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Narasimha Das is on his way to feed 169,379 hungry children. Das is in charge of a kitchen in Vrindaban. The town is about a three-hour drive from India’s capital, New Delhi. Das gets to work at 3:00 a.m. Thirty workers are already working to make tens of thousands of rounds of bread. It will be brought to 1,516 schools in and around Vrindaban.
A Growing Problem
Going to school is difficult for more than 13 million children in India. They must go to work instead, or go hungry. That’s why India began the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the largest school-lunch program in the world. A free lunch encourages children to come to school and gives them the energy they need for learning. The program began in the 1960s.
The kitchen in Vrindaban is run by the Akshaya Patra Foundation. It is one of the lunch program’s biggest partners. “Just $11.50 can feed one child for an entire year,” said Madhu Sridhar, president of the Akshaya Patra Foundation.
Lunch Is Served!
The Akshaya Patra food truck arrives at Gopalgarh Primary School. Since the program started, the number of underweight children has gone down. The children get foods they need — as long as they finish what’s on their plates.
小题1:The kitchen in Vrindaban supplies food to _____.
A.the poorB.the old
C.college students D.school children
小题2:Why is it difficult for children to go to school in India?
A.Because there are not enough teachers.
B.Because there are not enough schools.
C.Because they have to work to make money.
D.Because their parents refuse to send them to school.
小题3:Which of the following about the Mid-Day Meal Scheme is NOT true?
A.It is run by Narasimha Das.
B.It has been carried out for about 50 years.
C.It is to encourage children to go to school.
D.It is the largest school-lunch program in the world.


小题1:D 推理题。根据文章第一段最后一句It will be brought to 1,516 schools in and around Vrindaban.可知这些食物都是被送往学校的,说明是给学生吃的。故D正确。
小题2: 推理题。根据文章第二段1,2行Going to school is difficult for more than 13 million children in India. They must go to work instead, or go hungry. That’s why India began the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the largest school-lunch program in the world.可知在印度让这么多的孩子都上学是很困难的,如果他们不上学,他们就一定去上班,也会挨饿。所以政府创办了这样的一个组织给学生提供免费的饭菜,以吸引学生来上学。故C正确。
小题3: 细节题。根据文章第一句Narasimha Das is on his way to feed 169,379 hungry children.可知是由Narasimha Das给这些学生提供饭菜。故A正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Kodak’s decision to file for bankruptcy (破产) protection is a sad, though not unexpected, turning point for a leading American corporation that pioneered consumer photography and dominated the film market for decades, but ultimately failed to adapt to the digital revolution.
Although many attribute Kodak’s downfall to “complacency (自满) ,” that explanation doesn’t acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself. Decades ago, Kodak predicted that digital photography would overtake film (胶片) — and in fact, Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a fateful decision, the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business.
“It wasn’t that Kodak was blind to the future”, said Rebecca Henderson, a professor at Harvard Business School, but rather that it failed to execute on a strategy to confront it. By the time the company realized its mistake, it was too late.
Kodak is an example of a firm that was very much aware that they had to adapt, and spent a lot of money trying to do so, but ultimately failed. Large companies have a difficult time switching into new markets because there is a temptation to put existing assets (资产) into the new businesses.
Although Kodak predicted the unavoidable rise of digital photography, its corporate (企业的) culture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future. They were a company stuck in time. Their history was so important to them. Now their history has become a liability.
Kodak’s downfall over the last several decades was dramatic. In 1976, the company commanded 90% of the market for photographic film and 85% of the market for cameras. But the 1980s brought new competition from Japanese film company Fuji Photo, which undermined Kodak by offering lower prices for film and photo supplies. Kodak’s decision not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major miscalculation. The bid went instead to Fuji, which exploited its sponsorship to win a permanent foothold in the marketplace.
小题1:What do we learn about Kodak?
A.It went bankrupt all of a sudden.
B.It is approaching its downfall.
C.It initiated the digital revolution in the film industry.
D.It is playing a dominant role in the film market.
小题2:Why does the author mention Kodak’s invention of the first digital camera?
A.To show its early attempt to reinvent itself.
B.To show its effort to overcome complacency.
C.To show its quick adaptation to the digital revolution.
D.To show its will to compete with Japan’s Fuji photo.
小题3:Why do large companies have difficulty switching to new markets?
A.They find it costly to give up their existing assets.
