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     Ma Wendi is used to curious glances   1  she walks six dogs at the same time. They are not all hers. 
  2   25-year-old veterinary graduate is a full-time dog walker.
     "I have to take care of twelve dogs at most," said Ma. She charges 500 yuan a month per dog, and
most customers leave their dogs at her house for a week. The    3  (busy) time is around Spring Festival,
because many people go back to their hometowns for family reunions    4    go traveling.
     "  5  (compare) with people who have to be in their offices during the day, I don't have to get up
early   6  (squeeze) into the subway carriages in rush hour, and I still make a decent salary, " she said.
     "But it's a tiring job. I have to work whenever there are dogs at home, and no time to enjoy   7  .
Sometimes I want to go out for a meal or shopping, but I can't do so   8  I worry about them, " she
     Ma knows   9  the dogs' names, and when she calls one's name, the dog instantly knows she  10 
(refer) to it.
1.  when    2.  The    3.  busiest   4. or   5.  Compared 
6  to squeeze  7.  myself   8.  because  9.  all   10.  is referring

科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Sometimes people were traveling to look for rich farmland.
This is not to say________no one ever traveled just 1.________
for fun.Even in ancient times, some pleasure travel
o________. Once 700,000 tourists 2.________
________(拥挤) into the ancient city of Rome. 3.________
Why do people like traveling s________much? 4.________
Actually, traveling to sports events is one of the fastest
growing types________travel.In our fast developing 5.________
society________stress has become part of 6.________
people's life, people can relax by h________a 7.________
change of environment and activities. Another important
reason for traveling is to s________our curiosity 8.________
about different places and cultures. No one
________(似乎) to doubt that travel broadens  9.________
the mind. Travel to different countries is
________(激动人心). 10.________


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省月考题 题型:完形填空

     I'm about to talk of the negative effects of technology.   1    , I don't know    2   these effects are bad or not but someone should be discussing them when they talk about technology. Most of them are about   3  
problems. First of all, it is   4   to communicate with machines but not people. When we ring up for help, we have to go through a pile of   5   into our telephone to get some information. We get some    6   phone reply messages: if you want this, press one; if you want this, press two; if you want this, press 99; if you want
to   7  , press "﹟" and you sit there and gradually get   8    in the face, angrier and angrier. This kind of thing is very   9   and is bound to cause something bad. So this is a  problem of technology because even with a
simple telephone, you used to get a   10    at the other end who says how can I help you,which made you
feel   11   . The second one is about taking   12  the work done by people. We used to have people do a lot of jobs and now we have got   13   . They build cars, and they build them very well because they don't
get   14   , they can work 24 hours a day, they generally don't  15  ; they don't get ill; they don't have    16   and so they needn't ask for at least half a year's leave. The trouble is the people who did those jobs. What
are they to do? Those workers' life is  17   . Have you ever seen a typist lately? That is one sitting in a shop with typewriters typing letters to make a   18   . No, it's   19   . Everybody does their own letters on a
computer and presses buttons, and it   20   and so forth.
(     )1. A. In fact    
(     )2. A. that        
(     )3. A. social      
(     )4. A. special    
(     )5. A. numbers    
(     )6. A. ugly        
(     )7. A. go          
(     )8. A. shorter    
(     )9. A. confusing  
(     )10. A. lady      
(     )11. A. happy      
(     )12. A. of        
(     )13. A. animals    
(     )14. A. angry      
(     )15. A. break down
(     )16. A. girls      
(     )17. A. out of time
(     )18. A. list      
(     )19. A. gone      
(     )20. A. comes out  
B. For sure    
B. whether    
B. industry    
B. noisy      
B. messages    
B. free        
B. drop        
B. cooler      
B. satisfying  
B. person      
B. fantastic  
B. over        
B. robots      
B. tired      
B. put off    
B. babies      
B. out of control
B. living      
B. lost        
B. brings in  
C. In a word  
C. how        
C. computer  
C. interesting
C. electricity
C. smooth    
C. exit      
C. redder    
C. surprising
C. gentleman  
C. wonderful  
C. in        
C. computers  
C. injured    
C. die out    
C. pets      
C. out of order
C. drawing    
C. open      
C. shuts up  
D. To my surprise
D. what          
D. job          
D. strange      
D. letters      
D. awful        
D. cut          
D. greener      
D. disturbing    
D. fellow        
D. depressed    
D. out          
D. printers      
D. ill          
D. run away      
D. friends      
D. out of reach  
D. money        
D. right        
D. holds on      


