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At 7:49 a.m. local time on Wednesday, April 14th, a huge earthquake struck Yushu County in Qinghai, China, described as “end of the earth” in a famous poem of the Tang Dynasty.
The earthquake destroyed many houses, cut off power and caused over 2,000 deaths and injuries. On the night when the earthquake happened, many survivors had to sit or lie on the ground in terrible darkness. Some brought their own tents and others turned on the lights of motorcycles. It seemed that the earth was at an end. But their natural character made them get together to fight the early spring’s cold nights. Facing the disaster, they chose to be stronger and standing still and firmly like Yushu, the name of their hometown meaning “Standing like Trees”.
The disaster drew much attention both at home and abroad. Our country leaders ordered rescuers(营救人员) to value every life and never to give up. Thousands of rescuers and medical teams rushed to Yushu from many areas of China, bringing machines, medicines and something necessary to the quake-hit town. They entered every village to search for survivors. Governments, organizations and volunteers are offering money and materials to the areas.
We believe that under the leadership of the Central Government, people in the disaster areas are sure to restore production and rebuild homeland as soon as possible. And the overall victory can be achieved in the earthquake rescue work.
In Paragraph 2, the writer refers to the meaning of “Yushu” to show that _______.
A.the strong trees stand still to fight the early spring’s cold nights
B.some trees were cut down to make tents to live through the disaster
C.the big tree standing still brings the local people good luck
D.people there are brave and strong when facing the earthquake
Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Yushu, a young town, was destroyed in the terrible earthquake.
B.A huge earthquake once hit Yushu County in the Tang Dynasty.
C.The whole nation does its best to help rebuild the new homeland.
D.There was still electricity after the earthquake struck the town.
The underlined word “restore” in Paragraph 4 probably means _______.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Casablanca, Sep. 24
A flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing hundreds of Moroccans in a market place yesterday morning.
Reports from the area said 218 bodies had been counted, and many of the people were missing.
The flood followed heavy rains, which filled the coastal plain and dry river beds and caused them to overflow. The flood, several feet high, hit the village of Khemis Nagua at midmorning yesterday as farmers from the surrounding area joined town people in an open market place. The roaring waters swept the villager’s living places, the market sheds (棚子),shoppers,cattle and farm tools for miles across the plain.
The flood was over almost as soon as it started, the reports said, as the water swept out to sea. Rescue workers quickly moved into the area from Safi, about 25 miles further south.
小题1:You can learn from the text that ________.
A.hundreds of people died in the flood
B.the flood lasted for several days
C.heavy rains followed the flood
D.the flood hit the village at midnight
小题2:The report mainly tells the public about__________.
A. how the flood swept the coastal plain
B. the flood in fall
C why the terrible flood took place
D. a rescue attempt
小题3:According to the text, which of the following maps may be correct?
( KN="Khemis" Nagua,   C=Casablanca    S= Safi)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tsunami warning system is tested
If he, the founder of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, were alive, Thomas Jaggar would be proud of the U.S. tsunami warning system after Friday’s devastating earthquake in Japan sent a surge (大浪,汹涌) of ocean water dashing toward the West Coast.
● WASHINGTON — So many people surged to the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center website that it slowed to a crawl early Friday, unable to provide critical information to the public about the coastal impact in the U.S. of a massive earthquake in Japan.
McClatchy Washington Bureau — Mar 11 06:09 p.m.
● CHICAGO — A tsunami warning has been issued for the central and northern California coast and Oregon, the National Weather Service announced early Friday.
Chicago Tribune— Mar 11 06:07 a.m.
● HONOLULU — A tsunami warning was issued late on Thursday for Hawaii after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific near Japan, prompting state civil defense officials to order all coastal areas evacuated(把…撤出…)by 2 a.m. local time. Tsunami sirens (警报) began sounding at 9:59 p.m. on Thursday. They have sounded every hour since 11:15 p.m.
Alaska Tsunami Warning Center also issued a warning for much of the coasts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California.
Reuters via Yahoo! News — Mar 11 01:22 a.m.
● LOMPOC — Tsunami warning ‘a wake-up call’
A tsunami warning that led to evacuations for coastal

communities and campgrounds in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties Friday served as a successful trial for a more serious emergency, officials said after the danger passed.
The Lompoc Record — Mar 11 11:29 p.m.
● WELLINGTON — The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued a warning after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific near Japan, and it said the sea level readings confirm that a tsunami has been generated and was in effect for some Pacific islands — Hawaii, China’s Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia etc.
New Straits Times — Mar 11 07:48 a.m.
