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“Up until about five years ago, students at this school could have worn anything they wanted on Halloween,” said Rosemarie Nielson, a sixth-grade teacher at St. Theresa School, a Roman Catholic elementary school in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx where there is a prohibition on toy weapons.

“When you consider all the horrific things that have happened in recent years, including 9/11, I can’t blame any school for wanting to stay away from anything that might promote violence,” Ms. Nielson said.

Mary Ellen Manniello, whose daughter, Courtney, 9, is a fourth grader at St. Gabriel School, a Roman Catholic elementary school in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, said she understood why officials had banned weapons with costumes. “They’re learning more about guns from issues in the street than educational issues.”

This year, the school has gone one step further and is prohibiting all costumes at its Halloween festivities. Ms. Manniello said it had become “a chaotic scene,” with parents helping their children change into their costumes at school.

Some parents said the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes went too far and denied children a chance to express themselves.

“Halloween has always been the one day when it was acceptable for our children to be dressed like somebody they are not, like a cowboy or a pirate or a person from outer space, and now we’re taking that away from them,” said Laura Santoro, a nurse from New Milford, Conn., whose 7-year-old son, Johnny, is a second grader at Northville Elementary School there.

Ms. Santoro said that her son would dress as Capt. Jack Sparrow, the character played by Johnny Depp in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, at the school’s Halloween party, but that he would not be allowed to take a sword — part of a policy that caught her by surprise last Halloween.

“I sent my son to school last year dressed as a special force Power Ranger, and he was told that he couldn’t take along his red laser blaster, which really surprised me, because the laser is red and made of plastic and lights up, and it could never, ever be mistaken for a real gun,” Ms. Santoro said. “I mean, come on, the whole thing is getting really sad.”

53. What do you think is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?

   A. To introduce to the public the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes.

   B. To state parents’ attitudes towards the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes.

   C. To tell the public that children should bring any weapons for Halloween costumes.

   D. To analyse the fact that the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes goes too far.

54. According to the passage, some parents understand the no-weapon policy for Halloween costumes because ____________.

   A. schools should take a cautious approach to Halloween to prevent violence.

   B. children are buying real guns in the street and there is always violence now.

   C. those parents like to help their children change into their costumes at school.

   D. children are learning more about guns from educational issues.

55. Which of the following is probably right according to the passage?

   A. Children could bring any weapons into school five or six years ago.

   B. The parents surveyed are those whose children are in elementary schools.

   C. Guns are necessary on Halloween for children to express themselves.

   D. Jack Sparrow is an actor who at one time acted as a pirate in a movie.

56. What do the underlined words “laser blaster” in the last paragraph refer to?

   A. A kind of costume.                           B. A real gun.

   C. A toy weapon.                                 D. A kind of plastic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The first ting we do is to put an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the country.

Next we telephone the hospitals. Often the person we are looking for has been in an accident.

Then we might try parents, friends or relatives they might be with. We try to follow their movements and to find the last person they saw in local or national papers—especially papers they might read. There are other things we can do: put posters in places where they might be, go on television.

Here in America there is a magazine in which there are photographs of missing children. This is often the last hope. Of course, with nearly two million missing children every year, we can’t do all these things for everyone. We haven’t got the time, or the money , or the people who work for it. 

Who do they look for?

A. Criminals.

B. The drivers who have caused accidents.

C. News reports.

D. Missing children.

How many ways to find the missing children are mentioned in the passage?

A. Five.   B. Six.   C. Two.   D. Seven.

When a person is reported to be missing, they     .

A. might not know the exact reason   B. might find out the reason first

C. set out to look for him at once     D. first turn to the police for help

They put photos in newspapers or put posters because they think    .

A. people will tell them what will happen to the missing persons

B. the missing persons might come back after reading them

C. everyone will know the missing persons

D. all the people will read them

According to the passage, when they are looking for a missing child, they  .

