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Markita Andrews became a great salesgirl when she discovered, at age 13, the secret of selling.

It 36  with desire. For Markita and her mother, who worked  37 a waitress in New York after her husband left them when Markita was eight, their  38 was to travel the globe. "I'll work hard to make enough money to send you to 39  ," her mother said one day. "You'll go to college and when you 40  , you'll make enough money to take you and me around the world. Okay?"

So at age 13 when Markita 41 in her Girl Scout(女童子军)magazine that the scout who sold the most cookies would  42 an all-expenses-paid trip for two around the world, she  43  to sell all the Girl Scout cookies she could --- more Girl Scout cookies than anyone in the world, ever.

But desire alone is not   44  . To make her dream come true, Markita knew she needed a plan.

Her aunt   45  . "When you are doing business, dress like you are doing business.  46  your Girl Scout uniform. Always smile, whether they buy or not, always be 47  . And don't ask them to buy your cookies; ask them to 48  ."

Lots of other Scouts may have 49  that trip around the world. But only Markita went off in her uniform each day after  50  . "Hi, I have a dream. I'm earning a trip around the world for me and my mom by selling Girl Scout cookies," she'd say 51  the door. "Would you like to invest in one dozen or two dozen boxes of cookies?"

Markita  52  3,526 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that year and won her trip around the world.

Markita is not 53  than thousands of other people. The 54  is that Markita had discovered the secret of selling: Ask, Ask, Ask! Many people fail before they 55  begin because they fail to ask for what they want. The fear of rejection leads many of us to reject ourselves and our dreams

36. A. goes          B. starts           C. stays             D. ends

37. A. as            B. for             C. like              D. in

38. A. decision        B. dream          C. task             D. interest

39. A. work          B. hospital         C. home            D. college

40. A. marry         B. grow           C. graduate          D. succeed

41. A. wrote         B. heard           C. found            D. read

42. A. win           B. go             C. take             D. give

43. A. needed         B. asked           C. decided           D. hesitated

44. A. attractive       B. enough          C. perfect           D. difficult

45. A. complained      B. advised          C. declared          D. ordered

46. A. Put           B. Wash           C. Prepare           D. Wear

47. A. patient         B. fair            C. nice             D. honest

48. A. invest         B. choose          C. attend            D. taste

49. A. wanted        B. experienced      C. planned           D. arranged

50. A. supper         B. school          C. evening           D. education

51. A. behind         B. beside          C. at               D. on

52. A. sold           B. produced        C. advertised         D. bought

53. A. prettier         B. happier          C. luckier           D. smarter

54. A. answer        B. fact            C. difference         D. conclusion

55. A. immediately     B. even            C. slowly            D. still

36—40 BABDC   41—45 DACBB    46—50 DCAAB    51—55 CADCB

36. B. 接第一段内容,说Markita Andrews十三岁就成为一名伟大的女销售员,是从她强烈的愿望开始的。

37. A. 本处交待Markita Andrews母亲的工作是当一名女服务员。

38. B. 此时Markita Andrews八岁,所以环球旅行是她和母亲的一个梦想,后文反复提及她们的这一梦想,如To make her dream come true,I have a dream等处。

39. D. 从下一句母亲的话You'll go to college可知她是说要挣足够多的钱供Markita Andrews将来上大学。

40. C. 等到Markita Andrews能赚到够多的钱让母女实现环球旅行的梦想,接上句,肯定是在大学毕业后。

41. D.  Markita Andrews在《女童子军》杂志上看到这则消息。

42. A. 卖出饼干最多的女童子军成员将获得一次可供两人的全免费环球旅行,D项在此处若用主动态则语意不通。

43. C. 从后文她的行动可以看出,看到这则消息后,Markita Andrews决定竭尽所能地去卖女童子军饼干。

44. B. 从下一句讲她需要可行的计划可知,这里是说光有愿望是不够的。

45. B. 从讲话内容可以看出,这里姨妈是给Markita Andrews支招,给她提建议。

46. D. 从上一句dress like you are doing business中的dress和下一段中的went off in her uniform each day可知D正确,姨妈首先就穿着提建议。

47. C. 从句首的Always smile结合下文所说到的上门推销可知姨妈说不管人家买不买,对人的态度都要好。

48. A. 从下一段最后一句Would you like to invest…可知Markita Andrews是按姨妈的建议去做的,故A正确。

49. A. 许多看到这则消息的女童子军成员也可能想得到这次环球旅行的机会。

50. B. Markita Andrews这时才十三岁,母亲是要把她培养上大学的,所以她此时应是在校学生,所以卖女童子军饼干当然只能在放学后才可以做。

51. C. Markita Andrews当然是站在人家门口跟人家推销,at the door是候在人家门外等人家开门应答。

52. A. 按前文杂志上的要求是卖饼干,故此处是说这一年Markita Andrews卖出了3,526盒女童子军饼干。

53. D. 本处是就卖饼干这件事把Markita Andrews和其他人做比较,从后面讲她的成功原因可知这里是说她并不比别人聪明。

54. C. 此处是讲Markita Andrews的与众不同之处:她发现了销售的决窍。

55. B. 此处用even表示强调,反衬出Markita Andrews的成功之道。许多人甚至在没有开始行动前就已经失败了。

