精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情







How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18




1.What time is it?

[  ]





2.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a shop.

B.In a post office.

C.At home.


3.What season is it when they go to park?

[  ]





4.What's Mr Liu's telephone number?

[  ]





5.What's the woman's job now?

[  ]

A.An engineer.

B.A teacher.

C.An official.







6.What do the students at collage do in their free time?

[  ]

A.All kinds of things but going to the library to study.

B.Nothing but going to the library to study.

C.Everything including going to the library to study.

7.How many students are there in the college Simon is visiting ?

[  ]








8.What was the dialogue about?

[  ]

A.A traffic accident.

B.Two drivers.

C.How traffic lights change.


9.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are a policeman and a driver.

B.They are policemen.

C.They are a policeman and a passenger.



10.When will the meeting be over?

[  ]

A.At about 4:50.

B.At about 5:20.

C.At about 6:00.


11.How will the man get connection with Mrs Wang again?

[  ]

A.He will come himself.

B.He will call again.

C.He wants Mrs Wang to call back.

12.About what will the man want to talk with Mrs Wang.

[  ]

A.To attend the meeting.

B.To tell her his telephone number.

C.To invite her to dinner.


13.Where are they talking?

[  ]

A.In Guangzhou

B.In Hong Kong

C.In London


14.Where is the man from?

[  ]

A.He is from Hong Kong.

B.He is from Guangzhou.

C.He is from a foreign country.

15.How does the woman find riding bicycles?

[  ]

A.Interesting and exciting.

B.Quite different from driving a car.

C.Good for people's health.

16.Which city is noiser according to the woman?

[  ]


B.Hong Kong.

C.The dialogue didn't tell us.



17.Where did the passenger ship sink?

[  ]

A.In the Indian Ocean.

B.In the Pacific Ocean.

C.Near Manila.


18.How many people died in the Ocean accident?

[  ]


B.Four hundred.

C.It was not exact.


19.How did it take place?

[  ]

A.The ship was broken.

B.There were too many people on the ship.

C.It met with high waves and strong winds.

20.Which statement is true according to the passengers?

[  ]

A.Some passengers swam to the Island of Leyte safely.

B.It was the coastguard that pulled some passengers from the water.

C.The Ocean storm lasted a week.



Text 1

W: Excuse me, what time is it now?

M: It's 7:20. But my watch is five minutes fast.

Text 2

W: May I help you?

M: Yes. I want some chocolates and a bottle of orange.

W: Here you are. It's I3 dollars and 60 cents altogether.

M: Thank you. Bye.

W: Don't forget your change.

Text 3

M: What's the weather like today?

W: It's a beautiful spring day.

M: Shall we take walk in the park?

W: Why not? Let's go now.

Text 4

M: I can't remember Mr Liu's telephone number. Is it 7845632?

W: Let me see…oh, it seems to be 7485362…oh, no, I remember, it's 7845362.

Text 5

M: What jobs have you done in the last five years?

W: Many kinds of jobs. I was once an official and later an engineer. Up till now I have been a teacher for three years.

Text 6

W:Hello, Simon, How are you feeling today?

M:I'm not too sure how I'm feeling. Better I think.

W:How do you like the college?

M:I doubt if I'll like it where it is and I like its size. It looks as if it's very small.

W:Yes, it's very pleasant. There are only about a thousand students.

M:What kind of students come here?

W:That's a difficult question to answer. I suppose it's an impossible question to answer, really. There are all kinds. They're difficult to describe.

M:What do they do in their spare time?

W:All kinds of things. There are a lot of different kinds of clubs to join. Some students meet their friends at the Union. Some go to the library to study.

M:Do they have to study in the library?

W:No, they can study wherever they want to.

M:Do you know what sports do they play?

W:Oh, yes, there are teams for all kinds of sports.

M:It sounds as if going to college is fun.


Text 7

M: Now, Jane , did you get a good view of the accident?

W: Oh, yes. I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it all quite clearly.

M: Do you know what time it was?

W: Yes. I checked my watch. It was 2:45 exactly.

M: Good. Now, How fast was the truck was moving?

W: Well, quite slowly , about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up Dong Feng Road. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change. But they were still red when he went over them.

M: I see. What about the car? Was it also driving slowly?

W: It was coming along Beijing street about 30 miles per hour. The driver stopped his car when the truck was crossing the street.

M: Did you see what colour the traffic light was?

W: Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.

Text 8

W: Good afternoon. Mrs Wang's office.

M: Good afternoon. Can I speak to Mrs Wang? This is Mike Smith speaking.

W: I'm sorry. Mrs Wang is in a meeting. Would you like to leave a message?

M: Do you know when I could reach her?

W: Now it's 4:50. The meeting should be over in half an hour. Shall I ask her to call you back?

M: No, I'll call again, In an hour's time.

W: Sorry. Perhaps she will give an official meal to the guests soon after the meeting.

