精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent ? ? ? He answered the call as soon as possible, changed his clothes and went directly to the operation blockHe found the boy's father ? ? ? in the hall waiting for the doctorOn seeing him, the dad ? ? ?? , "Why did you take all this ? ? ? to come? Don't you know that my son s life is in danger? Don't you have any sense of?? ? ? ?"

????????????? The doctor smiled and said, "I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital and I ? ?? ? as fast as I could after receiving the call...And now, I wish you'd calm down work"???? ? I can do my work.”

?? “Calm down? What if your son is in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son is?? ? ? now what will you do?” said the father ? ?

??? The doctor smiled again and replied," I will say what Job said in the Bible 'From dust we came and to dust we return, blessed by the name of God'? ? ? cannot extend livesGo and ? ? ? for your sonwe will do our best by God's grace"

????????????? "Giving advice when we re not ? ? ? is so easy" murmured the fatherThe operation took some hours ? ? ? which the doctor went out happily

??? "Thank goodness!? Your son is saved ! " And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his?? ? ?? running“If you have any question, ask the nurse!"

????????????? "Why is he so ? ? ? ? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I could ask about my son's ? ? ? ?" commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor leftThe nurse answered, ? ? ?? coming down her face, "His son died yesterday in a road accidentHe was in the funeral when we called him for your son's operation?? ? ? now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's funeral"

????????????? Never? ? ? anyone...because you never know how their life is and what they're?? ? ? .

1.Ameeting????????????? Bcareer????????????? Coperation????????????? Dtravel

2.Acalling????????????? Brunning????????????? Cjumping????????????? Dpacing

3.Aadmitted????????????? Bexpressed????????????? Cwhispered????????????? Dshouted

4.Atime????????????? Bcost????????????? Clove????????????? Dturn

5.Ahumor????????????? Bresponsibility????????????? Cpride????????????? Dhonor

6.Aworked????????????? Bleft????????????? Ccame????????????? Dmoved

7.Ain case????????????? Bso that????????????? Cuntil????????????? Deven if

8.Adying????????????? Blying????????????? Cmissing????????????? Ddropping

9.Asadly????????????? Bcheerfully????????????? Chopefully????????????? Dangrily

10.AGod????????????? BTeachers??????? ????????????? CFriends???????? ????????????? DDoctors

11.Aspeak????????????? Bspell?????????? ????????????? Cpray?????????? ????????????? Dthink

12.Aworried????????????? Bconcerned????? ????????????? Clost?????????? ????????????? Dtired

13.Aafter????????????? Bfor??????????? ????????????? Cbefore?? ????????????? Dwith

14.Away????????????? Bspirit????????? ????????????? Ctrust????????? ????????????? Ddream

15.Apatient????????????? Bproud??????? ????????????? Cpowerful? ????????????? Dabsent

16.Aposition????????????? Bmedicine????? ????????????? Cstate??? ????????????? Dlife

17.Asweats????????????? Bcold????????? ????????????? Cclouds??????? ????????????? Dtears

18.AAnd????????????? BBut??????????? ????????????? COr????????? ????????????? DWhile

19.Aignore????????????? Bjudge??????????? Cexplain???????? ????????????? Dbelieve

20.Adoing????????????? Bloading???????? ????????????? Cexperiencing??? ????????????? Dreducing





3.D ?




















1.C考查动词辨析。A meeting见面;????????????? B career事业;????????????? C operation手术;????????????? D travel旅行;句意:一个医生匆忙地进入医院当他被紧急召来做手术。根据句意他是医生,所以着急回来给病人做手术,所以选C项。?

