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单词填空 (每空1分,共10分)


76. Our government now pays more attention to the development of modern _________(农业).

77. Nobody is allowed to take magazines out of the reading-room without the librarian’s _________ (permit).

78. He is full of ______________ (curious). That’s why he is always reading and doing things of different kinds.

79. You would be greatly ___________(amaze) at how difficult it was.

80. All people should keep a __________(balance) diet in order to keep fit.

81. It was _____________(believe) that the emperor should believe what the cheats had told him.

82. All the ___________(消费者)should be aware of their own rights and protect themselves with the help of the association.

83. This kind of fine work calls for _______________(耐心). You should be carful.

84. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the Chinese will get together and have a family ____________(盛宴),which is called “Tuanyuan Dinner”.

85. That ___________(新开的) restaurant on the street corner serves food full of energy and fibre.

76. agriculture   77. permission   78. curiosity   79. amazed  80. balanced 

81. unbelievable   82. customers  83. patience   84. feast    85. newly-opened


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年甘肃天水一中高一上期检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Her music is very popular with ______(青少年).

2.We _______(逐渐)get used to getting up early in the morning and going to bed late at night.

3.Can you tell me the _________(用法)of the word “command”?

4.Tom told me that he couldn’t speak Chinese _______(流利).

5.The little boy is just starting to talk. He has a _______(词汇量) of about ten words.  

6.We ______(遭受)from a terrible drought last summer.

7.Thunder often accompanies ________(闪电)

8.__________(基于)on facts, his article is popular with the readers.

9.She can speak _________(西班牙语) very fluently.

10.He said he won the prize but _________(实际上)he was lying.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省湛江市2009-2010学年度高一级第二学期第一次月考(英语) 题型:单词拼写



76. Our government now pays more attention to the development of modern _________(农业).

77. Nobody is allowed to take magazines out of the reading-room without the librarian’s _________ (permit).

78. He is full of ______________ (curious). That’s why he is always reading and doing things of different kinds.

79. You would be greatly ___________(amaze) at how difficult it was.

80. All people should keep a __________(balance) diet in order to keep fit.

81. It was _____________(believe) that the emperor should believe what the cheats had told him.

82. All the ___________(消费者)should be aware of their own rights and protect themselves with the help of the association.

83. This kind of fine work calls for _______________(耐心). You should be carful.

84. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the Chinese will get together and have a family ____________(盛宴),which is called “Tuanyuan Dinner”.

85. That ___________(新开的) restaurant on the street corner serves food full of energy and fibre.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


46.Her music is very popular with ______(青少年).

47. We _______(逐渐)get used to getting up early in the morning and going to bed late at night.

48. Can you tell me the _________(用法)of the word “command”?

49.Tom told me that he couldn’t speak Chinese _______(流利).

50.The little boy is just starting to talk. He has a _______(词汇量) of about ten words.

51.We ______(遭受)from a terrible drought last summer.

52.Thunder often accompanies ________(闪电)

53.__________(基于)on facts, his article is popular with the readers.

54.She can speak _________(西班牙语) very fluently.

55.He said he won the prize but _________(实际上)he was lying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.Another time five months ago, I 56______to be upstairs 57______when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be 58______. The dark, the rainy evening, the wind, the59 ________clouds held me 60________in their power.

57.So why has English changed over time? 61_________all languages change and develop when cultures meet and 62_____with each other. At first the English 63______in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. It was 64______more on German than the English we speak 65__________.

