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Let’s paint one side of the paper red, and _____ side black.

       A.the other   B.another     C.the others  D.one another


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. Shortly afterwards a birdcatcher came and stood under the tree, aiming at the dove. The ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot. In pain the birdcatcher shouted, and the noise made the dove take wing.

Two men were travelling together, when a bear suddenly met them on their path. One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and pretended to be dead as much as he could. The bear soon left him, for he will not touch a dead body. When he disappeared, the other traveller descended from the tree, and asked his friend what it was the bear had whispered in his ear. “He gave me this advice,” his companion replied. “Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.”

A prince had some monkeys trained to dance. Being naturally good at learning, they showed themselves excellent pupils, and in their rich clothes and masks, they danced as well as any of the courtiers. Their performance was often repeated with great applause, till on one occasion a courtier, bent on mischief, took from his pocket a handful of nuts and threw them upon the stage. The monkeys at the sight of the nuts forgot their dancing and became (as indeed they were) monkeys instead of actors. Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes, they fought with one another for the nuts. The dancing spectacle thus came to an end in the laughter and ridicule of the audience.

A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he noticed something shining in the straw. "Ho! ho!" said he, "that’s for me," and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. It turned out to be a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard. “You may be a treasure,” signed the cock, “to man, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn.”

An old man on the point of death summoned his sons around him to give them some parting advice. He ordered his servants to bring in a bunch of sticks, and said to his eldest son: "Break it." The son tried hard, but with all his efforts was unable to break the bundle. The other sons also tried, but none of them was successful. “Untie it,” said the father, “and each of you take a stick.” When they had done so, he called out to them: “Now, break,” and each stick was easily broken.


A. Not everything you see is what it appears to be.

B. One man’s pleasure may be another’s pain. / One man’s meat is another’s poison,

C. Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.

D. One good turn deserves another.

E. Union gives strength.

F. Precious things are for those that can prize them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Can you imagine that you can save your own life during a heart attack(心脏病发作) by coughing(咳嗽)? Let’s see how…

A heart attack can happen to anyone. Let’s say it’s 4:17 p.m. and you’re driving home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job. Not only was the workload(工作负担) extremely heavy, you also had a disagreement with your boss, and no matter how hard you tried, he just wouldn’t see your side of the situation. You’re really upset and the more you think about it, the more nervous you become.

All of a sudden you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to spread out into your arm and up into your jaw(下巴). You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home, unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far.

What can you do? You’ve been trained in CPR but the guy who taught the course didn’t tell you how to perform it on yourself.

Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seems in order. Without help the person whose heart stops beating properly and who begins to feel faint(晕眩的)has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very powerfully. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and last long, as when producing sputum(痰)from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without stopping until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs(肺)and coughing movements squeeze(挤压) the heart and keep the blood circulating.

The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm(节奏). In this way, heart attack victims can get to a phone and, between breaths, call for help.

Now, do you understand the whole matter? Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!

According to the passage, CPR is most probably something done to       .

A. regain someone’s breath and heart beat  

B. help someone treat a heart attack by himself

C. teach people how to stay in good state  

D. train people how to stay calm when facing dangers

According to Paragraph 5, coughing during a heart attack helps        .

A. to relax the heart                     B. to get oxygen into the lungs

C. to keep the blood circulating            D. to reduce the pain in the chest

We can learn from the passage that          .

A. a long day’s work usually results in heart attacks  

B. not only the chest aches when one suffers a heart attack  

C. people should attend a CPR course to survive heart attacks

D. one should cough loudly immediately one’s chest aches

In which section of a newspaper can you read this passage?

A. Health Care        B. Advertisement.        C. Family.         D. Teaching.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届本溪县高二暑期补课阶段考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

There is a beautiful story about a child playing with a vase his mother had left on the table for a few moments. When the mother turned   16  the sound of her son’s crying she saw that his  17   was in the vase and was apparently stuck. She   18  to help him and pulled and pulled until the child cried out   19 . But the hand was stuck fast(牢固地). How would they get it out? The father suggested   20  the vase but it was quite valuable and the child’s hand might be cut in the   21 _. Yet he knew that if all else   22  there would be no other alternative.
So he said to the boy, “Now, let’s make one more   23 . Open your hand and stretch your   24  out straight, as I’m doing, and then pull!” “  25  Dad,” said the boy, “if I do that I’ll   26  my penny!”
The boy had had a coin in his hand   27  and was holding it   28 in his tight little fist. And he wasn’t   29  to open his hand and lose it. But  30  he opened his hand it came out of the vase easily.
The father said to the boy, “What are you holding onto so tightly as to hinder (阻碍) your walk with God? That vase can be  31  to the entrance to the Kingdom of God. It is narrow yet quite  32   to pass in, but first you must open your hand to God and   33  earthly(世俗的)things to fall. If we keep our fists   34  and hold fast to what we have and keep it for ourselves, we will be unable to   35  hold of the hand of God. Open your hand to the hand of God and you will see great things take place.”

