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Kerry and Alice were both artists in Britain. They taught drawing and painting at Cambridge University. Although they were friends, each thought oneself to be the better painter.
One day, Kerry promised marriage to Alice. Surprised and pleased by the offer, the girl was not sure whether she would spend her future as a wife or a painter. After a moment she replied as follows, "Each of us must paint a picture. If yours is superior to mine, you can make me your wife. If not, please drop the question." Then it was decided to give it the following day.
The next morning. Alice hung her picture on the gate. It showed a bunch of flowers and won high praise from everyone who passed by. In fact, a crowd collected in front of her masterpiece and fixed eyes on it.
Several hours passed. Then Kerry was seen coming along to the gate with what appeared to be a beautiful leather suitcase in his hand. When he finally stopped before Alice, the girl artist brushed like a rose and agreed to marry him without any hesitation. Why?
64.What did Alice think Kerry's offer?
A. She liked Kerry, but she didn't expect him to promise marriage to her.
B. She didn't want to marry anybody.
C. She didn't like it at all.
D. She thought the offer wasn't polite.
65.In the sentence "If yours is superior to mine, you can make me your wife"。 "superior to" here means ____.
A. not so better than   B. better than     C. so good as   D. as good as
66.  Which of the following is true?
A. Kerry didn't accept Alice's suggestion.
B. Kerry wasn't sure of his painting so he dropped his offer.
C. Kerry did go the next day, but he failed to take a picture
D. Kerry agreed to Alice's suggestion.
67.Alice's picture won high praise because ____.
A. it was true to nature                        B. the flowers were red
C. it showed so large a bunch of flowers          D. people felt it strange to hang it on the gate
68.The "leather suitcase" was in fact ____.
A. a real one                                  B. a painting drawn by Kerry
C. a box with a picture in it                      D. made up of leather

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

C. 写作部分 
一 阅读短文,按要求填空(每空不超过3个词)(10分)
Dolphins are not fish; they’re mammals. They are warm-blooded like man and give birth to one baby called a calf at a time. At birth a calf is about 90—130cm long and grows to about 4m. They live up to 40 years. They are highly sociable animals.
Their teeth are interlocking rows of hooks, suitable for holding slippery fish. They eat fish whole starting with head first. When they go wild they keep their mouth open and sometimes keep it nodding to express their aggression. Greater aggression is shown by violent jaw clapping. Dolphins breathe through their blowhole(呼吸孔) located at the top of their head. The dolphin’s eyes produce a special slippery secretion(分泌物) which protects the eyes from foreign objects and water friction.
Dolphins use their powerful tail to move through the water. They also use their tail while hunting. They slap their tail rapidly when they get annoyed or when they want to indicate the sign of danger to alert other dolphins.
The dolphin’s skin is completely smooth allowing the dolphin to move easily through the water, and also reduce heat loss. Their skin may bear rake marks from other dolphin’s teeth during play or mating, and can easily become badly sunburned if they strand(搁浅).
Their bodies are very streamlined so they may swim at high speed through the water, and an
example of this is their ears. Dolphin’s ears are barely noticeable marked only by a small hole just behind the eyes.
While sleeping, it shuts down only half of its brain, as its breathing is under voluntary control. Dolphins take short catnaps, floating just below the surface, and then slowly rising to breathe. Often dolphins are very active during night time, for some this is their main feeding time. Dolphins are able to dive to great depths, and also leap to great heights. They may leap to avoid predators or to show how powerful they are to females at mating time.
                               Title: Dolphins
Ⅰ. Characteristics
mammals : warm-blooded animals and one baby at a birth
length : 51.___________
lifespan : 40 years
highly sociable animals
Ⅱ. 52.___________
teeth → holding slippery fish and eating fish whole 53.__________
opening and nodding mouth → expressing their aggression
54._________ jaw → expressing greater aggression
blowhole at the top of their head → 55.____________
eyes with a special slippery secretion → protecting the eyes from foreign objects and water friction
56._____________ ears → swimming at high speed through the water
Ⅲ. Tail
powerful to move through the water
57.___________ and expressing annoyance and danger
Ⅳ. 58.___________
completely smooth to move easily through the water and reduce heat loss
full of rake marks to become badly sunburned easily
Ⅴ. Body
59._____________ to swim at high speed through the water
Ⅵ. Habitual nature
short catnaps with only half of its brain
60.___________ breathing
activities during night time for feeding


