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For most pregnant women, exercise is the last thing on their minds. After all, keeping slim while you’re expecting isn’t exactly the top priority— rather, it’s making sure your baby gets enough nutrients to grow. But in a small new study, researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand report that a mother’s regular aerobic exercise may be good for a growing fetus’ health — and may even help a baby get a healthier start in life.

The finding is a bit surprising, because exercise is known to lower the risk of insulin resistance(胰岛素抵抗),a condition eventually leading to diabetes(糖尿病). Although insulin resistance is a detriment in healthy adults, it turns out to be helpful for proper fetal(胎儿)development. In pregnant women, this condition means nutrients get shunted to the growing baby.

The question is: could a mother’s exercise put her developing baby’s food supply at risk? Past studies looking at the effect of exercise on birth weight have been inconclusive, and none have really investigated the influence of exercise on the mother’s sensitivity to insulin. So the University of Auckland’s Dr. Paul Hoffman and his team decided to study 84 first-time mothers, who were of normal weight on average, and track any effects aerobic exercise(有氧运动) might have on their insulin sensitivity and, ultimately, on their babies’ birth weight. Researchers asked some women to exercise on a stationary bicycle for at least 40 minutes per session, up to five times each week, starting in the 20th week of pregnancy; the other women were not specifically asked to exercise. When the two groups and their babies were compared, the team found that women who bicycled regularly gave birth to babies who were on average 150g lighter than those born to the non-exercising mothers. In both groups, however, the babies were of healthy weight, and there was no difference in the mothers’ weights.

Generally speaking, babies on the lower end of the normal weight range are considered healthier and less prone to developing diabetes and obesity than heavier ones, so this was an encouraging result. Even more reassuring was that regular exercise did not seem to affect the flow of nutrients to the growing babies in the womb.

41. According to the new study, a pregnant woman’s regular exercise may _______.

  A. bring benefits to a baby’s growth

  B. lower the risk of insulin resistance

  C. put her baby’s food supply at risk

  D. help her keep slim and healthy

42. What does the underlined word “detriment” mean in the second paragraph?

  A. Something that brings good.

  B. Something that brings damage.

  C. Something that brings obstacles.

  D. Something that brings development.

43. What is the purpose of the experiment carried out by Dr. Paul Hoffman?

  A. To investigate the influence of exercise on pregnant women.

  B. To find out what aerobic exercise can benefit a baby’s growth.

  C. To make sure of the effects exercise may have on babies’ birth weight

  D. To compare the differences between mothers who exercise and who don’t

44. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. Lighter babies are generally believed to be healthier than heavier ones.