A.inB.atC.from D.on
A.foot B.hair C.hand D.head
A.tried B.refusedC.completed D.separated
A.in fun B.in generalC.with fear D.in pain
A.abandoning B.selling C.burning D.breaking
A.time B.state C.process D.record
A.failed B.lost C.impressed D.tried
A.chance B.choice C.try D.force
A.lip B.fingers C.nails D.thumb
A.But B.And C.Though D.When
A.touch B.hit C.employ D.lose
A.all the time B.in time C.at one time D.for some time
A.apparently B.securely C.stupidly D.normally
A.hesitated B.accepted C.excited D.prepared
A.yet B.since C.once D.although
A.seemed B.compared C.looked D.related
A.difficult B.safe C.easy D.quiet
A.allow B.admit C.forbid D.make
A.open B.urgent C.closed D.intended
A.bring B.take C.have D.come


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省汕头市高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

请阅读下列寓言小故事和故事寓意,从所给的六个选项( A、B、C、D、E和F)中,选出附和各小题要求的最佳选项


46. An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning.  A dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her.  The ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank.  Shortly afterwards a birdcatcher came and stood under the tree, aiming at the dove.  The ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot.  In pain the birdcatcher shouted, and noise made the dove take wing.

47. Two men were travelling together, when a bear suddenly met them on their path.  One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches.  The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and pretended to be dead as much as he could.  The bear soon left him, for he will not touch a dead body.  When he disappeared, the other traveler descended from the tree, and asked his friend what it was the bear had whispered in his ear.  “He gave me this advice,” his companion replied.  “Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.”

48. A prince had some monkeys trained to dance.  Being naturally good at learning, they showed themselves excellent pupils, and in their rich clothes and masks, they danced as well as any of the courtiers.  Their performance was often repeated with great applause, till on one occasion a courtier, bent on mischief, took from his pocket a handful of nuts and threw them upon the stage.  The monkeys at the sight of the nuts forgot their dancing and became (as indeed they were) monkeys instead of actors.  Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes, they fought with one another for the nuts.  The dancing spectacle thus came to an end in the laughter and ridicule of the audience.

49. A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he noticed something shining in the straw.  “Ho! Ho!” said he, “that’s for me,” and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw.  It turned out to be a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard.  “You may be a treasure,” signed the cock, “to man, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn.”

50. An old man on the point of death summoned his sons around hi to give them some parting advice.  He ordered his servants to bring in a bunch of sticks, and said to his eldest son: “Break it.”  The son tried hard, but with all his efforts was unable to break the bundle.  The other sons also tried, but none of them was successful.  “Untie it,” said the father, “and each of you take a stick.”  When they had done so, he called out to them: “Now, break,” and each stick was easily broken.


A. Not everything you see is what it appears to be.

B. One man’s pleasure may be another’s pain. / One man’s meat is another’s poison.

C. Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.

D. One good turn deserves another.

E. Union gives strength.

F. Precious things are for those that can prize them.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年湖北普通高等学校招生统一考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Feeling blue about world ? “Cheer up.” Says science writer Matt Ridley.”The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and got nature.”

Ridley calls himself a tat ional optimist—tactical .because he’s carefully weighed the evidence optimistic .because that   offence shows human progress to be both unavoidable and good .And this is what he’s set out to prone from unique point of view in his most recent book. The Rant anal Opting  .He views mankind as grand enterprise that .on the whole .has done little but progress for 100.000 years. He backed his finding with hard gathered though years of research.

Here’s how he explains his views.

Shopping fuels invention

It is reported that there are more than ten billion different producers for sale in London alone. Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty .our own generation has access to more nutritious food .more convenient transport .bigger houses, better ears .and of course, more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us .This will continue as long as we there things to make other things, This more we specialize and exchange, the better off we’ll be.

2) Brilliant advances

 One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ener before is that the four most basie human needs -food, clothing, fuel and shelter- have grown a lot cheaper. Take one example. In 1800 a candle providing one hour’s light cost six hours’ work. In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes’ work to pay for. In 1950 it was eight seconds. Today it’s half second.

3) Let’s not kill ourselves for climate change

Mitigating(减轻) climate change could prove just as damaging to human welface as climate change itself. A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village, where the use of fassil-fuel(化石燃料) electrieity is forhidden by well meaming members of green polucal movements trying to save the world, is just as great a tragedy as a child that mes in a flood caused by climate change. If chmaic change proves to be xxxx, but cutting carbon canses realparn, we may well find that we have stopped a nose bleed by putting a tournquet(止血带) around our necks.

1.What is the theme of Ridley’s most recent book?

A. Weakness of human nature.

B. Concern about climate change.

C. Importance of practical thinking.

D. Optimism about human progress.

2.How does Ridley look at shopping?

   A. It encourages the creation of things.

   B. It results in shortage of goods.

   C. It demands more fossil fuels.

   D. It causes a poverry problem.

3.The candle and lamp example is used to show that     .

   A. oil lamps give off more light than candles

   B. shortening working time brings about a happier life.

   C. advanced technology helps to produce better candles.

   D. increased production rate leads to lower cost of goods.

4.What does the last sentence of the passage imply?

   A. Cutting carbon is necessary in spite of the huge cost.

   B. Overreaction to cliamate change may be dangerous.

   C. People’s health is closely related to climate change.

   D. Careless medical treatment may cause great pain.


