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There's always been a debate on whether human beings are born good or bad.Depending on how you view the world,you can think of all the crimes and injustice and conclude that we're bad,so we need a system of laws to keep us in check.However,there are also a lot of stories of good deeds.I think we're all born good.

Today,I took a trip to South Bend to attend my friends' wedding reception.I had__16__the night before at the forecast and it said we were going to get about 3 inches of snow,so I thought,“That's not so__17__.” I set out on my journey and it was completely clear until I__18__to get towards Niles,M1…

I was__19__with this ominous(不祥的) cloud. I thought to myself,“Hmm,this can't be a good__20__.” Soon enough,the highway became a snow­packed wall of white.I should have remembered that such severe changes in__21__are common in this part of America.I then tried to get to the populous area of South Bend and got__22__in the snow,__23__to turn left onto a street. I__24__for 20 minutes to dig myself out with only a scraper(刮刀).

It wasn't a very__25__street,so I didn't see many people.Just as I was starting to give up,a few people stopped by my car and then helped push me out of the snow bank.It was one person at first,and then a few others.

Then,on the way to my destination,another lady got stuck.__26__,I got out and was__27__to offer the same help that I had received.At least five others joined me in my__28__to get her car unstuck.It is kind of storm that makes roads undrivable.South Bend__29__up getting over 3 feet of snow.

In these__30__of kindness though,I was once again__31__of my belief that all people are born good.These people didn't have to stop and help me out.They ran the__32__of having their own cars stuck.Even for myself,it was a(n)__33__reaction to get out and push the lady's car out too.I didn't think about it__34__a second.

I believe these situations really helped remind me that this world is a good place.Real life situations can__35__good deeds.It happened today,and it will happen again and again.

16.A.spent  B.checked

C.observed  D.looked

17.A.late  B.cold   C.bad  D.far

18.A.hoped  B.stopped   C.started  D.planned

19.A.concerned  B.met

C.involved  D.pointed

20.A.way  B.event   C.result  D.sign

21.A.weather  B.direction

C.position  D.system

22.A.frozen  B.stuck   C.hurt  D.lost

23.A.attempting  B.needing

C.realizing  D.having

24.A.waited  B.stayed

C.insisted  D.struggled

25.A.long  B.smooth   C.busy  D.quiet

26.A.Immediately  B.Carefully

C.Eventually  D.Obviously

27.A.requested  B.attracted

C.inspired  D.convinced

28.A.efforts  B.group

C.donation  D.spirits

29.A.made  B.ended   C.came  D.grew

30.A.attitudes  B.characters

C.manners  D.acts

31.A.informed  B.reminded

C.warned  D.told

32.A.favor  B.course   C.caution  D.risk

33.A.automatic  B.generous

C.valuable  D.accurate

34.A.with  B.by   C.for  D.in

35.A.find  B.produce   C.admire  D.judge


16.D 考查动词词义辨析。spend意为“度过;花费”;check意为“检查”;observe意为“观察;庆祝”;look意为“看”。由语境可知,前一天晚上我看天气预报。look at意为“看”。故D项正确。

17.C 考查形容词词义辨析。预报说雪大概有三英寸厚,我想情况不是很糟糕。故C项正确。

18.C 考查动词词义辨析。由语境可知,开始向Niles,M1靠近时,周围不是很清楚了。故C项正确。

19.B 考查动词词义辨析。concern意为“关系到;涉及”;meet意为“碰到”;involve意为“包含;牵涉”;point意为“指向”。由语境可知,“我”看到了不祥的乌云。故B项正确。

20.D 考查名词词义辨析。way意为“方法;道路”;event意为“事件”;result意为“结果”;sign意为“迹象;符号”。由语境可知,“我”看到乌云后想这不是个好兆头。故D项正确。

21.A 考查名词词义辨析。weather意为“天气”;direction意为“方向”;position意为“位置”;system意为“制度;体制”。由语境可知,在美国这个地方,这样的天气变化是很普遍的。故A项正确。

22.B 考查形容词词义辨析。frozen意为“冻结的”;stuck意为“被卡住的;不能动的”;hurt意为“受伤的”;lost意为“失去的”。由语境可知,来到人口密集的South Bend,车子陷入雪中动弹不了。get stuck意为“被卡住”。故B项正确。

