.invite

19.A.left                   B.married                   C.moved                  D.quarrelled

20.A.wrong              B.right                       C.clear                     D.clever


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 “But what if I break my arm again?”My five-year-old daughter asked,looking very 1 .I knew she 2 very much to learn to ride,but ever since she’d fallen off her bike and broken her arm,she’d been afraid.

“Oh,honey,”I said.“I don’t think you’ll break another arm.”“ 3 I could,couldn’t I?”“You know,honey,”I said,“ 4 everything you do comes with risks.You could get a broken arm in a car 5 and then be afraid to 6 ride in a car again.You could break your arm jumping a rope.You could break your arm at gym.Do you want to 7 going to gym?”“No,”she said.And with a determined spirit,she stood up and 8 to try again.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very 9 little girl overcome a fear,and 10 myself on being a useful single parent after a painful divorce(离婚).

As we walked home,she asked me about a conversation she’d overheard me having with my 11 the night before.

“Grandma wanted you to find someone to 12 .”“What grandma wants is for someone to 13 my heart again.”“But Mom...”“You’re too young to 14 it,”I told her.“So I guess love isn’t like a broken arm.”she said.  15 to answer,we walked the rest of the way in 16 .When I got home,I called my mother and 17 her for talking about this to my daughter.Then I did what I’d seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon.I agreed to 18 Steve.

Steve was the man for me.We 19 less than a year later.It turned out my mother and  daughter were 20 .

1.A.surprised             B.disappointed            C.sad                       D.puzzled

2.A.wanted                B.hated                     C.lost                       D.gained

3.A.And                   B.Or                        C.Instead                  D.But

4.A.Almost                B.Hardly                    C.Nearly                   D.Mostly

5.A.trade                    B.sale                        C.accident                  D.show

6.A.ever                    B.never                     C.even                     D.yet

7.A.start                    B.regret                     C.finish                     D.stop

8.A.offered                B.agreed                   C.had                       D.chose

9.A.shy                    B.weak                     C.brave                     D.gentle

10.A.congratulating     B.praising                   C.encouraging           D.celebrating

11.A.father                 B.mother                  C.sister                    D.brother

12.A.like                    B.know                     C.love                     D.teach

13.A.warm                B.feel                       C.buy                      D.break

14.A.understand         B.believe                    C.accept                  D.receive

15.A.Unable               B.Unwilling                C.Uncertain               D.Unhappy

16.A.excitement          B.sorrow                   C.silence                   D.surprise

17.A.punished            B.scolded                   C.thanked                 D.appreciated

18.A.hire                  B.meet                     C.fire                      D.invite

19.A.left                   B.married                   C.moved                  D.quarrelled

20.A.wrong              B.right                       C.clear                     D.clever


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Going green seems to be a fad (时尚)for a lot of people these days. Whether that is good or bad, we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad but a lifestyle.

On April 22, 2011,we decided to go green every single day for an entire year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant challenging ourselves to go green beyond the easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 different green things to do and this was no easy task.

With the idea of going green every single day for a year, our Green Year started. My wife and I decided to educate people about how they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done to help the environment. We wanted to push the message that every little bit helps.

Over the course of Our Green Year, we completely changed our lifestyles. We now shop at organic (有机的)stores. We consume less meat,choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying we don't need. We have given away half of what we owned through websites. Our home is kept clean by vinegar and lemon juice, with no chemical cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the smell of home-made fresh bread. In our home office anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punished.

Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others. We believe that we do have the power to change things and help our planet.

60. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Going Green.

B. Protecting the Planet.

C. Keeping Open-Minded.

D. Celebrating Our Green Year.

61. It was difficult for the couple to live a green life for the whole year because _____.

A. they were expected to follow the green fad

B. they didn’t know how to educate other people

C. they were unwilling to reduce their energy

D. they needed to perform unusual green tasks

62. What did the couple do over the course of Our Green Year?

A. They tried to get out of their ungreen habits.

B. They ignored others’ ungreen behavior.

C. They chose better chemical cleaners.

D. They sold their home-made food.

63. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The government will give support to the green project.

B. The couple may continue their project in the future.

C. Some people disagree with the couple's green ideas.

D. Our Green Year is becoming a national campaign.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届宁夏高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

How to Be a Good Sport(开朗的人)

Learning to lose without losing your cool is a skill, like learning to ride a bike.___1.___ and when you can handle losing; people will call you a good sport.

Why must we learn to lose gracefully(文雅地)?Here is the answer:

___2.___But any time two teams or kids are facing each other in a game or contest, someone will lose (unless it’s a tie平局).Kids lose in small ways, like in a game of checkers(西洋跳棋),but they also might face losing in bigger ways, like when their team loses a championship(锦标赛) game.

__3.____So it’s not surprising that kids don’t like it. Adults don’t like it either, but everyone can learn to control how they react to a loss. In other words, what should you do when you lose?

The most difficult thing is that sometimes you might react before you even realize it. For instance, your little league game comes to an end and, in a flash, the other team has won. __4.____Oh dear, you probably don’t want to be crying right now, even though it’s ok that you feel sad.

Kids who are good sports don’t freak out (表现失常)when they lose. __5.___Kids might not be as eager to play with someone who gets angry all the time and won’t ever give the other guy or girl a break.

A.Everyone wants to win.

B.Losing is really a disappointing matter.

C.They are usually unpopular among young people.

D.They will become known as kids who are fun to play with.

E. There they are celebrating on the field and yon burst into tears.

F. You might find it hard to do this at first, but over time it will get easier.

G.. Many people behave badly after losing a game, especially young people.


