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I was six when I joined my father and two brothers at sunrise in the hayfields of Eufaula,Oklahoma.By the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up low-income rent properties.He gave me a penny for every nail I pulled out of old boards.
I got my first real job,at JM’s restaurant in town,when I was 12.My main responsibilities were cleaning tables and washing dishes,but sometimes I helped cook.
Every day after school I would head to JM’s and work until ten.On Saturdays I worked from two until eleven.At that age it was unlucky going to work and watching my friends run off to swim or play.I didn’t necessarily like work,but I love what working allowed me to have.Because of my job I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local bar Tastee Freez.This made me proud.
Word that I was honest and hard-working got around town.A local clothing store offered credit to me although I was only in the seventh grade.I immediately charged a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of trousers.I was making only 65 cents an hour,and I was already $90 in debt!So I learned early the danger of easy credit.I paid it off as soon as I could.
My first job taught me discipline,responsibility and brought me a level of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.As by father,who worked three jobs,once told me,“If you understand sacrifice and commitment,there are not many things in life you can’t have.”How right he was!
小题1:When the author was a child,he was made to help his father work because_________.
A.the retaurant was short for hands
B.his family belonged to the low-income group
C.he wanted to earn some money
D.he was stronger than his two brothers
小题2:At the age of 12,the author got a job at a restaurant and often worked till late at night because_________.
A.he liked that work
B.he didn’t like playing
C.he was hard-working
D.he felt rewarded by doing that work
小题3:When the author was in the seventh grade,he was in debt because_________.
A.he did not work any more
B.he bought clothes on credit
C.he was charged too much for the sports coat
D.he made little money at that time
小题4:What does the author want to tell the reader by this text?
A.If you know sacrifice and responsibility,you can have many things in life.
B.Children from poor families usually have a very unhappy childhood.
C.Children could be made to work and earn some money by themselves.
D.You will learn discipline and responsibity by working early in life.



科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A young girl, Hattie, stood outside a small church. "I can't go to Sunday School," she said to the pastor(牧师). The next time the  21  met her he said "Hattie, we are going to have a larger Sunday school room soon. When we get the  22  with which to found a school building we are going to  23  one large enough to get all the little children in, and we are going to begin very soon to  24  the money for it."
The pastor did not see Hattie  25 , until he heard from her parents some two years later that Hattie died. As her poor little body was being moved, a purse was found. Inside was found 57 cents and a note  26 : "This is to help build the little church  27  so more children can go to Sunday school."
For two years she had saved for this offering of  28 . When the pastor tearfully read that  29 , he knew instantly what he would do.  30  this note, he told the  31  of her love and devotion.
A newspaper  32  the story and published it. A man  33  them a land worth many thousands. Checks came from far and wide. Within five years the little girl's gift had  34  to $250,000.00 a huge sum for that time.
Her unselfish love had  35  wonders. When you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up Temple University,  36  hundreds of students are trained. Have a look,  37 , at a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of Sunday scholars,  38  no child in the area will ever need to be left outside at Sunday school time. In one of the rooms of this  39  may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little  40  whose 57 cents made such remarkable history.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Jackie Robinson walked onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York, on April 15, 1947, he changed baseball forever. As the first African American to play in the Major League in modern times, many believe he changed the country forever.
Robinson was born in 1919. He lived in a time when rules controlled what African Americans could do. He was a top athlete, playing football, basketball and baseball. But playing for a major League team was off limits to Robinson because of his race.
Branch Rickey, president and manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, signed (和……签约) Robinson in 1947. He believed that Robinson not only had the skills, but the courage to face the challenge of becoming modern baseball’s first black player.
It wasn’t easy. Robinson sometimes faced boos (嘘声) from fans. But he became a star, anyway. In 1962, he became the first African-American player chosen to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. In 2005, he was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest award Congress can give to an American.
By breaking baseball’s color barrier (肤色障碍), Robinson opened the door for many to follow his footsteps, not only in baseball, but in other areas of life as well. After he stopped playing the game, Robinson worked as a manager for a coffee company. He wrote a newspaper column (专栏). He also  started a bank.