23.A 考查动词词义辨析。attempt 意为“企图;试图”;need意为“需要”;realize意为“意识到”;have to意为“不得不”。由语境可知,车子陷入雪中后,“我”试图左拐到街上。现在分词短语作伴随状语。故A项正确。

24.D 考查动词词义辨析。wait意为“等待”;stay意为“停留”;insist意为“坚持”;struggle意为“努力;挣扎”。由语境可知,我自己在雪中努力了二十分钟。故D项正确。

25.C 考查形容词词义辨析。由语境可知,这不是一条很繁忙的街道,因此没有看到很多人。故C项正确。

26.A 考查副词词义辨析。immediately意为“立刻”;carefully意为“仔细地”;eventually意为“最后;终于”;obviously意为“显然”。当我发现另一位女士的车子也被大雪卡住时,“我”立刻下车。故A项正确。

27.C 考查动词词义辨析。request意为“要求”;attract意为“吸引”;inspire意为“鼓舞;激发”;convince意为“说服”。由语境可知,“我”得到了别人的帮助,因此受到鼓舞也想去帮助她。故C项正确。

28.A 考查名词词义辨析。effort意为“努力”;group意为“团体”;donation意为“捐款”;spirit意为“精神”。后来又有其他人跟“我”一起努力帮忙。故A项正确。

29.B 考查动词短语辨析。make up意为“弥补;组成”;end up意为“结束”;come up意为“走进;开始”;grow up意为“成长”。South Bend最终以三英尺厚的雪而结束了这次风暴。故B项正确。

30.D 考查名词词义辨析。attitude意为“态度”;character意为“性格;品质”;manner意为“方式”;act意为“行为”。联系上文可知,此处指那些友好的行为。故D项正确。

31.B 考查动词词义辨析。inform意为“通知;报告”;remind意为“提醒;使想起”;warn意为“警告”;tell意为“讲述”。由语境可知,他们的行为再一次提醒了我,人性本善。故B项正确。

32.D 考查名词词义辨析。favor意为“赞成;喜欢”;course意为“过程;道路”;caution意为“小心;谨慎”;risk意为“风险”。由语境可知,他们冒着自己车子被困的危险来帮助“我”。故D项正确。

33.A 考查形容词词义辨析。automatic意为“无意识的;必然的”;generous意为“慷慨的”;valuable意为“有价值的”;accurate意为“精确的”。由语境可知,“我”帮助那位女士是一种无意识的反应。故A项正确。

34.C 考查介词辨析。for a second意为“一会儿”。此处指“我”根本想都没想(就帮助了她)。故C项正确。

35.B 考查动词词义辨析。find意为“发现”;produce意为“生产;引起”;admire意为“钦佩;赞美”;judge意为“判断”。由语境可知,在现实生活中,良好的生活氛围可以激发人们养成好习惯。故B项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What do those countries have in common? People are killing each other or drive others out of their homes. Why is this happening? Very simple, in each of these, one group of people believes another group is different from them and dangerous to them. It has been thus through history. How different are humans from each other?

  We come in different colors: red, black, white, yellow and brown; we have a variety of political systems, social systems, religious views or none at all; We are different in mind, have different educational systems, different economic classes. We speak different languages, and have different customs and dresses.

  If we were to break each of these further, we would have quite a long list of qualities and characteristics that make humans appears to be different from each other. I say they appear to be different, because most of what have been listed stand for what we see or hear, not what is true of human. Man is man everywhere. It is only where he lives, when he lives there, with whom he lives there, and al the others that have effect on how he lives, that is, what he believes, what he wears, his customs, his language and so on. These are man-made facts that each group develops over tome, living together, facing the same problems, needing and desiring the same things. They are his culture. The truth is that we are much more same than different. If you wear one type of clothing and I wear another, we both wear some kind of clothing. Our culture demands it. If you speak one language and I another, we both speak so that others will understand us; we must communicate with each other. Nothing is gained by giving too many differences, but much is lost. If we understood our differences as the ones of culture, then we could make our world more peaceful.

  Differences does not mean better or worse, right or wrong. It means only that differences have been made by society. Differences produce variety of thoughts, work out human problems peacefully.

Which of the following is the best tile for this passage?