M: In that case, please take a message for me and tell her that some of her former friends will wait for her at the King's Hotel Restaurant at 7:30 tomorrow morning. If she has time, she can call me at 24326584. That's all.

W: OK. I've have that. Good-bye.

Text 9

W: Have you ever been to China?

M: Only once. I went to see my aunt who lives in Guangzhou. I found it very interesting and so different from Hong Kong.

W: I was told there aren't many cars.

M: No. Nearly everyone rides a bicycle. There are more cars in Guangzhou than in most other cities in China, but still far fewer than here.

W: Riding bicycles must keep people healthy.

M: I suppose it does. It's certainly better exercise than sitting in a car or a bus.

W: They must have buses in Guangzhou, too , don't they?

M: Of course they do. It's very noisy in the rush hour when people are coming and going from work.

The ringing of bicycle bells and the buses blowing their horns make a terrible noise.

W: It's can't be much noisier than in Hong Kong.

Text 10

M or W: The Philippine coast guard has saved only fifteen of the 500 persons on a passenger ship that sank in an Ocean storm. The boat was about 400 kilometers southeast of Manila. Coastguard officials said the first passengers from the sunken ship swam to small islands in the area. other passengers were pulled from the water. The ship was sailing from Manila to the Island of Leyte. Some of the passengers said the ship sank in high waves and strong winds.



科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001







How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where does this take place?

[  ]

A.In a school library.

B.In a city library.

C.In a school lab.


2.Who is Mr Smith?

[  ]

A.An actor in a film.

B.A film director.

C.A farmer classmate.


3.What is Bill going to be?

[  ]

A.A cook.

B.A head of a taxi company.

C.A taxi driver.


4.Why isn't Tim satisfied?

[  ]

A.His school life is not interesting.

B.The TV programs are not enjoyable.

C.There is no Color TV at school.

5.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.Helping a friend find the right department.

B.Buying himself the same shoes.

C.Taking a class at the gymnasium.







6.Why doesn't the man enjoy his job?

[  ]

A.His job is very difficult.

B.He gets very little money from his job.

C.It's difficult to talk to his boss.

7.What will the man do?

[  ]

A.He will find another job.

B.He will not talk to his boss any more.

C.He will keep trying to talk to his boss.




8.When will the two speakers play tennis?

[  ]

A.Tomorrow at 9 a.m.

B.Wednesday at 10 a.m.

C.Wednesday at 9 a.m.


9.Why does the girl want to play in the morning?

[  ]

A.She is busy at that time.

B.It is cooler at that time.

C.It is warmer at that time.




10.What were they talking about?

[  ]





11.Which sports does the man prefer?

[  ]





12.What about riding horses and sailing?

[  ]








13.When will they leave for Beijing?

[  ]

A.On Thursday.

B.On Friday.

C.On New Year's Day.


14.Who has been to Beijing before?

[  ]

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Neither of them.


15.Who is going to drive?

[  ]

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Both the man and the woman.

16.What are they going to do in Beijing?

[  ]

A.Visit museums, parks and the lake.

B.Visit friends.

C.Seeing films.



17.What food is popular in the USA?

[  ]



C.Fast food.


18.What is the name of the book that Mary is studying?

[  ]

A.Food Around the World.

B.Food and Drink.

C.Fast Food in America.


19.What do French people particularly like to eat?

[  ]

A.Fish and chips.

B.Fish and Rice.



20.Where are noodles and meat balls very popular?

[  ]







科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.He is inviting the woman to dinner.

B.He is cooking evening meal.

C.He is putting forward a good idea.

2.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a hospital.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a bar.

3.Whom are they talking about?

[  ]

A.A lady.

B.Cleaning ladies.

C.A teacher.

4.Why didn't the man buy some bread?

[  ]

A.The woman forgot to buy it.

B.The woman forgot to tell him to buy it.

C.The woman didn't remember to buy it.

5.How much money does the woman need?

[  ]

A.Five pounds.

B.Ten pounds.

C.Eight pounds.





6.Why is the man talking about the delayed bus?

[  ]

A.He is really angry about it.

B.He wants to talk to the woman.

C.He is eager to go to a film.

7.What is the woman's name?

[  ]





8.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Language teaching.

B.Radio programs.

C.Foreign languages.

9.What other languages besides English do we teach over the radio?

[  ]

A.German, Spanish and French.

B.Portuguese, Swedish and French.

C.Japanese, French and German.


10.What are they discussing about?

[  ]

A.How to spend the weekend.

B.Where to go this evening.

C.What to do on Sunday evening.

11.What aren't there that night according to the man?

[  ]




12.What do they finally decide to do?

[  ]

A.To see a comedy.

B.To watch a new play.

C.To go to a dance party.


13.Where does the woman plan to go?

[  ]

A.Up north.

B.Mary White's.


14.Where does Bob invite her to go?

[  ]

A.To a bar.

B.To a film.

C.To Mary White's.

15.Who do you think is Mary White?

[  ]

A.An experienced doctor.

