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                          The Cambridge Festivals 


Cambridge Winter Ale (啤酒) Festival 

   The festival features a range of local and national beers,including traditional winter beers,locally produced ciders(苹果酒) and a selection of bottled beers from around the world. Smaller than its sister festival in May,this is another chance to try some rare ales over three days in January.

   More information: 




   The five-day festival connects ambitious art with imaginative technology to cast light on low carbon innovation. It offers a unique opportunity to discover,or re-discover,the richness and diversity of Cambridge’s buildings and public spaces through a range of amazing lights. Brighten the winter days by attending shows,concerts,guided tours,family activities and talks.

   More information: www.e-luminatefestivals.co.uk 


Cambridge Style Week 

   Cambridge's annual fashion week includes various catwalk shows,boutiques(精品店) in-store events and much more!Cambridge Style Week showcases a variety of stores from in and around Cambridge,ranging from popular brands,designer labels to independent boutiques.

   More information: www.cambridgestyleweek.com 


Cambridge Literary Festival 

   Founded in 2003,Cambridge Literary Festival is an important event of the city’s cultural calendar. Every April and November,it is held in the city’s historic centre and offers creative writing discussions as well as talks and readings from established authors. Usually,its spring festival lasts for five days while its winter one is for one day only.

   More information:


21. What's one of the features of e-Luminate festival?

   A. The Internet. B. The light.

   C. Shows. D. Talks.

22. The festival that lasts for the shortest time is held in.

   A. January   B. February

   C. March   D. April

23. Which festival is held twice every year?

   A. e-Luminate.

   B. Cambridge Style Week.

   C. Cambridge Literary Festival.

   D. Cambridge Winter Ale Festival.

21. B 22. A 23. C


本文是应用文。文章是一至四月份剑桥举行 的节日简介。

21. B.细节理解题。根据e-Luminate介绍中的 cast light on,a range of amazing lights,Brighten the winter days ...可知,灯光是这个节日的特色之一。

22. A.细节理解题。根据四个节日介绍中分别出 现的 three days,The five-day festival,Cambridge* s annual fashion week,its spring festival lasts for five days 可以看出,在每年一月 举行的剑桥冬季啤酒节只持续三天,时间最短。

23. C.细节理解题。根据 Cambridge Literary Festival 介绍中的 Every April and November,it is held ...可知,剑桥文学节每年举行两次,分别 在四月和十一月。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第55期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It turns out,talking to strangers is not so bad after all.

   At least for a North Carolina teen,who went to Target,the second-largest discount retailer(零售商) in the United States,to look for a clip-on tie(卡夹式 领带) for a job interview. 36 .

   Audrey Mark told CNN she was shopping at a store in Raleigh on Wednesday when she noticed something unusual.

   “I see this young teen being serviced by this Target employee,” Mark said.

   37 . The employee was not just tying the teen's tie,he was sharing some wisdom as well.

   “I hear him preparing him with all this advice on interview skills and handshakes,” she told CNN.

   38 .

   “I asked him if he needed help,and he told me he needed clip-on ties,” Scott told CNN. “We didn’ t have any."

   She turned to her co-worker,Dennis Roberts,and asked him if he knew how to tie a regular tie. 39 .

   But Scott and Roberts went a step further and prepared the teen for his interview.

   “We said ,‘Make sure you look him in the eye.’ I'm saying,‘Make sure you give him a firm handshake” ” Roberts said. 

   Mark took a picture.

   “ 40 she told CNN. “He leaves and all these Target employees are screaming ‘Bye!Good luck!Tell us how it went/ I got so emotional. I even got teary."

   A. Employee Cathy Scott said the teen walked into the store looking for a tie

   B. The teen appears to have had a good initial interview at the restaurant

   C. He said yes,so the teen bought one and handed it to Roberts

   D. It was a very quiet,simple moment,but it was significant

   E. We are inviting him back to have his second interview

   F. Instead,he became the subject of a touching moment

   G. Curious,she got closer to see what was going on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so 61. (bore) . Instead of feeling sorry for myself,I 62. (want) to meet people and have new experiences so I decided to start volunteering、 I logged on to my computer and found a website 63. I could volunteer on a farm in France.

   Volunteering provides so many opportunities 64. (have) fun. My time on the farm was 65. (basic) a free holiday except that I had to look after fifteen horses and sheep!I was 66. awful farmer but I made some great friends and improved my French. However,you do not need to go abroad to volunteer. I have had plenty of adventures at home too.

   67. is true that helping others makes you feel good' but volunteering can bring other 68. (advantage) . I once volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to update my wardrobe.

   While this is all fun,my favourite aspect of volunteering 69. (be) creating and sharing stories. My terrible attempts at farming have given me funny stories to tell! 70. (talk) to volunteers from different countries and backgrounds has also helped me learn more about the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Skiing is a winter sport that involves the use of skis. 36 Skiers attach them to their shoes or boots and use them to get over snow,often down a mountain slope. Nordic skiing and Alpine skiing are major events of the Winter Olympic Games.