小题1:Before Jackie Robinson, no African-American players could __________.
A.play baseballB.play in the Major League
C.play football and basketballD.watch Major League games
小题2:According to Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson was __________.
A.poor but cleverB.unlucky but confident
C.proud and strongD.brave and skilled
小题3:We can know that Jackie Robinson’s story __________.
A.changed many Africans’ ideas
B.had an effect on many black people’s lives
C.encouraged black people to fight with whites
D.started a hot discussion about the color barrier
小题4:Which of the following is NOT what he once did?
A.a newspaper column writerB.a banker
C.a university teacherD.a manager in a company


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)
A few years ago I was at an international conference with nearly 700 participants. One afternoon I_a very crowded talk by a famous author. The hall filled quickly and soon there were no  2  left , so many dozens of people were standing around the edges.
I saw a very elderly man, stooped(驼背的) slightly with age,  3  against the wall. I immediately got up, told those sitting beside me to  4  the place for him and made my way to him. When I offered my seat to him , he looked  5   and started to refuse , but I would have   6  of that. He asked me my name and thanked me deeply, and then made his  7  back into my row and sat comfortably. Many people who  8  our exchange turned to say what a kind thing I had done. I kept saying , “it’s nothing  9  . I m from Canada, it’s normal for us to help other people!” 
A few minutes later, the man sitting next to the elderly man  10  to leave the hall for another talk and the elderly man   11  to me to return and sit beside him.   12  I resisted, thinking someone else might need it more, but people sitting around him started to repeat my  13 , asking me to come and sit! So I returned and sat beside the gentleman for the  14  .
when the talk was over ,the man thanked me again and  15  asked if I knew who he was . I had no idea. He then looked quite delighted and  16  me a household name that I recognized immediately!
I was astonished to have been sitting next to him,  17  he was excited to think I had given up my seat for him  18  knowing who he was! Again I had to tell him where I come from , and it’s the  19  thing to do! I have felt more blessed to be a Canadian since that day, for seeing how easy it is to  20  someone and how rare it seemed to so many people.
1. A. missed            B. gave           C. expected         D. attended
2. A. seats             B. rooms         C. topics           D. rows
3. A. turning            B. walking        C. leaning          D. lying
4. A. move             B. spare          C. take             D. hold
5. A. glad              B. satisfied        C. disappointed       D. surprised
6. A. nothing           B. none          C. something        D. anything
7. A. living           B. fortune          C. direction          D. way
8. A. witnessed        B. confirmed         C. remembered        D. experienced
9. A. easy            B. popular           C. special           D. funny
10. A. agreed          B. refused            C. chose            D. forgot
11. A. sent             B. signaled            C. rolled             D. said
12. A. At last           B. At least            C. At most           D. At first
13. A. action            B. name             C. dream            D. address
14. A. game            B. discussion          C. course           D. talk  
15. A. quietly           B. loudly.              C. proudly           D. angrily  
16. A. shared            B. told                C. asked             D. answered  
17. A. as if              B. even if             C. so                D .but  
18. A. by               B. without              C. through           D. after
19. A. strange           B. secret               C. normal            D. hard  
20. A. help              B. accept              C. praise            D. trust   


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was four o'clock when we left Micatlan,and we traveled quickly until it became almost completely dark.It was our intention to return to our general quarters in Atlacomulco that night.We had a long journey ahead of us,especially because it had been decided there was no way we would try to cross the ravines again at night,since they were considered far too dangerous.Futhermore,an eclipse of the moon was expected,and,in fact,while we were crossing an open field,the moon appeared on the horizon,half in shadow,a rare and beautiful sight.
After a few hours of riding,we suddenly realized that we had lost our way,and worse still,had no way of finding it again.Night had fallen and there was not a single hut in sight,only great plains and mountains and the lowing of distant bulls all around us.We continued on ahead,trusting in luck,though it was difficult to say where she had brought us.By good fortune,our advance riders ran into two Indians,a man and a boy,who agreed to guide us their village and no further.
