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Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this ___2___ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___3___ is.”

The song made her ___4___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___5___. As a young ___6___, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___7___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine ___8___ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years. There will be ___10___ time for anything but music in your life.”

Dorothy was ___11___ at that time and she was ___12___ that music was all she wanted or needed to ___13___ her life. For almost a year Dorothy ___14___ of nothing else. Then she ___15___ David, a young engineer travelling Europe. They soon fell in ___16___. David asked her to be his ___17___. Dorothy also wanted to marry David. But she loved ___18___, too. She didn’t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can’t ___19___ do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return.

Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her ___20___.

1. A. sorry      B. successful   C. first    D. wonderful

2. A. dance     B. moment     C. show   D. party

3. A. voice      B. face    C. dress   D. life

4. A. think of  B. bring back  C. go back      D. come back

5. A. age B. friend C. mother       D. teacher

6. A. musician B. pop star      C. lady    D. girl

7. A. French   B. music  C. piano  D. dance

8. A. actress    B. student       C. singer D. dancer

9. A. prepared B. learning     C. driven D. waiting

10. A. some    B. any     C. no     D. enough

11. A. eight     B. eighteen     C. eighty D. eighty-eight

12. A. lucky    B. sure    C. afraid  D. fond

13. A. fill       B. live     C. lead    D. take

14. A. heard    B. knew  C. talked D. thought

15. A. saw off        B. learned from      C. heard of     D. met with

16. A. love     B. feeling       C. music  D. touch

17. A. assistant       B. teacher       C. wife    D. student

18. A. him      B. engineering       C. herself       D. music

19. A. certainly      B. possibly     C. only    D. mainly

20. A. thought                 B. hope       C. purpose      D. will

1-5CBACA 6-10DBCAC 11-15BBADD 16-20ACDBB


本文使用倒叙的形式述说了 Dorothy 学习音乐的故事。一开始说小女儿举办音乐会,由女儿美丽的歌声想到自己年轻时候学习音乐的情况。Dorothy 年轻时很有音乐天赋,先后在法国、意大利和美国学习音乐。不过由于偶遇 David 并相爱,为了爱情而放弃了音乐的学习。不过让她可以感到欣慰的是女儿已成为歌唱家,完成了她的心愿。

1. C。由下文的“这一时刻她等了好多年了”来看,这里说的是女儿第一次演出。由于演唱会还没有开始,结果未知,因此可排除选项 A、B 和D。

2. B。由下文知道,Dorothy Brown 也曾学习过音乐,但由于认识 David 并结婚而影响了自己在音乐方面的发展,现在正好让女儿来完成自己的心愿。由此可知,她“盼望这一时刻好多年了”。

3. A。由“今天小女儿 Lauren 将举办演唱会”来看,此处说的是“她的声音真美”。

4. C。女儿的演出使她想到了和女儿一般大的时候的事情。下面是回忆自己以往学习音乐的情况。go back to the days… 意为“回忆起……的日子”。

5. A。从下面的“当还是一个年轻姑娘时,Dorothy 想成为一名歌唱演员”来看,Dorothy 在和女儿差不多大的时候也曾学习过音乐。

6. D。当 Dorothy 还是个小女孩时,她想成为一名歌唱演员。

7. B。由上下文可知“她曾在法国、意大利和美国学习过音乐”。

8. C。由上下文可知,此处是老师告诉她以后有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家。

9. A。前面说“你有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家”,现在话锋一转,“但是你必须愿意努力学习、刻苦勤奋很多年”。be prepared to do sth 表示“有能力并且愿意做某事”。