   Nordic skiing started in Norway and other countries of northern Europe. Nordic skiing events include cross-country racing and ski jumping.37 A cross-country skier must be able to ski uphill,downhill,and across flat areas. In a ski-jumping competition the skier gets down a steep ramp(斜坡) that curves upward at the end. The skier leaps off the end and tried to “fly” as far as possible and then land on his or her feet. The skier who leaps the farthest and has the best style is the winner. 38 

   Alpine skiing started in the Alps of central Europe. Alpine events include downhill and slalom racing. Downhill racing is the fastest and most dangerous of all skiing events. The skier goes down a long,steep course that may have large bumps (隆起物) .Along the course are gates formed by single poles or pairs of poles. 39 The winner is the skier who completes the course in the shortest time. Slalom racing is similar to downhill racing. However,a slalom course is shorter and more winding than a downhill course. 40

   A. It requires the skier to make high-speed turns.

   B. Cross-country skiing takes place on open,hilly land.

   C. The skier must ski between them and stay on the course.

   D. Skis are long,mostly flat pieces of metal,wood,or plastic.

   E. The skier races over and around large bumps of snow called moguls.

   F. They are allowed to touch gates with their bodies as long as their skis stay on the course.

   G. The event called the Nordic combined includes a ski-jumping race and a cross-country race.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I was wandering around the Albuquerque airport. My flight had been 41 ,and I heard a(n) 42 : “If anyone pear Gate A-4 43 Arabic(阿拉伯语) ,

please come to the gate immediately." Gate A-4 was my own gate. I went there.

   An older woman was 44 ,sitting on the floor. In her 45 Arabic dress,she reminded me of my grandmother.

   “46 to her,” the flight agent urged. “We told her the flight was going to be late,and she did this."

   I spoke to the woman 47 in Arabic while putting my arm around her. She 48 crying. It turned out that she thought the 49 had been canceled. She planned to be in New York for some medical treatment the next day. I comforted her and suggested 50 her family.

   We telephoned her son. In English,I told him that I would 51 with his mother until we got on the plane. Then his son was 52 . Next we called my dad. They spoke for a while in Arabic and 53 that they had ten shared friends. After that,I called some Arabic friends I 54 and let them talk to her.

   She was in a 55 wood (情绪) by then and took some homemade 56  — little cakes stuffed with nuts and topped with sugar 一 from her bag and 57 them to the people near the gate. To my amazement,no one 58 . It was like a party. The traveler from Argentina,the mom from California,the lovely woman from Laredo — we were all smiling,enjoying the same 59

   I looked around and thought,this is the world I want to live in. One with no 60 . Everyone can be happy anywhere.

41. A. booked   B. confirmed   C. delayed   D. canceled

42. A. noise   B. argument   C. dialogue   D. announcement

43. A. likes   B. understands   C. accepts   D. studies

44. A. weeping   B. reading   C. thinking   D. begging

45. A. long   B. strange   C. expensive   D. traditional

46. A. Write   B. Sing   C. Explain   D. Apologize

47. A. quickly   B. softly   C. suddenly   D. loudly

48. A. stopped   B. started   C. kept   D. avoided

49. A. plan   B. performance   C. meeting   D. flight

50. A. calling   B. saving   C. showing   D. punishing

51. A. live   B. work   C. stay   D. play

52. A. in action   B. in relief   C. in charge   D. in trouble

53. A. found out   B. made sure   C.  agreed   D. promised

54. A. missed   B. helped   C. met   D. knew

55. A. changing   B. serious   C. cheerful   D. confident

56. A. chocolates   B. cookies   C. wine   D. bread

57. A. sold   B. lent   C. returned   D. offered

58. A. refused   B. wasted   C. ate   D. saw

59. A. custom   B. language   C. sugar   D. fruit

60. A. war   B. worry   C. illness   D. poverty


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                 Aluminium folding bike 


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £125 


I bought this bike about a year ago for £200 and have never used it. It has 20-inch wheels-and 6 gears (齿轮) ,plus a carry bag and a stand. £125 or near offer. I have more photos or you are welcome to view.

                                  Hohner Rockwood electric guitar 


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £45 


I have a lovely Hohner Rockwood electric guitar complete with case. It's about 5 years old,and is in good condition with a few minor marks. I'm selling the guitar because V ve moved on to a Les Paul guitar,but this one is ideal for a beginner!So grab yourself a bargain for only £45 — it cost me £400 brand new!

Feel free to ask me any questions you have!

You can pay via cash or cheque.

                                       Lovely black and white male cat


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £30 


We are selling our much loved 2-year-old male cat.Due to our work commitments we cannot give him the love and time he needs. Would suit a family who can give him lots of affection. We will also give you his bed and feeding dishes.

Please no timewasters.

                                Sofa for sale 


Type: Private Advertisement

Price: £325 or near offer 


White luxury Italian leather 3-seater sofa. Modem design,only 3 years old,very good condition. H78cm x W240cm x D98cm 

We are selling it because it's too big for the sitting room for our new house!