After an interminable and exhausting road,which we traveled at a brisk trot,the barking of several dogs announced an Indian village.In the dying light,we could just make out cane huts,firmly situated between the banana trees,with fenced gardens in front of each one.Our convoy stopped in front of one particular hut,a kind of inn or shop for alcohol,where a naked goblin-like figure,the ideal husband for a witch,was serving cheap brandy to the Indians,most of whom were already drunk.
We dismounted and threw ourselves to the ground,too tired to even think.Someone found us,God knows how,a cup of dreadful hot chocolate.We began to realize that we were completely lost,and so it was agreed to give up our attempt to reach Atlacomulco that night.Instead,we should head for the village of “E1 Puente”,where our guides know a Spanish family,made up of several unmarried brothers,who,without any doubt,would be delighted to offer us a safe refuge for the rest of the night.We remounted and began our journey,a little restored after the pause in our journey and the dreadful hot chocolate.
小题1:Where did we travel to?
A.El Puente.B.The cane huts.C.Atlacomulco.D.An Indian Village.
小题2:When we traveled at night_________.
A.there was a good guide leading us
B.there was a full moon in the sky
C.we could hardly see anything
D.we could see everything around clearly
小题3:When we lost our way we believed that_________.
A.we should stay where we were for rescue
B.we should go on to seek after our fortune
C.we should go back where we started
D.we should ask the Indians for help
小题4:When we reached the inn-like hut_________.
A.someone served alcohol and hot chocolate at once
B.we had a good sleep
C.we had a good drink
D.we were too exhausted to ask for anything


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Visitors from space may have landed on our planet from time to time, maybe hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the far future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90% of the earth as recently as two or three hundreds years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and records from some certain places, one can find many reports of strange events that could be some explanations about visiting from outer space. A writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sightings in his book Lo! One is tempted(引诱) to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one cannot take them too seriously, for before education on science was popular, even sightings of meteors(流星) and comets(彗星) made people believe the most unbelievable stories, as they still do today.
56.小题1:According to the passage, visitors from outer space may have landed on the earth      .
A.long before man had dreamed of itB.long before there were human beings
C.in the last few hundred yearsD.after the space travel began
57.小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Charles Fort sighted a lot of UFOs himself.B.All sightings of UFOs are believable.
C.There may be living things on other planets.D.People have seen visitors from other planets everywhere.
58.小题3:According to the passage,           .
A.UFOs are only seen in recent yearsB.UFOs sightings are not new
C.UFOs are just meteors and cometsD.UFOs are invented by people


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Two thieves came to a house to steal something.They dug a hole in the wall of the house.
There lived many mice in the house.The woman in the moonlight saw a mouse crawl(爬行)into the house.“Look!In comes one,”she said to the man in the house.The thief was so frightened that he hurriedly crawled out of the house and said to the one waiting outside,“She found me when I was just in.” But the thief outside didn’t believe him,so he said,“Let us two try to crawl into the house together.”At that time two mice happened to crawl into the house,too.The woman saw the mice and shouted,“In come two,catch them!” The two thieves were terribly frightened.The man in the house said,“You saw them come in but where are they? I will catch them tonight.”The two thieves started running away at once.
The two thieves wanted to make it clear whether they had been found or not the night before.The next day they acted as men selling sweet potatoes and came before the house.The man and the woman were ploughing in their fields.The rein(缰绳)broke and the woman came home for a rope.She saw two men selling sweet potatoes and wanted to buy some.She picked out two which looked like mice.At the time the man couldn’t wait for her any longer in the fields and he ran back from the fields to hurry her up.The woman showed the sweet potatoes to the man and said,“How they look like the two of last night.”The man said,“I asked you to fetch a rope,why don’t you hurry for it?”The two thieves ran away quickly without their sweet potatoes.
小题1:The two thieves failed to steal anything from the house because______.?
A.they were found out
B.they were frightened by what they had heard in the house
C.they didn’t work together well with each other
D.mice stopped them from doing so
小题2:From the last paragraph,we know that ______.
A.the two thieves were famous selling sweet potatoes
B.the woman recognized the two thieves
C.the woman pretended to know nothing about the two thieves and made fun of them
D.the two thieves didn’t know that they were not found at all
小题3:“______”is the best title for this passage.