10. C。这是老师继续说的话:在你一生中要把全部时间用于音乐,不能用在其他方面。

11. B。由 Dorothy 遇到了 David 并与他结婚等来看,当时她的年龄不可能是 8 岁、80 岁或 88 岁,当时 Dorothy 为 18 岁比较合理。

12. B。/13. A。听了老师的话,再加上当时她只有 18 岁,“她确信音乐是充实她生活的全部内容”。fill one’s life 为“填充生活,充实生活”。

14. D。有接近一年的时间,Dorothy 什么也不想,这里说的是她一心扑在学习音乐上。

15. D。前面说她有一年的时间把心思全扑在学习音乐上,这里说的是“接着她遇到了在欧洲旅游的 David”,这动摇了她学习音乐的念头。meet with 意为“遇到,偶然碰到”。

16. A。从下文 David 要她做他的妻子及 Dorothy 也想嫁给他等来看,这里说的是他们见面后不久就相爱了。fall in love (with sb / sth) 意为“爱上某人或某物”。

17. C。从上文“他们相爱”可推测,此处说的是“David 要她做他的妻子”。

18. D。Dorothy 也想嫁给 David,“但是她也爱音乐”,她不知道怎么办,这就在嫁人与学习音乐方面产生了矛盾。

19. B。下文 David 说学习音乐和结婚,“你二者不可能兼得”。possibly可以与 can’t 连用,表示“不可能”。

20. B。从上下文特别是 Now Lauren became a singer instead of her 可推测,Dorothy 想成为歌唱家的愿望由女儿来完成了,故此处用 hope。will往往含有“遗嘱,遗愿”的意思,在此不太合乎情理。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

________ I had walked for six hours, I was tired out.

A. After    B. Before C. When   D. As


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever thought, “I wish I could take a year off and just travel around the world”? Well, three lucky American teenagers were able to do just that. The teens—two males and one female--got an all-expenses paid, yearlong hike to five continents.

This trip didn’t include any five-star hotels or shopping funs. Eighteen-year-old Jamie Fiel from Keller, Texas, 17-year-old Arsen Ewing from Canyon, California, and 16-year-old Tyler Robinson from Lincoln, Massachusetts, didn’t expect fancy treatment. They signed up for the experience of a lifetime, which included hard work, often uncomfortable accommodations, and encounters with some of nature’s most dangerous animals and environments.

Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler were among hundreds of high school kids nominated by their science teachers to take this trip. Earthwatch Institute sponsored (赞助) this adventure. Each year, Earthwatch employs thousands of volunteers worldwide to help with scientific research projects.

The group went all around the world to get a close look at the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Their assignments were as varied as their locations, and included measuring and attending pink flamingos in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, and tracking giant sea turtles in Costa Rica.

As they worked with the Earthwatch scientists, Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler began to understand that we are at a critical moment in the life of our planet. Time for change is running out. As the teens went from country to country and witnessed different environmental dangers and challenges, they understood that solutions to important environmental issues start with the power of one person's actions. They realized that each of them can make a difference.

These teenagers went on the journey around the world _____.

A. to experience the most serous environmental problems on the earth

B. to bring the kindness of America to the other parts of the world

C. to go on sightseeing around the world

D. to call on more teenagers to join Earthwatch Institute

What’s true about their journey?  

A. They had to pay for their journey on their own expense.

B. They often had to move from one hotel to another.

C. They had to take great pains to collect environmental information.

D. They received a warm welcome every time they arrived at a new place.

It can be inferred that Earthwatch Institute could be _____.

A. an international university that takes in students from all over the world

B. a TV station that makes programmes on the beautiful scenery of the earth

C. a travel agency that organizes adventure trips specially for school children

D. an organization that brings science to life for people concerned about earth’s environment

What did they these teenagers learn from the journey?

A. It was high time that people protected the environment.

B. Long journey was not suitable for school children.

C. It should take the whole world to help the children.

D. Environmental problems can be solved if school children take part.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

人们一直面临着上学难、看病难、买房难的问题。如:大部分人都负债买房。 今年政府将更加重视民生。教育、医疗、住房,就业等状况将会得到改善。如:义务教育免费、减轻农民负担、控制房价、扩大就业等, 让人民群众持续地得到实惠。请根据以上所述写篇短文,并简要发表自己的感想。


2. 参考词汇:民生 the people’s livelihood 义务教育 compulsory education


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A well-known printing company, now well established in the UK and in the Far East, wishes to set up a manufacturing base in Europe. An experienced manager, responsible to the Production Director, is required to assist in setting up the department and will then take charge of the day-to-day work.

The successful applicant will have had experience of modern methods and machines especially in the printing, multicolour work and finishing processes, he / she will have had at least three years’ experience in cost-effective management. A good working knowledge of English is essential.

We offer excellent pay and prospects, with 4 week’s holiday a year plus public holidays, a company car, and a company pension scheme(养老金制度).

Interviews will be arranged in the nearest city to applicant’s home. Write, with CV, to the Personnel Manager, Box 32507, Daily News, Kemsworth Street, Comston.

United Kingdom SG186 37AH.


An internationally recognized printing company is seeking to set up a manufacturing plant in Europe.

We are appointing an assistant (male or female) to our Print Production Manager.

