3£®With so many unique attractions£¬world-famous museums and skyscrapers£¬there is always plenty to do in New York£®However£¬sightseeing in New York City might not be the easiest or the cheapest experience£®
This is why our team of real£¬life-long New Yorkers have created the New York Pass£®If you want to discover the best of what this amazing city offers as well as save time and money during your visit£¬the New York Pass is something you should be interested in£®In 2012£¬New York Passes have been used over 2£¬500£¬000 times£®Get your Pass today and join the big savings it offers£º
Free Tickets to 70+Attractions
Free Entry to best attractions in NYC£ºEmpire State Building£¬Statue of Liberty£¬Top of the Rock£¬Circle Line River Cruise£¬Madame Tussaud's£¬Food & Wall Street Tours£¬MET£¬MoMA & Guggenheim Museum£®
Over 1300dollars worth of entrance fees
That's how much it would cost if you went sightseeing in New York and visited all the attractions that New York Pass grants entrance to---without using the Pass£®

Line skipping privileges
As a New York Pass holder£¬you are entitled to fast track entry to some of New York City's busiest attractions-a great benefit saving you time£¬so you can see even more!
Free & Fast Collection Option
Not enough time for delivery£¿Opt£¨Ñ¡¶¨£© for collection and you will be able to pick up your passes at Times Square just a few minutes after placing your order£®

Special Offer£º15% Off 3and 7Day Passes
Buy online & Save in New York City       
Offer Ends£ºThu 20Dec 2013
Available online only---in New York City you will have to pay full price

ProductOriginal Price
One-day adult pass£85
One-day child pass £¨age 4-12£©£60
Two-day adult pass£130
Two-day child pass £¨age 4-12£©£110
Three-day adult pass£180
Three-day child pass £¨age 4-12£©£140
Seven-day adult pass£230
Seven-day child pass £¨age 4-12£©£165
43£®The purpose of this passage is toA£®
A£®promote New York Pass
B£®introduce New York Pass
C£®introduce New York attractions
D£®show New York attractions tickets fee
44£®What could be the lowest price for a Three-day adult pass and a Two-day child pass£¿C
45£®Which of the following is true about New York Pass£¿B
A£®Its holders can save up to 1300 entrance fees£®
B£®Its holders needn't pay for the attractions it covers£®
C£®Its holders needn't queue to enter the attractions it covers£®
D£®It can be picked up at Times Square at any time after you order it£®
46£®The underlined phrase"are entitled to"most probably means"are givenBof"£®
A£®the name         
B£®the privilege   
C£®the title       
D£®the honor£®


½â´ð 43£®A  Ö÷Ö¼´óÒâÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµڶþ¶Î£®If you want to discover the best of what this amazing city offers as well as save time and money during your visit£¬the New York Pass is something you should be interested in£®In 2012£¬New York Passes have been used over 2£¬500£¬000 times£®Get your Pass today and join the big savings it offers£º¿É֪ŦԼͨÐÐÖ¤ÔÚ½â¾öʱ¼äºÍ½ðÇ®·½ÃæÓкܴóµÄ×÷Óã¬ËµÃ÷±¾ÎÄÖ÷ÒªÊÇΪÁËÍƹãŦԼͨÐÐÖ¤£¬¹ÊÑ¡A£®
44£®C  ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý±í¸ñÖÐThree-day adult pass¼Û¸ñÊÇ180£»two-daychildpass£¨age4-12£©¼Û¸ñÊÇ110£®¶øSpecial Offer£º15% Off 3 and 7 Day PassesÖÐÌá¼°3-7ÌìÓаٷÖÖ®15µÄÕÛ¿Û£¬ËùÒÔThree-day adult passÓÖ°Ù·ÖÖ®15µÄÕÛ¿Û£®Òò´ËÒ»¹²µÄ¼Û¸ñÊÇ263ÃÀÔª£¬¹ÊÑ¡C£®
45£®B  ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý±í¸ñµÚÒ»¸ñFree Entry to best attractions in NYC£¬¿ÉÖª³ÖÓÐŦԼͨÐÐÖ¤µÄÈËÔÚ½øÈëһϾ°µãʱÊÇÃâ·ÑµÄ£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
46£®B  ²Â²â´ÊÒåÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝLine skipping privileges  As a New York Pass holder£¬you are entitled to fast track entry to some of New York City's busiest attractionsÖеÄLine skipping privilege¿ÉÖª×÷ΪŦԼͨÐÐÖ¤µÄ³ÖÓÐÕߣ¬ÔÚһЩµØ·½ÄãÊÇÓÐÌØȨµÄ£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®

