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add up get along with go through set down be concerned about on purpose calm put away

1.I am sorry,I didn't do it_______ .

2.This old soldier _______ a lot of wars.

3.Jim _______ his classmates the other day.

4.Please ________ what he said on this paper.

5.The fireworks(烟花) ________ the beauty of the city.

6.The old editor often ______ his reporters.

7.After the storm,the sea began to ________.

8.The old pilot ______ some money in order to be a devoter to the poor area.


1.解析:根据句意很抱歉,我不是有意这样做,所以,on purpose最符合此句意。

答案:on purpose

2.解析:此句意思应理解为这位老兵经历了好几场战争经历go through。在此最好用过去时 went through

答案:went through

3.解析:此句意思应理解为吉姆前几天与他的同班同学相处得很好。根据时间和句子的理解,got along well with……相处的意思,最能符合此句意。

答案:got along well with

4.解析:此句意思应理解为请把它所说的记在这张纸上。根据词组意义来推断,set down记下,写下的意思,最符合句意。

答案:set down

5.解析:此句意思应理解为烟花给这座城市增加了美景。根据短语和句意,add up增加的意思,要用过去式。

答案:added up

6.解析:此句意思应理解为这位老编辑关心他的记者。根据短语和句意,concern about关心、关爱的的意思,最符合句意,但必须要用is concerned about

答案:is concerned about

7.解析:该题意思应理解为暴风雨过后,大海开始平静下来。根据短语和句意,calm down平静的意思,最符合此句意,而其要用动词原形,因为空格前有to

答案:calm down

8.解析:该题意思应理解为这位老飞行员储存一点钱以便成为贫困地区的捐助者。根据短语和句意,put away储存,存放的意思,最符合此意。

答案:puts away


科目:高中英语 来源:测试专家课课练单元练  高二英语(下) 题型:022


base on, in store, fail, impressive, put forward

1.________is the mother of success.

2.His argument ________ facts, not on hearsay.

3.His words are strongly ________ on my memory.

4.I have a surprise ________ for you.

5.He ________ several interesting plans.


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修1英语(人教版) 人教版 题型:022



I am sorry, I didn’t do it________.


This old soldier ________ a lot of wars.


Jim ________ his classmates the other day.


Please ________ what he said on this paper.


The fireworks(烟花)________ the beauty of the city.


The old editor often ________ his reporters.


After the storm, the sea began to ________.


The old pilot ________ some money in order to be a devoter to the poor area.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

come about  build up   even if  result in   subscribe to
quantities of  state  keep on  compare to  opposed to
1. We__________gaining money by cutting the trees along the river bank.
2. The students all__________  the idea that they would take a trip to the hill in the spring.
3. I have some difficulties , but they are nothing______ yours.
4. As soon as the accident_________,we called 110.
5. The headmaster_________that those who break the rules must be punished.
6. I will go there_________I have to crawl on my knees.
7. The police found _________ drugs under his bed and above his ceiling.
8. Though it was snowing, they_________cleaning the streets.
9. They tried to _________friendship with the developing countries.
10. The heavy fog can easily _________ many traffic accidents in winter.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

be about to do, compare…with "', fast asleep, make one's way, potential,
equipment, absolutely,  be appointed as, burn to the ground . out of the way
1. You'd better often________your handwriting________ others'.
2. A chemistry factory__________in the fire which was caused by mistaken operation.
3. The students moved __________ to let the hero pass.
4. Though it was raining, the soldiers __________ to the village.
5. A foreign country offered some  __________ to build up tents which was worth $50,000.
6. After a whole year's being trained, he is  ___________ fit for driving a car.
7. Li Honggang _________Chairman of the Students' Union in our school.
8. The retired teachers still have_________ capability in teaching children.
9. When I came home,my father was___________.
10. I __________ to the station to pick up him, when he telephoned me that he was delayed.