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省月考题 题型:填空题

      …For example, one evening __1___ it was so warm, I __2___ awake on purpose __3___ half past
eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.
     __4___ in the next century, people from England made __5___ to conquer other parts of the world
and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     This brief book is aimed at high school students, but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life.
      Its formal, serious style closely matches its content, a school-masterly book on schooling. The author, W. H. Armstrong, starts with the basics: reading and writing. In his opinion, reading doesn't just mean
recognizing each word on the page; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it
into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of him. The goal is to bring the information
back to life, not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees. Reading and writing cannot be
completely separated from each other; in fact, the aim of reading is to express the information you have
got from the text. I've seen it again and again : someone who can't express an idea after reading a text is
just as ineffective as someone who hasn't read it at all.
     Only a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for
studying languages, math, science and history. He generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally,
except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion regarding history. Well, he was a history teacher? if conveyed only a tenth of his passion to his students, that was a
hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across. To my disappointment, in this part of the
book he ignores the arts. As a matter of fact, they demand all the concentration and study that math and
science do, though the study differs slightly in kind. Although it's commonly believed that the arts can only
be naturally acquired, actually, learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.
     My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s-none of the
references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire
computer age.
     These are small points, though, and don't affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student
and any teacher, including the self-taught student.     
1. According to Armstrong, the goal of reading is to________. 
A. gain knowledge and expand one's view
B. expresses ideas based on what one has read
C. understand the meaning between the lines 
D. get information and keep it alive in memory
2. The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________. 
A. is as natural as learning a language  
B. demands real passion
C. is less natural than learning math    
D. requires great efforts 
3. What is a shortcoming of Armstrong's work according to the author?
A. It lacks new information. 
B. The style is too serious. 
C. There is too much discussion.
D. Some ideas are slightly wrong.
4. This passage can be classified as________. 
A. an advertisement  
B. news report
C. a feature story  
D. a book review


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     The first tape recorder didn't use tape. It used long thin wire. It was invented in 1900 by Valdermar
Poulsen. In 1930, German scientists invented the tape we use today. Back then the tape was on big rolls.
In 1964 the Philips company in Holland invented the cassette. It's pretty much a holder for the tape.
People use cassettes all over the world. If you don't have a cassette recorder, borrow one.
     Think of a book your parents read out loud to you. That might be a great book to read out loud to your
mom or dad in their car. Put a cassette in the recorder, open the book, hit the record button and start
reading out loud.
     Remember there is no such a thing as a wrong way to do this. You might think you've made a mistake,
but this gift is part of you, and nothing about that can be a mistake. It's impossible.
     You get to be all artistic and creative here. You might want to play music in the background. Do
whatever you want. The gift is you, so you decide. Remember to say "I love you"at the end of your
reading. That's like the prize at the end of the book. 
1: Choose the right order that shows the development of the tape recorder. 
   a. Using big rolls.   b. Using cassettes.    c. Using thin wire.
A. a,b,c  
B. b,c,a  
C. c,a,b    
D. c,b,a
2. Why does the author mention the history of tape recorders in Paragraph 1?
A. To inform readers of new inventions.
B. To lead into his following suggestion.
C. To give an example of his suggestion.
D. To show the importance of tape recorders
3. What does the author advise us to do?
A. To read a book to our parents in their car  
B. To ask our parents to record a book.
C. To make a gift for our parents.    
D. To practice reading out loud.
4. Why does the author say it is impossible to make a mistake in Paragraph 3?
A. Because the tape shows your true love.  
B. Because it's easy to use a tape recorder. 
C. Because the music is what your parents like.
D. Because it's impossible to find a mistake in the book.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     How to improve my life? Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them.
They'll say, "This is my fate, my destiny. I cannot change it. "
     Of course not! You don't have to suffer needlessly. Your destiny depends on you, not on any other
external factors.
     I know someone who says she just accepts what life gives her because she has done everything she
can to improve it. Guess what her lifestyle is? She wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes back
home, relaxes, chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, the same routine cycle
      Huh! Is this what she calls "doing her best"? She believes she has tried her best and just accepts it in
her heart that this is the life that God has intended for her to live; that her luck can only change if God
wills it. Of course God wants us to be happy and live our life to the fullest, but we have to do our share
of exerting (运用) the effort to live the life of our dreams.
     Remember that you reap what you sow. You just don't sit around and wait for a million dollars to fall
from the sky. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the
phone.  Don't expect your luck to change unless you do something about it. If something goes wrong,
don't just regard it as a temporary setback; but use it as feedback. Learn your lesson, make the most of
the situation, and do something to solve the problem. It's not enough to think positively: you also have to
act positively.
     If someone's life is in the trouble, do you just hope and pray that things will turn out fine? Of course
not! You get to do anything you can to save the person. So it is with your own life. It is not enough to
hope for the best, but you have to do your best. In other words, don't just stand (or sit ) there, do
something to improve your life.
1. According to the woman mentioned in Para. 3, her life ________.
A. doesn't need improving
B. couldn't be improved
C. will be better some day
D. will be worse in the future
2. What does the author think of the woman's life?
A. Positive.  
B. Satisfying.
C. Colorful.  
D. Passive.
3. Which of the following statements is the author's opinion?
A. Your temporary problem is not discouraging.
B. Your luck can be changed by your efforts.
C. You can only achieve success when God wills it.
D. You should treat yourself in the way you treat friends.
4. In Para. 5, the author emphasized the importance of ________.
A. positive action  
B. positive thinking
C. hope for the best  
D. intention to succeed
5. The text is mainly written to advise you to ________.
A. understand yourself  
B. improve your life
C. believe in yourself  
D. change your normal way