2.D 考查动词辨析A calling????????????? 打电话;Brunning????????????? 跑;C jumping跳; Dpacing 步行;句意:他发现男孩的像样在大厅里来回踱步。Find sb doing发现某人正在做某事。根据选项与句意只有D项符合情境。

3.D 考查动词辨析 A admitted承认; Bexpressed????????????? 表达;Cwhispered低语; Dshouted 叫喊。句意:当看到医生时,这个父亲大喊到。根据下方提到Don't you know that my son s life is in danger难道你不知道我儿子现在很危险吗?所以这个父亲很着急,叫喊着,所以选D项。

4.A考查名词辨析 A time????????????? 时间 ;Bcost花费; Clove爱; Dturn 翻转。句意:为什么你花费这么长时间才来,你不知道我儿子很危险吗?take是花费的意思,所以在质问医生为什么花费时间现在才来,故选A项。

5.B 考查名词辨析A humor幽默; Bresponsibility????????????? 责任;Cpride骄傲; Dhonor尊敬。句意:难道你没有责任感,根据语境这个父亲再质问医生,有没有责任感,现在才来,故选B项。??

6.C 考查动词辨析A worked????????????? 工作;Bleft离开;????????????? Ccame到来;????????????? Dmoved 离开。句意:翘班产,对不起,我不在医生,当我一收到电话就快速赶来了,根据句意提到He answered the call as soon as possible,可知他尽快的赶来,故选C项。

7.B 考查连词辨析Ain case以防万一;????????????? Bso that为的是;????????????? Cuntil直到;Deven if 即使。句意:我希望你能冷静下来为的是让我好开展工作。医生让他冷静的目的是安心工作,所以选B项来连接。

8.A考查动词辨析 Adying死;????????????? Blying????????????? 躺;Cmissing失去;????????????? Ddropping掉落。句意:冷静,要是你儿子在那,你能冷静吗?如果你儿子要死了,你现在怎么办?根据上文提到 What if your son is in this room right now, would you calm down?可知在反问医生。故选A项。

9.D考查副词辨析Asadly悲伤的;????????????? Bcheerfully????????????? 高兴地;Chopefully????????????? 有希望地Dangrily生气地。根据上文提到 What if your son is in this room right now, would you calm down?可知这个父亲很是生气,所以选D项。

10.D考查名词辨析AGod上帝;????????????? BTeachers 老师;CFriends 朋友; DDoctor 医生。根据上文提到I will say what Job said in the Bible 'From dust we came and to dust we return, blessed by the name of God 我会按照耶稣说的,尘归尘土归土,上帝会保佑的,上帝也不能延续一个人的生命,所以选D项。

11.C 考查动词辨析 Aspeak说;????????????? Bspell拼写; Cpray 祈祷; Dthink认为。根据上文提到上帝也不是万能,所以说,去给你儿子祈祷去吧。所以选C项。

12.B 考查形容词辨析Aworried着急的;????????????? Bconcerned关心的; Clost 失去的; Dtired累的。句意:那位父亲说,当我们漠不关心时给出建议是很容易的事,根据上文给的语境,父亲认为不处在这种境况中是不会焦虑的,故选B项。

13.A考查连词辨析Aafter在。。之后; Bfor 为了; Cbefore 在。。之前; Dwith与。。在一起。句意:手术进行了很多时间,完毕之后,医生高兴地走出来。考查定语从句,手术做完后,医生才能出来,所以选 A项。?

14.A 考查名词辨析Away方法;????????????? Bspirit精神;????????????? Ctrust 信任; Ddream 梦想。句意:你的儿子得救了,没有等等待这个父亲的回应,他继续往前跑出去了。根据下方提到His son died yesterday in a road accidentHe was in the funeral when we called him for your son's operation.他的儿子昨天车祸去世,肯定是匆忙的,所以选A项。

15.B 考查形容词辨析Apatient耐心的;????????????? Bproud骄傲的; Cpowerful 强有力的;Dabsent缺席的; 句意:为什么他如此骄傲,他不能等会吗?这个父亲对医生的误解,所以选B项。

16.C考查名词辨析Aposition????????????? 位置;Bmedicine 机器; Cstate情况,州。Dlife生命。句意:他就不能等待一会,为的是我能问问我孩子的情况,根据句意只有C项符合语境。?