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第一节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分, 共15分)
阅读下面短文, 请根据短文后的要求进行答题。(请注意问题后的字数要求)
[1]World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated annually by consumer organizations worldwide. It commemorates the historic declaration on March 15, 1962 by John F. Kennedy, the former U.S. President, of the basic Rights of consumers, which include: "the right to safety", "the right to be informed", "the right to choose", and "the right to be heard".  
[2]This declaration has led to international recognition by governments and the United Nations that all citizens, regardless of their incomes or social standing, have certain basic Rights as consumers. Officially, World Consumer Rights Day was first observed on March 15,1983 and has since become an important occasion for mobilizing citizen action, with recognition of consumer rights taking off around the world. On April 9,1985, the United Nations Assembly General Assembly adopted the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection that provide a framework for strengthening national consumer protection policies around the world.  
[3]The guidelines included Kennedy's four basic consumer rights plus another four: the right to satisfaction of basic needs; the right to redress(赔偿); the right to education; and the right to a healthy environment. Currently, the fundamental consumer rights are recognized globally.
[4]World Consumer Rights Day normally has a theme associated with an activity or development that is relevant to consumers. Whatever their objectives, they share the same underlying aim of bringing about important and needed benefits for consumers.  
[5]In recent years, progress has been made for recognition and protection of consumer rights in developing countries. At least, March 15 is a day when consumers are filled with pride and satisfaction. However, there are many reports on violation of consumer rights by unethical marketing practices.
76. What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)  _______________________________________________________________________________
77. What was John F. Kennedy mentioned in the first paragraph? (Please answer within 15 words.)
_______________________________________________________________________________78. Which of the sentence in the passage can be replaced by the given one?
Presently, countries around the world acknowledge the basic consumer rights.  _____________________________________________________________________________
79. Please translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.   ______________________________________________________________________________
80. What do you think will follow the passage? (Please answer within 20 words.)   ______________________________________________________________________________


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
Dear son,
The day that you see me old and I am already not in good health, have patience and try to understand me.
If I get dirty when eating, if I can not dress, have patience and remember the hours I   36   teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I   37   the same things thousand and one times, do not   38  me, listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story   39   you got to sleep. When I do not want to have a   40  , neither shame me nor scold me. Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I   41 , in order that you wanted to bathe. When you see my   42   little about new technologies, give me the necessary time and do not look at me with your mocking(嘲弄) smile. I taught you   43  to do so many things: to eat good, to dress well, to confront life…. When at some moment I lose the memory or the   44   of our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember, and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous, as the most important thing is not our conversation but surely to be with you and to have you   45   to me.
If ever I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well   46   I need to and when not. When my   47   legs do not allow me to walk, give me your   48 , the same way I did when you gave your first   49  . And when someday I say to you that I do not want to   50   any more ---- that I want to rest forever, do not get angry. Someday you will understand.
Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that,  51   my mistakes, I always wanted the   52   thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent(无可奈何) for seeing me   53   you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and to help me as I did it when you   54   living. Help me to walk, help me to end my way with love and   55 . I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.
I love you, Son.
Your father
36. A. paid       B. Spent          C. cost       D. took
37. A. praise      B. think      C. repeat     D. criticize
38. A. interrupt      B. disturb          C. look       D. avoid
39. A. when       B. after      C. since      D. until
40. A. rest         B. word      C. shower       D. sleep
4l. A. discovered    B. invented     C. noticed       D. assumed
42. A. knowing      B. fearing          C. enjoying     D. consulting
43. A. what        B. when     C. how       D. why
44. A. news       B. attitude      C. material     D. thread
45. A. talking     B. listening     C. responding D. appealing
46. A. where      B. how       C. that        D. when
47. A. tired        B. short      C. long       D. strong
48. A. leg              B. ear         C. hand      D. mind
49. A. step         B. pace       C. laugh     D. cry
50. A. talk         B. live        C. write      D. sleep
51. A. though     B. since      C. while     D. despite
52. A. Last        B. first       C. best       D. most
53. A. near        B. behind          C. Below     D. against
54. A. made       B. started     C. earned     D. found
55. A. mercy      B. care       C. excuse     D. patience


