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About 10 years ago I taught a group of children to sail.They were bright, enthusiastic and as eager to    36    life as any other children.All, however, had a serious    37   .Three were in wheelchairs.One was nearly blind and two walked with difficulty, and another two    38   a lot from Cerebral palsy(脑瘫).

Matthew was among them.His hands, arms, legs, and even his voice were all distorted(扭曲) from the disease.To speak, Matthew had the help of a    39   .Slowly, and with determination, he would      40   with distorted hands, letter by letter, what he wanted to say.Yet he was always bright and cheerful and loved to   41    everything his classmates were doing, both in the boat and in the classroom.

They learnt fast and enjoyed every minute of the   42    .But I think that 1 was the one who learned the greatest lesson.One day the sailing centre was    43    by a storm.Rather than   44   the session we decided to work in a classroom.All the children   45    .Just like other children they all wanted to answer the questions I asked.

Often they would loudly    46    each other, trying to get an answer in before one of the others.But when Matthew wanted to answer a question it was   47    .All of a sudden they all   48    .Matthew whispered and gestured at his letter board.They    49     with great patience. Matthew  50   with dogged persistence(坚持) until the answer was  51   .When Matthew had answered his question the children were, almost magically, transformed back into a group of_52   and enthusiastic children.

All of these children were heroes in their own way.But the   53   they afforded to Matthew with his most severe disabilities was   54   .If only the rest of the world were able to learn to afford care, respect and help to someone less  55    than themselves, violence and intolerance would possibly be gone.

36.A.enjoy              B.start                 C.experience          D.lead

37.A.shortcoming        B.disability              C.injury              D.habit

38.A.learned             B.changed             C.suffered              D.spent

39.A.letter-board         B.tape-recorder          C.computer                                    D.microphone

40.A.show off          B.point out             C.give away          D.take in

41.A.understand         B.criticize             C.remember          D.try

42.A.days                       B.classes                    C.treatment                D.life

43.A.blocked                  B.hit                          C.occupied                 D.flown

44.A.complete                 B.check                     C.escape                    D.cancel

45.A.ran away                B.got tired                  C.joined in                  D.fell asleep

46.A.fight                       B.limit                        C.interrupt                 D.stop

47.A.hopeless                 B.funny                     C.difficult                  D.different

48.A.whispered               B.smiled                     C.quieted                   D.left

49.A.laughed                   B.waited                    C.continued                D.recorded

50.A.struggled                B.thought                   C.practiced                D.waved

51.A.cried out                 B.typed out                C.spelled out              D.signed out

52.A.noisy                      B.polite                      C.diligent                   D.clumsy

53.A.thank                      B.praise                     C.pleasure                 D.patience

54.A.attractive                B.angry                      C.considerate             D.inspiring

55.A.fortunate                 B.exciting                   C.responsible              D.careful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




I’m a TV show host.One Sunday,I   36   my 7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch.On arriving at the beach,I saw JoJo,a   37   man in the hotel business.We sat down to chat in an open air cafe   38   I watched my daughter enjoy herself on the swings in front of us.

Suddenly our conversation was    39   by a stranger,who politely asked    40   to speak to me.Often people want to tell me   41   about my controversial TV show,when

I’m out on the   42  .

He asked to speak to me   43   ,so we stood a bit away from my table.He said,

“I’m James,father of a 7-year-old girl,who’s very sick.The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK,she would probably   44   .But I’m poor,so can you please help me?”

Speechless,I stared in the man’s eyes full of   45   and asked how l could help.After we talked for a while,I went to sit back.JoJo asked me,“What’s wrong with you?Your

  46   changed.”I told him and he was very sorry for this sick child.

All weekend I   47   James,his daughter and his family.I even considered doing a special TV show to   48   money for this sick child.

On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished   49   my show,when JoJo walked  into my office.Actually JoJo is so   50   and I never imagined he had time to come and see me.

“Please,call the man   51   the sick child and tell him that I’ll   52   all expenses for his sick daughter’s treatment.”JoJo said,with a   53   in his hand.“I’ve been married for 35 years,I wasn’t lucky enough to   54   a child.l want to help this child now.”I   55   the phone to call James.