B.They tend to be slow in confronting new challenges.
C.They are unwilling to invest in new technology.
D.They are deeply stuck in their glorious past.
小题4:What does the author say Kodak’s history has become?
A.A burden.B.A mirror.C.A joke.D.A challenge.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

For their nick-of-time acts, Toby, a 2-year-old dog, and Winnie, a cute cat, were named Dog and Cat of the Year by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.   
As Amy Paul choked(哽住) on a piece of apple at her home, her dog jumped up, landing hard on her chest and forcing the piece in her throat out. When the Keesling family of Indiana was about to be killed by carbon monoxide, their cat clawed at the wife Cathy’s hair until she woke up and called for help.
No one could explain their timely heroics.
Both pets were rescued by their owners in infancy-----Toby as a 4-week-old thrown into a garbage bin to die, and Winnie as a week-old orphan hiding under a barn, so helpless that Cathy’s husband, Eric, had to feed her milk with an eyedropper.
As the Keeslings recalled it, a gas-driven pump being used broke down, spreading carbon monoxide through the house. By the time Winnie went to rescue, the couple’s 14-year-old son was already unconscious. “Winnie jumped on the bed and was clawing at me, with a kind of angry sound,” Cathy Keesling said. The state police responding to her 911 call said the family was only minutes from death, judging by the amount of poisonous gas in the house.
Amy Paul’s husband was at his job when she took a midday break from making jewelry and bit into an apple. “Normally I peel them, but I read in Good Housekeeping Magazine that the skin has all the nutrients, so I ate the skin, and that’s what caused me to choke,” she recalled. “I couldn’t breathe and I was in panic when Toby jumped on me. He never does that, but he did, and saved my life.”
Both Toby and Winnie accompanied their owners to the awards luncheon.
小题1:What would be the suitable title for the passage?
A.Great Honors for Cat and Dog
B.Dog and Cat Honored for Saving Their Masters
C.Unforgettable Experiences
D.So Smart Animals Are
小题2:Winnie saved the lives of its owner’s whole family in an accident by __________.
A.jumping onto its ownerB.calling for help
C.making some strange noisesD.clawing at Cathy’s hair
小题3:Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined word “infancy” in Paragraph 4?
A.babyhoodB.YouthC.Middle ageD.agedness
小题4:What caused the carbon monoxide spreading through the house?
A.A pump breaking down.B.A driver breaking into the house.
C.The burning gas.D.The poisonous gas.
小题5:Why did Amy Paul choke on a piece of apple?
A.She was too young to care for herself.
B.She had a big bite.
C.She didn’t peel the skin as usual.
D.The apple was too hard.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Researchers at Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology say they have found further proof that the wolf ancestors of today’s dogs can be from southern East Asia -- findings that are contrary to theories placing the birth place in the Middle East. Dr Peter Savolainen, KTH researcher in evolutionary genetics, says a new study released Nov. 23 confirms that an Asian region south of the Yangtze River was the principal and probably the only region where wolves were domesticated(驯化)by humans.
Research data show clearly that dogs are descended from wolves, but there’s never been scientific agreement on where in the world the domestication process began. “Our analysis of Y-chromosomal(染色体)DNA now confirms that wolves were first domesticated in Asia south of Yangtze River -- we call it the ASY region -- in southern China or Southeast Asia,” Savolainen says.
The Y data supports previous evidence from mitochondrial(线粒体)DNA. “Taken together, the two studies provide very strong evidence that dogs appeared first in the ASY region,” Savolainen says.
Archaeological data and a genetic study recently published in Nature suggest that dogs originate from the Middle East. But Savolainen rejects that view. “Because none of these studies included samples from the ASY region, evidence from ASY has been overlooked,” he says.
Peter Savolainen and PhD student Mattias Oskarsson worked with Chinese colleagues to analyse DNA from male dogs around the world. Their study was published in the scientific journal Heredity.
Approximately half of the gene pool was universally shared everywhere in the world, while only the ASY region had the entire range of genetic diversity. “This shows that gene pools in all other regions of the world most probably originate from the ASY region,” Savolainen says.
“Our results confirm that Asia south of the Yangtze River was the most important -- and probably the only -- region for wolf domestication, and that a large number of wolves were domesticated,” says Savolainen.
