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Nowadays people use different ways to communicate with each other. And does one always tell the truth when he or she talks with the other on the phone? Or does one sometimes tell a lie when writing an e-mail or giving an instant message? Recent research has found that communication technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study, made by Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, to compare honesty across a range of communication media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in e-mails. The fact that e-mails are automatically recorded--- and can come back to trouble you---appears to be the key to the finding.

Jeff Hancock made an investigation by asking 30 students to keep a communication diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or e-mail exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 percent of e-mails, 21 percent of instant messages, 27 percent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 percent of phone calls.

His results, to be presented at the conference on human computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected e-mailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because the unreal condition makes people uncomfortable, the detachment(非直接接触) of e-mailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because people are more practiced at that form of communication.

But Hancock says it is also very important and effective whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know that they will be responsible for what they have said in the conversation, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in e-mail than on the phone.

People are also more likely to lie in real time---in an instant message or phone call, say---than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are sudden or immediate responses to demands that they don’t expect, such as: “Do you like my dress?”

Hancock hopes his research will help business companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium for selling their products where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But given his results, work assessment, where honesty is regarded as more important than others, might be best done using e-mails.

Jeff Hancock’s study on lying in different ways of communications

The ___71___ from the statistics of the investigation

Lies become ___72___ when the communicating ways change from ___73___ to instant messages to face-to-face interactions to phone call.

The ___74___ why people lie / don’t lie

People won’t lie when their conversations will be recorded and can be reread, or when they know they should be ___75___ for what have said.

People lie in real time mostly because they have to answer ___76___questions without hesitation.

The ___77___ that business companies can learn from the study

Using telephones for ___78___ because their employees can stretch the truth.

Using e-mails for work assessment because their employees must tell what they’ve done ___79___.

The inference(推断) from the study

Suitable media should be chosen for different ___80___ purposes.



71. finding / conclusion   72. more   73. e-mails   74. reasons   75. responsible

76. unexpected / sudden / immediate   77. lessons   78. sale / selling   79. honestly  

80. communication / communicating




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


    请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填l个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we don’t have a regular diet of proper food, we don’t have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people think not eating breakfast doesn’t matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common misconception and other meal frequency and timing meals.

Will eating breakfast every day help me lose weight?

Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you shed pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely to eat diet-busting(破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories — and then some — before day's end. Researchers found that 78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry — who have maintained an average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years — eat breakfast every day.

Is "grazing" really healthier than eating three square meals a day?

No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin (胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares, according to the American Dietetic Association.

I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy, is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?

Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet "one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol(胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy.

Will bedtime snacks make you fat?

No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your desk every afternoon.

The final word

Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight. Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone.

Title: Stop Obsessing Over Your Meals

Common misconception

Some people think it doesn’t matter to live and work   1  breakfast.



People having breakfast can actually help weigh  3 People not eating breakfast make up the calories now and then in the



Old studies   5  grazing is better than eating three square meals but later not.


  6   to say whether eating most the calories at dinner is a bad idea.

Eating less food one meal per day may keep you neat, but may lead to blood pressure   7  .

Bedtime snacks

Bedtime snacks won’t make you fat.

Overeating may cause you to gain more calories than you burn through8  activity.

A habit of snacking in front of TV can’t gain weight more than overeating at a meal.


No one plan is   10   for everyone


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏省淮安市高一下学期第一次过关练习英语试题 题型:其他题



. Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we feel that we have not been given a fair treatment. The positive(积极的) side of this negative(消极的) emotion is that it has helped us to evolve(进化,演变) as humans and cope(应对) in a better manner with our surroundings. However, it tends to become a problem when we fail to control it. Many a time it happens that your anger has hurt others or has spoiled(宠坏) one of your relationships for which you regret later. It has some bad effects on the health, too.

We should control anger so that it does not cause harm to us or to those around us whom we love. One of the best ways to control anger is to get help from others. If you feel that you are unable to manage your anger, it can make you more upset. So tell someone that is close to you, a friend or a family member, about your problem. When you discuss a matter with others, there is a better chance of finding a solution to your problem. Besides, there are no better stress relievers than humor. When you feel that it is because of stress that your anger is becoming unmanageable, you can use humor. It can help you look at difficult things in a lighter way and you will feel better about the things around you.