A. can always find him

B. couldn’t always try every way mentioned above

C. just try one way or another

D. won’t give up until they find him


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省宁波市2010届高三第二学期模拟测试 题型:阅读理解

“Up until about five years ago, students at this school could have worn anything they wanted on Halloween,” said Rosemarie Nielson, a sixth-grade teacher at St. Theresa School, a Roman Catholic elementary school in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx where there is a prohibition on toy weapons.
“When you consider all the horrific things that have happened in recent years, including 9/11, I can’t blame any school for wanting to stay away from anything that might promote violence,” Ms. Nielson said.
Mary Ellen Manniello, whose daughter, Courtney, 9, is a fourth grader at St. Gabriel School, a Roman Catholic elementary school in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, said she understood why officials had banned weapons with costumes. “They’re learning more about guns from issues in the street than educational issues.”
This year, the school has gone one step further and is prohibiting all costumes at its Halloween festivities. Ms. Manniello said it had become “a chaotic scene,” with parents helping their children change into their costumes at school.
Some parents said the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes went too far and denied children a chance to express themselves.
“Halloween has always been the one day when it was acceptable for our children to be dressed like somebody they are not, like a cowboy or a pirate or a person from outer space, and now we’re taking that away from them,” said Laura Santoro, a nurse from New Milford, Conn., whose 7-year-old son, Johnny, is a second grader at Northville Elementary School there.
Ms. Santoro said that her son would dress as Capt. Jack Sparrow, the character played by Johnny Depp in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, at the school’s Halloween party, but that he would not be allowed to take a sword — part of a policy that caught her by surprise last Halloween.
“I sent my son to school last year dressed as a special force Power Ranger, and he was told that he couldn’t take along his red laser blaster, which really surprised me, because the laser is red and made of plastic and lights up, and it could never, ever be mistaken for a real gun,” Ms. Santoro said. “I mean, come on, the whole thing is getting really sad.”
53. What do you think is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?
A. To introduce to the public the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes.
B. To state parents’ attitudes towards the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes.
C. To tell the public that children should bring any weapons for Halloween costumes.
D. To analyse the fact that the no-weapons policy for Halloween costumes goes too far.
54. According to the passage, some parents understand the no-weapon policy for Halloween costumes because ____________.
A. schools should take a cautious approach to Halloween to prevent violence.
B. children are buying real guns in the street and there is always violence now.
C. those parents like to help their children change into their costumes at school.
D. children are learning more about guns from educational issues.
55. Which of the following is probably right according to the passage?
A. Children could bring any weapons into school five or six years ago.
B. The parents surveyed are those whose children are in elementary schools.
C. Guns are necessary on Halloween for children to express themselves.
D. Jack Sparrow is an actor who at one time acted as a pirate in a movie.
56. What do the underlined words “laser blaster” in the last paragraph refer to?
A. A kind of costume.                           B. A real gun.
C. A toy weapon.                                 D. A kind of plastic.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江哈三中高三第二次高考模拟英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—It’s years ____you broke up then.

—Yes. I have regretted the decision. It was long ____I realized I had mistaken him.

A.until; after     B.when; before

C.since; before D.when; until



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省济宁市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence. That  36 two out of every three people simply don’t know the 37 they already have to be successful when it’s  38 there in their hands!  39 if you want others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. Remember: “No one can make you feel inferior (差的) unless you  40 them.” A successful businessman says, “You can’t push anyone up a ladder  41 he knows he can climb himself.”

Many of us have an image  42 , the image(形象)we have of ourselves.  43 one guy put it: “You can’t win a horse race if you think you look  44 on a horse.” To succeed, the first person you have to  45 is yourself! So stop believing your own lies about yourself. Just  46 your mind and you’ll change your life.

One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life is the two little words:“47 ”. You know that people used to   48 that if human beings traveled faster than 30 miles an hour it would  49 our circulation(循环)of blood and kill us? Thank goodness a few people didn’t believe that  50 thinking, or we wouldn’t be riding in cars, buses, and flying in airplanes today. You’ll never know until you  51 .

Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. But  52 he did it, most people in the world didn’t think it was even   53 Yet only weeks after Bannister did it, suddenly  54 all over the world began running a mile in less than 4 minutes! If we believe something can be done, we’ll  55  do it.

1.                A.reflects         B.means          C.reads D.explains


2.                A.chance         B.strength        C.reason   D.ability


3.                A.immediately     B.properly        C.right D.accurately


4.                A.But            B.Because        C.What D.While


5.                A.challenge       B.let             C.admit D.help


6.                A.if             B.except         C.unless    D.until


7.                A.quiz           B.question        C.mystery  D.problem


8.                A.As             B.When          C.While    D.Since


9.                A.curious         B.good-looking     C.funny    D.serious


10.               A.knock          B.beat           C.strike D.defend


11.               A.settle          B.bend          C.fix   D.change


12.               A.I failed         B.Not me.        C.I can’t   D.Can I?


13.               A.think          B.imagine        C.expect    D.doubt


14.               A.start           B.help           C.close D.stop


15.               A.empty         B.silly            C.reasonable D.terrible


16.               A.realize         B.try            C.understand D.judge


17.               A.before         B.after           C.since D.because


18.               A.likely          B.unbelievable    C.impossible D.possible


19.               A.runners        B.workers        C.competitors    D.players


20.               A.simply         B.seldom         C.usually    D.never



