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7.Carrying everything they need on their backs,three friends from England are setting out  to run 39 marathons across Eastern Europe.
Tom,Rob and Guy ran the Marathon des Sables last year and were looking for another  challenge.Where do you go from there?"asks Tom.Then someone said,"Run 1,000 miles".And the idea was born.
The three friends are running from Odessa in Ukraine to Dubrovnik in Croatia in 30 days,to raise awareness of child trafficking(拐卖) and to raise£50,000 for the charity Love 146. The money will enab4 Love 146 to bui4 a home in the UK to provide specialist aftercare to  victims of child trafficking.
 The run-the equivalent of 39 marathons in 30 days-will take in nine different countries and pass through some of Eastern Europe's most remote terrain(地形),without the help  of support vehicles or medical aid.The three men will carry everything they need,sleeping where they can and finding food and water along the way.
"What really inspires us is the idea that people will join us at various points along the way,Forrest Gump-style,"says Tom.If that sounds like your idea of fun,it's not too late to sign up on their website and join them for a spot of extreme fundraising over the next month.The aim is to arrive in Dubrovnik on 3 May.
Only days before they set off,I asked Tom what his biggest concern was at this late Stage.‘‘The cold,"he said."We hadn't imagined Europe would be this cold in April.Some nights the plan is to sleep outside in the camping bags.I'm terrified about the weather."
68.Why did the three friends run across Eastern Europe?B
A.To look for a challenge.
B.To raise money for charityp;
C.To experience Forrest Gump-style.
D.To change people's attitudes on running.
69.W at can we know about Love 146?A
A.It  focuses on child trafficking.   
B.It has many branches in the UK.
C.It is run by Tom,Rob and Guy.    
D.It provides kids with medical aid.
70.Which of the following was a challenge for Tom in the run?A
A.The cold weather.                    B.The long distance.
C.The tough terrain                     D.The necessary aids.
71.What is the purpose of this text?B
A.To solve a problem                    B.To get more people to join in.
C.To tell an interesting story.        D.To present a research result.

分析 本文讲述了三个好朋友Tom,Rob and Guy,从英国出发横跨东欧跑完相当39个马拉松的距离去提高人们对拐卖儿童的认识,为慈善机构Love 146筹集资金5万英镑,用于妥善安置那些被拐卖的儿童.本文的目的是为了让更多的人加入他们,和他们一起帮助被拐卖儿童.

解答 68.B 细节理解题.根据第三段第一句…to raise£50,000 for the charity Love 146可知,他们为慈善机构Love 146筹钱.故选B.
69.A 推理判断题.根据文中第三段最后一句The money will enable Love 146 to build a home in the UK to provide specialist aftercare to  victims of child trafficking.可知,筹集的钱可以使Love 146能为那些被拐卖的孩子在英国得到妥善的安置.由此可知,Love 146是关注儿童拐卖的机构.故选A.
70.A 细节理解题.根据文中最后一段可知,Tom难以想象4月的欧洲是如此的冷,令他害怕晚上在户外露宿.故选A.
71.B 写作意图题.根据倒数第二段的前两句可知,Tom说激励他们跑下去的念头就是沿途有人加入他们,和他们一起募捐.如果谁感兴趣的话,可以随时登录他们的网站,和他们一起在下个月前往募捐地.由此可知,本文的写作目的就是号召更多的人加入,和他们一起为被拐卖的儿童出力.故选B.

点评 细节理解题可根据题干中关键词的提示到原文中去找寻答案;推理判断题需在找到相关语句的基础上去合理推断字里行间所隐藏的信息.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.The hotel wasn't particularly good,but I ______ in many worse hotels.(  )
A.was stayingB.stayedC.would stayD.had stayed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Writing a book review is not like writing a fiction,where you have your freedom to express any type of literary mood.Here,you are limited within the scope,which is related only to the book or the literature and nothing else.To write a proper literary review,you should follow some important dos and don'ts,which are discussed here.
Top 3dos
Select a literature of your choice and read it thoroughly.If required,you should read it multiple times,before you really frame up the literary review in your mind.While reading,try to assimilate the thoughts and philosophy of the author behind the book and also to analyze all the characters and events described in the literary piece.Start to pen down your literary analysis only when you have a complete understanding of the book,and not before that.
Prepare your write-up based on your understanding of the book.Since you are reviewing the book,your opinion plays an important role here.If you prefer any particular character or any particular instance from the book,then expose that character or the situation in your review,to give it more importance.Also determine your preference with supporting logic.Ultimately it is your understanding of the book,and it can differ from others'viewpoint.But you should stick to your opinion.
Follow a proper format to construct your book review.It should have a proper introduction and a conclusion,other than the usual subject body.Distribute the subject body in chapters and paragraphs,to give a nice,structured look.Also,add a list of reference material at the end of the book.A structured material always carries a good impression and also,it helps the reader to go through the article at ease.
Top 3don'ts
Book reviews are not exactly meant for writing a summary on the books.The objective of writing a book review is to arouse the curiosity in the mind of the readers.If someone mentions everything in the summary then the actual intention is lost.
As mentioned earlier,one should not cross your limit to write a literary review.Do not bring up unnecessary topics to increase the length of the write-up,which is not at all related to the book.The readers want to learn about the book and not something irrelevant.Also,a smart and crisp writing helps to create a positive impression.
You can go through reference books or articles on your subject,before you start preparing your article.But that should be completely with the intention of getting help in your understanding of the book.These reference items will help to strengthen your grip on the subject.But,you should never copy a single line of text from any other document or write-up.Plagiarism(剽窃),in any form,is a punishable offence by law.It will also destroy your reputation and close all the future avenues in this field.
If you can follow the above dos and don'ts religiously to write a book review,then it is going to be more original and interesting.

