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Several recent studies have found that being randomly (随机地) assigned to a roommate of another race can lead to increased tolerance but also to a greater likelihood (可能性) of conflict.
Recent reports found that lodging with a student of a different race may decrease prejudice and force students to engage in more ethnically diverse friendships.
An Ohio State University study also found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers. Researchers believe this may be caused by social pressure.
In a New York Times article, Sam Boakye – the only black student on his freshman year floor -said that "if you're surrounded by whites, you have something to prove."
Researchers also observed problems resulting from pairing interracial students in residences.
According to two recent studies, randomly assigned roommates of different races are more likely to experience conflicts so strained that one roommate will move out.
An Indiana University study found that interracial roommates were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together by the end of the semester.
Grace Kao, a professor at Penn said she was not surprised by the findings. "This may be the first time that some of these students have interacted, and lived, with someone of a different race," she said.
At Penn, students are not asked to indicate race when applying for housing.
"One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley. "This is the definition of integration."
"I've experienced roommate conflicts between interracial students that have both broken down stereotypes(模式化形象) and strengthened stereotypes," said one Penn resident advisor (RA). The RA of two years added that while some conflicts "provided more multicultural acceptance and melding (融合)," there were also "jarring cultural resistance."
The RA said that these conflicts have also occurred among roommates of the same race.
Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies, noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studied and explained.
小题1:What can we learn from some recent studies?
A.Conflicts between students of different races are unavoidable.
B.Interracial lodging may have diverse outcomes.
C.Students of different races are prejudiced against each other.
D.Interracial lodging does more harm than good.
小题2:What does the Indiana University study show?
A.Few white students like sharing a room with a black peer.
B.Roommates of different races just don't get along.
C.Interracial roommates are more likely to fall out.
D.Assigning students' lodging randomly is not a good policy.
小题3:What does Alec Webley consider to be the "definition of integration"?
A.The school randomly assigns roommates without regard to race.
B.Students of different races are required to share a room.
C.Interracial lodging is arranged by the school for freshmen.
D.Lodging is assigned to students of different races without exception.
小题4:What can be inferred from Grace Kao’s saying about interracial lodging?
A.Schools should be cautious when making decisions about student lodging.
B.Students' racial background should be considered before lodging is assigned.
C.Experienced resident advisors should be assigned to handle the problems.
D.It is unscientific to make generalizations about it without further study.


小题1:B 推理题。根据文章第一段being randomly (随机地) assigned to a roommate of another race can lead to increased tolerance but also to a greater likelihood (可能性) of conflict.说明这样的行为会有多种结果,故B项正确。
小题2:C 推理题。根据第四段An Indiana University study found that interracial roommates were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together by the end of the semester.说明这样的安排导致的室友之间的问题很多,所以这样的安排会失败。故C正确。
小题3:A 推理题。根据"One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly,"说明他对于这个问题的定义就是很多学生被胡乱地分配好住在一起,不考虑他们的种族。故A项正确。
小题4:D 推断题。根据"This may be the first time that some of these students have interacted, and lived, with someone of a different race," she said.说明很多的人都是第一次遇见这样的情况,所以会出很多问题。故这样的安排不合理。故D正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC was found by archaeologists in England On May 3, 2002. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior. There was a bone pin that may have been from a piece of clothing such as a leather coat. He carried a copper knife on his breast. The most amazing find was two gold earrings. That would have made him a man of distinction. Only a few centimeters from his head were two pots made of clay, tools and materials to make arrows, a bow and a dozen arrows for hunting and a second, smaller copper knife. Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal.
His grave is the richest of any found from that period, because this man was buried with two gold earrings which are the oldest gold ever found in Britain (dated to 2470 BC). Besides, he was buried three miles from Stonehenge. Archaeologists tend to believe he was a member of a powerful class who might have organized the construction of Stonehenge.
Stonehenge was begun around 3000 BC. In about 2300 BC the huge stone circles were built. The biggest stone weighed approximately 20 tons. But the smaller blue stones, still weighing 4 tons on average, came from west Wales. It is not yet known how these were conveyed over a distance of 380 km. It is also a mystery how early man was able to construct Stonehenge without the use of modern construction machines and lorries.
He is an example of people who brought culture and new techniques from the European mainland to Britain. In terms of technical development people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and then to the Iron Age.
小题1:Which are not included in the things that are found in the grave of a man?
A.Tools, a bone pin, a bow and a cushion stone
B.A copper knife and two gold earrings.
C.Two pots, arrows and materials to make arrows.
D.some chicken and grains.
小题2:The man buried in the grave might be ______ at that time.
A.A poor manB.a kind-hearted manC.a rich manD.an ordinary man
小题3:Why is the man buried in the grave called the "king of Stonehenge" ?
A.He was buried three miles from Stonehenge.
B.He had the oldest gold ever found in Britain.
C.He might be a member of a powerful class who might have organized the construction of Stonehenge.
D.All of the above.
小题4:We can infer that _______ .
A.how Stonehenge was built
B.the King of Stonehenge was from France
C.Stonehenge was built through several ages
D.Stonehenge was built because of war