— Reproduced by Yahoo Greenwich Meantime
. A tsunami warning was issued for all the following states in the U.S. except for _____.
The underlined word “prompting” (in the fourth paragraph) most probably means _____.
A.promotingB.advocating C.urgingD.appealing
According to the passage, the Pacific Tsunami warning was first reported by _____.
A.New Straits TimesB.Reuters via Yahoo! News
C.McClatchy Washington BureauD.Chicago Tribune
In which city did the news agency issue a tsunami affecting for some other places apart from Japan and Hawaii?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Soccer star David Beckham will be there with his pop star wife Victoria. Elton John is attending with partner David Furnish.
The guest list for the April 29 union of Prince William and Kate Middleton is still being kept secret, but details have begun to leak out, with some coming forward to say they are attending and the Mail on Sunday newspaper claiming to have  the  official  invitation  roster (名单).
The palace dismissed the newspaper's list as speculation (猜测) Sunday.
It won't be clear until the day how the royal couple has balanced the protocol demands (王室规则) that they invite statesmen, diplomats, religious leaders, politicians and the like with invitations to the people they really want to see, particularly the crowd they made friends with when they met and fell in love at St. Andrews University in Scotland.
Kate Reardon, editor of high-society magazine Tatler, said many prominent Britons acted as if they didn't really care about receiving an invitation while secretly checking the mail every day to see if the invitation had arrived.
"Everyone's been hoping," she said.
William and Middleton have showed their modern side by inviting a number of close friends, including some former sweethearts, the newspaper said.
The wedding is not technically a state event, which somewhat limits the protocol requirements applied to the guest list. But royal obligations (职责) still order that a large number of the 1,900 or so seats go to guests from the world of politics, not actual friends of the couple.
The couple have also invited many guests from the charities they work with, and Middleton has used her influence to invite the butcher, shopkeeper and pub owner from her home village of Bucklebury.
President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were not invited and many other international leaders are also expected to be watching on TV, not from a seat at Westminster Abbey.
It is not clear if treasured Brits from the world of stage and screen and pop music will be on the list.
小题1: Who were not invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding?    
A.David Beckham and his wife.
B.Elton John and his partner David Furnish.
C.People from the charities they work with.
D.President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.
小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?     
A.The guest list for the wedding is officially announced.
B.The wedding is technically a state event.
C.Only the actual friends of the couple will be invited to the wedding.
D.A large number of guests from the world of politics will be invited.
小题3:The word "prominent" in paragraph 5 probably means         .  
C.well known and importantD.busy and hardworking
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that         .  
A.their wedding will be held at Westminster Abbey on April 29th.
B.Kate Reardon was invited to the wedding.
C.journalists will not be allowed to attend the wedding.
D.their former sweethearts are sure to attend their wedding.
小题5:The best title for the passage might be         .   
A.Prince William and Middleton fall in love at St. Andrews University
B.British royal wedding guest list details leaks out
C.Prince William and Middleton prepares for their grand wedding
D.British singers and movie stars invited to the wedding


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The battle for the leadership of Britain’s Labour Party ended on September 25. Five candidates competed for the top job, but it turned out to be a tale of two brothers. Victory went to Ed Miliband, 40, with his elder brother David, 45, coming a close second. Ed’s Miliband’s job will now be to try to lead his party back into power and oppose Prime Minister David Cameron.
The two Milibands were both ministers in the Gordon Brown government. David Miliband, as Foreign Secretary, held the third most important post in UK politics. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described him as “vibrant and attractive”. Ed, who had a lesser role in government as Minister of Climate Change, was valued for his contribution to policy discussions and for his performance at the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change last December.
The Miliband brothers were born to political parents. Their father, Ralph, was a Marxist scholar. He came to Britain from Belgium in 1940, fleeing the Nazis. Ralph Miliband was buried beside Karl Marx in London’s Highgate Cemetery. His wife Marion, the brothers’ mother, remains an active party member at 76.
The two brothers represent different wings of the Labour Party. David supported former Prime Minister Tony Blair; Ed was a follower of Blair’s great rival Gordon Brown, the last Labour PM.
“We’re determined to make sure that family comes before politics, and I don’t think there’s any chance that politics is going to get in the way,” David Miliband said before the vote.
After the result, the two embraced in front of the cameras.
In his acceptance speech, Ed Miliband said to his brother: “David, I love you so much as a brother. And I have such extraordinary respect for the campaign that you ran.”