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Kuringai Chase National Park Guided Walks and Nature Activities
SUNDAY     MAY 7            EASY
Early Morning Stroll in Upper Lane Cove Valley
Meet at 7£º30a£®m£®at the end of Day RD£¬Cheltenham£¬while the bush is alive with birdsong£®
Round trip£º4hours
FRIDAY      MAY 12         MEDIUM
Possum prowl
Meet 7£º30p£®m£®at Seaforth Oval carpark£®Enjoy the peace of the bush at night£®Lovely water views£®Bring torch and wear non-slip shoes as some rock climbing involved£®Coffee and biscuits supplied£®
SUNDAY     JUNE 4            HARD
Baime Basin Track
Meet 9£º30a£®m£®Track#8£¬West Head Road£¬Magnificent Pittwater views£®
Visit Beechwood cottage£®Bring lunch and drink£®Some steep sections£®
Reasonable fitness required£®
FRIDAY    JUNE 6               EASY
Poetry around a campfire
Meet 7£º00p£®m£®Kalkaari Visitor Center£®Share your favourite poem or one of your own with a group around a gently cracking fire£®Drinks and food to follow£®Bring a cup and a blanket £¨or a chair£©£®
Cost£º©†4.00per person£®
SUNDAY    JUNE 25             EASY
Morning Walk at Mitchell Park
Meet 8£º30a£®m£®entrance to Mitchell Park£¬Mitchell Park Rd£®Cattai for a pleasant walk wandering through rainforest£¬river flats and dry forest to swampland£¨ÕÓÔóµØ£©£®Binoculars£¨Ë«Í²ÍûÔ¶¾µ£©a must to bring as many birds live here£®Finish with morning tea£®
EASY      suitable for ALL fitness levels
MEDIUM  for those who PERIODICALLY exercise
HARD     only if you REGULARLY exercise
70£®If you seldom exercise£¬prefer nature to literature and are used to getting up early£¬you're most likely to joinA£®
A£®Early Morning Stroll in Upper Lane Cove Valley
B£®Baime Basin Track
C£®Poetry around a campfire
D£®Morning Walk at Mitchell Park
71£®If you want to enjoy the peace of the bush at night£¬you are required toC£®
A£®meet at 7£º30p£®m£®June 6
B£®bring slippers with you
C£®prepare a torch
D£®climb rocks for two hours
72£®How many guided walks and nature activities provide food or drink£¿C£®
A.1£®  B.2£®  C.3£®  D.4£®
73£®In the activity"Morning Walk at Mitchell Park"£¬one may have no chance toB£®
A£®appreciate bird watching
B£®enjoy mountain climbing
C£®take a relaxing walk
D£®have morning tea£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

6£®There are many good online universities available£®If you are considering this option for getting your degree£¬don't forget to check out this gem£®Rather than give the standard sales pitch I will list the top reasons that I chose Western Governor's University for my master's degree£®
Lower tuition£¨Ñ§·Ñ£©
    The tuition is lower than comparable online schools£®Each term is six months long£¬giving me more time to complete the requirements for the term£®In addition£¬if I finish early and still have time left in my term£¬I can do a part-time job to earn enough money for me schooling£®I find this option to be very cost-effective£®
Flexible courses£®
     If I have learned enough either through life experience£¬on the job training£¬or in class£¬I can take the exam and skip the other course£®For example£¬I learned a great deal about special education law from working in the field£¬attended conferences£¬and took classes for my second bachelor's degree£®1 was able to take the test£¬and pass£¬thus finishing the class quickly and focusing on other areas where I needed more studying time£®
Personal support
    I have a mentor assigned to me£®My mentor is my contact person for questions and support£®I get calls on a regular basis£®We talk about where I am in my studies£¬what my next steps are£¬and any question I may have£®I also have the online Communities where I can go on the discussion with my schoolmates when I have questions£®
Respected degree
    I checked with the State Office of Education to find out if this was a good way to go£®I learned that a degree from Western Governor's University Was a respected degree that is considered comparable to a degree from a traditional brick and mortar£¨»ÒÄࣩuniversity£®
    I am nearly finished with my degree from Western Governor's University£®I gain confidence in my abilities£¬and I am very happy with my decision£®

