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I learned about life from an ant farm.When I was seven years old, my family created one.First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box, and then we waited for the live ants to arrive.Shortly after the chilly ants were dropped into the glass structure, they got to work making tunnels.I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do.After hours of staring, I realized that the ants had assigned jobs.With my mom ' s help, I kept a diary of what happened each day and named the ants.
One day a tragedy struck the ant farm.The pages of the diary, still wrinkled where tear drops fell, indicate the depth of the tragedy.'I had put my face so close to the structure that I accidentally tipped it over, caving in all the tunnels.Although the ants survived their earthquake, one by one they began to die.I was terrified as I watched them give up their tunnel-building to carry the bodies to a comer of the farm.My mother reported that the ants were dying of "frustration." They simply could not stand the reality that their tunnels had been destroyed.
Although much time has passed, I still think of that ant farm.Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural world, but it taught me much more.Over the years, I came to realize the ants were a study in the benefits of teamwork.Working together, they were able to create an amazing world for themselves.I also learned that they should be admired for their hard work.Day in and day out, each labored at their task.The ant farm showed that teamwork and perseverance are indeed two key ingredients to success.But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently: Adversity (不幸、灾祸) is a natural part of life,and must be accepted.Unlike the ants, humans cannot give up when they face disappointment.Unlike the ants, we have to realize that if a tunnel caves in, we just have to build another.Giving up, I say, is not a choice.
小题1:The family created an ant farm in a glass box because it was easy _____.
A.for the ants to live inB.to get sun light in
C.to keep the sand cleanD.for the boy to observe
小题2:What made the pages of the diary wrinkled?
A.The tears.B.The earthquakeC.The ants.D.The tragedy.
小题3:What did the writer finally realize?
A.Perseverance is the only way to success.
B.Humans cannot give up when facing adversity.
C.People should admire anyone for their hard work.
D.His mother taught him much more.
小题4:When did the writer draw a more important lesson from his experience?
A.Before he was seven years old.
B.When he was seven years old.
C.Immediately after the tragedy.
D.Many years after the tragedy


小题1:推断题。结合第一段I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do.After hours of staring, I realized that the ants had assigned jobs.With my mom ' s help, I kept a diary of what happened each day and named the ants.的内容可知,家人造蚂蚁农场的目的是让作者观察蚂蚁的生活状况。
小题2:细节题。结合The pages of the diary, still wrinkled where tear drops fell可知答案。
小题3:细节题。结合But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently: Adversity (不幸、灾祸) is a natural part of life,and must be accepted.Unlike the ants, humans cannot give up when they face disappointment.可知答案。
小题4:推断题。结合Over the years,和But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently可知答案。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor.On that cold day years ago, as we watched the students walking into the hall, one of my colleagues turned to me and said, "Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest time of your life." At my inquiry, he answered, "Because the students you have gotten to know have to leave."
As years went by, my previous confusion about my colleague's words no longer existed.When I came across naughty students, I have had to rethink why I chose to be a teacher.It obviously isn't the money.Once a former computer science student of mine called me, asking me if I wanted to have a change.He was working at Nintendo Corporation.His salary was higher than my current one, though I have more education and have worked for over a decade.With my programming skills, he said he could get me hired.I thanked him, but declined his kind offer.
A few days before this current graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note a student had slipped in with her homework.She thanked me for being her teacher and said the things she had learned in my class—not about math, but about life—would be things she would remember long after the math skills had faded away.As I finished reading, I remembered why I had become a teacher.
Now, on this sunny graduation day, as I again observed the sea of blue hats and gowns, I did so with renewed dedication (奉献) and a deeper sense of satisfaction—I will always be grateful that I am a teacher.
小题1:Hearing his colleague's description of graduation for the first time, the author __________.
A.quite agreed with his colleague
B.was very puzzled
C.thought it very funny
D.was very sad
小题2:The computer science student called up the author because he___________.
A.wanted to inform the author of his present job
B.tried to persuade the author to work with him
C.wanted the author to share his joy and satisfaction
D.thought the author wasn't fit to be a teacher
小题3:The underlined part “blue hats and gowns” refers to___________.
A.university colleaguesB.graduates' clothes
C.life memoriesD.decorations in the hall
小题4:The author wrote this passage to __________.
A.express his devotion to being a teacher
B.compare two different graduation ceremonies
C.talk about the meaning of graduation
D.give advice on how to be a good teacher


