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We all thought that Betty could have run _______ if she had worn the sports-shoes that day.

A.even faster        B.more slower       C.much quickly       D.still fastest










科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


The Nobel Prizes

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation(基金会)for outstanding achievements or contributions in these areas: chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(证书)saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money. Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared, maybe by two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats(外交官)from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam(越南)peace negotiations(谈判).It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is no outstanding achievement in one of these areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating(提名,推荐)and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations of people who might deserve(应得)a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy(研究员,学会)of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

1.A Nobel Prize is given in the form of _____________.

A. a large quantity of money             B.a diploma

C.a gold medal                      D.all of the above

2.The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to _____________.

A.Henry Kissinger                   B.Le Duo Tho

C.two persons from one country          D.two individuals from different countries

3.Sometimes a prize is not given because there is _____________.

A.no remarkable achievement in that area

B.no suitable nomination

C.disagreement among committee members


4.The decision of literature prize winner is made by_____________.

A.the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

B.the Nobel Foundation

C.a committee for the Norwegian government

D.the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm

5.We can infer from this passage that_____________.

A.the Nobel Prize is given in six areas

B.the Nobel prizewinners are very carefully chosen

C.sometimes the Nobel Prize is not given

D.the Nobel Prize is international



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051


The Nobel Prizes

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation(基金会)for outstanding achievements or contributions in these areas: chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(证书)saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money. Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared, maybe by two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats(外交官)from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam(越南)peace negotiations(谈判).It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is no outstanding achievement in one of these areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating(提名,推荐)and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations of people who might deserve(应得)a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy(研究员,学会)of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

1.A Nobel Prize is given in the form of _____________.

A. a large quantity of money             B.a diploma

C.a gold medal                      D.all of the above

2.The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to _____________.

A.Henry Kissinger                   B.Le Duo Tho

C.two persons from one country          D.two individuals from different countries

3.Sometimes a prize is not given because there is _____________.

A.no remarkable achievement in that area

B.no suitable nomination

C.disagreement among committee members


4.The decision of literature prize winner is made by_____________.

A.the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

B.the Nobel Foundation

C.a committee for the Norwegian government

D.the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm

5.We can infer from this passage that_____________.

A.the Nobel Prize is given in six areas

B.the Nobel prizewinners are very carefully chosen

C.sometimes the Nobel Prize is not given

D.the Nobel Prize is international



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many people have tried to simplify (简化) the spelling of English words.Unlike other languages,English sometimes spells the same sounds in very different ways.For example,there is “light” but “white”,“loan” but “phone”,and there are at least seven different ways of pronouncing “ough”:“though”,“through”,“bough”,“cough”,“enough”,“ought” and “thorough”.

The American President Theodore Roosevelt almost succeeded in simplifying English spelling.In 1906,Andrew Carnegie started the Simplified Spelling Board.He was one of the richest men in the United States of America.The board’s plan was to make the spelling of words nearer to the way they sound.For example,the word “though” would be spelt “tho” and “through” would become “thru”.Other people on the board were Melvil Dewey,the head of the New York libraries,and Professor Brander Matthews of Columbia University.They explained their idea to President Roosevelt,who thought that it was indeed logical.He immediately asked the government printer to use simplified spelling in all government letters.

But people didn’t like the change,even if it made life easier.So the new simpler spelling was not popular.More importantly,when the American politicians (政客) discussed the plan,they did not like it either.Because Roosevelt did not want to have any problems with the politicians,he changed his mind and told the printer to go back to the old way of spelling.

Since then no one in any government has dared to simplify English spelling.However,people do simplify some words,mainly in advertisements.For example,we often see “tonite” instead of “tonight” and “thru” instead of “through”.

68.Many people have tried to simplify English spelling because________.

A.English words are too long to remember

B.there are many mistakes in English words

C.lots of words are spelt in many different ways

D.sometimes the same sounds have different spellings

69.Who is NOT a member of the Simplified Spelling Board?

A.Andrew Carnegie.                               B.Melvil Dewey.

C.Theodore Roosevelt.                            D.Brander Matthews.

70.What was Theodore Roosevelt’s attitude towards simplified spelling?

A.Worried.                                             B.Supportive. 

C.Uncertain.                                          D.Doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many people have tried to simplify (简化) the spelling of English words.Unlike other languages,English sometimes spells the same sounds in very different ways.For example,there is “light” but “white”,“loan” but “phone”,and there are at least seven different ways of pronouncing “ough”:“though”,“through”,“bough”,“cough”,“enough”,“ought” and “thorough”.

The American President Theodore Roosevelt almost succeeded in simplifying English spelling.In 1906,Andrew Carnegie started the Simplified Spelling Board.He was one of the richest men in the United States of America.The board’s plan was to make the spelling of words nearer to the way they sound.For example,the word “though” would be spelt “tho” and “through” would become “thru”.Other people on the board were Melvil Dewey,the head of the New York libraries,and Professor Brander Matthews of Columbia University.They explained their idea to President Roosevelt,who thought that it was indeed logical.He immediately asked the government printer to use simplified spelling in all government letters.