In separate research published recently in Ecology and Evolution, Savolainen, PhD student Arman Ardalan and Iranian and Turkish scientists conducted a comprehensive study of mitochondrial DNA, with a particular focus on the Middle East. Because mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother in most species, it is especially useful in studying evolutionary relationships.
“Since other studies have indicated that wolves were domesticated in the Middle East, we wanted to be sure nothing had been missed. We find no signs whatsoever that dogs originated there,” says Savolainen.
In their studies, the researchers also found minor genetic contributions from crossbreeding between dogs and wolves in other geographic regions, including the Middle East.
“This subsequent dog/wolf hybridisation(混合淡化技术)contributed only modestly to the dog gene pool,” Savolainen explains.
小题1:What does Dr. Peter Savolainen believe?
A. Dogs’ ancestors came from the Middle East.
B. Wolves were probably first trained to work for humans in the ASY region.
C. Analysis of Y-chromosomal DNA should be combined with mitochondrial DNA.
D. Samples of the previous studies are enough to support the conclusion.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.there is a universal agreement on the place of first domestication
B.data from ASY may highlight where dogs came from
C.Dr. Savolainen’s research mainly focuses on the Middle East
D.the dog/wolf hybridization makes up most of the dog gene pool
小题3:What is special about mitochondrial DNA?
A.It is only used in studying evolutionary relationships.
B.It alone can provide hard evidence for Savolainen’s research.
C.It is the most useful in finding out the birth place of dogs.
D.It comes from the mother of most animals and plants.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In November of 2007, NBC Universal launched its first official Green Week. Throughout the week, NBC Universal presented over 150 hours of environmentally themed content through multiple platforms (平台).
Now, NBC Universal is proud to present Green Week 2012. With a new theme and message of “Green Your Routine”, NBC and NBC.com presents green-themed tips in several of our daytime life, among several other features here on the “Green Your Routine” site.
Fashion & Beauty
Throw a clothes exchange party! Are you dying for that sweater your friend wore the other day? Well, maybe she’ll trade for that old T-shirt you have. Here’s a website that helps you organize an exchange party (www.swapstyle.com), or just plan your own!
Go natural with organic make-up. Applying unnatural products on your skin wasn’t exactly that nature intended. Try switching to a line of organic make-up and cosmetics for a different way to bring out your natural beauty.
Drop a brick in your toilet tank! Literally! According to the EPA, flushing (冲洗) makes up 30 percent of a household’s water use (about three to six gallons per flush). By placing a brick in your toilet tank, you can help to conserve the amount of water used during each flush.
Print smarter. Printing and copying can be one of the most costly operations in any office. To save on ink and paper costs, print double-sided and try to fit more than one page on a sheet. More printing tips can be found here: lifehacker.com
Turn off your computer. Do you leave your computer on over night? If so, you’re using up a good amount of electricity. If you can, try turning off your computer and the power strip it’s connected to. If you can’t, shut off your monitor at least.
Organize a car pool (拼车). There are many benefits to carpooling. You save on gas and you get to ride in the HOV lines. Get connected with your neighbors and co-workers to start sharing rides and check out this website for more tips: www.erideshare.com.
Lose the car and get a bike. If you live close to where you work, try taking a bike instead of driving. You’ll keep in shape and save on gas!
Every small step and efforts makes a difference! Be sure to GREEN YOUR ROUTINE!
小题1:NBC Universal holds Green Week activities ________.
A.in a universityB.in a park
C.in an officeD.on the Internet
小题2:This year, Green Week welcomes________. 
A.advice on how to improve the website
B.suggestions about how to make their activities more interesting
C.tips on what to do to make our life greener
D.opinions on whether we should have campaigns
小题3:Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?.
A.Never use make-up and cosmetics any more.
B.Putting a brick in the toilet tank can help flash quickly.
C.Printing double-sided can save paper costs.
D.You’ll keep fit through carpooling.
小题4:The passage is mainly intended to _______.
A.call on readers to be environmentally friendly and present some good tips
B.tell readers to be environmentally friendly while travelling
C.persuade readers to ride bicycles when travelling
D.inform readers of measures to improve our environment


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

At 10 years old, Flynn Mc Garry became sick of the meals his mother cooked for him. So the Los Angeles native took matters into his own hands and started making his own dinners. One of his specialties? Trout with braised leeks(韭葱炖鲑鱼).