  B. Non­-exercising mothers will definitely give birth to heavier babies.

  C. No studies have looked at the effect of exercise on birth weight before.

  D. Some women studied were asked to exercise regularly while some don’t.

45. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

  A. All mothers should take aerobic exercise.

  B. Moms who exercise give birth to lighter babies。

  C. Exercise reduces the risk of insulin resistance.

  D. Heavier babies are more likely to develop diabetes.


科目:高中英语 来源:上海市浦东新区2010届高三下学期高考预测 题型:阅读理解

Paris has the Eiffel Tower; New York has the Statue of Liberty; and Brussels, the Manneken
Think of the Belgian capital and, if anything, you think of the small peeing (撒尿) boy ____  a 60-meter-high bronze figure standing on a block, supplying a constant stream of water to the basin under him.
Some might laugh. But for Jacques Stroobants, the statue is up there with the best of them.
“I’m proud of him. People come from all around the world to see him,” says 60-year-old Stroobants with a fatherly glance at the little boy.
As the most famous landmark of Brussels, Manneken Piss has a very special place in the heart of Belgians.
The original Manneken Piss dates back to 1388, but the statue tourists see today dates from 1619 when the city built a second one after the original was destroyed.
Many stories go round Manneken Piss. Nobody knows why he was made. One story is that he saved Brussels by putting out the flames of a deadly fire with his well-aimed piss. But the most believable story is that the boy, the son of a wealthy man, was kidnapped. The father had a statue built in honor of the way his son was found-peeing against a tree.
Perhaps best-known for his naked beauty, the “peeing boy” has also been clothed in some of the finest clothes money can buy.
Stroobants has been changing his clothes for the last 29 years. On average, he has clothes on 300 days a year. And on special days, he pees beer.
A few of the ways he’s been dressed are; a football player, Mozart and an army general. Now, he has more than 600 pieces of clothes.
There is no strict charge for those wishing to provide clothes for the little boy. But certain conditions must be met.
“The clothes cannot include either advertising or political message,” said Stroobants, because they would cheapen the national treasure.
But Manneken Piss is still something local people can make money from ___ by selling all kinds of souvenirs.
72. Which of the following is NOT true about Maneken Piss?
A. It has a history of more than 600 years.   B. It stands in Brussels. 
C. It is best known for the clothes he wears. D. It is 60 meters high.
73. The Manneken Piss has a special place in the heart of Belgians because          .
A. it’s good-looking with water running constantly
B. it brings joys to people who see it   
C. it helps people make beer
D. it’s a symbol of the city.
74. We can learn from the passage that          .
A. for most of the year, the boy is naked
B. Stroobants is probably in charge of taking care of the statue
C. people can provide any clothes for Manneken Piss
D. people make money by advertising Manneken Piss
75.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. Tourists cannot provide clothes for the peeing boy.
B. The Manneken Piss has attracted many visitors.
C. The peeing boy is the national treasure of Belgium.
D. Local people make money by selling souvenirs.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省业水平考试模拟试卷(2) 题型:阅读理解


第三部分阅读技能 (共三节,满分35分)




For most people, the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the adjective (形容词) “fashionable” in the same way: “She was wearing a fashionable color.”

But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs…and in languages.

Fashions change as time goes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750 was different from his grandson in 1860.

Today fashions change very quickly. Some of this is natural. We hear about things much more quickly than in the past. Newspapers, radios, telephones and television send information from one country to another in a few hours.

New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.

41  From this passage we know that “fashion” means _________.

A  clothes   B  many things    C  most of the popular things    D  everything

42  Which of the following things is fashionable today?

   A  Surfing on the Internet

B  Having a family dinner on New Year’s Day

C  Learning to sing songs on the radio

D  Doing morning exercises at school.

43  Today fashions change very quickly because _______.

   A  People read newspapers every day  

B  radios send information from one country to another

   C  new things that people like are often shown on TV

   D  people quickly learn what is happening in the world

44  “There is money in fashion.” means ________.

   A  clothes are expensive    B  money comes from fashion

   C  people like new things   D  there are no fashions without money



科目:高中英语 来源:上海市浦东新区2010届高三下学期高考预测 题型:阅读理解


Paris has the Eiffel Tower; New York has the Statue of Liberty; and Brussels, the Manneken


Think of the Belgian capital and, if anything, you think of the small peeing (撒尿) boy ____  a 60-meter-high bronze figure standing on a block, supplying a constant stream of water to the basin under him.

Some might laugh. But for Jacques Stroobants, the statue is up there with the best of them.

“I’m proud of him. People come from all around the world to see him,” says 60-year-old Stroobants with a fatherly glance at the little boy.

As the most famous landmark of Brussels, Manneken Piss has a very special place in the heart of Belgians.

The original Manneken Piss dates back to 1388, but the statue tourists see today dates from 1619 when the city built a second one after the original was destroyed.

Many stories go round Manneken Piss. Nobody knows why he was made. One story is that he saved Brussels by putting out the flames of a deadly fire with his well-aimed piss. But the most believable story is that the boy, the son of a wealthy man, was kidnapped. The father had a statue built in honor of the way his son was found-peeing against a tree.