 A. Differences.  B. Humans   C. Cultures.   D. Customs.

People in those countries fight each other because______

 A. They have different colors.

 B. They have different customs and dresses.

 C. They have different education systems.

 D. They think that others are different and harmful.

If you pay much attention to differences, ________.

 A. we will get something.

 B. we will produce problem.

 C. we will develop further.

 D. Nothing will be lost.

From this passage it can be inferred that ________.

 A. Our world would be more peaceful if we understand and communicate with each other.

 B. People don’t know how differences are caused.

 C. It is only differences that can solve man’s problems.

 D. Man is man everywhere but not woman.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届重庆市万州二中高三上学期12月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

What do those countries have in common? People are killing each other or drive others out of their homes. Why is this happening? Very simple, in each of these, one group of people believes another group is different from them and dangerous to them. It has been thus through history. How different are humans from each other?
We come in different colors: red, black, white, yellow and brown; we have a variety of political systems, social systems, religious views or none at all; We are different in mind, have different educational systems, different economic classes. We speak different languages, and have different customs and dresses.
If we were to break each of these further, we would have quite a long list of qualities and characteristics that make humans appears to be different from each other. I say they appear to be different, because most of what have been listed stand for what we see or hear, not what is true of human. Man is man everywhere. It is only where he lives, when he lives there, with whom he lives there, and al the others that have effect on how he lives, that is, what he believes, what he wears, his customs, his language and so on. These are man-made facts that each group develops over tome, living together, facing the same problems, needing and desiring the same things. They are his culture. The truth is that we are much more same than different. If you wear one type of clothing and I wear another, we both wear some kind of clothing. Our culture demands it. If you speak one language and I another, we both speak so that others will understand us; we must communicate with each other. Nothing is gained by giving too many differences, but much is lost. If we understood our differences as the ones of culture, then we could make our world more peaceful.
Differences does not mean better or worse, right or wrong. It means only that differences have been made by society. Differences produce variety of thoughts, work out human problems peacefully.
【小题1】 Which of the following is the best tile for this passage?

【小题2】People in those countries fight each other because______
A.They have different colors.
B.They have different customs and dresses.
C.They have different education systems.
D.They think that others are different and harmful.
【小题3】If you pay much attention to differences, ________.
A.we will get something.
B.we will produce problem.
C.we will develop further.
D.Nothing will be lost.
【小题4】 From this passage it can be inferred that ________.
A.Our world would be more peaceful if we understand and communicate with each other.
B.People don’t know how differences are caused.
C.It is only differences that can solve man’s problems.
D.Man is man everywhere but not woman.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省六校教育研究会高二素质测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

As the United States nears the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, President Obama announced Sunday night that the al Qaeda(基地组织) leader and mastermind of that horrific day, Osama bin Laden, has been killed.
CNN reports that a senior government official confirmed that bin Laden was shot by a small team of U.S. soldiers while in a mansion with family members outside Islamabad(伊斯兰堡). His body is now in American custody(拘押) and is being handled according to Islamic customs. Three other adult men were killed in the firefight, including a son of bin Laden's, who was a senior member of the terrorist organization.
"Justice has been done," the president announced, saying that the operation he ordered after receiving intelligence information is "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda."
The immediate reactions ranged from cautious to ecstatic. Crowds cheered outside the White House. But officials said a "worldwide caution" would be set for Americans in case of al Qaeda retaliation(报复).
Will bin Laden's death be the justice Americans have sought for nearly a decade?
Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93, said it does bring comfort.
"This is important news for us, and for the world. It cannot ease our pain, or bring back our loved ones. It does bring a measure of comfort that the mastermind of the September 11th tragedy and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil," Felt said.
President Obama says this victory does not close the book.
"His death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain cautious," he noted.
【小题1】The underlined word “ecstatic” most probably means _________.    

A.scaredB.extremely happy and excited
【小题2】The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT_________. 
A.Four people were killed in the firefight.
B.Families of the victims in the 9/11 attacks celebrated together.
C.President Obama thought highly of the Anti-Terrorist Military Action
D.Obama thought that al Qaeda will continue attack against the United States.
【小题3】It can be inferred from the text _________. 
A.The 9/11 attacks happened on September 11, 2001.
B.Osama bin Laden has three sons.
C.Some soldiers were injured in the firefight.
D.More than 3000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.
【小题4】From the last paragraph we can learn that _________.  
A.Osama bin Laden’s death will put an end to terrorism.
B.President Obama doesn’t think bin Laden's death is a victory.
C.The United States will make efforts to defeat the al-Qaeda
D.The al Qaeda has a new leader now.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省六校教育研究会高二素质测试英语题 题型:阅读理解

As the United States nears the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, President Obama announced Sunday night that the al Qaeda(基地组织) leader and mastermind of that horrific day, Osama bin Laden, has been killed.