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

¤ While the 2008 Olympics were the first to be broadcast entirely in HD, the 2012 Olympics are the first to broadcast in HD as well as 3D. Sean Taylor, a spokesperson for Panasonic – provider of some of the technologies – said it effectively, “Each Games, from a technology perspective, tries to have a first. London will be the first HD and 3D Games.” The games were first televised in Berlin in 1936 and played on big screens about the city. Then came the first games to enter households (strictly in London that is) in 1948, followed by the first internationally televised games during the 1960 Olympics in Rome. And ever since, that feeling of physically standing in the crowd and watching these mighty contestants has only gotten clearer, more defined. Now, they more literally than ever actually compete in your living room.
§ A paradox is presented as the London games celebrate both the Industrial Revolution (a.k.a. the birth of pollution) and a spirit of committed environmentalism; London will be the first to actively measure its own carbon footprint during these games, designing a stadium and accommodations that cut-back on negative emissions when at all possible. They are also shooting for a world record via the “Javelin,” designed specifically to keep as many exhaust pipes at bay as humanly possible.
小题1:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The Industrial Revolution first happened in England.
B. 2012 London Olympics is the first to broadcast in HD.
C. People couldn’t see the Olympic Games on TV 80 years ago.
D. 2012 London Olympics is more environmentally friendly than before.
小题2:What does the underlined word “paradox” probably mean in the text?
A.solid evidenceB.advanced thought
C.perfect opinionD.contradictory view
小题3:Where does this text probably come from?
A.a novelB.a reportC.a diaryD.an essay
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.The History of Olympic Games.
B.Two Firsts about 2012 London Olympics
C.2012 London Olympics --- Eco-Conscious Games
D.2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London Olympics


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Google Inc. introduced plans in June to offer 3-D maps of major cities and other new features for its popular Google Maps and Google Earth services.
New features include the ability to _____50_____ portions of Google Maps onto phones and other _____51_____ devices, with detailed data, so users can find their way around _____52_____ areas even if they don’t have an active Internet connection.
Perhaps the most _____53_____ new feature was the detailed three-dimensional images that Google plans to offer for major cities in coming months.
Google product manager Peter Birch explained that the company is using _____54_____ to obtain detailed images of every street and building in an area, from different _____55_____, which are then compiled into images that appear to show height, depth and even architectural details of buildings and streets, _____56_____ landscape features such as trees.
“We are trying to create the effect that you are flying _____57_____ the city, almost as if you were in your own personal helicopter,” said Birch.
Compiling those images _____58_____ extensive photographing and processing of images, however. _____59_____ Birch promised to have images _____60_____ for several major cities in coming months, he and other Google officials did not offer a detailed timetable.
Industry blogs have reported that Apple is preparing to _____61_____ its own maps and navigation service, including 3-D images. Analysts say the _____62_____ is part of a larger race between the two tech giants to offer services that keep users _____63_____ and allow each company to deliver advertising or other products targeted to specific locations and other data on ____64______ interests.
A.expensive B.usefulC.portableD.cheap
A.exceptB.except forC.includingD.as well as
A.WhenB.AsC.WhileD.As long as


