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Believing overweight among school children is the result of bake sales, the Education Department of New York declared that bake sales will be banned all through the states, as a part of their new “wellness”policy.
The ban gives a harder time to schools tying to earn money,because of budget difficulties. Bake sales have proven to be highly profitable toward schools with young people because the start-up costs are very small. Allie,a Roslyn High School freshman , agrees that bake sales are needed for school supplies.“l think it’s wrong for schools to ban bake sales because a lot of schools need the money to be raised. Our school could really use the money for new uniforms.”Allie also commented on the bake sales apparent cause of child overweight. “I feel that it is the student’s choice to eat the baked goods. lf they want it, let them have it.”Jessica,another Roslyn High School freshman, had a different opinion.“I feel that children can not always stay away from items such as cupcakes. It might be better if the amount of bake sales were limited, and only allowed students to buy one item.”
New York Education advisors are having trouble coming up with substitute product for students to sell. A plan of advertising healthier foods has come into play. However the department needs to consider if students will go for items like vegetables. Allie and Jessica don’t think so.“Students might not like the healthier foods. This way, the schools are gaining less money.”Allie shares. Another plan to think about is the idea of not selling food products altogether. Alternate programs are being conducted throughout New York schools,such as walk-a-thons, as a healthy way for students to earn money for their schools.
小题1:The new “wellness”policy is declared in order to_______.
A.help schools out of budget difficulties
B.reduce child overweight caused by bake food
C.help students save money spent on food
D.reduce the price of bake food sold in schools
小题2:Which of the following statement about Allie is true? 
A.He is rich in experience about the bake sales at schoo1.
B.He agrees to carry out the bake sales ban at schools.
C.He attaches great importance to the school's income.
D.He attaches too much importance to students' health.
小题3:According to Jessica, the cupcakes____________
A.Don't belong to the bake salesB.Should't be banned at school
C.Mustn't be sold at schoolsD.can be fully replaced by vegetables
小题4:Which is both healthy and profitable way for schools to earn money?
A.The bake sales.B.The vegetables sales
C.The walk-a-thons.D.The food product sales.
小题5:We can infer from the passage that schools in New York always______.
A.sell baked food to studentsB.free students to choose food
C.find ways to earn moneyD.offer chances to earn money


试题分析:本文讲述了因为学生的超重问题,bake sales在纽约的学校里被禁止,人们对这个情况的反应,有人支持,有人反对。以及对此问题提出的一些新的建议。
小题1:B 细节题。根据第一段第一行Believing overweight among school children is the result of bake sales说明认为bake sales是导致孩子超重的原因,所以才禁止出售,故这样做的目的是为了孩子的减肥,故B正确。
小题2:C 推理题。根据第二段4,5,6行l think it’s wrong for schools to ban bake sales because a lot of schools need the money to be raised. Our school could really use the money for new uniforms.”说明他认为bake sales对孩子来说非常重要,故C正确。
小题3:B 推理题。根据倒数第二段最后2行I feel that children can not always stay away from items such as cupcakes. It might be better if the amount of bake sales were limited, and only allowed students to buy one item.”说明他认为不要完全禁止;可以让孩子们少买一些,故B项正确。
小题4:C 细节题。根据文章最后2行Alternate programs are being conducted throughout New York schools,such as walk-a-thons, as a healthy way for students to earn money for their schools.说明walk-a-thons这样的计划既能然学校挣钱也能保持学生的健康,故C正确。
小题5:C 推断题。本文讲述了在纽约的学校在bake sales被禁止以后还要要找出很多其它的方法来挣钱维持学校的运转,故C项正确。
点评:本文讲述了因为学生的超重问题,bake sales在纽约的学校里被禁止,人们对这个情况的反应,有人支持,有人反对。以及对此问题提出的一些新的建议。在阅读的2,3段的时候要抓住每个人支持和反对的观点,结合题目和选项做出适当的推理延伸。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When it comes to President Obama, most of his personal business is already known by the public. Personal information about his children, Malia and Sasha, however, has been kept a little more under wraps.