Now 13, the young chef is being praised as a “food prodigy(神童)”. He will spend his summer apprenticing with some of the best chefs at LA’s famous restaurants, MSNBC Nightly New reports.
Mc Garry began making a name for himself in the culinary(烹饪) world when John Sedlar, owner of the trendy Playa Restaurant, let Mc Garry take over the kitchen for a special nine-course meal. The meal sold out almost instantly.
“Flynn is a very unusual young man, and he’s very, very passionate,” owner John Sedlar told MSNBC.
By usual teenage boy standards, it’s true. So strong is his passion for cooking that the young man has turned his bedroom into an experimental kitchen laboratory.
Instead of video game consoles, baseball trophies and movie posters, Mc Garry’s room is lined with mixers, pots and pans, cutting boards and a stainless steel worktable. It’s where Mc Garry cooks his monthly pop-up dinners, which are served from his family’s dining room, a monthly supper club he calls Eureka.
Mc Garry is deft(灵巧的) and confident in the kitchen, with skills he’s been practicing since he was a child. What started out as a means of self-preservation from his mom’s unsatisfactory cooking has turned into a passion that the teen hopes to develop into a career.
“My goal? Michelin three stars, a restaurant in the top 50 list,” he told MSNBC. “Hopefully the top five.” Meanwhile, Mc Garry’s 13-year-old resume is already richer and more impressive than most cooks many times his age.
Mc Garry isn’t the only talented young prodigy to surprise experts in his field in recent years. At just 17 years old, physicist Taylor Wilson is already teaching graduate-level courses in physics and has built a functioning nuclear reactor.
小题1:Mc Garry first started cooking ___________.
A.for himself B.as an experiment
C.in his own bedroom D.with a teacher’s guidance
小题2:Compared with many adult chefs, Mc Garry ________.
A.has the best cooking equipment in his kitchen
B.is inventive and has many new specialties to his name
C.has much and impressive cooking experience for his young age
D.wants to open his own Michelin three-star restaurant
小题3:The author mentions Taylor Wilson in the last paragraph to ______.
A.prove that Flynn’s success is not a rare case
B.compare his talent to that of Flynn Mc Garry
C.introduce a young talent in a different field
D.suggest experts should be trained at a young age
小题4:Where does this text probably come from?
A.A recipe bookB.A restaurant introduction
C.A career guideD.A news report


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Smoking not only can wrinkle(起皱纹) the face and turn it yellow -- it can do the same to the whole body, researchers reported on Monday.
The study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, shows that smoking affects the skin all over the body -- even skin protected from the sun.
"We examined non-facial skin that was protected from the sun, and found that the total number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day and the total years a person has smoked were linked with the amount of skin damage a person experienced," Dr. Yolanda Helfrich of the University of Michigan, who led the study, said in a statement.
"In participants older than 65 years, smokers had significantly more fine wrinkling than nonsmokers. Similar findings were seen in participants aged 45 to 65 years," Helfrich's team added in their report.
The researchers tested 82 people, smokers and nonsmokers, taking pictures of the inner right arms. They ranged in age from 22 to 91 and half were smokers. Independent judges decided how wrinkled each person's skin was.
When skin is exposed to sunlight, notably(尤其)the face, it becomes coarse, wrinkled and discolored with a pale yellow tint, Helfrich's team wrote.
Several previous studies have found that cigarette smoking contributes to premature(过早的)skin aging as measured by facial wrinkles, the study said, but little has been done to measure the aging of skin not exposed to light.
The report did not discuss the mechanism involved but previous research has found that cigarette smoke, among other things, causes blood vessels(血管)beneath the skin to constrict(紧缩), reducing blood supply to the skin.
Smoking can also damage the connective tissue (组织)that supports both the skin and the internal organs.
小题1:The best title for this passage would be_______.
A.The danger of smokingB.Smoking causes skin aging
C.Quit smoking for healthD.A survey of smokers
小题2:It can be inferred from the study _______ .
A.smoking won’t make skin protected from the sun
B.smoking will do damage to skin rather than other organs
C.smokers over 65 usually won’t worry about their skin
D.the age of smokers is not connected with the result of the test
小题3: From the passage smoking results in skin aging mainly because_____.
A.it will lower blood supply to skinB.it can make you feel tired
C.it can make skin come offD.it can make blood run faster
小题4:The main purpose of the passage is to ______.