B.Their friend.

C.Bob's sister.

16.How many people will go?

[  ]





17.What questions do the students of English always ask?

[  ]

A.Can I question Americans?

B.Can I communicate with Americans?

C.Can I speak to Americans?

18.Who says “in the hospital”?

[  ]




19.What is the main idea of this monologue?

[  ]

A.There are too many differences between American and British English.

B.British and American English are two different languages.

C.American and British speakers share the same language.

20.How many differences are there between the British and American English?

[  ]






科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What can you learn from Jim's reply?

[  ]

A.He goes to most types of games.

B.Basketball is his only sport.

C.He plays basketball.

2.What can you infer from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The bus drivers seldom go on strike in England.

B.The bus drivers this time ask for different things.

C.The bus drivers this time again ask for less work and more pay.

3.What does the woman want to become?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.A translator.

C.An actress.

4.What is the woman likely to do during the festival?

[  ]

A.She may do anything that she will meet.

B.She will help her mother do some shopping.

C.She will help her mother do some cooking.

5.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.Mary will go to the party, but she won't dance.

B.Mary will go to the party and she will dance.

C.Mary won't go to the party.





6.What will the woman do tomorrow?

[  ]

A.Attend an important meeting.

B.Take her mother to the hospital.

C.Go to work.

7.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are boss and employee.

B.They are colleagues.

C.They are close friends.



8.Where does the dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In the south.

B.In the north.

C.In the middle-neither too south nor too north.

9.What is the weather like at the place where they are talking?

[  ]

A.It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter.

B.It has a warm winter.

C.It's summer is short and cool.


10.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.At the man's home.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a company.

11.Why does the woman come to the man's home?

[  ]

A.She wants to have dinner with him.

B.She comes to return some books.

C.She wants to learn how to cook.

12.Who does the cooking now?

[  ]

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.The man's wife.


13.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are next-door neighbors.

B.They are boss and employee.

C.They are teacher and student.

14.Was the man looking for the woman tall or short?

[  ]

A.He was very tall.

B.He was very short.

C.He was neither short nor tall.

15.What kind of face did the man have?

[  ]

A.His face was square.

B.His face was round.

C.The man speaker didn't notice.

16.Why wasn't the man speaker sure of the man's characteristic?

[  ]

A.It was very late and the lighting wasn't good.

B.He was so tired and sleepy that he didn't pay much attention.

C.Both A and B.


17.What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]

A.Fire accidents.

B.Ways to prevent fires.

C.Fire-human's great enemy.

18.Which of the following is not mentioned as a cause of fire?

[  ]

A.A broken bottle lying on dry grass.

B.Stored wet hay.

C.Dry hay in storage.

19.When was Moscow set on fire?

[  ]

A.In the  century.

B.During the war against Napoleon.

C.In 64 AD.

20.Which of the following statements is not true?

[  ]

A.Fire does good as well as harm to man.

B.Carelessness is only one cause of fires.

C.A fire cannot break out unless someone starts it.  



科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where is Mrs Wood from?

[  ]





2.How old is the woman's car?

[  ]

A.Five years.

B.Six years.

C.Seven years.


3.What will the woman do now?

[  ]

A.To stay for supper.

B.To meet her brother.

C.To go to the supermarket.


4.At what time were the two people talking?

[  ]





5.What did the girl do last Sunday?

[  ]

A.She was ill at that time.

B.She left her mother alone.

C.She stayed with her mother at home.





6.What is the woman's room number?

[  ]





7.What does the woman want?

[  ]

A.A pot of tea.

B.Two pots of tea.

C.Some chocolate.


8.Why will the man send someone up to the woman?

[  ]

A.For her to choose her cakes.

B.For her to choose her magazines.

C.To ask her pay the bill.


9.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]





10.When will the school radio station begin operation?

[  ]


B.In April.

C.Next term.


11.Which of the following does the woman like from the radio programs?

[  ]


B.News reports.

C.Classical music.



12.When did the woman bring the watch in?

[  ]

A.A week ago.

B.Just a minute ago.

C.During the lunch time.


13.What did the woman lose?

[  ]

A.Her watch.

B.Her receipt.

C.Her gold.


14.What is the most probable result of the conversation?

[  ]

A.The woman got her watch.

B.The woman waited for the manager.

C.The woman got angry with the man.


15.Who is the woman speaking with?

[  ]

A.A taxi driver.

B.A policeman.

C.A manager.


16.How much farther must the woman go to find the store?

[  ]

A.Walk 10 minutes more.

B.Walk 2 more blocks.

C.Walk 1 more mile.


17.What is the man doing for the woman?

[  ]

A.Driving her to the store.

B.Describing the store.

C.Giving her directions to the store.


18.What do the students have to do?

[  ]

A.They have to take a rest.

B.They have to write a paper.

C.They have to give a speech.

19.Who is the speaker?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.A student.

C.A student helper.


20.When must it be finished?

[  ]



C.The day after tomorrow.