17.D考查名词辨析 Asweats汗水; Bcold感冒; Cclouds云; Dtears 眼泪;句意;护士回答时,眼泪流下来了。根据下方提到His son died yesterday in a road accidentHe was in the funeral when we called him for your son's operation.他的儿子昨天车祸去世,所以护士也很伤心,故选D项。

18.A 考查连词辨析 句意:并且既然现在他救了你儿子的命,他跑去完成儿子的葬礼。护士提到两个 内容,再者之间是并列关系,所以选A项。

19.B 考查动词辨析Aignore忽视; Bjudge判断; Cexplain? 解释; Dbelieve相信。 句意:不要判断一个人,因为你根据不知道他的生活是什么样子的,他们正在经历着什么。根据文中提到because所引导的原因状语从句,可以是来判断一个人的,故选B项。

20.C 考查动词辨析 Adoing做;????????????? Bloading负担; Cexperiencing经历; Dreducing减少。句意:因为你根据不知道他的生活是什么样子的,他们正在经历着什么。文章最后进行点题,通过这个故事来告诉我们的道理。

考点 :故事类短文。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After spending three days in a wheelchair, I was ready to quit. Not only did I have to battle cracked (裂缝的) and uneven (不平的) pavements, I had to deal with the bad attitude of pedestrians (行人) and a cold rain. But I didn’t give up because of people like Tiffany Payne.

   Payne, who has been using a wheelchair for 18 years, laughed at me:

   “Imagine trying to get around town in the winter,” she said.

   I could see her point: You’re battling to get to a doctor’s appointment (预约), but no one has shoveled (铲) after a big snowfall. Your choices: Move out and risk getting stuck, or reschedule the appointment.

  Those of us fortunate enough to get around on our own two legs don’t give a second thought to the person in a wheelchair next to us at a crosswalk. That would require us to look down.

   So I decided to try using a wheelchair to get a sample of what their lives are like. It wasn’t long before I saw that people who use wheelchairs are forced to deal with a lot of trouble.

   During my experiment, I was ignored by store staff while shopping and bumped into by inattentive (疏忽的) walkers without so much as an apology.    

   Some people even gave me angry looks as if I were the one at fault.

   Once in a store, a woman bumped into me trying to get to the new iPad. She didn’t say, “Excuse me.”

  When salespeople did offer assistance, they talked to people who were with me, instead of me. I wanted to yell: “Hey, I’m down here!”

  Some salespeople talked to me as though I were a child or acted like they didn’t want to be bothered with me.

   People who use wheelchairs want to be treated like everyone else. They also comprehend (理解), so you don’t have to speak to them in a childlike, sing-song voice. It’s not very appealing (吸引人的), especially when the person is an adult. And most importantly, remember they have feelings that can be hurt just like yours.

   Spending three days in a wheelchair made me look differently at those who have to use one. I hope you do the same.

                                            By James E. Causey

The author writes the story to _______.

  A. help those in wheelchairs gain self-confidence

  B. share his experience of acting as a wheelchair user

  C. ask people to show sympathy for those in wheelchairs

  D. call on people to respect and help those in wheelchairs

During his three days in a wheelchair, the author met all of the following  

  difficulties EXCEPT ______.

  A. bad road conditions          B. poor attitudes of ordinary people

  C. terrible medical service         D. bad weather

What can we conclude from the article?

  A. A wheelchair user may feel offended when you do not address him or her directly.

  B. Assistants in big stores are usually kind to people in wheelchairs.

  C. People in wheelchairs should fight for fair treatment.

  D. People in wheelchairs are usually hard to get along with.

Which of the following statements would the author agree to?