The New York Times recently released a list of rules that Michelle Obama has mentioned over the years that Malia and Sasha must follow during their time in the White House, as well as in general. See how the first family educates their children:
The girls must write reports about what they’ve seen on their trips, even if it’s not required by their school.
Malia may use her cell phone only on the weekends, and she and her sister cannot watch television or use a computer for anything but homework during the week.
Malia and Sasha have to play two sports: one they choose and one selected by their mother.
Malia must learn to do laundry(洗衣服) before she leaves for college.
The girls have to eat their vegetables, and if they say they are not hungry, they cannot ask for cookies or chips later.
While these might be shocking to some, Michelle said, “They’re not little princess. It’s just basic rules, boundaries, and expectations that we would have normally.”
Michelle also mentions another set of rules:
The girls must do their chores(家务), though the White House has a large staff. Malia and Sasha have chores of their own.
They must play a team sport, because it’s about learning how to play on a team, how to lose and how to win gracefully.

It sounds like Michelle and Barack want the best for their kids and to make them as well-rounded as possible. What are your thoughts on the Obama family rules?  
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The first family daily life.B.The first family rules.
C.How to be good parents.D.How to be good students.
小题2:What do the underlined words “under wraps” probably mean?
A.Attractive.B.Calm. C.Secret.D.Public
小题3:What has to be followed after the girls’ every trip?
小题4:Which of the following is the exception for the girls?
A.To use cell phone freely.B.To play two sports.
C.To learn to do laundry.D.To eat their vegetables.
小题5:Which of the following is NOT True according to the passage?
A.The girls have to obey the rules only when they live in the White House.
B.The girls must do their chores though there might be lots of help around.
C.The girls must play a team sport to gain team spirit by working together.
D.The parents want to make the girls grow healthily as common children.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every day on the road, accidents are caused. They do not only happen. The reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on the road. But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the misfortune-frustration, tiredness or just bad temper-that show what the accident really is, a sort of attack on oneself.
Road accidents, for example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.
By definition, an accident is something you cannot predict or avoid, and the idea which used to be current, that the majority of road accidents are caused by a minority of criminally careless drivers, is not supported by insurance statistics. These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.
It is not always clear, either, what sort of conditions make people more likely to have an accident. For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety actions and most companies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are observed, but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to an accident. These accidents are largely the result of human error or misjudgment-noise and fatigue, boredom or worry are possible factors which contribute to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people who have a high anxiety level, run three times the normal risk of accidents at work.
小题1:This passage might be written to         .
A.college studentsB.drivers
C.ordinary citizensD.businessmen
小题2:“Accident-prone” in Paragraph 2 means          .
A.likely to have accidents B.injured in accidents
C.likely to die in accidentsD.responsible for road accidents
小题3:The passage suggests that           .
A.accidents mostly result from slippery roads
B.accidents are usually caused by psychological factors
C.doctors run three times the normal risk of accidents in factories
D.about 50,000 people lost their lives at work in Britain every day
小题4:Which of the following is NOT discussed as a factor of accidents in this passage?
A.Mood B.Carelessness C.TirednessD.Weather
小题5:What do you think would be the best title for the passage?
A.Accidents and HumanB.Why accidents happen
C.Human Factors in AccidentsD.How to Prevent Accidents


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

With the possible exception of equal rights, perhaps the most heated argument across the United States today is the death penalty (死刑). Many argue that it is an effective deterrent (威慑) to murder(谋杀), while others think there is no enough proof that the death penalty reduces the number of murders. The argument advanced by those who are against the death penalty is that it is cruel and inhuman punishment, that it is a mark of a bad society and finally that it is of questionable effectiveness as a deterrent (威慑物) to crime (罪行) anyway.
In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary action. Throughout recorded history there have always been those peculiar persons in every society who made terrible crimes such as murder. But some are more dangerous than others. For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in time of blind anger, but quite another to coldly plan and carry out the murder of one or more people in the style of a butcher. Thus, murder, like all other crimes, is a matter of different degree. While it could be argued with some reason that the criminal in the first instance should be merely kept from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.