Perhaps best-known for his naked beauty, the “peeing boy” has also been clothed in some of the finest clothes money can buy.

Stroobants has been changing his clothes for the last 29 years. On average, he has clothes on 300 days a year. And on special days, he pees beer.

A few of the ways he’s been dressed are; a football player, Mozart and an army general. Now, he has more than 600 pieces of clothes.

There is no strict charge for those wishing to provide clothes for the little boy. But certain conditions must be met.

“The clothes cannot include either advertising or political message,” said Stroobants, because they would cheapen the national treasure.

But Manneken Piss is still something local people can make money from ___ by selling all kinds of souvenirs.

72. Which of the following is NOT true about Maneken Piss?

A. It has a history of more than 600 years.   B. It stands in Brussels. 

C. It is best known for the clothes he wears. D. It is 60 meters high.

73. The Manneken Piss has a special place in the heart of Belgians because          .

A. it’s good-looking with water running constantly

B. it brings joys to people who see it   

C. it helps people make beer

D. it’s a symbol of the city.

74. We can learn from the passage that          .

A. for most of the year, the boy is naked

B. Stroobants is probably in charge of taking care of the statue

C. people can provide any clothes for Manneken Piss

D. people make money by advertising Manneken Piss

75.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Tourists cannot provide clothes for the peeing boy.

B. The Manneken Piss has attracted many visitors.

C. The peeing boy is the national treasure of Belgium.

D. Local people make money by selling souvenirs.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Paris has the Eiffel Tower; New York has the Statue of Liberty; and Brussels, the Manneken  Piss.

Think of the Belgian capital and, if anything, you think of the small peeing (撒尿) boy ____  a 60-meter-high bronze figure standing on a block, supplying a constant stream of water to the basin under him.

Some might laugh. But for Jacques Stroobants, the statue is up there with the best of them.

“I’m proud of him. People come from all around the world to see him,” says 60-year-old Stroobants with a fatherly glance at the little boy.

As the most famous landmark of Brussels, Manneken Piss has a very special place in the heart of Belgians.

The original Manneken Piss dates back to 1388, but the statue tourists see today dates from 1619 when the city built a second one after the original was destroyed.

Many stories go round Manneken Piss. Nobody knows why he was made. One story is that he saved Brussels by putting out the flames of a deadly fire with his well-aimed piss. But the most believable story is that the boy, the son of a wealthy man, was kidnapped. The father had a statue built in honor of the way his son was found-peeing against a tree.

Perhaps best-known for his naked beauty, the “peeing boy” has also been clothed in some of the finest clothes money can buy.

Stroobants has been changing his clothes for the last 29 years. On average, he has clothes on 300 days a year. And on special days, he pees beer.

A few of the ways he’s been dressed are; a football player, Mozart and an army general. Now, he has more than 600 pieces of clothes.

There is no strict charge for those wishing to provide clothes for the little boy. But certain conditions must be met.

“The clothes cannot include either advertising or political message,” said Stroobants, because they would cheapen the national treasure.

But Manneken Piss is still something local people can make money from ___ by selling all kinds of souvenirs.


72. Which of the following is NOT true about Maneken Piss?

A. It has a history of more than 600 years.          B. It stands in Brussels.

C. It is best known for the clothes he wears.       D. It is 60 meters high.

73. The Manneken Piss has a special place in the heart of Belgians because          .

A. it’s good-looking with water running constantly

B. it brings joys to people who see it

C. it helps people make beer

D. it’s a symbol of the city.

74. We can learn from the passage that          .

A. for most of the year, the boy is naked

B. Stroobants is probably in charge of taking care of the statue

C. people can provide any clothes for Manneken Piss

D. people make money by advertising Manneken Piss

75.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Tourists cannot provide clothes for the peeing boy.

B. The Manneken Piss has attracted many visitors.

C. The peeing boy is the national treasure of Belgium.

D. Local people make money by selling souvenirs.