CNN reports that a senior government official confirmed that bin Laden was shot by a small team of U.S. soldiers while in a mansion with family members outside Islamabad(伊斯兰堡). His body is now in American custody(拘押) and is being handled according to Islamic customs. Three other adult men were killed in the firefight, including a son of bin Laden's, who was a senior member of the terrorist organization.

"Justice has been done," the president announced, saying that the operation he ordered after receiving intelligence information is "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda."

The immediate reactions ranged from cautious to ecstatic. Crowds cheered outside the White House. But officials said a "worldwide caution" would be set for Americans in case of al Qaeda retaliation(报复).

Will bin Laden's death be the justice Americans have sought for nearly a decade?

Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93, said it does bring comfort.

"This is important news for us, and for the world. It cannot ease our pain, or bring back our loved ones. It does bring a measure of comfort that the mastermind of the September 11th tragedy and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil," Felt said.

President Obama says this victory does not close the book.

"His death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain cautious," he noted.

1.The underlined word “ecstatic” most probably means _________.    

A. scared              B. extremely happy and excited

C. doubtful            D. amazed

2.The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT_________. 

A. Four people were killed in the firefight.

B. Families of the victims in the 9/11 attacks celebrated together.

C. President Obama thought highly of the Anti-Terrorist Military Action

D. Obama thought that al Qaeda will continue attack against the United States.

3.It can be inferred from the text _________. 

A. The 9/11 attacks happened on September 11, 2001.

B. Osama bin Laden has three sons.

C. Some soldiers were injured in the firefight.

D. More than 3000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

4.From the last paragraph we can learn that _________.  

A. Osama bin Laden’s death will put an end to terrorism.

B. President Obama doesn’t think bin Laden's death is a victory.

C. The United States will make efforts to defeat the al-Qaeda

D. The al Qaeda has a new leader now.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年重庆市高三上学期12月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

What do those countries have in common? People are killing each other or drive others out of their homes. Why is this happening? Very simple, in each of these, one group of people believes another group is different from them and dangerous to them. It has been thus through history. How different are humans from each other?

  We come in different colors: red, black, white, yellow and brown; we have a variety of political systems, social systems, religious views or none at all; We are different in mind, have different educational systems, different economic classes. We speak different languages, and have different customs and dresses.

  If we were to break each of these further, we would have quite a long list of qualities and characteristics that make humans appears to be different from each other. I say they appear to be different, because most of what have been listed stand for what we see or hear, not what is true of human. Man is man everywhere. It is only where he lives, when he lives there, with whom he lives there, and al the others that have effect on how he lives, that is, what he believes, what he wears, his customs, his language and so on. These are man-made facts that each group develops over tome, living together, facing the same problems, needing and desiring the same things. They are his culture. The truth is that we are much more same than different. If you wear one type of clothing and I wear another, we both wear some kind of clothing. Our culture demands it. If you speak one language and I another, we both speak so that others will understand us; we must communicate with each other. Nothing is gained by giving too many differences, but much is lost. If we understood our differences as the ones of culture, then we could make our world more peaceful.

  Differences does not mean better or worse, right or wrong. It means only that differences have been made by society. Differences produce variety of thoughts, work out human problems peacefully.

1. Which of the following is the best tile for this passage?

 A. Differences.  B. Humans   C. Cultures.   D. Customs.

2.People in those countries fight each other because______

 A. They have different colors.

 B. They have different customs and dresses.

 C. They have different education systems.

 D. They think that others are different and harmful.

3.If you pay much attention to differences, ________.

 A. we will get something.

 B. we will produce problem.

 C. we will develop further.

 D. Nothing will be lost.

4. From this passage it can be inferred that ________.

 A. Our world would be more peaceful if we understand and communicate with each other.

 B. People don’t know how differences are caused.

 C. It is only differences that can solve man’s problems.

 D. Man is man everywhere but not woman.