36£®From this passage we learn that Western Governor's UniversityD 
A£®is a key American university     
B£®attracts a great number of students
C£®is a brick and mortar university   
D£®is a good online university
37£®How can the author get enough money for his schooling£¿B
A£®He depends on his family's support   
B£®He does a part-time job to pay for it£®
C£®He studies hard to get scholarship£®  
D£®He has a good job and a good pay£®
38£®We can infer that the authorA£®
A£®had received a bachelor's degree        
B£®Hover went to university before
C£®wanted to study special education law   
D£®only studied the courses he liked
39£®How does the author get in touch with his mentor£¿B
A£®He calls his mentor at regular time£®
B£®His mentor calls him at regular intervals£®
C£®He calls on his mentor every few days£®
D£®He often talks with his mentor online£®
40£®The author writes the articleC£®
A£®in order to let others know his studies and dream
B£®in order to cause others to like online universities
C£®to use his experience to praise his university
D£®to show what he chooses is always right£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí


The saying that practice makes perfect mean that after you have plenty of practice in what you were doing£¬you will be perfect in it£®If you want improve your study and work£¬remembering that the most important thing is how to put the knowledge you have learned into practice£®For example£¬when learning a language£¬though you can make full use for your talent£¬practice is necessary£®If you only learn grammar rules by the heart and don't do enough exercise£¬it's certain that you can't understand the language perfectly£®But if you real practise a lot£¬maybe you will understand them much better£®In this way£¬you can apply that you have learned better£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí

With more and more cars come into our families£¬we are happy that it has greatly improved our life£®But unlucky£¬it has also brought many problems£¬such heavy traffic and traffic accidents£®
Traffic safety is everybody's business£®We must obey the rules£®For examples£¬we must walk on the sidewalks£®When we cross zebra-crossing£¬stop and look right and left£¬and then go across fast£®Don't play the football on the road£®Beside£¬we can tell our parents not to drink before we drive£¬not to run through red lights£¬not to use cell-phones while driven etc£®
We can say cars are coming into our life£¬but only when everybody thought traffic safety is his or her business can we be safe driving on roads and walk on sidewalks£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

8£®Founded in 1764 by French traders£¬St£®Louis today is the fifteenth largest urban area in the United States£®There are many attractive destinations for touists£®
¡ïAmerican Kennel Club Museum of the Dog
Dog lovers who visit St£®Louis won't want to miss this 14£¬000-square-foot museum£®Inside are over 500paintings£¬prints£¬watercolors£¬and a variety of other dog art objects£®
The Museum is open year round£¬Tuesday through Saturday 10AM to 4PM£¬and Sunday 1PM to 5PM£®Admission is¡ç5for adults£¬¡ç2.50for seniors£¬and¡ç1for children up to 14£®
¡ïAnheuser Busch Brewery
The Anheuser Buxch Brewery tour is not just for beer lovers£®The tour includes the historic Brew House£®Then the tour continues to the modern Bevo Packaging Plant£®The best will be the Budweiser Clydesdale stables£®The tours are always free£®
¡ïGateway Arch
Designed by Eero Sarinen and Hannskari Bandel£¬it took over two years and 900tons of stainless steel to build£®It is the tallest of the country's National Monuments£®The Arch is part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial£®About one milion people per year come to the top of the Arch£¬where there is an observation platform providing a great view of the city£®
¡ïThe St£®Louis Zoo
First version of the St£®Louis Zoo opened in 1904at the St£®Louis World's Fair£¬but in the century since it has grown into one of the chief zoos in the world£®The passenger train takes visitors around the Zoo£¬which contains over 9£¬000animals of over 800species£®
The Zoo is open every day but Christmas and New Year£¬with summer hours of 8AM to 7PM£¬and hours the rest of the year of 9AM to 5PM£®Admission to the Zoo is free£®

60£®If a senior high school student plans to visit American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog with his parents and his five-year-old brother£¬he has to payC£®
61£®If you are interested in how to make beer£¬you can visitB£®
A£®The St£®Louis Zoo
B£®Anheuser Busch Brewery
C£®Gateway Arch
D£®American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog
62£®Which of the following statements about Gateway Arch is TRUE£¿A
A£®People can see the city clearly on the top of the Arch£®
B£®It was designed by two famous Italian architects£®
C£®It took 900tons of stainless steel and cement to build£®
D£®It is the largest of the country¡®s National Monuments£®
63£®If you plan to visit the St£®Louis Zoo£¬you can go thereD£®
A£®on New Year¡®Day
B£®on Christmas Day
C£®at 5£º30p£®m£®in winter
D£®at 8£º30a£®m£®in summer£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