36.A.held   B.took   C.shipped  D.sent

37.A.serious  B.smart  C.wealthy  D.diligent

38.A.while  B.before   C.after       D.thongh

39.A.spread  B.interrupted   C.heard   D.announced

40.A.question  B.advice   C.support   D.permission

41.A.everything  B.anything   C.nothing   D.something

42.A.streets  B.trips  C.spots      D.beaches

43.A.privately  B.loudly   C.quietly   D.secretly

44.A.escape  B.control   C.survive  D.deserve

45.A.doubts  B.scare  C.excitement      D.tears

46.A.temper  B.face  C.voice      D.style

47.A.looked after   B.cared for    C.thought about      D.asked about

48.A.raise     B.make    C.earn    D.save

49.A.discussing  B.presenting  C.writing  D.practising

50.A.proud  B.rich  C.busy D.careful

51.A.on  B.for   C.up    D.with

52.A.pay    B.spend    C.share      D.gain

53.A.paper     B.check  C.pen        D.letter

54.A.help  B.adopt  C.attend      D.have

55.A.held on    B.got through    C.picked up       D.turned on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




“It’s no use,Mum,”said Johnny.“I’m just no good at dancing.”

“You’ve got to keep trying.Tonight will be   36   ,dear.Try a turn with that pretty Lisette.”

Johnny   37   .Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week.He and his parents went to the   38   at the Club,where his hero,Alcide,played the accordion(手风琴)with the band.But lately everything had changed.Now that Johnny was older,he was   39   to dance with a girl!

    40    Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club,music had already started.Johnny got up his

   41  to approach Lisette.“May I have this dance?”Johnny asked.“That’s all right,”said Lisette.Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisette’s   42   steps,but he was always one beat behind her.Then Johnny heard his friend Pierre say,“Look!Johnny has two left feet!”   43   burst from the crowd.Johnny   44   and ran outside,determined never to go to another dance.

The next Saturday,Alcide   45   to Johnny’s house for some potatoes.He happened to hear Johnny playing the accordion.Alcide’s eyes   46   .“Bring that accordion and play some songs tonight,”Alcide said.Then he drove off,leaving Johnny staring openmouthed   47   him.

At the Club,Johnny scanned the crowd for Lisette and   48   her.The band played for a long time before Alcide said,“Dear friends,I got a   49   for you tonight.Young Johnny is going to join us!”    50    ,Johnny stepped up on the platform,his eyes on the floor.He began to play,and the band

    51     behind him.When the song ended,he heard cheers.Johnny kept playing until the dance was    

   52   .“You did a fine job tonight.Play with us again next Saturday night,”Alcide said.“Yes,sir!”said Johnny.     53      he went outside,Johnny saw Lisette and her friends near the door.Lisette stepped

   54   ,smiling.“You played really good tonight!”she said.

“Thank you,”Johnny blushed(脸红).As he walked on,Pierre   55   moved out of the way for him to pass.

Johnny patted his accordion.Come to think of it,in his whole life,he had never once seen Alcide out on the dance floor.

36.A.difficult            B.troublesome              C.different            D.terrible

37.A.answered          B.sighed                    C.smiled             D.laughed

38.A.platform           B.appointment               C.meeting            D.dance

39.A.expected           B.invited                   C.allowed            D.chosen

40.A.If                 B.Since                    C.Though            D.When

41.A.spirits             B.feelings                  C.courage             D.strength

42.A.smooth            B.clumsy                   C.slow               D.small

43.A.Shouts             B.Laughter                 C.Applause            D.Cheers

44.A.broke away         B.went out                 C.broke up             D.turned out

45.A.ran                B.walked                  C.drove                D.cycled

46.A.opened             B.rolled                   C.sharpened             D.widened

47.A.off                B.with                    C.after                  D.for

48.A.caught             B.searched                 C.sought                D.spotted

49.A.surprise            B.puzzle                  C.story                  D.joke

50.A.Struggling          B.Trembling               C.Wandering             D.Whispering

51.A.got round           B.joined in                C.turned around           D.showed off

52.A.in                 B.out                     C.over                  D.on

53.A.As                B.Because                 C.Until                  D.So

54.A.backward          B.forward                  C.onward                D.downward

55.A.still               B.even                    C.ever                   D.almost


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解





  She was 80 years old but still very active.In this small town, not much happened.It was just another 21 day for a senior citizen living by herself. 22 she even has several great grandchildren.she was often alone.With the need of some small things and a 23 to get outside and be 24 people,she went shopping. 

  Buying just six items, she 25 for the checkout.

  He wandered the 26 .He’d come for a cup of hot coffee and perhaps someone to 27 with.The coffee was good.which always was,but 28 wanted to chat with fin old man. 29 ,he was about to leave when he saw her.

  “Morning,Ma’am.”He smiled.“You 30 leave yet.”

  She turned and found a gentleman smiling and 3 1 what she'd selected.“Your basket is not 32 .”