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If there's a child in your house who likes pixies(精灵), nature, or magic, Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure is sure to be a hit. This beautifully animated film is a first class production in every way, and features the familiar voices of Kristin Chenoweth, Anjelica Huston, Jane Horrocks, Lucy Liu, and Raven Symone.The movie offers up an adventure that's easy enough to follow, but complex enough to hold one's
attention, and even throws in a nice little moral about friendship.What can I say? I'm pleasantly surprised.
The promising Mae Whitman voices Tinker Bell herself, a far more dynamic character than we met in Peter Pan.Though Tinker still possesses her fiery temper,  it doesn't manifest itself immediately,  and takes a backseat to this pixie's many good qualities. As it turns out, Tinker Bell is extremely skilled at tinkering (修补 ), so she is a natural choice to build a special scepter(拐杖),for Pixie Hollow's Autumn Celebration.The scepter will hold the moonstone through which the light of the Blue Moon will pass,  supplying Pixie Hollow with enough pixie dust for the year ahead.
For days, Tinkers works hard on the perfect scepter design while her good friend Terrence does his best to assist. When Terrence accidentally breaks the Moon Stone, Tinker Bell "explodes and sends him away.One of Tinker's more literal friends finds this extremely concerning, as she doesn't' quite understand
that the outburst was emotional rather than physical - very funny indeed.
After hearing the legend of the lost treasure, Tinker Bell strikes out on her own to find a new Moon Stone.She faces many difficulties and meets new friends along the way, but when Terrence comes to the rescue at Tinker's darkest hour, she realizes the value of a truly loyal friend. Though the film offers a positive message to young viewers, it's the animation that makes Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure stand out.Pixie Hollow is a charming, visually stunning world basked in lush colors.It's so lovely, so detailed, so
three - dimensional that you almost want to step inside.
小题1:From the first paragraph, we can learn that        
A.many famous actors acted important roles in the film
B.the plot of the film is attractive and easy to understand
C.the write feels surprised at the message of friendship in the film
D.the film Tinker Bill and the Lost Treasure may disappoint you if you love magic tales
小题2:The underlined word "manifest" in the second paragraph means "_       "
小题3:What's the correct order of the following details?
a. Tinker Bell realizes the value of a truly loyal friend.
b.Terrence breaks the Moon Stone by accident.
c. Tinker Bell is determined to build a special scepter.
d. Terrence comes to the rescue when Tinkers was in trouble.
A.c b d aB.b.c d aC.b c a dD.c d a b
小题4:In the writer's opinion,  the characteristics of Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure are the following EXCEPT                 
A.the attractive details
B.the lively animation characters
C.the three - dimensional animation
D.the moving love story between Tinker Bell and Terrence.
小题5:The article picked from a website is a(n)         .
A.movie posterB.movie review
C.introduction to a bookD.person introduction


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Animal training refers to teaching animals specific responses to specific conditions or stimuli (刺激). Training may be for the purpose of companionship, detection, protection, entertainment or all of the above.
An animal trainer may use various forms of reinforcement (强化) or punishment to condition an animal’s responses. Some animal trainers may have a knowledge of the principles of behavior analysis and operant conditioning (操作性条件反射), but there are many ways to train animals and as a general rule no legal requirements or certifications are required.

Training chickens has become a way for trainers of other animals (primarily dogs) to perfect their training technique. Bob Bailey, former director of Animal Behavior Enterprises and the IQ Zoo, teaches chicken training courses where trainers teach chickens to tell different shapes, to successfully pass through a way with obstacles (障碍) and to chain behaviors together. Chicken training is done using operant conditioning, using a clicker and chicken feed for reinforcement.

Fish can also be trained. For example, a goldfish may swim toward its owner and follow him as he walks through the room, but will not follow anyone else. The fish may swim up and down signaling the owner to turn on its aquarium light when it is off, and it will skim the surface until its owner feeds it. Pet goldfish have also been taught to perform more difficult tasks, such as doing the limbo (a                         kind of dance) and pushing a very small soccer ball into a net.

Among all animals, they are the third cleverest after monkeys and dolphins. Scientists think the training of pigs is easier than the training of dogs and cats. Pigs have a very good sense of smell. They can find things nearby or faraway. They can also help the police to find out drugs at an airport or at a train station.
小题1:The aim of training animals is to _________.
A.detect objects for peopleB.keep people company
C.protect or entertain peopleD.all of the above
小题2:Which is True according to the passage?
A.Most people teach animals general responses to general conditions.
B.Training animals requires some certifications.
C.Training chickens is a way to improve the trainers’ skills.
D.Chickens can be trained to help the police to find out drugs.
小题3:According to the passage, a fish can _________.
A.be trained to follow anyone
B.turn on its aquarium light when it is off
C.signal its owner to feed it
D.take part in a football game in the field
小题4:Scientists think the training of pigs is easier because _________.
A.pigs do not bite like dogs
B.pigs are smart animals
C.pigs have a good sense of hearing
D.pigs can help find out drugs at an airport