The value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime may be open to discussion. But the majority of people believe that the death penalty protects them. Their belief is proved by the fact that the death penalty prevents murder. For example, from 1954 to 1963, when the death penalty was carried out from time to time in California, the murder rate remained between three and four murders for each 100, 000 population. Since 1964 the death penalty has been done only once, and the murder rate has risen to10.4 murders for each 100, 000 population. The sharp climb in the state's murder rate, which began when killings stopped, does not happen by chance. It certainly shows that the death penalty does stop many murderers. If the law about death penalty is vetoed (否决), some people will be murdered----some whose lives may have been saved if the death penalty were in effect. This is really a life or death matter. The lives of thousands of people must be protected.
小题1:The main purpose of this passage is to _________.
A.speak for the majority
B.argue against the value of the death penalty
C.speak ill of the government
D.argue for the value of the death penalty
小题2:Which of the following is among the heated arguments across the USA besides death penalty?
A.Air pollution.B.The war against Iraq.
C.Equal rights.D.Election of president.
小题3:The numbers in the last paragraph show that ______.
A.if they stick to death penalty, the number of murders will be reduced
B.death penalty almost stopped from 1954 to 1963
C.the population of California has risen
D.death penalty is of little value
小题4:It can be inferred that the writer thinks that ______.
A.the death penalty is the most important problem in the United States today
B.the second type of murderers (in Paragraph 2) should be sentenced to death
C.the veto of the law about death penalty is of little importance
D.the value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime is not to be discussed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Just a few hours ago,the Italian ship Andrea Doria was sailing through thick fog toward the city of New York. Captain Piero Calamai kept watch. He knew that many other ships were nearby. He should have slowed down because of the fog but he decided not to. He wanted to arrive on time the next morning.
At about 11∶00 PM,another ship,the Stockholm,suddenly hit the Andrea Doria. It made a huge hole in the Italian ship. Some people were badly hurt. Others fell into the sea. But one girl was saved by the Stockholm.
Linda Morgan was fourteen. She lived in Spain with her mother and her little sister. She was going to visit her father in New York. She was excited about seeing her father.
Linda had loved the trip. She wanted to have dinner with the captain on the last night at sea. The captain did not sit at his table that night,though. He was busy guiding the ship through the fog. Linda did not get to talk to him.
When Linda went to bed,everything seemed fine. Her mother turned off the lights. Linda talked to her little sister. She thought about seeing her father the next morning.
What happened next was a terrible surprise. Linda woke up not knowing where she was. She was not in her bed. When she called to her family,no one answered. Both her knees were broken.
Linda had been saved by an amazing accident. When the Stockholm made a hole in the side of the Andrea Doria,it lifted Linda out of her bed. She landed on the deck (甲板) of the Stockholm instead of falling into the ocean. A sailor heard her cries and found her.
Right now,the girl is in the hospital. She is expected to get better. Her father is at her side,glad that his little girl was saved. The Andrea Doria lies under the waves at the bottom of the sea.
小题1:Why didn’t Captain Piero Calamai reduce the speed?
A.He didn’t want to be late.
B.He went crazy because of the bad weather.
C.He thought the fog was not serious.
D.He had rich experience.
小题2:When the accident happened,________.
A.Linda was asleep
B.the day was about to break
C.few people were killed
D.the Andrea Doria hit a hole in the Stockholm
小题3:What can we learn from the text?
A.Linda hated the trip very much.
B.Linda was saved by the Stockholm.
C.Linda lived with her father in Spain.
D.The Andrea Doria wasn’t badly damaged.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.A little girl’s braveness moved people.
B.Andrea Doria sailed through thick fog.
C.The Italian ship Andrea Doria was hit by Stockholm.
