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1 The holiday that we ___ ____ ____ ____(盼望) is coming nearer and nearer.
2 They built that monument ____ ____ ____ (纪念)the people who died in the battle. 
3 The film he saw last week ____ _____ ____ (使……想起)what he had seen in Africa.
4 How do you ______ _____ (解释) your lateness.
5Smoking _____ ______ _______(不允许) here.
1 are looking forward to    2in memory of / in honour of   3 reminded him of 
4 account for   5 is not permitted/is not allowed

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


       1. 她盯着我看了一会儿,突然笑了起来。

She stared at me for a moment, then ________ ________ ________.

       2. 他并没有我们想得那么穷

He is not ________ ________ ________ ________ we thought.

       3. 如果你想去这个饭馆吃饭餐,就不得不提前预定。

If you want to dine at this restaurant, you have to book for a table _______ _________.

       4. 我们的地铁系统仿效了美国的。

Our subway system _______ ___________ ________ that in the United States.

       5. 你说他很容易相处,但是我感觉和他在一起不自在。

You say he is easy-going, but I never feel ________ ________ with him.

       6. 我今晚要待在家里,她可能给我打电话。

I will stay at home this evening; she _______ _______ _______ ring me tonight.

7. 我对目前的状况完全不满意。

I am not at all ________ ________ the present situation.

8. 没人能阻止他娶他爱的那个女孩。

Nobody can _________ him _________ _________ the girl he loves.

9. 不要看不起那些经常考试失败的人。相反的,我们应该帮助他们。

Don’t _________ ________ ________ those who often fail in the exam. On the contrary, we should help them with their studies.

10. 我要去书店买那本你刚刚提到的书。

I will go to the bookstore to buy the book that you __________ ________ just now.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Selling cigarettes to teens is considered i_________ in many countries.

2.I r________ Tom at the sight of him in the street though we haven’t seen each other for years.

3.People often judge you by the first i___________ you make.

4.I would a___________ it if you carry the box for me.

5.He is proud that his son has been a___________ to Oxford University.

6.We __________(交换) our addresses when we met for the first time.

7.Doctors are aiming to _______________(集中) more on prevention than cure.

8.Do you like a live show or a ______________(录制的) show ?

9.That did great harm to the health of those _________ (上瘾的) to drugs

10.He was so lucky that he ________ (幸存) the traffic accident.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.It is my __________ (相信) that good manners are very important to everybody.

2.Everybody ___________ (钦佩) him for his fine sense of humor.

3.Nobody can enter the lab without the teacher’s ____________ (允许).

4.It’s important to know your own s____________ and weaknesses.

5.We should keep a b____________ diet if we want to be in good shape.

6.Seeing the happy s____________ of her children playing in the garden, the mother didn’t feel upset any more .

7.The country _________ its __________(屏息) to see who would win the election in the early morning.

8.You should have ____________ ___________(道歉)your roommate, John. What you said yesterday hurt him deeply.

9.They stood there, ___________ _________ (怒视) each other without a word.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖北省武汉市武昌区高三上学期期末调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.But for his help, we.                  the program in time.(finish)


2.With          he didn't know what to do next.(arise)


3.              before we take the college entrance examination.(be)


4.He                   aloud in the study when he heard his father open the door.(pretend)


5.Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble                       the History Museum. (find)


6.So           with my work that I haven't had time for social activities.(occupy)


7.When we went shopping last week, Mary spent            as I did.(much)


8.Now that she is out of work, Lucy           to school, but she hasn't decided yet.(consider)


9.Charlie Chaplin made the people laugh at a time            so they could feel more content with their lives.(depress)


10.It was more important to me to know how  people thought, because that gave me insight into the way                       .( work )




科目:高中英语 来源:2012年人教版高中英语选修6Unit5练习卷 题型:单词拼写


1.________________(她的眼镜坏了),she couldn’t see the words on the blackboard.(break)

2.He took ________________(匆匆看了一眼手表) and then lowered her eyes.(glance)

3.The murderer ________________(背部中枪) while trying to escape.(shot)

4.He ________________(有音乐天赋),though his maths is poor.(gift)

5.The weather changed a lot,________________(由很冷变得相当暖和).(vary)

6.I’m ________________(盼望她到来) as soon as possible.(anxious)

7.As __________________(对……的奖励) passing her exams,she got a new bike from her parents.(reward)

8.The earthquake ____________ the whole country ____________(使……大吃一惊).(take)

9.He couldn’t run fast ____________(由于) his illness.(account)

10.His mother is ____________(不仅仅是个作家还是个演员).(also)