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is normal for parents to question their children's hairstyle or the clothes they wear. But today teenagers and their parents argue over something else: money.
Children are spending lots of it. Parents used to say to their children, "You're wearing that?" Now they say, "You paid how much for that?"
Children in the US today spend five times more money than their parents did when they were young.
So what are all these children buying? The list is long: ipods trainers(训练鞋), cellphones and jeans are typical items that children "have to" buy. And they will do anything to get them. They ask their parents over and over until they buy them.
But parents also need to take the blame for spending so much money. They want their children to have the best stuff. They end up competing with other parents over what their children have.
So no wonder children find it hard to learn the importance of saving money rather than spending it all the time.
And it's hard to save when companies use advertising and clever slogans to encourage young people to buy their products. They even encourage children to keep asking their parents for something until they get it.
Today, you don't even need to have money in order to buy something. Banks give out credit cards and loans all the time so people are saving less and less. We are used to there being lots of money around. And if you don't have much you can always borrow some.
But this hasn't always been the case. When our grandparents were young there was very little money and everyone had to save hard for things they bought. They only bought things they needed, not things they just wanted.
The older generation made the wise expression, "Money doesn’t grow on trees." This is as true now as it was 50 years ago. They give money a great deal of value. And we all have a lot to learn from them.
小题1:The text mainly tells us ________.
A.divisions between teenagers and their parents
B.children's high consumption (消费) of products
C.what is popular among children at the moment
D.how to spend money wisely
小题2:Parents are to blame for children's spending a lot of money because ________.
A.they encourage children to care about the latest fashion
B.their consumption habits set a bad example for children
C.they always give children too much pocket money
D.they do nothing to help children establish healthy consumption habits
小题3:Nowadays people find it hard to save money because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.
A.banks provide credit cards and loans
B.advertisements draw people’s attention to new products
C.people have more money than in the past and saving is out of date
D.people's living standard has improved and they can buy what they want
小题4:The saying "Money doesn't grow on trees." in the last paragraph is intended to tell us that ________.
A.the older generation understood how to teach children to save
B.in the past, people attached more importance to saving money
C.money has a great deal of value
D.money is not easily earned and people should be careful spending it


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“There are no real friends or enemies in the business world”. This saying may have been on the minds of bosses at China’s main online video providers, Youku.com Inc and Tudou Holdings Ltd, when the one-time rivals(对手)agreed to merge (合并) on March 12. The deal will create the country’s largest company in the online video industry, Youku Tudou Inc.
Three months ago, the two companies were involved in a copyright dispute. On December 12, Tudou charged Youku.com with illegally airing the entertainment series, Kangxi is coming. Tudou was the only company which had rights to the series. In response, Youku filed a lawsuit(诉讼) against Tudou, claiming the company was broadcasting more than 50 Youku-owned TV series.
According to analysts, the deal came out of the market battle between the two companies. Each spent so much money buying licensed content that they ended up in the red last year. “Funding pressures are the main reason for the deal,” said Shi Jialong, a Hong Kong-based analyst with CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets. “After the merger, there might be a fall in copyright purchase prices, which is good for the industry in the short term.”
The new company will face competition from Web portals(门户网站) providing similar services. Youku owned 21.8 percent of Chin’s online video market in the last quarter of last year and Tudou 13.7 percent, but Sohu.com followed close on the heels with 13.3 percent, according to domestic research company Analysys International.
Some analysts do not feel the deal will secure the market for Youku Tudou. Shi Yu, CEO of media company KU6, said the merger was unlikely to have a “one plus one more than two” effect. In his opinion, video-hosting sites need to find new ways of generation profit to succeed in the market.
小题1:The main reason for Youku.com Inc and Tudou Holdings Ltd to merge is that           .
A.the two companies were in great demand of money
B.they were charge with illegally airing the entertainment series
C.the two companies created the country’s largest company
D.they intended to cut down the prices of copyrights
小题2:The underlined words “in the red” in the third paragraph mean “         ”.
A.in a big fightB.in a great trouble C.at a lossD.at a distance
小题3:What do the last two paragraphs imply?
A.Shi Yu doesn’t think it a good idea for the two companies to merge.
B.The merger is really a win-win deal for the companies involved.
C.The merger may not promise a bright future for Youku Tudou.
D.The new company will be more competitive after the merger.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The merge will benefit the online video industry to some degree.
B.The two companies spent lots of money building video-hosting sites.
C.Youku Tudou Inc currently controls half of the online video market in China.
D.The new company has taken charged of all the entertainment series.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I want to share a true story with you. I am    1   that it can inspire (激励) everyone. Let’s be like lamps (灯) or candles to light people’s    2  .
Some of my    3   work in Australia. Among the natives, there was an elderly man. I am sure that you have    4  been in a situation as difficult as that    5   old man’s. He was completely ignored by everyone. His    6   was disordered and dirty.
I told him, “Please let me    7   your house, wash your clothes, and make your bed.” He answered, “I’m    8   with this. Let it be.”
I said again, “It will be still better if you    9   me to do it.”
He finally    10  . So I was able to clean his house and wash his clothes. I    11   a beautiful lamp, which was covered with    12  . Only God knows how many    13   had passed since he last lit it.
I said to him, “Don’t you light your lamp? Don’t you ever    14   it?”
He answered, “No. No one comes to see me. I have no    15   to light it. Who would I light it for?”
I asked, “Would you light it every    16   my sisters came?”
He replied, “Of course.”
From that day on, my sisters committed (投入) themselves to    17   him every evening. We cleaned the lamp and he would    18   it every evening.
Two years passed. I had completely    19   that man. He sent this message: “Tell my friends that the light they lit in my life continues to    20   still.”
A.surprisedB.satisfiedC.afraid D.sure