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are great doctors and perhaps it is enough to say that Dr Charles Mayo was one.  36 ,it is not enough for me.
Charles Mayo was not a  37  of mine in the sense that he would  38  by for dinner or remember my daughter’s graduation.We were not that  39 ,for he lived in Minnesota and I lived in California.He was a friend in the sense that he  40  more like a friend than a doctor when he was being a doctor.
I got very close to him just once.More  41 ,he got very close to me.I was flying my own plane to Washington and I felt a serious  42  in my back.It turned around,  43 for a clinic nearby and got in  44  with Dr Jan,my doctor.Jan at once said I had appendicitis (阑尾炎) and I told him he was the  45  doctor I had ever met.“I have no fever and any other symptoms of it.How can I  46 have appendicitis?”
“If you want to  47  better as quickly as possible,we’ll have Charles Mayo look at you.”It took Charles Mayo about thirty seconds to  48  to Jan’s request.
Charles was washing his hands when I was  49 into the operation room.I said,my
50  shaking,“You have done this before,haven’t you?”
“Of course,”he said.“Twice.”
Among all his interests he was craziest about being a doctor.He faced  51  often enough to know that while it is final in a sense,it is not  52  final at all.He enjoyed  53 too much not to know that it has a meaning beyond here and now.
54  he died on July 29,1968,at the age of seventy,following an accident,he lived on in the  55 of his books.I am glad he wrote them,giving people the feeling that we still have him.
36.A.Therefore         B.Actually               C.However              D.Besides
37.A.friend               B.teacher                 C.doctor                  D.workmate
38.A.come                B.pass                     C.drop                    D.stand
39.A.fast                  B.friendly                C.far                       D.close
40.A.seemed             B.looked                 C.found                   D.became
41.A.luckily             B.happily                C.exactly                 D.usually
42.A.trouble             B.pain                     C.worry                  D.problem
43.A.hurrying           B.running                C.waiting                D.heading
44.A.telephone          B.reach                   C.touch                   D.related
45.A.funniest            B.best                     C.worst                   D.oldest
46.A.possibly            B.necessarily            C.suddenly              D.fearfully
47.A.do                    B.think                    C.examine               D.feel
48.A.stick                 B.get                       C.come                   D.agree
49.A.driven              B.wheeled                      C.forced                  D.led
50.A.hand                B.head                    C.voice                   D.leg
51.A.patients            B.death                   C.dangers                D.diseases
52.A.only                 B.nearly                  C.yet                       D.really
53.A.himself             B.life                      C.working               D.everything
54.A.When               B.After                   C.Although              D.As
55.A.pages               B.papers                  C.articles                 D.Subjects


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As a young man, Al was a skilled artist.He had a wife and two fine sons.One night, his  oldest son developed a severe stomachache.Thinking it was only some   36   intestinal (肠内的)disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously.But the boy   37   suddenly that night.
Knowing the death could have been   38    if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, Al's emotional health became worse under the huge burden of his   39     To make matters worse his wile   40   him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son.The hurt and pain of the two   41   were more than Al could handle, and he   42  to alcohol.In time Al became an alcoholic.
43___ the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he   44   — his home, his land, his art objects, everything.  45   Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room.
When I heard of Al's death, I thought that Al's life was a complete   46 .
As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier judgment.I knew Al's now   47   son, Ernie.He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known.I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free   48   of love between them.I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.
I hadn't heard Ernie talk much about his  49__.One day I worked __50_ my courage to ask him."I'm really _51__ by something," I said."I know your father was  52  _ the only one to raise you.What on earth did he do that you became such a special person?"
Ernie sat quietly and _53__ for a few moments.Then he said, "From my earliest _54_ as a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ' I love you, son.' "
Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to __55_ Al as a failure.He had not left any material possessions behind.But he had been a kind loving father, and he left behind one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known.
36.A.certain          B.common           C.rare          D.basic
37.A.died              B.choked            C.starved        D.worsened
38.A.cured            B.prevented          C.forbidden     D.saved
39.A.disease            B.debt              C.guilt        D.duty
40.A.left              B.scolded            C.quarreled      D.forgave
41.A.disasters           B.adventures         C.conflicts      D.situations
42.A.got                   B.drank             C.turned       D.sank
43.A.As               B.Though            C.Because      D.If
44.A.needed            B.shared             C.benefited      D.possessed
45.A.Eventually         B.Gradually          C.Therefore     D.Meanwhile
46.A.trouble            B.hardship          C.failure       D.waste
47.A.teen               B.aduh               C.aged          D.adolescent
48.A.win               B.fall                   C.space         D.flow
49.A.mother            B.brother           C.father         D.child
50.A.up              B.with              C.on            D.through
51.A.worried          B.puzzled         C.interested      D.attracted
52.A.especially          B.basically           C.merely       D.specially
53.A.argued            B.searched             C.analyzed        D.reflected
54.A.thoughts           B.ideas               C.minds        D.memories
55.A.treat              B.call                C.judge        D.Feel