A.Two Clever ThievesB.Terrible Mice
C.Hit the Mark by a Fluke(歪打正着)D.A Clever Couple
小题4:Which of the following statements is false?
A.The two thieves not only failed to steal things but also lost their sweet potatoes.
B.Whenever they found mice,the people in the house would try to catch them.
C.The two thieves ran away at once,because they thought the woman had seen them.
D.The man let the woman go home for a rope,which would be used for catching the thieves.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Britons stranded(搁浅)at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue. Prince William announced on Monday that he is to train to be a full-time pilot with the Royal Air Force's Search and Rescue Force (SARF).
William, who is currently a Lieutenant(中尉)in the Army's Household Cavalry Regiment(皇家骑兵团), will transfer to the RAF and begin an 18-month training course in January 2009.
If successful, he will become a fully operational Search and Rescue pilot in 2010, flying Sea King helicopters at one of the six SARF units based in Britain.
"The time I spent with the RAF earlier this year made me realize how much I love flying," the prince, who spent two weeks with a SARF team while on work experience in 2005, said in a statement.
"Joining Search and Rescue is a perfect opportunity for me to serve in the Forces operationally, while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services."
It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war.
The Search and Rescue teams' main duty is to recover RAF personnel but in peacetime they mainly respond to civilian emergencies, dealing with more than 1,000 calls a year.
The units deal with incidents ranging from helping those trapped by sudden major floods to rescuing people lost while out walking on hills.
William, who has spent the last year on secondment(借调)to the various branches of the military to prepare for his future role as head of the armed forces, received his RAF wings (飞行勋章)following a four-month stint(持续的工作)with the service earlier this year.
However, his time with the RAF was clouded when the Defense Ministry was forced to fend off criticism for allowing the prince to fly military helicopters to a bachelor party for his cousin and to the family home of his girlfriend Kate Middleton.
小题1: Prince William wanted to be a full-time pilot because _____.
A.he liked flying
B.he would like to do something in the country’s Emergency Services
C.many Britons were in danger at sea waiting for rescue
D.he had much experience in flying
小题2:According to the passage, _____.
A.the Falklands war broke out in 2005
B.Prince William served in the Army’s Household Cavalry Regiment in 1982
C.Prince Andrew is serving in SARF now
D.William would finish his training course in June 2010
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A.the RAF is an army that rescues its soldiers during wartime
B.either Andrew or William is interested in flying
C.there are many floods happening in Britain
D.the prince saving the people in danger is no longer fairy tale
小题4:The author’s opinion on William’s joining RAF is ______.
小题5:What is the purpose of the author by mentioning what the prince had done before in the last paragraph?
A.The author wants to say that Prince William pays much attention to his family and friends
B.The author suggests that the Defense Ministry was criticized when William flew for his private business
C.William had a hard time when he went against his leaders
D.The author has the worry that Prince William is likely to get the Defense Ministry into trouble again.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably was the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to fathering the kid. Unfortunately the son died in his late teens.
Meanwhile, Fitzgerald’s wealth greatly increased. He spent a lot on art works of the masters. Later Fitzgerald himself because seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully prepared his will as to how his wealth would be settled—to sell his entire collection at an auction (拍卖).
Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors and private collectors eager to bid (出价).Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgerald’s son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.
When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled (敲槌) the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgerald’s will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of his son.
The poor-quality painting didn’t receive and bidders...except one—the old servant who had served the son and loved him, and who for emotional reasons offered the only bid.
As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will:“Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my collection.”Then the auction was over.
小题1:The English Baron Fitzgerald was ______.
A.a museum directorB.a master of artC.an art collector D.an art dealer
小题2:Why did the old servant bid for the painting of Fitzgerald’s son?
A.He was devoted to the family.B.He saw that no one bid for it.
C.He knew the content of the will.D.He found it cheap for him to buy.
小题3:Fitzgerald’s will showed ______.
A his desire to fool the bidders                  B. his invaluable love for his son
C. his sadness at the death of his son             D. his regret of having no children to take over his wealth

