精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

2010 was a good year for American farmers. They earned about eighty-two billion dollars. That is almost one-third more than that they earned last year. And it is twenty-six percent higher than the ten-year average. Values for grain and oilseed crops are up about three percent from last year. The value of animal production is up by almost seven percent.

In 2011, farm exports are expected to break the all-time high set in 2008.The Agriculture Department says exports in 2011 could top one hundred and twenty-six billion dollars. The largest buyer of agricultural products is expected to be Canada. But farm exports to China are predicted to come within five hundred million dollars of Canadian purchases. Secretary Vilsack says countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East are also buying more from American farmers.

Poor growing conditions overseas played an important part in higher prices for American crops in 2010.Charlotte Hebe brand is chief executive of the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council in Washington. She said drought(干旱)conditions had a big effect over the summer. She said,“There were horrible weather problems, not just in Russia but also in some of the other former Soviet Union countries.”

Wheat prices rose after Russia stopped wheat exports,although Russia later eased the ban(禁令).“Wheat used to be America’s top crop. What’s interesting,though,is that wheat production has actually become less over the past few years because corn has become the most popular crop,”said economist Charlotte Hebebrand.

Corn is mostly fed to animals. But Miss Hebebrand said with the recent increase in wheat prices, American farmers might plant more wheat again. Corn and wheat are the two largest crops supported by the government.

1.We know that compared to 2009,in 2010 American farmers——.

A.planted less corn

B.planted morn crops

C.planted morn wheat

D.earned more money

2.What does the Agriculture Department expect in 2011?

A. Agriculture exports will continue to increase.

B. China will be the largest buyer of agriculture products

C. America will export food to every country around the world

D. Southeast Asian countries will start buying food from America

3.What is implied in Paragraph 3?

A. America farming also was greatly affected in 2010

B. Russia was not the country most affected by drought in 2010

C. Weather problems helped raise prices for American crops in 2010

D. American crops were the most expensive around the world in 2010

4.We can infer that in the past few years American farmers——

A. reduced crop exports

B. increased corn production

C. increased wheat production

D. increased investment in farming

5.According to what Miss Hebebrand said, we know American farmers will ——

A.stop feeding corn to animals

B.export most of their corn

C.try to increased wheat production

D.try to get more support from the governmet









1.事实细节题,根据地一段They earned about eighty-two billion dollars. That is almost one-third more than that they earned last year可知,他们的收入比去年高了三分之一

2.事实细节题,根据第二段The Agriculture Department says exports in 2011 could top one hundred and twenty-six billion dollars可知,

3.事实细节题,根据第三段Poor growing conditions overseas played an important part in higher prices for American crops in 2010可知,

4.事实细节题,根据第四段What’s interesting,though,is that wheat production has actually become less over the past few years because corn has become the most popular crop可知,玉米产量增加

5.推理判断题,根据最后一段with the recent increase in wheat prices, American farmers might plant more wheat again可知,



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年度河北省保定三中高二第二学期3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Bridge of Hope supporters,
July 2010 was a productive month for the teachers at BOH. Marilyn traveled to Liberia and helped Kathleen Ngenda with her teacher training program on Basic Adult Literacy. During the eight-day training, she helped the teachers learn to pronounce, spell and write correctly. They are currently working on personal sets of cards and lists so that they can teach this concept to students in the fall. Kathleen plans on two trips back to the school to monitor teachers in their teaching.
Marilyn found a very dedicated (投入的)and enthusiastic group of elementary teachers who are focused on bettering themselves as educators. BOHUSA will offer financial support for their further educational studies this fall. Our goal is to have all staff be certified by the end of 2013.
The Liberian government recommends a C-certificate for teachers of elementary students, which can be obtained in one year of education classes (taken on Saturdays).
There is a great need to add seventh and eighth grade classrooms and a library. There is actually no room, however, and so we need to add a second floor. Currently the ground floor houses the church and the school uses this space for daily services. The first floor would give space for three more classrooms, in addition to a large reading room and computer labs. About $40,000 to 50,000 is required to meet the educational needs.
If you would like to contribute to this building project, please make out your check to:
Bridge of Hope
12002 Arnold Rd.
Orrville, Ohio 44667
Bridge of Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization. You do not have to pay tax on your contributions.
【小题1】Marilyn went to Liberia to ______.

A.take a tripB.visit a school
C.take training classesD.help train teachers
【小题2】What do we know about the school from Paragraph 4?
A.It needs repairB.It needs expansion
C.It has no office.D.It has an old library,
【小题3】The purpose of the letter is to _________.
A.show the achievements of BOH
B.thank BOH supporters for their concern
C.raise money for an educational project
D.call people’s attention to education in Liberia


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年新疆农七师高级中学高二下学期第二阶段考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

2010 was a good year for American farmers. They earned about eighty-two billion dollars. That is almost one-third more than that they earned last year. And it is twenty-six percent higher than the ten-year average. Values for grain and oilseed crops are up about three percent from last year. The value of animal production is up by almost seven percent.
In 2011, farm exports are expected to break the all-time high set in 2008.The Agriculture Department says exports in 2011 could top one hundred and twenty-six billion dollars. The largest buyer of agricultural products is expected to be Canada. But farm exports to China are predicted to come within five hundred million dollars of Canadian purchases. Secretary Vilsack says countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East are also buying more from American farmers.
Poor growing conditions overseas played an important part in higher prices for American crops in 2010.Charlotte Hebe brand is chief executive of the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council in Washington. She said drought(干旱)conditions had a big effect over the summer. She said,“There were horrible weather problems, not just in Russia but also in some of the other former Soviet Union countries.”
Wheat prices rose after Russia stopped wheat exports,although Russia later eased the ban(禁令).“Wheat used to be America’s top crop. What’s interesting,though,is that wheat production has actually become less over the past few years because corn has become the most popular crop,”said economist Charlotte Hebebrand.
Corn is mostly fed to animals. But Miss Hebebrand said with the recent increase in wheat prices, American farmers might plant more wheat again. Corn and wheat are the two largest crops supported by the government.
【小题1】We know that compared to 2009,in 2010 American farmers——.

