Once upon a time there was an old farmer, whose horse was almost as old as him.One morning he, as well as his son went to a market 1 the horse before it died.Father and son walked, 2 the farmer did not want the horse to be 3 .
They met two men on the road, 4 said:“Why are you walking? You have a horse.It’s a long way to market.” The farmer knew that this was 5 , so he rode on the horse 6 his son walked.
Then two old ladies saw them.“What are you doing up there? Can’t you 7 how tired your boy is?” so the farmer got down, and his son rode 8 .
9 , three old men stopped them.One said:“Why are you walking? 10 .It’s too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up 11 his son, and they rode on.
12 , a young woman passed them.“Why aren’t you walking?” she asked.“It isn’t 13 to market.Give your poor old horse a rest.”
There is no doubt that they got down 14 .
From the story above, you can find it difficult to please 15 the people all the time.