A.inform people about the result of the study
B.advise people how to protect skin
C.warn people not to smoke again
D.introduce a new way of avoiding skin aging


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday named Mo Yan winner of the Twenty-Twelve Nobel Prize in Literature.
The academy praised the Chinese writer for what it called his “hallucinatoty realism (魔幻现实主义)”. It noted his ability to combine folk stories, history and modern events in his works.
An academy official said Mister Mo was “overjoyed and sacred” when he learnt he had won the award. He will receive his Nobel diploma, a medal and more than one million dollars at the ceremony in Stockholm in December.
Mo Yan is a leading author of modern Chinese novels. He often writes from memories of his youth. He also sets many of his stories in the area where he was born—Shandong Province in northeastern China.
Mister Mo’s 1987 book Red Sorghum is an example. It is about the extreme violence in rural eastern China during the Communist Revolution in the 1920’s and 1930’s. The story describes the criminal culture of the time, Japan’s occupation and the terrible conditions faced by farm workers. Red Sorghum was later made into a movie.
Mo Yan’s other major works include Big Breasts and Wide Hips, Republic of Wine and Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out.
The Royal Swedish Academy compared him to two 20th century writers: American William Faulkner and Colombia Gabriel Marquez.
Mo Yan’s real name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan means “Don’t speak.” The writer said he chose the name to remember to stop his tongue from getting him in trouble.
China is celebrating the victory of his native son. Minutes after the award was announced, millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan on social media websites.
小题1:How many books of Mo Yan are mentioned in this passage?
小题2:It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.many people in China showed their respect for Mo Yan by letters.
B.Mo Yan is just a pen name.
C.he was very glad to win the Nobel Prize.
D.Red Sorghum was once made into a film.
小题3:Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.Mo Yan, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
B.The origin of Mo Yan’s work.
C.The true meaning of Mo Yan.
D.Bookstore created by Mo Yan.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

TOKYO, Japan (AP) – Japan is very serious about robotics (机器人技术). If the androids are going to fit in, they probably need to learn the Japanese custom of serving tea. Fortunately, researchers at the University of Tokyo are exploring just that. In a show this week, an android(有人特点的)with camera eyes made by Kawada Industries Inc. poured tea from a bottle into a cup. Then another robot on wheels delivered the cup of tea in an experimental room that has sensors(感应器)embedded in the floor and sofa as well as cameras on the ceiling, to simulate(模仿)life with robot technology.
“A human being may be faster, but you’d have to say ‘Thank you,’” said University of Tokyo professor Tomomasa Sato. “That’s the best part about a robot. You don’t have to feel bad about asking it to do things.”
Sato believes Japan, a rapidly aging society where more than a fifth of the population is 65 or older, will lead the world in designing robots to care for the elderly, sick and bedridden(卧床不起的). Already, monitoring technologies, such as sensors that automatically turn on lights when people enter a room, are becoming widespread in Japan.
The walking, child–size Asimo from Honda Motor Co. greets people at showrooms. NEC Corp. has developed a smaller companion robot on wheels called Papero. A robot available since 2004 can entertain the elderly and others in need of companionship.
Sato says his experimental room is raising awareness about privacy questions that may arise when electronic devices(设备)monitor a person’s movements down to the smallest detail.
On the bright side, the tea – pouring humanoid has been programmed to do the dishes.
小题1:What is the best title of this passage?
A.“Thank You” Will Never Be Needed in Japan
B.Monitoring Technologies Are Widespread in Japan
C.Robot Is Designed to Care for the Elderly.
D.Robot technologies are widespread in Japanese daily life.
小题2:The underlined word “embedded” in the first paragraph probably means      .
小题3:According to Professor Sato,       .
A.the robot serves tea much faster than a human being
B.the robot does anything like human beings
C.tea – serving robot helps to form laziness of the aging society
D.tea – serving robot doesn’t need any reward for the service
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.A robot can imitate people to complete complicated tasks.
B.A robot has been programmed to clean the dishes.
C.All the problems in the aging society can be solved by robots.
D.The number of aging people is increasing rapidly in Japan.
小题5:We can infer from the passage that        .
A.people are afraid of being monitored by robots.
B.the technology of robots has been highlighted(强调) in Japan.
C.robots can completely take the place of human beings.
D.people’s privacy should be strictly protected