  “No need to buy a lot.No one to eat it.”she replied.

  He 33 at her for a moment and said,“I'm so 34 ! My beloved all died.”His

eyes softened.“I just 35 my little Brownie.”          “Sorry.”She felt her own eyes 36 .He was as alone as she was.

 37 a brave face.he said,“It’s OK.I hope I call find another dog like her.She was such a joy. 38 someone needed me.She gave me purpose.But now my days are empty.”

  Twenty minutes passed by.It was time to part.Suddenly he looked back at her and asked softly.“Can I give you a hug?”

  A bit surprised.but fully understanding his need,she 39

  There they stood,in a warm hug,in a busy store,on a normal day,which was made 40 by a simple hug.

21.A.happy  B.empty  C.exciting   D.comfortable

22.A.Although  B.If  C.Since   D.As

23.A.preparation  B.trouble  C.desire   D.view

24.A.for  B.among  C.between   D.above

25.A.gathered  B.traveled  C.rushed   D.headed

26.A.restaurant  B.street  C.store   D.square

27.A.argue  B.walk  C.play D.  talk

28.A.neither  B.anyone  C.no one   D.everyone

29.A.Disappointed  B.Excited  C.Astonished   D.Encouraged

30.A.needn't  B.can’t  C.daren’t   D.mustn’t

3 1.A.sticking to  B.referring to  C.devoting to   D.pointing to

32.A.full  B.empty  C.crowded   D.enough

33.A.came  B.1aughed  C.stared   D.glanced

34.A.eager  B.10nely  C.quiet   D.worried

35.A.1ost  B.forgot  C.1eft   D.raised

36.A.open  B.hurt  C.dry   D.wet

37.A.Putting up  B.Putting down  C.Putting on   D.Putting out

38.A.At most  B.At least  C.At first   D.At last

39.A.accepted  B.refused  C.received   D.showed

40.A.common  B.formal  C.usual   D.special


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Rachel Carson was an American author and environmental protection scientist. “Silent Spring” was her most famous book. The idea for the book developed from a suggestion from a friend. Rachel’s friend owned a protected area for birds. An airplane had flown over the area where the birds were kept and spread a powerful chemical called DDT. Many songbirds and harmless insects were killed by the DDT.

Miss Carson and other scientists were very concerned about the harmful effects of DDT and other insect-killing chemicals called pesticides (杀虫剂). Rachel Carson tried to get many magazines interested in publishing a report about the subject. However, none would agree to publish anything about such a disputed (有争议的) subject. They said no one wanted to hear that industrial companies could cause great ecological damage.

Miss Carson believed the public needed to know about this important issue. She decided to write a book about it. In her book “Silent Spring”, Miss Carson questioned the right of industrial companies to pollute without considering the effects on the environment. Miss Carson argued that this kind of pollution would result in ever-decreasing populations of birds and other wildlife. She said this would lead to the loss of the wonderful sounds of nature. The chemical poisoning of the environment, she said, would cause a silent spring.

The chemical industry felt threatened. Industry spokesmen and other critics said the book was non-scientific and emotional. They misunderstood the message of the book. Miss Carson did not suggest that all pesticides be banned. She urged that control of these substances be given to biologists who could make informed decisions about the risks involved.

Support for the book increased. By the end of 1962, there were more than forty bills in state laws proposing to control pesticides. Finally, in November, 1969, the United States government ruled that the use of DDT must stop in two years.

Rachel Carson did not live to see how her book influenced the government’s decision to ban DDT.  She died of breast cancer in 1964. 

71. What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?

A. Rachel’s friend was concerned about bird protection.

B. Rachel wrote a lot of books about chemicals.

C. DDT kills both insects and plants in the wild.

D. An airplane spread DDT to kill harmless insects.

72. No magazines agreed to publish the harmful effect of DDT because ______.

A. it was an unimportant subject for them

B. they were afraid of being involved in the dispute

C. they had no environmental consciousness at all

D. DDT was necessary for industry development

73. In her book “Silent Spring”, Miss Carson ______.

A. supported the development of industry

B. predicted bird population would increase

C. showed her anxiety about the environment

D. was confused about the cause of a silent spring

74. Industry spokesman’s attitude towards the book is that of ______.

A. tolerance           B. criticism            C. unconcern         D. praise

75. Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. DDT was forbidden to be used once “Silent Spring” was published.

B. Miss Carson was glad to see her book was appreciated by all.

C. Miss Carson suggested all pesticides should be banned.

D. Rachel’s book contributed a lot to the ban of DDT.