D.A fourteen­year­old girl was saved by accident after the crash.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A. “Better road design and training hold the key to cycle safety”, the new Transport Secretary said today as he pledged to restore Britain’s safety record. Patrick McLoughlin told Conservative Party Conference that while cycling was enjoying a post-Olympics boom, the number of casualties among cyclists was also rising. “But the number of accidents has gone up too. That means it needs better design and better education too.” Mr McLoughlin said in his first speech as Transport Secretary. 
B.  Cycling in the UK will become safer through “sheer weight of numbers,” the founder of one of the world’s leading cycle brands has said as he backed The Times’s Cyclesafe campaign. Simon Mottram, founder and chief executive of Rapha, has added his support to 40 cross-party MPs who have signed a letter urging David Cameron to use his speech at the Conservative Party Conference to promote measures to make the streets safer for cyclists.
C.  Commuters who cycle to work face an increased danger as the casualty toll during peak hours rose by 10 percent last year. The rate at which cyclists were killed or seriously injured rose sharply last year, official figures showed yesterday.
D.  In future decades, Londoners will look back on the way cyclists jostled with buses and lorries on major roads as an absurd anachronism. Some risks are unavoidable. But other risks survive only because we are too slow to embrace bold solutions. That is the message from designers who are proposing an ambitious plan to create cycle lanes suspended above London’s busiest streets. London is one of the most dangerous places in the world for cycling. “SkyCycle” would remedy that problem by attaching dedicated cycle paths to existing railway viaducts.
E.  Money should be apportioned from the funding for major transport projects, such as the new Forth Crossing, to create a pot of cash for cycling, campaigners have told MSPs. Cycle groups have given warning that not enough money is being put into routes and promotion. They want the Scottish government to take a percentage of the funding allocated to key national projects and create an “active transport” fund to be distributed gradually.
F.  We’d like you to tell us why you love cycling by sending a photo of yourself, a family member or friend with their bike and a note about why it is so brilliant. To take part, instagram your photo with the hashtag #ilovemybike or email it to us at ilovemybike@thetimes.co.uk. We’ll post the best pictures here ilovemybike.tumblr.com.
小题1:“Cycle lanes in the sky” answer to traffic danger
小题2:More cyclists are seriously injured on Britain’s roads
小题3:Share a picture of you and your bike and help us promote the fun and freedom of cycling
小题4:“Weight of numbers” will bring safe cycling
小题5:Transport Secretary calls for better road design and training to help cyclists


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Counterfeit ( 假的) medicines are a widespread problem in developing countries. Like other counterfeits, they look like real products. But counterfeit drugs may contain too little or none of the active ingredients of the real thing.
People do not get the medicine they need. And in some cases counterfeits cause death. Twenty children in Bangladesh died last year after being given acetaminophen(醋氨酚). The medications contained ingredients that looked, smelled and tasted like the real thing. The medicine was produced by a local drug company that used a dangerous substitute to save money.
The problem of counterfeit medicines is especially serious in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The W.H.O. estimates that up to thirty percent of medicines on sale in many of those countries are counterfeit. The problem is less widespread among industrialized countries. The W.H.O. says counterfeits make up less than one percent of the illegal drug market in countries like the United States, Canada, Japan, and New Zealand.
But the agency also says as much as fifty percent of the medicine sold on the Internet is counterfeit.
Much is being done to fight counterfeit drugs. Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify. And there are existing methods, like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real. Other ideas include things like special tracking codes for drug packages. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back, which proves that what they bought is listed in a database. Some drug makers and other companies put three-dimensional images called holograms (全息图)on their products as a security device.
小题1:Last year twenty children in Bangladesh died because of _____.
A.online medicinesB.unreal drugs
C.acetaminophenD.unclean water
小题2:We can draw a conclusion from the passage that______.
A.it is very cheap and convenient to buy medicines online.
B.medicine companies don’t pay much attention to counterfeit drugs.
C.more and more people will buy products online.
D.we had better not buy medicines online.
小题3:What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.It reveals the reasons why counterfeit drugs are widespread.
B.Some measures are being taken to fight counterfeit drugs.
