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1. She never lost her b ____   in God.
2. The poor old man s____to death.
3. On our a____at the airport, we received a warm welcome.
4. Yao Ming is a very strong and e_____    basketball player.
5. Christmas is a r____festival in westem countries.
6.The children played a____(恶作剧)on their friends.
7.The girl____herself    (打扮)as a nurse.
8.They are building the stadium____(昼夜).
9.The children are _____   (玩得开心)each other in the park now.
10. They look after each other _____   (好像)they were sisters.
1. belief   2. starved   3. arrival  4. energetic   5. religious  
6. trick  7. dressed; up   8. day and night  9. having fun with   10. as though/if

科目:高中英语 来源:河北省期中题 题型:填空题

1. His temper's been changeable this week, so don't _____(使烦恼)him.
2. We must telephone our _____(祝贺)to the happy couple.
3. The sad story moved me to tears of _____(同情).
4. _____(伴随)by cheerful music, we began to dance.
5. Those _____(目击证人)played a very important role in the case.
6. She has very _____(狭窄的 / 狭隘的)ideas about religion.
7. Everyone in the class is expected to _____(参加)in the discussion.
8. Mail comes to this _____(偏僻的 / 遥远的)village only once a week..
9. We reached our _____(目的地), tired and hungry.
10. Honey can _____(代替)for sugar in this recipe.


科目:高中英语 来源:0118 期末题 题型:填空题

     Directions: Complete the following sentences according to the first given letter or the Chinese in
the sentence.
1. When taking a train trip, it's often good to buy your tickets in a_______.
2. — Did you go to see The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn during the holiday?
    — Sorry, I couldn't afford the time. My teachers gave us too much homework, so my s_____ was full.
3. We took a ten-hour f______ to Vancouver from Shanghai, which was really tiring.
4. Children are naturally c_______ about everything around them.
5. Do you think Howard Carter was a great e _______?
6. In this heavenly world, people live in perfect ________ (和谐, 融洽) with nature and the outside world.
7. Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been ______(正式地) recorded.
8. We are in great need of money for the _______ (科学的) research.
9. I ______(目击) a traffic accident this morning.
10. There wasn't enough ______ (证据) to prove his guilt.


科目:高中英语 来源:天津月考题 题型:填空题

1. Much to his mother's surprise, the boy's a         is to become a pilot.
2. Good teaching methods should c         education with pleasure.
3. Do you remember the word the teacher m     last time?
4. Most of the stars in the sky are i     to the naked eyes because they are too far away from us.
5. If you have any trouble, do not h       to come to me, I'd like to help you very much.
6. As we all know, Canada is one of the largest       (移民) countries in the world.
7. You must make an       (道歉) to her for not letting her know it ahead of time.
8. All of the climbers are in a state of       (筋疲力尽) after reaching the top of the mountain.
9. You should be more          (体谅的) towards young people on this issue.
10. Do you know how many Chinese sites there are on the World      (遗产) List?


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. The eruption of a____(火山)often brings lava and ash clouds.
2. Typhoon forms in the Pacific while____(飓风)forms in the Atlantic.
3. The police car pulled up____(在旁边).
4. He____(任命)Williams as his deputy in the city of New York.
5. The ship began to sink, and___(不幸),nobody was able to swim.
6. Tourism is a____(喷泉)of wealth of the country.
7. I____(绝对)agree with what he said.
8. His car was then running with a f___ speed.
9. She has the p___ to become a world-class pianist.
10. The little white lamb was the most p___ gift Mary's husband gave her.
11. She was accepted into the multinational company, for she was very i___ in the interview.
12. Dickens was one of the greatest English n___ of the 18th century.
13. The idea might p___ the investors.
14. I felt so cold that my hands began to t___.
15. If you are worried about your health, then share your a with your doctor.


科目:高中英语 来源:上海期末题 题型:填空题

     Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only be used once. One word
is not needed.
A. number     B. enables    C. creative    D. immediate      AB. afford
AC. application   AD. resources   BC. visual   BD. experiened   CD. image
     VR is an emerging technology that has demonstrated potential as an effective teaching tool.
Researchers at the University of Washington have been at the forefront of exploring the   1   of VR to
education. In 1995, for example, almost 3,000 students in grades four to twelve    2   VR in the
classroom, and another 365 built their own virtual environments (VEs).
     Make no mistake, virtual reality is on its way into our public schools. The   3   of articles about VR
in educational journals is increasing by leaps and bounds. Workshops and symposia on VR at local and
national education conferences are becoming commonplace. At the same time, the cost of what were
once expensive VR workstations is coming down to the point where schools can begin to   4   them.
     Virtual Reality allows us to learn through experiencing places we are not able to visit in the real world.
It     5   us to move things that are too heavy, too light or too expensive to move in the real world. Virtual
Reality also lets us visit places at different time periods that we could not experience in one lifetime. For
example, we could build a VE that allows us to visit our earth today and then travel back in time and visit
it 100 million years ago.
     Virtual Reality allows us to experience a body of knowledge interactively. This is a major distinction
from other   6   technologies: film, television, and photography. Students learn while they are situated in
the context where what they learn is to be applied. They get   7   feedback(反馈) as they explore their
understanding of the material.
     Of course, Virtual Reality is also a place for   8   expression. We can create a world that does not
exist. We can build things without consuming natural   9  . We can create art. We can see music. We can
express our imagination. We can generate and communicate our ideas visually.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. As the earth began to shake, it seemed ____ the world was at an end.
2. The earthquake was even felt in Beijing, ____ is more than two hundred kilometers away.
3. I am glad to have come here. ____, I didn't come to talk about myself.
4. Can those ____ are seated at the back make out the words on the blackboard?
5. Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of ____ agreed it was the best one this year.
6. ____ I was saying, we expect 2010 to be a good year to us all.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

用do with和deal with填空。
1.  How did you  ___ the problem?
2. What did you ____ the problem?


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

where whether why who what that
1.  _____ will go to the concert is not known.
2. _____ we need is more money.
3. _____  he was late for work is not clear.
4. _____ they will lend me the book doesn't matter much.
5. _____ the man got the money is beinglooked into.