But some feel their warm words were for the media and for the sake of party unity. There had been reports of anger on David’s part when his younger brother chose to stand against him. David may feel that the leadership was stolen from him-and by his own brother. Ed himself was reported to be concerned that he might have hurt David. According to the Guardian, after the result, Ed’s first reaction was: “what have I done to David?”
Ed suggested that he was prepared to make his brother shadow chancellor. But David has decided it is time to move on. He will not have a role in the Shadow Cabinet in the future.
In effect, he has fallen on his sword for the Party. David Miliband said the priority was to allow his brother to make a success of leading Labour: “I believe this will be harder if there is constant comparison with my comments and position as a member of the shadow cabinet.”
小题1:. Ed Miliband became head of Britain’s Labour Party because ______.
A.he played an important role in the previous British government.
B.his arguments at political discussions and his performance at an international conference
C.Hillary Clinton thought highly of him
D.his brother supported him both at home and politics.
小题2:. According to the passage, which is NOT TRUE?
A.Ed and David both worked in the government.
B.Ralph Miliband came to Britain because of the Nazis.
C.Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron are all Labour Party Prime Ministers.
D.David Miliband and Ed Miliband’s mother is still alive.
小题3:.What can be inferred from the passage?
A.David Miliband and Ed Miliband fought against each other both at home and politics.
B.Ed was concerned about David’s feelings after the election.
C.David and Ed were born into a political family.
D.David and Ed agreed with each other on most of the issues
小题4:.What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.David accepted his brother’s invitation to be a shadow chancellor.
B.David was determined to fight against his brother.
C.David was so upset that he would end his life with a sword for the Party.
D.David refused his brother’s offer for him to be a shadow chancellor.
小题5:.Which of the following can best describe the relationship between David and Ed?
A.Brothers and political rivalsB.Partners in the political campaign
C.Partners in public and enemy in privateD.Representatives of different wings of Labour Party


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On May 8, last Thursday morning, the Olympic flame was lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma! It was a historic moment for China exactly three months ahead of the Beijing Games.
Tibetan female climber Cering Wangmo reached the summit with a special extreme-altitude Olympic torch. This event is what China has promised to the world as the high point of the torch relay, the longest and mostchallengingof all time.
Five torchbearers(火炬手) finished the highest relay ever—three of the climbers are Tibetan athletes.
Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in Chinese, English and Tibetan, as they stood at the summit celebrating, with the event broadcast on national television.
“I finally fulfilled the last dream of my husband,” said Gyigyi with tears in her eyes. She was the first torchbearer. Her husband lost his life in an attempt to climb all 14 mountains in China more than 8,000 meters three years ago.
“We are on top of the world! One world, one dream,” shouted Nima Cering, at the top of his voice. He said that although he had climbed the peak(峰顶)several times, this was the most significant ascent(登高). “As a Tibetan and a Chinese I pray for the success of Beijing 2008,” he added.
The special torch is different from the one currently touring the Chinese mainland, after an around-the-world relay. Officials organizing the trek up the peak had earlier set an April 26 target to begin the ascent, but high winds and heavy snow had delayed the mission.
The Xinhua News Agency said that the Qomolangma leg of the torch relay represents the Olympic motto, “higher, faster and stronger,” in practice and will promote unity among all 56 ethnic groups in China.
小题1:It was a historic moment because ______.
A.some Tibetan torchbearers took part in it
B.it was lit three months before the Olympic Games were held
C.it was the first time that the Olympic torch had been lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma
D.it was the longest attempt in history
小题2:Which is RIGHT according to the whole passage?
A.All the five torchbearers are men.
B.Only the five torchbearers reached the summit.
C.Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in their native language.
D.At least two of the five torchbearers are females.
小题3: What does the word “leg” underlined in the last paragraph refer to?
A.One part of a journey or race.
B.One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body.
C.The leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten.
D.The part of a pair of trousers that covers the leg.
小题4: What would be the best title for the text?
A.One world, one dream
B.Torch relay reaches its highest point
C.Qomolangma, the highest summit in the world
D.A special torch
小题5: Where can you read about this passage?
A.In the English textbook.
B.In the newspaper.
C.In the science report.
D.On the street wall.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying (摧毁) fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged (破坏) that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.
A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.
“I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “When we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him,
safe but very frightened.”
Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.
“There was no time to take anything,” she said, “A few minutes later, the roof came down.”
Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded (水淹的) area and the welfare department (福利机构) brought them food, clothes and shelter.
小题1:How many homes altogether (总共) were damaged in the storm?
小题2:Where was Mr. Tan when the storm first began?
A.He was in bed.B.He was inside the house.
C.He was outside the house.D.He was on the roof.
小题3: Mrs. Woo and her family didn’t get hurt because _________.