The job-holder will carry out duties involving the buying of paper and of finishing equipment, will liaise (联络) with the supervisors of the various production lines, and will assist the Production Manager.

At least three years’ experience on one or more lines as well as supervisory experience is needed.

A working knowledge of English is required to communicate with colleagues in the UK.

We offer excellent pay, prospects, holidays, pension scheme, sick pay, etc.

Write to the Manager, Box 3526.

Broad Street, Northby, Millshire BK 57PX.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

China news, Beijing, Feb. 9 – Housing price in China has always aroused heated discussions among property developers and ordinary Chinese. To many property developers and local government officials, housing price in China is still low compared with many developed countries. However, the average housing price in the United States is only 8,000 yuan per square meter, while in China, it is even higher than in the United States. This shows that there are some bubbles(泡沫) in Chinese real estate market, the International Finance News reported.

    Although the average price of residential houses in the United States, after converted to Renminbi, is about 8,000 yuan per square meter, the houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses. If US property developers sell their houses according to the building area, then the housing price will be even lower than 8,000 yuan per square meter. In most big Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, houses are sold at a price even higher than those in the US.

The high housing sales price in large cities in China proves that Chinese real estate market does have some bubbles. Moreover, Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities. Furthermore, it should be noted that American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people. How can the Chinese afford to buy a house which is even more expensive than that sold in US?

    At the beginning of 2007, Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. Now in order to reduce the high housing prices, the government can regulate(控制) the real estate market by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans and lands to property developers. At the same time, the government should allow people to build more houses through various fund-raising channels, such as funds collected from buyers or raised by working units. By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered.

What is the average housing price per square meter in China?

    A. 8,000 yuan    B. 10,000 yuan     C. 7,000 yuan    D. It’s not mentioned here

Which of the following does NOT support the idea that the average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States?

    A. Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities.

    B. American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people.

    C. The houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses.

    D. There are more people who need houses in China.

What is the main idea of this passage?

    A. The housing price in China is so high that the government should do something useful to prevent it.

    B. There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market

    C. The average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States

    D. Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public.

How many measures are mentioned in the last paragraph in order to reduce the high housing prices?

    A. Four    B. Three    C. Five    D. Two


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Help or Not

Dear editor,

During last year's winter holiday, I went shopping with my grandmother. We saw several beggars. Some of them were disabled, which made me feel sad. Among them were old people, young people and even children! When I wanted to help them, my grandmother stopped me. She told me they were not worth showing mercy to because some beggars cheated people out of their money. Should I help them?


                                                                                           Mary from Guangzhou

Dear Mary,

       While I understand your grandmother’s point of view, I think that just because some beggars have cheated people, this doesn’t mean you should never help any beggars.

       Showing mercy to people who are not as fortunate as us is one of the kindest things we can do. While some beggars may use dishonest means to get money, most beggars will not. Even those who use dishonest means are probably hungry for food and feel they have no choice but to cheat people. It is important to be careful for your own safety. But if you want to help, you don’t necessarily have to give it to beggars in the street.

       Another way you can help is by donating money to the China Charity Federation. Visit its website at: www. china charity. cn.net.

18.From the grandmother’s point of view, we can learn that ________.

A. she has never helped the beggars.    

B. she believes not all beggars are honest

C. she has surely been cheated by some beggars  

D. she shows no pity for the poor

19. Mary felt sad for _______.

       A. her grandmother                                                 B. the disabled beggars 

C. the old people                                              D. herself

20. The editor suggests that Mary should _______.

       A. have her own mind                                      B. follow her grandmother

       C. do something for those unfortunate                D. help the China Charity Federation

21. The underlined word “donating” probably means _______.

       A. give out of kindness                                     B. put into a business

C. earn through an organization                         D. give in return for some kindness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Although the first computer was only introduced

to China in the mid-1950s, since then ,a number of computers       1._____

used in different fields has been grown rapidly.                     2.______

Computers are now affected millions of people in countless ways       3.______

every day. They are used to predict the weather, examine the           4.______

ocean,and to develop defence systems. They depend more and more   5._____

heavy on computers. There is no reason to think that their use         6._____      

will decrease.By the contrary ,they will develop more rapidly            7. ______

as you think.If you are among those who still don't know much                8.______

about computers, you will lost in the future.                                


You should learn what you can while you still have the chance                



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I need one more stamp before my collection _______.

has completed   B. completes  C. has been completed    D. is completed

