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10.______ about his own safety,Peter put a card on the back of his car reading"Caution-Newly Licensed."(  )
C.Having concernedD.Being concerned

分析 担心自己的安全,彼得在他的车子后放了一张卡片,上面写着"新手-小心".

解答 答案:A 短语搭配,be concerned about担心;句中concern的动作发生在谓语动词之前,不能用分词的进行式,可排除D项.故选A.

点评 非谓语动词是常考的语言点.有三种构成方式:现在分词表示主动和进行的动作;过去分词表示被动和完成;动词不等式表示未发生的动作.学习时,要注意区分和掌握.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Parents,let this be a lesson:Don't leave your child unattended with your ipad.Seven-year-old Faisall Shugaa decided to get himself an early Christams presents in the form of Dino Bucks,which in addition to being an in-game currency of Jurassic World,are also linked to,you know,real money.The total?An unbelievable 5,000,all of which was spent between December 13 and 18.Needless to say,Faisall's father,Mohamed Shugaa,flew into a rage about the charges.As it turns out,the youngster tried his father's Apple ID and password,which surprisingly allowed him to make purchases,mostly to upgrade the dinosaurs available in the vedio game.In a six-day period,Faisall managed to make an impressive 65 transactions (交易),at one point spending some 2,000 over the course of a single hour.
Shugaa,a store owner in the United Kindom,discovered his son's many,many mistakes when he attemped to make a purchase from a supplier.After his own charge was decreased,he called his credit card company.He was put in touch with the fraud(诈骗) team,who asked if he"was aware 60-plus transactions had been made to itunes from December 13 to 18 totaling 3,911 pounds,"he told British newspaper The Metro."I didn't have a clue what they were talking about and I had to check my bank account online to understand what was going on."
After he figured it out,things didn't get much better.
"I was so mad.I'm 32 years old,why would Apple think I would be spending thousands of pounds on buying dinosaurs and upgrading a game?"he said
But don't worry-this story has a happy ending.Despite initially being told by an Apple Support team member that there was no possibility he could get a refund(退款),Shugaa eventually got all his money back,which is lucky for Faisall(considering he would've gotten zero presents and been in even more trouble otherwise).Shugaa,for his part,says that he hopes Apple does something to see to it that no other parents experience the same headache.
Apple,for its part,recommends that parents not share their password.Or at the very least,make sure that your child is using your iDevice under careful supervision(监管).
29.What happened to the seven-year-old boy before Christmas?B
A.His father sent him a credit card as a Christmas present.
B.He successfully upgraded his dinosaurs in the vedio game.
C.His father took him to Jurassic World Park to celebrate Christmas.
D.An Apple Support team sent him some Dino Bucks as a Christmas present.
30.How did Little Faisall make the transactions?C
A.He asked The Metro to help him.
B.He broke his father's bank account.
C.He broke his father's Apple account.
D.His father told him the password of the credit card.
31.The underlined part in the first paragraph probably means his father wasB.
A.More than happy   B.extremely angry    C.very curious   D.greatly confident
32.We can infer from the passage that Faisall's father willA
A.reset his iPad password in no time.
B.never permit his little son to use his iPad.
C.share his iPad password with his little son
D.leave his little son unattended with his iPad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The rules state that no books or magazines ________ be taken out of the school reading-room.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Ten Chinese engineers were driving down a road to a National Forest Park.They were  (61)suddenly(sudden) amazed by what they saw.Three tall animals,(62)covered(cover) with long black hair,were crossing the road.On (63)seeing(see) the animals,the engineers immediately stopped and ran after them.However,when they saw (64)themmove through the forest with great speed and strength,they did not dare to follow any  (65)farther(far).
    The men did not take any photographs but scientists were delighted by the (66)discovery(discover),Because the engineers are all well educated people and scientists feel they can rely on what they (67)described(describe).
    Scientists returned to the forest,collected some hair and measured footprints,(68)whichare about 20 inches.They appear to be the animals'feet!Chinese scientist have now set up a special group to exchange information and made a study of the forest.But in the meantime,some people refuse to believe that this half-man,half-monkey (69)exists(exist).They will not believe it(70)untilone of the animals have been caught.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.In job interviews,we're often asked about our strengths and weaknesses.And,as a matter of fact,most of us know automatically how to respond.
Common wisdom tells us to use  faux  weaknesses,which means things that are strengths described as negatives and turned into positives.You might even be able to change your weakness into a skill for a job you're not fully qualified for.
In America,in a championship game you are unlikely to see athletes showing weakness.If the athletes become hurt in this game,they will hide their injuries-they don't want their competitors to know their weak spots.But there is absolutely no need for us to act like this in business affairs.
At work and in business,you can have shortcomings because these can be overcome and turned into strengths.The only fatal thing is to not realize that all your weaknesses can be made strong.Of course,to make up for shortcomings,you must first be aware of what your weaknesses really are.
Have you ever wondered what has happened when you interview for a job you're fully qualified for,but it goes to someone who doesn't seem to be qualified at all?How would that person get the job when he had none of the qualifications listed in the job ad?
That applicant figured out the business pain point that is seldom,if ever,mentioned in the job ad,and then how to address it.He didn't talk about how he met each of the requirements on the job ad.He had none of the qualifications.He asked questions instead.He asked probing (探询的) questions to learn more about the business pain.By doing so,this less-qualified person soon learned that the hiring managers needed something different from what was listed in the job ad.
Not accepting the job ad as an unquestionable truth is the key.There is no reason to think that hiring managers actually know what they need when they write job ads.They may need someone completely different from what they describe.That is why you can get a job that you're not qualified for.

66.The underlined word"faux"in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to"C".
A.incorrect           B.illogical            C.false               D.imaginary
67.What exactly does the author advise you to do when you are a weak candidate for a job?B
A.Don't ask questions if you think you are a weak candidate.
B.Ask questions about the job until you find you have something to offer.
C.Don't let your interviewer know your weaknesses but tell him your strengths.
D.Ask questions according to the job description to see if you can be a qualified candidate.
68.Why does the author think an applicant can get a job that he's not qualified for?D
A.Because hiring managers may change their mind in the job interview.
B.Because hiring managers may actually need someone who can ask questions.
C.Because the applicant may not know that he actually has the required qualifications.
D.Because hiring managers may not know what they actually need when writing the ad.
69.What is the passage mainly talking about?A
A.You can change you weaknesses into strengths in job interviews.
B.Don't expose your weaknesses but show your strengths in job interviews.
C.Find out the business pain point not mentioned in the job ad in job interviews.
D.Hiring managers usually don't know what qualifications they really need.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Putting a candle in the window ___ a traditional practice in many cultures,____ has a variety of meanings in the United States.(  )
A.was; thatB.is; itC.has been; whichD.had been; which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.People working 10or 11hours a day are more likely to suffer from health problems than _____who go off duty after eight hours.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.    ,I have to put the novel away and focus my attention on study this week.(  )
A.No matter how it is interesting
B.However it is interesting
C.No matter however interesting it is
D.No matter how interesting it is


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.It's wonderful to have a month in the faraway village,______ all worries and responsibilities.(  )
A.far fromB.contrary toC.free fromD.tired of