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第二部分 阅读理解
第一节 阅读下列短文。从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
After lunch,I walked back home. I was just to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn’t much but,as I turned, my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a dime.
The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is an attention-getter.It Can be nothing more than a penny.Whatever the coin is,no one ignores the sound of it.It got me thinking about sounds again.We are surrounded by so many sounds that attract the most attention.
People in New York City seldom turn to look when a fire engine,a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street.When I’m in New York,I’m a New Yorker.I don’t turn either.Like the natives,I hardly hear a siren(警报)there.
However,at home in my little town in Connecticut,it’s different.The distant sound of a police car, all emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I’m seated and brings me to the window if I’m in bed.It’s the quietest sounds that have most effect on us.not the loudest.In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away thigh three closed doors.I’ve been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imaginnation turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house.How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime?
I’m quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds are,I’ve turned against whistling,for instance:I used to think of it as the mark of a happy worker but lately I’ve been associating the whistler with a nervous person making unconscious noises.The tapping,tapping,tapping of my typewriter as the keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me.I often like the sound of what I write better than the looks of it.
41.The sound of a coin dropping makes people________.
A.think of money    B.look at each other
C.pay attention to it    D.stop crossing the street
42.The author dislikes whistling because__________.
A.he has got tired of it    B.it reminds him of tense people
C.he used to be happier D.he doesn’t like workers
43. What kind of sound does the author find pleasant?
A.Tapping sound of his typewriter.    B.Clinking sound of keys.
C.Tinkling sound of a coin dropping.  D.Creaking sound of footsteps.
44.How does the author feel about sounds in general?
A.They make him feel al home.      B.He thinks they should be ignored.
C.He prefers silence to loud noises.   D.He believes they ale part of our life.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Lego Group had a very humble beginning in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter from Denmark. Christiansen began creating wooden toys in 1932. Two years later, he stumbled on the Lego name by putting together the first two letters of the Danish words Leg and Godt, which mean “play well.” The name could be interpreted as “I put together” in Latin; it also corresponds to the Greek verb meaning “gather” or “pick up.”
In 1947, the company expanded to making plastic toys. At first, the use of plastic for toy manufacture was not highly regarded by retailers and consumers of the time. Many of the Lego Group’s shipments were returned, following poor sales. However, Christiansen’s son, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, saw the immense potential in Lego bricks to become a system for creative play. As the junior managing director of the Lego Group, he spent years trying to improve the “locking” ability of the bricks and made the bricks more versatile. In 1958, the modern interlocking brick design was finally developed and patented.
Today Lego is sold in more than 130 countries. Every minute 33,824 Lego bricks are made, and kids around the world spend 5 billion hours a year playing with Lego. There will be more than 400 million people playing with Lego bricks this year. On average, every person in the world owns 62 Lego bricks, and about seven Lego sets are sold every second.
This year Lego fans all over the world are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the tiny building blocks. Though already 50 years old, Lego is still the same product it was in the 1950s. Bricks bought then are still compatible with current bricks and that is probably the reason the toy has never fallen out of favor.
65.   Which of the following is true about the name Lego?
A. It is a combination of Greek and Latin words.
B. It was created by Ole Kirk Christiansen’s son.
C. It was created in 1947 for naming the plastic toys.
D. It came from Danish words meaning “play” and “well.”
66.   When did the Lego brick become as a creative form of toy?
A. 1958          B. 1947    C. 1934    D. 1932
67.   Which of the following is true in describing the popularity of Lego?
A. More than 5 billion people in the world own Lego sets.
B. Children spend an average of 62 dollars on Lego bricks each year.
C. People in the world spend 400 million hours playing with Lego every year.
D. The Lego Group now produces more than 30 thousand toy bricks every minute.
68. What is the main reason that Lego remains popular up to now?
A. Old Lego bricks may still be connected to new ones.
B. The company hasn’t changed its name since 1947.
C. The material for the bricks has proved to be safe.
D. The price of the toy is relatively reasonable.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

You are one of the most familiar faces in class, not because you are funny or have great note-taking abilities but because you ask the most number of questions.   76    It is important to ask the right questions, though. Here are a few tips for improving your questioning skills:
Be clear and precise about what you want to know.
Be clear about what you want to know and frame your question accordingly.   77     If you beat around the bush, your teachers won’t be entirely sure what it is that you haven’t understood, or need an explanation for.
If you are uncertain about a particular subject, clarify it when it is being discussed. Because questions often open up new avenues within a subject. Doing this would benefit the whole class.
Do not hesitate to talk to your teacher after class.
79     Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable about asking a question in front of your classmates, wait till the class is over. This will probably put you more at ease.
Write down your questions.
80     They may appear when you’re studying, reading or taking notes. Note them down on a piece of paper so that you won’t forget to ask them later. This can also make sure that you don’t have any unanswered questions when the exam approaches.
A.Do not ask more questions.
B.Questions may crop up(出现)at any time.
C.Being curious is not a bad quality.
D.You may think this is good.
E. Ask questions relevant to context.
F. A question needs to be easy to be understood and to-the-point.
G. One-to-one interations(互动) are always much better than one-to-many.