A.planted less cornB.planted morn crops
C.planted morn wheatD.earned more money
【小题2】What does the Agriculture Department expect in 2011?
A. Agriculture exports will continue to increase.
B. China will be the largest buyer of agriculture products
C. America will export food to every country around the world
D. Southeast Asian countries will start buying food from America
【小题3】What is implied in Paragraph 3?
A. America farming also was greatly affected in 2010
B. Russia was not the country most affected by drought in 2010
C. Weather problems helped raise prices for American crops in 2010
D. American crops were the most expensive around the world in 2010
【小题4】We can infer that in the past few years American farmers——
A. reduced crop exports
B. increased corn production
C. increased wheat production
D. increased investment in farming
【小题5】According to what Miss Hebebrand said, we know American farmers will ——
A.stop feeding corn to animals
B.export most of their corn
C.try to increased wheat production
D.try to get more support from the governmet


科目:高中英语 来源:20102011云南武定一中高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

The whole world was talking about Octopus(章鱼)Paul Allen since it had a 100%correct prediction record of the matches,including Germany in the ongoing FIFA World Cup 2010.The question was whether there be a prediction of the grand final, since it did not include Germany.

 The answer to that much awaited question is yes. Celebrity Octopus Paul Allen does have a winner. It has picked Spain over Holland to lift the wishful prize. In a live television show all over Europe, Paul picked out a mussel(蚌)from the tank with the Spanish flag, ignoring the tank that had the Dutch flag. This means the prediction is that Spain will be FIFA World Cup 2010 champion.Regarding the place 3 and 4 playoff, Octopus Paul A11en has predicted that Germany will beat Uruguay to take the 3 rd place, which was right.

 Octopus Paul Allen has become a worldwide celebrity after it has predicted with 100% accuracy all of Germany’s World Cup games’ outcomes. It even stopped critics and experts when it correctly predicted a Serbia win over the strong Germans. Much to the sorrow of German fans,it also rightly predicted Spain having an advantage over Germany in the semifinals. And when this came true,there were many calls from angry and sad Germans fans to kill and eat it.Now let’s wait and see if this final prediction by Octopus Paul Allen comes true and its 100%accuracy record stays the same.It goes without saying. Spain will be smiling, at least right now!

1. Octopus Paul Allen became a hot topic because__________.

A. it predicted records of FIFA World Cup 2010 matches correctly

B. it was the mascot of FIFA World Cup 2010

C. it took part in the game with Germany and other teams

D. it lent a helping hand to Germany to win the game

2. From the second paragraph we know that the third place in FIFA World Cup 2010 was______.

  A. Spain    B. Holland    C. Germany    D. Uruguay

3.. According to the passage, when this news is released,_______.

A. FIFA World Cup 2010 has come to an end

B. Spain has already beaten Germany in the semifinals

C. Spain has already won the World Cup 2010 champion

D. the sad German fans have killed Octopus Paul Allen

4.. By saying “It goes without saying”, the writer means_______.

A. Spain will be FIFA World Cup 2010 champion 

B. Octopus Paul Allen won’t predict anything in the future

C. Octopus Paul Allen will surely leave

D. everything goes on well



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Bridge of Hope supporters,
July 2010 was a productive month for the teachers at BOH. Marilyn traveled to Liberia and helped Kathleen Ngenda with her teacher training program on Basic Adult Literacy. During the eight-day training, she helped the teachers learn to pronounce, spell and write correctly. They are currently working on personal sets of cards and lists so that they can teach this concept to students in the fall. Kathleen plans on two trips back to the school to monitor teachers in their teaching.
Marilyn found a very dedicated (投入的)and enthusiastic group of elementary teachers who are focused on bettering themselves as educators. BOHUSA will offer financial support for their further educational studies this fall. Our goal is to have all staff be certified by the end of 2013.
The Liberian government recommends a C-certificate for teachers of elementary students, which can be obtained in one year of education classes (taken on Saturdays).
There is a great need to add seventh and eighth grade classrooms and a library. There is actually no room, however, and so we need to add a second floor. Currently the ground floor houses the church and the school uses this space for daily services. The first floor would give space for three more classrooms, in addition to a large reading room and computer labs. About $40,000 to 50,000 is required to meet the educational needs.
If you would like to contribute to this building project, please make out your check to:
Bridge of Hope
12002 Arnold Rd.
Orrville, Ohio 44667
Bridge of Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization. You do not have to pay tax on your contributions.

  1. 1.

    Marilyn went to Liberia to ______.

    1. A.
      take a trip
    2. B.
      visit a school
    3. C.
      take training classes
    4. D.
      help train teachers
  2. 2.

    What do we know about the school from Paragraph 4?

    1. A.
      It needs repair
    2. B.
      It needs expansion
    3. C.
      It has no office.
    4. D.
      It has an old library,
  3. 3.

    The purpose of the letter is to _________.

    1. A.
      show the achievements of BOH
    2. B.
      thank BOH supporters for their concern
    3. C.
      raise money for an educational project
    4. D.
      call people’s attention to education in Liberia