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bill and his family has been living in the six-family building for years. All the neighbors got along fairly well with each other until recently.
An old man and his wife used to live on the second floor. Bill’s mother and the old lady were good friends. Unfortunately the lady died last month. Her husband could not live alone, so he had his grandson move over and live with him.
The grandson has become a problem to all the neighbors, especially to Bill’s family. The walls of the building are thin and he is noisy. Bill is used to peace and quiet but the young man likes to listen to the radio late at night. Sometimes friends of his visit and they make a lot of noise. That is too much for Bill’s family.
Bill’s mother once asked the old man politely if he was able to sleep well at night, but obviously the man didn’t understand what she meant. If he did and spoke to his grandson, the young man obviously didn’t listen, since things haven’t changed any. Everyone in Bill’s family agrees that something must be done though they don’t want to hurt the kind old man.
小题1:Bill’s family got angry because ________.
A.the old lady had died
B.a young man moved in
C.the old man could not live alone
D.the grandson made a lot of noise
小题2: Which of the following statements is true?
A.The old man could not live without his wife’s help.
B.The old man and his wife were sometimes making trouble too.
C.Bill’s mother was kind to her neighbors.
D.Bill’s mother was the only one who likes the young man.
小题3:The grandson makes a lot of noise as ________.
A.he never thinks other people might not be happy with so much noise around
B.the walls of the building are thin
C.he likes to listen to the radio at night
D.friends of his visit
小题4:It seems that ________to solve the problem.
A.anyone is ableB.only the grandfather is going
C.Bill’s mother is ableD.nobody is likely


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was a boy, every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. My  ( 1 )  took me by train or by car to a hotel by the (  2 ) . All day, I seem to remember, I  ( 3)   on the sands with strange   (4 )  children. We made houses and gardens, and  ( 5)   the tide destroy them. When the tide went out, we  (6)   over the rocks and looked down at the fish in the rock-pools.
In those days the  ( 7 )  seemed to shine always brightly ( 8 )  the water was always warm. Sometimes we left beach and walked in the country,( 9 )  ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There were ( 10 )  in one’s pockets or good places where one could ( 11 )  ice creams. Each day seemed a lifetime.
Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good (  12 ) is much the same as it was. I ( 13 )  like the sun and warm sand and the sound of ( 14 )  beating the rocks. I no longer wish to ( 15 )  any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets. ( 16 ) , I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.
Sometimes I (  17 ) what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am ( 18 ) . All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about ( 19 )  who make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make themselves ( 20 )  on too many ices…
A.teacher B.parentsC.nurseD.younger sister
A.sea B.lakeC.mountainD.river


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat doing letters(学问). Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.
Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk”, she said again, “is for Elizabeth.” I never saw her anger, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was too emotional. But she lived “on the surface”.
As years passed, I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive(原谅)me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace-it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written in, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.
Now the present of her desk told me, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside-a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times. Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you chose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.
小题1:The writer began to love her mother’s desk _______.
A.after Mother died.B.before she became a writer.
C.when she was a child.D.when Mother gave it to her.
小题2:The passage shows that _____.
A.Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter.
B.Mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done.
C.Mother cared much about her daughter in words.
D.Mother wrote to her daughter in careful words.
小题3:The word gulf in the paragraph 2 means ______.
A.deep understanding between the old and the young.
B.different ideas between the mother and the daughter.
C.free talks between mother and daughter.
D.part of the sea going far in land.
小题4:What did mother do with her daughter’s letter asking for forgiveness?
A.She had never received the letter.
B.For years, she often talked about the letter.
C.She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in all her life.
D.She read the letter again and again till she died.
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.My Letter to Mother.B.Mother and Children.
C.My Mother’s Desk.D.Talks between Mother and Me.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A Love Note To My Mom
When I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modelling  36 in your life. Little did I know you were  37 every penny you earned to go to  38  school.
I cannot thank you enough for  39 you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I went into the dining room where you were buried  40  piles of law books. I was  41  .Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for  42  ? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’t know. Moms could be lawyers too. You smiled and said, “In life, you can do anything you want to do.”
As young as I was, that statement kept  43 in my ears. I watched as you faced the  44 of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a  45 and a Mom with five kids. I was exhausted just watching you in action. With your words of wisdom in my youthful mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world  46 . I set out to live my life filled with        47  , seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.
Your words became my motto. I constantly found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) or one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, I’ll try that.”
Encouraged by your  48 , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and  49 meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’m  50 it. So, get to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.
A.came backB.closed downC.went byD.opened up