70.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the underlined word"assimilate"in paragraph 2?C
A.stimulate B.fertilize C.digest D.enhance
71.The purpose of writing a review on a book isD.
A.to show your understanding of the thoughts and philosophy of the author behind the book
B.to show that you really stick to your own opinion though you've read the book
C.to arouse readers'curiosity to read more books on irrelevant topics
D.to spark readers'interests in finding the book and reading it
72.Which of the following is NOT true about the"dos"?B
A.Before writing a book review,you'd better read it thoroughly or many times.
B.Write down your literary analysis when reading the book.
C.If you are interested in certain situation in the book,you can hardly give it too much importance in your review.
D.A good review consists of a proper introduction and a conclusion,as well as a nice-structured subject body.
73.The following statements are"don'ts"when writing a summary exceptA.
A.going through reference books or articles on your subject,before you start preparing your  article
B.presenting all the detailed description of the book in the summary
C.the thought or action of putting anything irrelevant to the book into the summary
D.any forms of copying the text from others'written work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.The electric revolution
The main reasons why electric cars are not more popular at present are their price and their relatively small range.
Existing battery systems only allow electric cars (33)to travel (travel) a distance of between 100and 160km.However,this distance may not be a problem for urban drivers.A recent Sydney study reported that 70percent of journeys were 30km or less,and recent data from the US suggests that 77percent of trips (34)taken (take) there are 48km or less.
An innovative company called Better Place is aiming to make electric cars an option for all drivers.It wants to see existing vehicles replaced by electric vehicles which,it says,offer a number of benefits.Firstly,they can be powered by renewable energy which produces zero emissions.(35)What is more important is that electric motors are more efficient and can convert more than 90percent of power into movement.(36)To achieve (achieve) its aim,Better Place plans to use technology already available.
The plan is simple but revolutionary.It starts with the installation of a home charge point,and through this,the vehicle will be plugged into the electricity charge point whenever it is in the garage,typically at night.In the morning,with a fully charged battery,the car is capable of as much as 160km in urban motoring conditions.(37)With the home charge point,the battery can be topped up by charge points at work and at supermarkets.
(38)The battery is linked to a control centre by smart technology inside the vehicle.Better Place can then ensure that the car is charged with electricity from renewable sources at the cheapest price.For (39)longer (long) trips,a navigation system directs the driver to the nearest switch station,(40)where the battery can be replaced with a charged one by a robot within a couple of minutes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.The modern world is full of useful objects that were invented by someone,from spoons and chopsticks in our kitchens to the Ipads in our handbags Each invention is an example of the creative power of the human mind.Where do inventors get their inspirations(灵感)?The inspiration behind each of these inventions varies.
Take the shopping cart as an example.Sylvan Goldman was a grocery store owner.Like most businessmen,he wished that his customers would buy more so that he could make more money.He knew山at if they could carry more goods easily as they were shopping,山en his sales would go up.While thinking about the problem one night,he had an idea.Working with a local handyman named Fred Young,he designed the first shopping cart.Today,retailers who use shopping carts sell more goods and make more profits.
Nature has also inspired inventors throughout history.This is what happened to George de Mestral one day.While hunting with his dog in the Swiss Alps,he noticed how the burs(剌球) of certain plants stuck to his clothing and to his dog's fur.After examining them under a microscope,he found they had tiny hooks that could easily stick to the fibers of clothing or animal hide.For the next ten years,George de Mestral searched for the hest way to produce his idea.The result of his original inspiration was Velcro,which is used in many modem objects,including sportswear,shoes,automobiles,and even space suits.
These examples show us that there are at least two possible inspirations for human Creativity in the world of inventions-profit and nature.No doubt,the future will continue to breathe new life into the economies of the world with fresh ideas and inventions.How many of their creations will be inspired by natural phenomena?The world's problems require creativity and we can expect best solutions from future generations.
25.Why did sales go up in Sylvan Goldman's grocery store after he began providing shopping cartsD?
A.Because grocery stores without shopping carts made less money
B.Because he lowered the prices of his goods.
C.Because customers liked the shopping cart's creative design.
D.Because customers were able to carry more items when shopping.
26.According to the article,which invention shows how nature inspires usC?
A.The bur.B.The shopping cart.C.Velcro.D.Spoon.
27.Which of the following statements would the author most likely disagree withA?
A.The future does not promise many useful inventions.
B.There are many intereting inventions in the world today
C.Companies often  invent things out of profit.
D.Nature inspires creativity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Recently,our school has held the meaningful discussion on whether it is reasonable for middle school students to have classes on weekends.Some of our classmates believe we should have classes on weekends because we can make fully use of the free time to review the lessons we had learnt.Some others are against the opinion,saying we had better to have a good rest on weekends so that we can work effective during the weekdays.The rest agree with neither of the opinion.They have the view which keeping the balance between work and play are both important for us.They suggest one day of the weekend should used to learn our lessons and during the other day we do something interested or have a rest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.他正忙着准备面试. (busy)He is busy (in) preparing for the interview..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-Is Tony the student awarded at the graduation ceremony in your class?
-There is     Tony,but I'm afraid he isn't        one you mentioned.(  )
A.the; theB.a; aC./; theD.a; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bone _____.(  )
A.exposedB.has exposedC.is exposedD.was exposed