But people didn’t like the change,even if it made life easier.So the new simpler spelling was not popular.More importantly,when the American politicians (政客) discussed the plan,they did not like it either.Because Roosevelt did not want to have any problems with the politicians,he changed his mind and told the printer to go back to the old way of spelling.

Since then no one in any government has dared to simplify English spelling.However,people do simplify some words,mainly in advertisements.For example,we often see “tonite” instead of “tonight” and “thru” instead of “through”.

58.Many people have tried to simplify English spelling because________.

A.English words are too long to remember

B.there are many mistakes in English words

C.lots of words are spelt in many different ways

D.sometimes the same sounds have different spellings

59.Who is NOT a member of the Simplified Spelling Board?

A.Andrew Carnegie.                               B.Melvil Dewey.

C.Theodore Roosevelt.                            D.Brander Matthews.

60.What was Theodore Roosevelt’s attitude towards simplified spelling?

A.Worried.                                             B.Supportive.

C.Uncertain.                                           D.Doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Seven Health Facts about Coffee

Whe.n you’re consideringyour.morning coffee, here are some healthfacts to keep in mind:

1, Coffee Reduces Your Risk of Diabetes(糖尿病)

In a 2005 review of nine studies, researchers found that for those that drank four to six cups of coffee per day, versus only. Two or fewer, their risk for Type 2 diabetes decreased by almost 30 percent. The number decreased:d by 35 percent when people drank more than six cups per da3day.And if you’re picturing yourself f running around the’office with your eyes bugging out of your head, no worries because caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees provided much the same results.

2. Coffee Fights Free Radicals(自由基)

We often forget that coffee is actually a plant and like all plant foods, the coffee bean contains more than 1,000 naturally occurring substances called phytochemicals, which may help prevent disease. Many of these phytochemicals are antioxidants which protect the cells from damage from free radicals.

3. Coffee Improves Memory and Cognition

Researchers reported that volunteers who drank caffeinated coffee in the morning performed better than nondrinkers on tests that involved learning new information. Coffee can also improve cognitive function as we age. One study found that combining coffee with a sweet treat had an even bigger impact.

4. Coffee Can Increase Osteoporosis(骨质疏松)

It s true that coffee can cause the body to excrete calcium in urine. We don’t want the.body to rid itself of calcium because this can lead to osteoporosis. According to The Diet Channel,about five milligrams of calcium is lost per every six ounces of coffee consumed. But these calcium losses can be counter balanced with two tablespoons of milk or yogurt per cup of coffee.

5. Coffee Causes Wrinkles

Even tho,ugh coffee has antioxidants, if you drink too much of it, it can cause wrinkling of the skin. This is a result of dehydration(脱水) which is the worst thing for your skin. So when you’re drinking that morning cup or two, make sure that you’re pairing it with water. Even better,add one tablespoon of chia seeds to your water and let them sit for 30 minutes. The chia seeds keep you even more hydrated than regular water.

6, Coffee Can Actually Cause Weight Gain

The blood sugar changes that a caffeine high produces can contribute enormously to a strong desire for it,’according to iVillage. Coffee is also socially connected to food. For example,we pair coffee with dessert or that morning powdered doughnut. Additionally, when we crash fiom our caffeine high that’s when we reach for all sorts of fatty snacks’ to keep us going.

7. Conventional Coffee Is Laden with Pesticides(杀虫剂)

The coffee plant is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. Lt’s coated with chemicals,pesticides, and herbicides, nothing you’d want to be swallowing. If you do drink coffee, make sure that it’s the organic variety, free from assorted chemicals that.leech into our ground water and can make us sick down the road.

If you switch to decaffeinated coffee, make sure the caffeine(咖啡因) is removed in a natural way without the use of chemicals to do it. Often times, conventional decaffeinated coffee has more chemicals than regular.

41. If you want to decrease the risk of diabetes by 35070, you need to take at least       cups of coffee every day.

A. seven       B. six    C. five      D. four

42.lf you are a heavy drinker of coffee, a far better way to avoid wrinkling of your skin is to drink water      .

A.less than usual   B. regularly       C. with sugar      D. with chia seeds

43. Which of the following statements is wrong?

A. Adding two spoons of milk to a cup of coffee can prevent calcium losses.

B. Decaffeinated coffee has different effects from caffeinated coffee as to diabetes.

C. Many phytochemicals protect the cells from damage from fiee radicals.

D. The organic variety of coffee p/ant is free from assorted chemicals.

44. The author has a/an           attitude towards drinking of coffee.

A. positive     B, negative       C. objective        D. imaginative