  A. Look down on a person in a wheelchair.

  B. Speak to a person in a wheelchair in a sing-song voice.

  C. Treat a person in a wheelchair as you would any other person.

  D. Offer assistance to a person in a wheelchair without asking for permission.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省栟茶高级中学2010届高三下学期模拟测试(一) 题型:阅读理解

One of the most difficult questions to answer is how much a job is worth. We naturally expect that a doctor’s salary will be higher than a bus conductor’s wage. But the question becomes much more difficult to answer when we compare, say, a miner with an engineer, or an unskilled man working on an oil-rig(钻油机) in the North Sea with a teacher in a secondary school. What the doctor, the engineer and teacher have is many years of training in order to obtain the necessary qualifications for their professions. We feel instinctively that these skills and these years, when they were studying instead of earning money, should be rewarded. At the same time we recognize that the work of the miner and the oil-rig laborer is both hard and dangerous, and that they must be highly paid for the risks they take.
Another factor we must take into consideration is how socially useful a man’s work is, regardless of the talents he may bring to it. Most people would agree that looking after the sick or teaching children is more important than, say, selling secondhand cars or improving the taste of toothpaste by adding a red stripe to it. Yet it is almost certain that the used car salesman earns more than the nurse, and that research chemist earns more than the school teacher.
Indeed, this whole question of just rewards can be turned on its head. You can argue that a man who does a job which brings him personal satisfaction is already receiving part of his reward in the form of a so-called “psychic(精神的) wage”, and that it is the man with the boring, repetitive job who needs more money to make up for the soul-destroying monotony(单调) of his work. It is significant that that those jobs which are traditionally regarded as “vocations” --- nursing, teaching and the Church, for example --- continue to be poorly paid, while others, such as those in the world of sport or entertainment, carry financial rewards out of all proportion to their social worth.
Although the amount of money that people earn is in reality largely determined by market forces, this should not prevent us from seeking some way to decide what is the right pay for the job. A starting point for such an investigation would be to try to decide the ratio which ought to exist between the highest and the lowest paid. The picture is made more complicate by two factors: firstly by the “social wage”, i.e, the welfare benefits which every citizen receives; and secondly, by the taxation system, which is often used as an instrument of social justice by taxing high incomes at a very high rate indeed. Allowing for these two things, most countries now regard a ratio of 7:1 as socially acceptable. If it is less, the highly-qualified people carrying heavy responsibilities become disillusioned, and might even end up by emigration(移民) (the so-called “brain-drain” is an evidence that this can happen). If it is more, the gap between rich and poor will be so great that it will lead social tensions and ultimately to violence.
74. The professional man, such as the doctor, should be well paid because ______.
A. he has spent several years learning how to do his job
B. his work involves much great intelligence than, say, a bus conductor’s
C. he has to work much harder than most other people
D. he knows more than other people about his subject
75. The “brain-drain” is an evidence that ______.
A. well-educated people are prepared to emigrate whenever they can get a better paid job
B. people with jobs or responsibility expect to be highly paid
C. high taxation is a useful and effective instrument of social justice
D. the poor are generally more patriotic(爱国的) than the rich
76. As far as rewarding people for their work is concerned, the writer, believes that ______.
A. we should pay for socially-useful work, regardless of the person’s talent
B. we should pay people according to their talents
C. market forces will determine how much a person is paid
D. qualified people should be the highest paid
77. The argument of the “psychic wage” is used to explain why ______.
A. people who do socially important work are not always well paid
B. people who do monotonous jobs are highly paid
C. you should not try to compare the pay of different professions
D. some professional people are paid more than others


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河南省周口市高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

I am Sergey Brin! I was born in Moscow. In 1979,when I was 5, my family immigrated to California, USA . I remember that on my 9th birthday, I got my first computer “Commodore 64”.

Later I graduated with honors in the University of Maryland in Mathematics and IT. The main field of my science research was the technologies used to collect data from unsystematic sources as well as large quantities of texts and science data. I was the author of dozens of articles in leading American academic magazines.

The greatest event in my life happened when in 1998 I was preparing for the defense(论文答辩) of my Doctor’s degree in the Stanford University. There the fate made me meet Larry Page—a young computer genius. Larry belonged to the intellectual society. I and Larry quickly became friends when we were working together.