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

London taxis, with their friendly drivers who actually know where they are going, are ranked best in the world, according to an annual taxi survey.
The survey by travel website hotels.com found London taxis, despite being the most expensive, beat rivals(对手)across the globe to head the list for the third consecutive(连续的)years, scoring a total of 59 percent in votes on several categories by travelers.
London taxi drivers were voted both friendliest and most knowledgeable. Drivers in the English capital must pass a rigorous examination called The Knowledge to earn their taxi license.
New York's yellow taxis came second in the list, scoring 27 percent which was up 10 percentage points from last year even though Manhattan's cab drivers tied (打成平局)with Parisian taxi drivers as the rudest.
Travelers said New York had the most convenient taxis.
Taxi drivers in Rome were voted the worst drivers in the world with almost one in 10 travelers thinking the Italian capital had the world's worst taxi drivers when it came to the quality of driving.
"Traveling by taxi is one of the first experiences that many travelers have upon arrival in a new city. In fact, the research found that cabs are by far the most popular method of traveling from the airport to their hotel," a spokesman for hotels.com said in a statement.
The global survey scored city based taxis for their levels of cleanliness, value, quality of driving, knowledge of the area, friendliness, safety and convenience.
Rounding out the top five were Tokyo with a total score of 26 percent, Berlin with 17 percent, and Bangkok famed for its tuk-tuks scoring 14 percent.
The survey for hotels.com, part of the Expedia group, was conducted among over 1,900 travelers between May 11-28 this year.
小题1:Which of the following about London’s taxi drivers is wrong?     
A.They are the friendliest.B.They are the most knowledgeable.
C.They charge the most money.D.They drive fastest.
小题2:What does the underlined word “rigorous” mean in the third paragraph?         .
小题3:The writer introduced the result of the study by ___________.
A.interviewing city leadersB.interviewing the taxi drivers
C.listing the ranks of cities concernedD.reading forms concerned
小题4:Rome’s taxi drivers are lack of __________.
A.good mannersB.driving skills
C.the sense of cleanlinessD.the sense of safety


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

South Asia heatwave kills nearly 100.
DHAKA - A heat wave sweeping India, Bangladesh(孟加拉国) and Nepal has killed nearly 100 people over the past two weeks, officials said on June 3, 2005.
A third of the people died in northern Bangladesh, mostly women and children from dehydration(脱水), heat stroke and diarrhoea(腹泻).
"We are getting reports of several deaths due to heat wave and related diseases almost every day," an official said, as temperatures touched 43degC .
The weather office in Dhaka said the hot weather will persist for another week until the monsoon(季风) rains which are normally due by the middle of June.
Severe heat conditions in the southern Indian have killed at least 55 people, officials in the two states said.
While temperatures have fallen from a high of 45degC in Andhra Pradesh to around 40degC, giving a respite to people, they are still on the rise in Orissa with Talcher town registering 48.5deg C, a weather official said.
At least five people have died in Nepal from extreme heat, the government said.
小题1:We can infer that the heatwave can cause ______.
A.heat stokeB.dehydrationC.diarrhoeaD.all above
小题2:When the monsoon rains come, the temperature will _______.
A.remain the same
B.go on to rise sharply
C.begin to drop obviously
D.rise a little
小题3:Which place is the hottest in the early June, 2005?
A.DhakaB.TalcherC.Andhra PradeshD.Nepal


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

War Horse author Michael Morpurgo is being interviewed:
Reporter:How did War Horse become so successful?
Michael:War Horse was published in 1982,and it did not sell very well.But my publishers kept it in print,along with all my books.I am very grateful to Egmont and I’m sure now they are very grateful to themselves.
The book was discovered 21 years later,by accident.I was on Desert Island Discs on Radio 4 in 2003 when my work was becoming better known.One of the listeners was the mother of a director called Tom Morris,and after reading War Horse herself she told her son to read it.Two years later the play came out,and it was a huge hit that went to the West End,Broadway and now Canada and Australia,then a nationwide American tour in June this year.
In 2009 kathy kennedy,the producer who worked with Steven Spielberg,walked into the New London Theatre to see the play because her daughter liked it very much.She then phoned Spielberg and told him this would be his next film!The way it all happened is better than any of my stories.War Horse has now sold over 1 million copies.
Reporter:Has War Horse changed your life?
Michael:It has made all the difference in the world.The most important gift it has given us is not to have to worry about money,because there has always been a slight anxiety.It has allowed us to ensure our grandchildren’s education.There is a disadvantage to it as well,which is an assumption that I am super rich.I’m not,actually.It is very nice and completely unexpected but I have got to go on writing.If I were younger,I think,it would go to my head.Now I am too old for anything to go to my head.It is not the same as winning the lottery(彩票)。
小题1:Why are Michael’s publishers grateful to themselves too?
A.Because they never stopped printing it and it finally proved successful.
B.Because they earned a lot thanks to books of high quality they printed.
C.Because they have the ability to enlarge their company.
D.Because they have the potential to film the story.
小题2:War Horse got the first huge success thanks to____.
A.Steven Spielberg and his daughter
B.Tom Morris and his listeners
C.Kathy Kennedy’s daughter
D.Tom Morris’ mother
小题3:Why did Kathy Kennedy watch the play of War Horse?
A.Because she knew that the film was very popular.
B.Because her daughter was mad on the play.
C.Because her friend,Steven Spielberg,advised her to see it.
D.Because she was looking for a story with an animal in her mind.
小题4:What change made Michael feel most valuable because of War Horse?
A.He could stay at home looking after his grandchildren.
B.He can make friends with famous film directors.
C.He needn’t worry about his financial problems.
D.He needn’t spend time writing another book.
小题5:What is the attitude of Michael to his great success?