33. What do we know about the bike?

   A. It's brand new.

   B. It cannot be folded.

   C. It was bought 3 years ago.

   D. It's being sold at half price.

34. The owner has decided to sell the guitar because.

   A. it's in poor condition

   B. he / she has got a new one

   C. it takes up too much space

   D. he / she doesn't like it any more 

35. Whose prices are negotiable?

   A. The cat's and the sofa's.

   B. The bike's and the sofa's.

   C. The guitar's and the cat's.

   D. The bike's and the guitar's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Here's a very clever idea: A book that not only contains information about clean drinking water printed on its pages,but the actual pages themselves can be tom off and used as high-tech filters(过滤器) that will remove 99% of bacteria from the filtered water. The idea came out of Dr. Theresa Dankovjch's chemistry PhD work at McGill University in Montreal,during which she invented a new bactericidal (杀菌的) silver nanoparticle (银纳米颗 粒) paper and a green method of producing it using cheap processes. She and her team are now trying to make the Drinkable Book a reality to contribute to the effort to bring clean water to the 663 million people who don't have access to it.

   Here's the description of the project from the official website: 

   The Drinkable Book TM is both a water filter and a manual for how and why to clean drinking water. This filter works to produce clean drinking water by pouring dirty water through a thick,strong sheet of paper containing silver nanoparticles,which can kill microbes(微生物). This paper was created and shown to be highly antibacterial. Additionally,these filters meet US EPA guidelines for bacteria removal to produce safe drinking water. The filters can last a couple of weeks,even up to a month,so the entire books could provide the tools to filter clean water for approximately a year.

   I hate to rain a little bit on this parade,but ... While it's a very clever idea,and it looks like a lot of work and effort has been put into designing and testing the Drinkable Book,sometimes the simplest ideas are best. Getting clean water instruction and water filters to people in need separately might still be the best and most cost-effective way to do things. Manuals with instructions printed in the local language would be very cheap to produce,and mass-produced water filters,which can use the same technology as the book,if that's the best,would probably be cheaper if they are not bound into nice-looking books.

25. What is the main function of the book?

   A. It can find water.

   B. It can store water.

   C. It can purify water.

   D. It can produce water.

26. The content in the book is mainly to .

   A. instruct readers   B. entertain readers   C. inspire readers   D. warn readers

27. What does the author think of the book?

   A. It is nearly useless.

   B. It is poorly designed.

   C. It is not very beautiful.

   D. It is not very economical.

28. Where is the text most probably taken froin?

   A. A book review. B. A personal diaiy.

   C. An advertisement. D. A science magazine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11 ,1884. When her mother died in 1892,the child went to live with Grandmother Hall;her father died only two years later. Attending a good school in England gave her,at 15,the first chance to develop self-confidence among other girls. She married a distant cousin,Franklin Delano Roosevelt,in 1905. Within 11 years Eleanor bore six children;one son died early.

In Albany,where Franklin served in the state Senate from 1910 to 1913,Eleanor started her long career as political helpmate. When Franklin was stricken with polio (脊髓灰质炎) in 1921,she tended him devotedly. From his successful campaign for governor in 1928 to the day of his death,she dedicated her life to his purposes.

When Mrs Roosevelt came to the White House,she understood social conditions well and she transformed the role of First Lady accordingly. She broke the tradition to hold conferences,and expressed her opinions. This made her a target for political enemies but her sincerity of purpose made her personally popular to many. As she had written: ^ — if truth and ioyalty (忠诚) are stamped upon her face,all will be attracted to her... ”.

After the President Roosevelt's death in 1945,she returned to a cottage at his Hyde Park estate;she told reporters ,“The story is over." Within a year,however,she began her service as American spokeswoman in the United Nations. She continued a positive career until her strength began to wane in 1962. She died in New York City that November,and was buried at Hyde Park beside her husband.

36. Which of the following is the correct order to describe Eleanor Roosevelt's early life?

a. She went to live with her grandmother.

b. She led a happy life in a good school.

c. She was very sad when her father died.

d. She got married and gave birth to six children.

e. She fell in love with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

   A. e,a,b,d,c   B. a,c,b,e,d

   C. b,d,c,a,e   D. c,a,d,e,b

37. It can be concluded from Paragraph 2 that Eleanor.

   A. once caught a serious disease

   B. was interested in doing housework

   C. was always ready to help other people

   D. devoted herself to her husband completely

38. Some people hated Eleanor probably because.

   A. she didn't follow the traditions

   B. she always had better opinions

   C. she held too many meetings

   D. she became the First Lady

39. What Eleanor had written suggests that .

   A. all the women are usually common

   B. everything draws much of her attention

   C. truth and loyalty make her very attractive

   D. a simple woman can become great easily

40. According to the passage,we can infer that Eleanor did well in the field of .

   A. history   B. politics

   C. economics   D. science


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   Apart from my mother,T ve been very lucky to having had two teachers who have been fundamental influences in my life. The first was my first piano teacher. She really got me interesting in the piano and made a huge impression in me at a very early age. She helped me to learn the basic techniques and develop understanding of the instrument. Then,when I was 16 ,I start studying with my second inspirational teachers. He made me much more confident and encouraged me to enter for competitions even when I felt certain and unconfident about doing this. He had enormous faith in us,and it was this,more than anything else,which inspired me to make music my career.