We were searching day and night on the Internet. We were finding a lot of information but with the feeling we still couldn’t find enough of what we were looking for . Naturally the idea for a search engine that would allow specific information to be found in the endless pool of data was born like it came to us. It wasn’t our plans but we gave up the education at the university. You know the next part ,maybe—we managed to turn an ordinary garage in Peplo Park, California , the USA into our first office, in which Google was born. With excitement we typed the name of the thing which we created with love on September 14th,1998—www.Google.com. Now after those years we bought this garage. As a symbol it will always remind us that everything is possible.

1.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.The Birth of Google

B.The Founder of Google

C.The Importance of Cooperation

D.The Great Contribution to the Internet

2.From the passage we know that Larry Page________.

A.was born from a rich merchant family

B.was once a student in the Stanford University

C.published some academic articles when young

D.was Brin’s important partner in starting Google

3.Why did they found Google ?

A.Because they loved working with the Internet so much.

B.Because they wanted to make a lot of money through the Internet

C.Because they hoped to make it easy to find specific information online

D.Because they believed everything is possible.

4.Which is the right order of what happened ?

a. My family moved from Russia to the USA

b. I met Larry Page

c. I was given a computer as a present on my 9th birthday.

d. google was born in an ordinary garage in California.

e. I graduated from the university in Mathematics and IT.







科目:高中英语 来源:2012届山东省高二下学期期末考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

The British are very polite and have good manners—they are never tired of saying “Thank you”,“I am sorry”, or “Excuse me.” They have good table manners. They enjoy their breakfasts and most of all the traditional tea around 4 or 5 o’clock.

The normal working week has five days. Factory workers usually start at 8 am and offices, shops and schools open at 9 am. Workers have 3 weeks’ holidays and professional workers(people with higher education ) have usually longer holidays (a month or more). Except these holidays they have public holidays: e.g. New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

An average Englishman like to live in his own house. Houses are made of red bricks, stone and wood. The house usually has from 4 to 6 rooms, two floors, small front and back gardens. On the ground floor there is a hall, a kitchen, a living room with a fireplace and on the first floor there are parents’ and children’s bedrooms and a bathroom. The prices of houses depend on the area—the most expensive are the houses in London and South England (about 200,000 pounds); smaller houses in other areas may cost about 50,000 pounds.

Social Welfare—The National Health Service gives largely free treatment for everyone living in Britain. People can choose their family doctors. In case of emergency you can call the ambulance by dialing 999 from everywhere. Health centres are run by local authorities. About 7 percent of hospitals, dentists and family doctors work as private.

There are about 130 daily and Sunday newspapers and a lot of weekly papers and magazines. The oldest newspaper is The Times. Other famous newspapers are Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Financial Times, etc.

1.If you are a student in Britain, when do you begin to go to school?

A、At 6 am .     B、At 9 am .     C、At 8:00 am .    D、At 9:30 am .

2. Which of the following about the British is false according to the passage?

A、They have good manners when at table.

B、They always have the traditional tea around 4 or 5 am.

C、They love families and pets.

D、They feel very tired when they say “Thank you”, “Sorry ” or “Excuse me.”

3.Who has the longest holiday?

A、A shop assistant.          B、A doctor.

C、A factory worker.          D、A nurse.

4.If you find someone seriously ill in Britain, what is the best thing you should do?

A、Phone his family doctor.    B、Take him to hospital.

C、Dial 999.                D、Find a doctor for him.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011河北衡水中学高一下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books. While he never thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of basketball.

Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA. One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students. Because of heavy snow, the students could not go outside. He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something.

It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea. The “birth of basketball” is said to be on December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game. It was quite different from the basketball games of today. It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs. Soon after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using special “basketballs” through nets.

Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936, just three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the Games in Berlin.


Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?

   A. Teach P.E in school.                                  B. Write some books.

   C. Work at a hospital.                          D. Take part in the Olympic Games.


 In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?

   A. Summer.                 B. Winter.                 C. Spring.                  D. Autumn.


Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?

  A. It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.

  B. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.

C. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.

D. It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played.


At the time of Dr Naismith’s death, which of the following was true?

   A. Basketball was already a worldwide game.

   B. Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.

   C. Basketball was an Olympic sport.

   D. Basketball was still played using footballs.  