C.Special tracking codes for drug packages are used to identify counterfeits.
D.It shows the danger of counterfeit drugs.
小题4:Which of the following country may have serious problems of counterfeit medicines?
A.Canada.B.Japan.C.New Zealand.D.India.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You never see him, but they’re with you every time you fly. They record where you are going, how fast you’re traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally. Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic book. They’re known as the black box.
 When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine (潜水艇) detected the device’s homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.
 In 1958, Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction. That was the first mode for a black box, which became a requirement on all U.S. commercial flights by 1960. Early models often failed to withstand crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane – the area least subject to impact – from its original position in the landing wells (起落架舱). The same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility.
 Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder, which tracks pilots’ conversations, and a flight-data recorder, which monitors fuel levels, engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircraft’s final moments. Placed in an insulated (隔绝的) case and surrounded by a quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand(抵挡)massive force and temperatures up to 2,000℉. When submerged(潜入水中), they’re also able to emit signals from depths of 20,000 ft. Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447, which crashed near Brazil on June 1,2009, are in water nearly that deep, but statistics say they’re still likely to turn up. In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years, only one plane’s black boxes were never recovered.
小题1:What does the author say about the black box?
A.It ensures the normal functioning of an airplane.
B.The idea for its design comes from a comic book.
C.Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.
D.It is an indispensable device on an airplane.
小题2:. What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner?
A.Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.
B.The total number of passengers on board.
C.The scene of the crash and extent of the damage.
D.Homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash.
小题3: Why was the black box redesigned in 1965?
A.New materials became available by that time.
B.Too much space was needed for its installation.
C.The early models often got damaged in the crash.
D.The early models didn’t provide the needed data.
小题4: What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447?
A.There is still a good chance of their being recovered.
B.There is an urgent need for them to be reconstructed.
C.They have stopped sending homing signals.
D.They were destroyed somewhere near Brazil.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(CNN)-China will sometimes say “no” and the world should get used to it.
That message came through when China joined Russia in blocking action on Syria.
“Do not mistakenly think that because China takes a careful and responsible position on the Syria issue, China will not use its veto power (否决权) or will always abstain(弃权),” said Cui Tiankai, China’s vice foreign minister, “When China must use its veto power to say no, it will surely use it.”
On Saturday, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called the vetoes “disgusting and shameful.”
He Wenping, director of African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the veto shows China’s confidence in foreign affairs. “A country expressing its true opinion – that’s progress. China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime(政权)change in other countries. This agrees with China’s long-standing diplomacy principle. It is also not acceptable for China to rush a U.N. vote without sufficient discussion.”
So why did China use its veto this time?
China’s critics say China’s veto of the U.N. draft proposal(草案) was in part due to Beijing’s fear that allowing a regime change in Syria could encourage the spread of the Arab revolution and eventually threaten China.
He Wenping disagrees, “China has a completely different political system and economic development path. If someone in the international community thinks that the Arab Spring will happen in China, then I think they misjudge the situation in China, exaggerate(夸大) some problems in the Chinese society and underestimate the ability of the Chinese government to control the situation in China.”
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.China often uses its veto power on international issues.
B.China never uses its veto power on international issues.
C.China’s normal practice in the U.N. is to abstain rather than veto.
D.China should not have veto power in the U.N.
小题2:What is the international reaction to China’s veto on the Syria issue?
A.Russia supports China
B.The U.S. feels very unhappy.
C.The international community is used to it.
D.The Arab countries show no concern.
小题3:Why did China use its veto power this time?
A.Because Russia and China are friends.
B.Because China wants to hold an opposite stand against the U.S.
C.Because China is worried about a chain-action resulting from Syria’s revolution.
D.Because China opposes the use of threat or force to achieve regime change in other countries.
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.China has a firm stand on international issues.
B.The U.N. asks the whole world to get used to China saying no on international issues.
C.CNN believed that China helped Syria to fight against the U.N.
D.All the member countries of the U.N. supported Susan Rice.