A.her husband knew there would be a storm
B.they were all outside the house when the storm became worse
C.she felt the house was moving
D.the welfare department helped her
小题4: The underlined word “shelter” in this passage means ______.
A.something to eatB.something to wear
C.somewhere to studyD.somewhere to stay
小题5:Which of he following may be the best title for this passage?
A.A Terrible StormB.A Lucky Woman
C.Good SoldiersD.Clever People


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING --Seven prestigious universities in China announced Sunday that they would begin using the same independent exam -- besides the national one -- to test students hoping to gain entrance to them in 2011.
The seven are Peking University, Beihang University, Beijing Normal University, Nankai University, Fudan University, Xiamen University and Hong Kong University.
Students who want to gain entrance to any of the seven universities will only have to sit one independent exam, according to the joint announcement.
"This will help lighten the students' load, otherwise they must take several exams for different universities," said the announcement.
Passing the exam could result in more than one interview chance, giving the students more opportunities to choose their favorite universities.
China's college entrance exam system is undergoing reform as universities aim to select students based on independent criteria rather than just using the results of the national exam.
In 2003, Peking University and another 21 universities were allowed to pilot (试用) the reform by using their own criteria to independently select five percent of their students.
Now nearly 80 universities across the country have the right to select talented students based on their own exams.
Education experts regard universities selecting students according to independent examinations as conducive (有助的) to better understanding where the students' talents lie.
Although this may be the case, it has also created problems as students may sit many different exams as they often apply for a number of universities.
To relieve students from such pressures, the national education outline (2010--2020) released in July this year encourages high-level universities to group together to use the same exams.
小题1:If students want to be admitted to the seven prestigious universities , they can ______。
A.only pass the interview.
B.only take the national exam.
C.only take the independent exam.
D.either take the national exam or the take the independent exam.
小题2:What's the purpose of students sitting one independent exam to gain entrance to the seven universities ?
A.It can reduce students' load to take several exams.
B.The universities will have the same standard to test students.
C.There will be less trouble marking students' test papers.
D.It can avoid fierce competition among these universities.
小题3:If students pass the independent exam , they will ______.
A.take the national exam.
B.have one or more interview chances.
C.be admitted to one of the universities.
D.he trained to be adapted to universities life and studies.
小题4: What is the advantage of universities selecting students according to independent examinations?
A.Students needn't take the national exam.
B.Students' education cost can be lowered.
C.Students abilities and talents can be better found.
D.It can encourage middle schools to recommend more qualified students.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

VINCOUVER (Reuters)——South Korea' s Kirn Yuna can finally relax and does fiot need to think about the future after she won the gold medal in the women' s figure skating (花样滑冰)on Thursday.
The 19-year-old was the overwhelming (压倒性的)favorite to finish top of the podium (颁奖台) but said the pressure going into the event was large.
"I feel now as if a huge burden has been lifted, " the Games' highest-earning female athlete-she makes an estimated $8 million a year —said after her near-perfect program where she nailed all of her 11 jumps.
"I will enjoy this moment and think about things later.I was just thrilled on the podium and I feel so relieved.I had been running toward this dream of the Olympics and was so happy to be here, " she said.
"Since I have achieved the most important goal in my life.I am going to enjoy this moment for a while and then think about what I am going to do," a smiling Yuna said.
Japanese rival Mao Asada took silver while Joannic Rochette of Canada grabbed the bronze medal four days after her mother died.
"I still cannot believe I did what I wanted to do at the Olympics.I have been dreaming about this moment and I cannot believe it is not a dream any more." said Yuna.
South Korea was counting on her to grab their first gold medal in figure skating and the first Winter Olympics gold medal outside short track and speed skating.
"I was just happy to have skated a clean program.It was the first time I skated two clean programs.During the program when I finished all elements I thought 'this is going to be yeah...this is it'."[
小题1:Kim Yuna felt relaxed because          .
A.the competition was over
B.her dream finally came true
C.she won a large amount of money
D.she became well-known overnight
小题2:According to the passage, Kim Yuna____.
A.had a strong sense of team spirit in the Games
B.won the first gold medal for South Korea in the Winter Olympics
C.had expected she would surely win the gold medal
D.joined in the competition with great pressure from her country
小题3:The underlined word '"riva” lin Paragraph 6 most probably means"____".
小题4:It is known from the passage that____.
A.Kim Yuna is a person of great confidence
B.Joannie Rochette joined in the games with great sorrow
C.Kim Yuna is the richest athlete in South Korea
D.Mao Asada took silver medal by accident