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     The most popular of the amusement parks in Canada is Paramount Canada's Wonderland.
This park frequently gets the most visitors of any seasonal park in North America.One reason
is its numbers of wild rides.For younger kids,the television characters are very exciting.You can
see Fred Flinstone,SpongeBob SquarePants or Dora the Explorer.There are often rides starring
these characters that are more popular among younger children.There are plenty of fantastic
shows for families to watch as well.What's more,the admission to the park includes the nearby
Splash Works water park.
     Another popular theme park is Galaxyland Amusement Park.Amusement park fun shouldn't
be limited to just the summer months,and Galaxyland is aware of this.As the world's largest
indoor amusement park,Galaxyland packs in it 25 breathtaking rides and attractions.It is also
home to one of the world's largest indoor roller coasters Galaxyland remains one of the most
popular theme parks in Canada for older children because of attractions like the Rock 'N'Ride
Dance Party.This party combines music,music videos and unlimited rides from 8 pm to midnight.
     One of the most visited amusement parks in Canada on the west coast is Playland.Playland,
unlike other Canadian theme parks,has a long history in its city.Playland has all the fun of a
carnival,with scary houses,merrygorounds and a ferris wheel.There are also modern additions
in the park,like a climbing wall for kids and a video game room.Playland is open from spring
through fall,though only on weekends and holidays before June 18 and after September lst.
1.Which of the following is TRUE about Paramount Canada's Wonderland?
A.It is the largest seasonal park in Canada.
B.It offers many interesting shows to visitors.
C.Its rides star many characters popular among adults.
D.It has the biggest number of visitors of all the Canadian parks.
2.What makes Playland different from other Canadian theme parks?
A.Its large indoor roller coaster.
B.Its video game room.
C.Its location.
D.Its long history.
3.What do these three popular theme parks have in common?
A.They all have attractions for children.
B.They all open throughout the year.
C.They all have parties at night.
D.They are all outdoor parks.
4.If you visit one particular park,you need not pay for admission when you visit________.
B.Paramount Canada's Wonderland
C.Splash Works water park
D.Galaxyland Amusement Park
5.The text is mainly intended to________.
A.encourage people to travel in Canada
B.compare different theme parks in Canada
C.introduce some popular Canadian theme parks
D.offer some tips on visiting theme parks in Canada


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     A: I once heard someone shout, "Look out." I put my heard out of the window and a bucketful water
fell on me. It seems that "Look out" may mean "Don't look out".
     B: I was once on a ship and heard the captain shout, "All hands on deck(甲板)." I put my hands on
the deck and someone walked on them.
      C: I once called early on an English friend and the servant who came to the door said, "He's not up
yet. Come back in half an hour." When I went again for him, she said, "He's not down yet." I said, "If
he'sneither up nor down. Where is he?" 

1.  In the dialogue the phrase "Look out" actually means "______".

A. Don't look out              
B. Look out for the water
C. Be careful                  
D. Look everywhere

2. The underlined word "them" in the dialogue means _______.

A. my feet      
B. my hands    
C. the ship      
D. the deck

3. "He is not up" and "He is not down" in the dialogue actually means _______.

A. He doesn't stand up and doesn't lie down
B. He doesn't come up and doesn't go down
C. He hasn't turned up and hasn't turned down
D. He hasn't got up and he hasn't come downstairs

4. The best title for the dialogue may be _______.

A. Look Out
B. All Hands On Deck  
C. How Strange
D. What A Language

5. The writer writes the dialogue to tell us that ______.

A. English is very interesting if you like it and keep on using it
B. it is impossible to learn English very well in a short time
C. languages keeps on developing and changing all the time
D. words and phrases may have different meanings in different situations.

