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Teenagers at one German school are learning how to achieve happiness alongside other traditional  36  such as mathematics and languages.

The class sits in a circle with their eyes shut and they count from one to ten: someone starts, the   37  voice comes from the far right, a third from the other side.

The aim of the game is to   38  for an opportunity to shout out the   39  without clashing(相撞)with another voice or leaving a pause. On the first try,  40  of the young Germans try to be first, while a few are too shy to join in. But by the fifth  41  , they develop a rhythm. The   42  . give other people space but also  43  claim your own. This is a requirement for social well-being.

Unlike schools in other nations,  German schools do not usually have school sports teams or seek to build school spirit. Many teens admit they are   44  and confused, but school is not usually the place to find relief.

The Willy Hellpach School in Heidelberg is the first in the nation to develop a happiness  45  . It is   46  for 17-19-year-olds preparing for university entrance exams.

“The course isn’t there to make you happy as   47  ,” Ernst Fritz-Schubert, the school principal, warned pupils, “  48  rather to help you discover the ways to become happy.”

Cooking a meal together will be one of the class  49  , along with improving body language under the   50  of two professional actresses.

The course is taught for three periods a week.  51  the happy subject, the pupils themselves insist it is no laughing matter.

“In the first period, we had to each say something   52  about another member of the class and about ourselves. No laughing at people or teasing,” said Fanny, 17.

The message: self-esteem(自尊)improves  53  too.

Research by the school shows it is not the first to start happiness classes: they also   54  at some US universities, but are mainly based on positive thinking, using   55  from studies of depression.

“That would be too one-sided for us. We want to show how decent(好的)food or exercise can help too,” the principal said.

36.A.subjects              B.objects                C.customs              D.habits

37.A.sweet                  B.next                    C.last                     D.loud


38.A.look                    B.see                      C.find                    D.listen

39.A.name                  B.person                 C.number               D.slogan

40.A.All                      B.few                     C.most                   D.none

41.A.round                  B.limit                    C.sheet                   D.zone

42.A.topic                   B.rhythm                C.subject                D.message

43.A.patiently              B.confidently          C.immediately         D.quietly

44.A.happy                 B.lonely                  C.curious               D.distinctive

45.A. movement          B.class                   C.course                D.approach

46.A.intended              B.made                   C.managed             D.applied

47.A.much                  B.well                    C.usual                   D.such

48.A.and                     B.but                      C.so                       D.yet

49.A.tests                   B.exams                 C.exercises             D.homework

50.A.guidance             B.lookout                C.counsel               D.supervision

51.A.Except                B.Beyond                C.Unlike                 D.Despite

52.A.backward            B.positive               C.negative              D.subjective

53.A.atmosphere          B.achievement         C.happiness            D.score

54.A.exist                   B.happen                C.devise                 D.initiate

55.A.inspections          B.instructions          C.motives               D.findings

答案  36.A   37.B  38.D  39.C  40.C  41.A  42.D  43.B  44.B  45.C  46.A  47.D  48.B  49.C  50.A  51.D  52.B  53.C  54.A  55.D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyle’s husband, an engineer, took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea, packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.

Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and without so much as a note or a good—bye close the front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them.

Last year, more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing from home—the highest in 15 years. Many did return home within a year, but others rejected the past completely and are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.

To those left behind this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self- confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that, people can be left with an unfinished marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.

Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive(冲动). “It’s typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other people’s pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing yourself, is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty, upset and empty.”

56. When her husband left home, Eileen Doyle ______________.

A. could not forgive him for taking the children

B. had been expecting it to happen for some time

C. could not understand why

D. blamed herself for what had happened

57. Most people who leave their families behind them_______.

A. do so without warning B. do so because of their debts

C. come back immediately D. change their names

58. Some people would even prefer the death to the running away of their spouse because      .

A. their spouse would feel no pain during the death

B. their spouse death would not be a bit terrible

C. a desertion would not bring a feeling of rejection or failure

D. their spouse’s death would make them feel less painful

59. Usually the man or woman left behind with an unfinished marriage __________.

A. admits responsibility for the situation

B. wishes the person who has left were dead

C. will come back within a year

D. will have no legal marriage life for seven years

60. Paul Brown regards leaving home in such circumstances as _____________.

A. an act of despair B. an act of selfishness

C. the result of a sudden decision D. the result of the enormous sense of guilt