High school students are overweight£¬out of shape and not interested in sports£®And according to high school officials across the country£¬the situation is not getting better£¬based on a recent study claiming that high school student fitness has declined steadily for the last twenty-five years£®This has put many high schools in a dilemma£ºthey want students to become more fit£¬but they also fear that strenuous£¨¾çÁҵģ© exercise may harm their unfit students£®
As a result£¬a number of high schools have cancelled long-distance running as part of their sports meetings£¬saying the races were cancelled because of lack of interest£¬but in the back of their minds£¬they must have also been thinking of the forty students in China between 2002and 2010who died suddenly after running long-distance races£®
Long-distance running is not for the casual jogger£®It is a sport that requires strength and endurance and a great deal of training£®Most high school students have trouble running 1000meters without huffing and puffing £¨Æø´­ÓõÓõ£©£®Five thousand meters£¬for them£¬is just a race too far£®But by cancelling the race£¬high schools are sending mixed signals about fitness to their students£ºget fit£¬but don't sweat£®
Some people show their understanding towards the cancellation of long distance running but more people criticize these schools£¬saying they try to run away from the problem instead of solving it£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

12£®Nearly 80 percent of female respondents said men ______ less than 4£¬000yuan a month should not start a relationship£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®earnedB£®earningC£®having earnedD£®to earn


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

13£®Microsoft just finished a three-month experiment operating an underwater data center£®A server rack£¨·þÎñÆ÷Ö§¼Ü£© with the power of about 300PCs was placed into a water-tight£¨·ÀË®£© steel container and lowered into the ocean off the coast of central California£®
The unusual experiment was launched because current data centers are unpleasantly inefficient£®They're built where energy and land are cheap £¨not close to where people actually live£©£®And they waste so much energy cooling their massive computers£®The ocean can solve those problems£®The cold ocean floor sufficiently cools the computing components inside the pod£®And since most people live near the ocean£¬placing data centers under water could potentially increase the speed at which customers could access the information stored in Microsoft's cloud£®
The experiment was so successful that Microsoft operated the underwater data center for 75days longer than it had planned to£®The next step is to get a larger pod£¬with about four times the computing power£¬under the ocean for testing£®Unlike the first experiment£¬the next pod will also be equipped with turbines£¬which will transform the ocean's currents into electricity£®It's not clear when£¬if ever£¬underwater data centers will become a possible product£®"Our first experiment was like dipping our pinkie toe in the water£¬and now we're going for the big toe£¬"said Lee£¬corporate vice president of Microsoft Research£®
Microsoft is still analyzing the environmental impacts of the study£®Data centers are both hot and loud£¬which could have damaging effects on ocean life£®Microsoft found that the noise its underwater data center produced was drowned out by nearby shrimp and crabs£®The data centers are also built from recyclable materials£¬and Microsoft believes that the total carbon footprint of underwater data centers will be"dramatically lower"than current land-based centers£®
Given the growth in the cloud£¬industry analysts believe that most of the world's data centers have yet to be built£®But building a data center takes at least two years-an  eternity in the fast-developing tech industry£®As a result£¬Microsoft builds its data centers with the future in mind£¬installing far more computing power and space than it currently needs£®
Lee believes that going under water can shift the building of data centers from construction projects to manufacturing jobs£®"What if we could mass-produce these pods on an assembly line£¿"he thought£®"We could deliver a data center£¬from conception to operation£¬in 90days£®That's dramatically different than what's happening today£®"

62£®What is the advantage of an underwater data center£¿D
A£®It can be lowered to the ocean floor easily£®
B£®It can cool computing components automatically£®
C£®It can be built close to the place where people live£®
D£®It can make information easily accessible to people£®
63£®We can infer that the underwater data centersB£®
A£®cause little harm to the ocean life  B£®are more environmentally friendly
C£®change the course of ocean currents  D£®are easy to build in large quantities
64£®The underlined word"eternity"in Paragraph 5means"A"£®
A£®an extremely long time  B£®an extended period
C£®a seemingly short time  D£®a fruitful period
65£®The passage tries to inform readers thatC£®
A£®an experiment was made in operating a data center
B£®Microsoft will mass-produce pods on an assemble line
C£®Microsoft succeeded in putting a data center underwater
D£®underwater data centers are more efficient than land-based ones£®