Anger tends to make us have a lot of negative thoughts. Therefore, we have to change the negative thoughts into positive ones. For this you have to first refuse all the negative thoughts that are in your mind one by one. This can be done with a lot of practice. Once you are successful in that, you have to maintain your focus only on the positive things of life.

Meditation (冥想) is an excellent anger management technique. In addition, what we do is disconnect(使分离) ourselves from the outer world and focus all our attention into the inner world. This helps us develop a sense of controlling our thoughts that tend to cause anger.


Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we have been treated (1) ______.

(2)       sides

Help us evolve as humans.

Help us deal with our surroundings  (3) ______.

Negative sides

(4)         others.

Spoil your (5) ______.

Have some bad effects on your (6)          .

How to manage your anger

Get help from others

Discuss your problems with your friend or a (7) ______ member.

Use (8)        

It can help you look at difficult things in a lighter way.

Think positively

(9)        all the negative thoughts and focus only on positive things.

Practice meditation

Help us (10)          our thoughts which tend to cause anger.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010年黑龙江省高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:填空题



Unlike modern animal scientists , dinosaur (恐龙) scientist cannot sit on a hillside and use telescope to watch dinosaurs in order to know how they lived and whether they were good parents .   71   .

It’s very difficult for the scientists to reach an agreement because different results can be got from the same fossils(化石) .   72    . They might have formed when an entire group of dinosaurs got stuck all at once, or they might have been the result of dinosaurs getting stuck one after another over a course of a few centuries . Thus we can say that dinosaurs might have in the first case lived in big groups and in the second lived alone .

    73    .  A kind of dinosaurs called Sauropods left behind tracks in the western United States that appear to run north and south , suggesting that they even moved long distances together .

As to whether dinosaurs cared for their young , dinosaur scientists have turned to the closest living relatives of dinosaurs —birds and crocodiles — for possible models .     74   .  The discovered fossils of dinosaurs sitting on their eggs and staying with their young suggest the parents were taking care of their babies , but we still cannot say that all dinosaurs did the same .

75    .  Dinosaur scientists will have to find more proof to reach an agreement .

A.There is still a long way to go before the above questions could be answered .

B.Though there are two different results , dinosaur scientists now generally agree that at least some kinds

of dinosaurs lived in big groups .

C.Birds give a lot of care to their young , while crocodiles just help their young to the water .

D.Many fossils of the same kind of dinosaurs have been dug out from one place .

E. Half of the dinosaurs lived alone .

F. Birds hardly pay attentions to their young .

G. Instead , they have to search hard for information from dinosaur’s fossils .


71._______  72.______  73.______  74.______  75_____



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Nowadays people use different ways to communicate with each other. And does one always tell the truth when he or she talks with the other on the phone? Or does one sometimes tell a lie when writing an e-mail or giving an instant message? Recent research has found that communication technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study, made by Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, to compare honesty across a range of communication media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in e-mails. The fact that e-mails are automatically recorded--- and can come back to trouble you---appears to be the key to the finding.

Jeff Hancock made an investigation by asking 30 students to keep a communication diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or e-mail exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 percent of e-mails, 21 percent of instant messages, 27 percent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 percent of phone calls.

His results, to be presented at the conference on human computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected e-mailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because the unreal condition makes people uncomfortable, the detachment(非直接接触) of e-mailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because people are more practiced at that form of communication.

But Hancock says it is also very important and effective whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know that they will be responsible for what they have said in the conversation, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in e-mail than on the phone.

People are also more likely to lie in real time---in an instant message or phone call, say---than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are sudden or immediate responses to demands that they don’t expect, such as: “Do you like my dress?”

Hancock hopes his research will help business companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium for selling their products where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But given his results, work assessment, where honesty is regarded as more important than others, might be best done using e-mails.

Jeff Hancock’s study on lying in different ways of communications

The ___71___ from the statistics of the investigation

Lies become ___72___ when the communicating ways change from ___73___ to instant messages to face-to-face interactions to phone call.

The ___74___ why people lie / don’t lie

People won’t lie when their conversations will be recorded and can be reread, or when they know they should be ___75___ for what have said.

People lie in real time mostly because they have to answer ___76___questions without hesitation.

The ___77___ that business companies can learn from the study

Using telephones for ___78___ because their employees can stretch the truth.

Using e-mails for work assessment because their employees must tell what they’ve done ___79___.

The inference(推断) from the study

Suitable media should be chosen for different ___80___ purposes.

