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Kate's ambition to become a nurse _____ from a desire to help others.

        A. prompted                  B. promoted                  C. programmed          D. proceeded

D. proceeded.


proceed form (=arise form) 来自; 由......产生:1) Clouds of smoke proceeded form the chimney. (从烟囱里升起缕缕浓烟。) 2) This proceeded from ignorance. (这是出于无知。)

[注意] proceed 的其他用法: (=go on [to do sth.]; continue) 接着 (做某事) ; 继续进行; 1) He proceeded to give me a vivid description of the mountainous scenery there. (他接着给我栩栩如生地描述那里的山区景色。) 2) 接介词with; Now please proceed with your story. (现在请你接着将下去。) 3) 接介词to: We will now proceed to the next business. (我们现在将接着干下面的一件事。) 4) 准备取得 (某种学位) :He will proceed to the degree of M.A. this year. (他准备今年取得文科硕士学位。) 本题译文:凯特想当护士的志向出自于帮助他人的愿望。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Kate’s little brother kicked the ball to the river; she took great trouble to get in_______the river.

A. on         B. from      C. from on        D. over from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Kate's ambition to become a nurse _____ from a desire to help others.

  A. prompted        B. promoted       C. programmed       D. proceeded


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏省盐城市高三第二次模拟(3月)考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Peter and his seven-year-old sister ,Kate , were at the same school. Not long after his tenth birthday Peter was entrusted to take her to school.
It was only two stops down the road , but the way his parents kept going on about it , you might have thought Peter was taking Kate to the North Pole . He was given instructions the night before. When he woke up , he had to listen to them over and over again. He was to keep hold of Kate’s hand at all times , sit close to the front nearest the window , and tell the bus driver the name of his stop.
Peter repeated all this back to his mother and set out for the bus stop with his sister. They held hands all the way. Actually he didn’t mind this but simply hoped that none of his friends would see him holding a girl’s hand. The bus came. They got on and sat close to the front. It was ridiculous sitting there holding hands and there were some boys from school there, so they let go of each other.
Peter was feeling proud of himself. He could take care of his sister anywhere. If they were alone tighter on a mountain pass and came face to face with a pack of hungry wolves, he could know exactly what to do. Taking care and not to make sudden movement, he would move away with Kate until they had their backs to a large rock. That way the wolves would not be able to surround them.
Then he takes from his pocket two important things—his hunting knife and a box of matches. He takes the knife from its sheath(鞘) and sets it down on the grass, ready in case the wolves attack. They’re coming close now. They’re so hungry and are watering and growling (咆哮). Kate is crying, but he cannot comfort her. He knows he has to concentrate on his plan. Right at their feet are some dry leaves and twigs. Quickly and skillfully, Peter gathers them into a small pile. The wolves are edging closer. He has to get this right. There’s only one match left in the box. He bends down, cups his hand and lights the match. There’s strong rush of wind. The flame flickers, but Peter holds it close to the pile and then first one leaf, then another, then the end of a twig catch fire, and soon the little pile is burning. He piles on more leaves and twigs and larger sticks. The wolves are backing off. Wild animals are terrified of fire. The flames are leaping higher and the wind is carrying the smoke right into their jaws. Now Peter takes holds of the hunting knife and …
Ridiculous! A daydream like this could make him miss his stop if he wasn’t careful. The bus had come to a halt. The kids from his school were already getting off. Peter leaped to his feet and just managed to jump to the pavement as the bus was starting off again. It was more than fifty yards down the road when he realized he had forgotten something. Was it his backpack ? No. It was his sister. He had saved her from the wolves and left her sitting there. For a moment, he couldn’t move. He stood watching the bus pull away up the road. “Come back,” he murmured, “Come back.”
【小题1】Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Kate didn’t know their destination at all.
B.Peter and Kate missed their stop in the end.
C.Peter is thought to take Kate to the North Pole.
D.Mother asked Peter to hold Kate’s hand all the way.
【小题2】Before getting on the bus, ________.
A.Peter and Kate let go of each other
B.Peter was told instructions twice
C.Peter recited the instructions to his mother
D.Peter managed to avoid meeting his friends
【小题3】Which of the following shows the right order of Peter fighting against the wolves?
a. gather dry leaves and twigs into a small pile
b. take out his hunting knife and matches
c. light the leaves and twigs
d. move carefully with back to a rock
e. attack wolves with knife
f. strike a match
g. pile more leaves and sticks
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Peter felt anxious and helpless when the bus left.
B.Peter succeeded in fighting against wolves.
C.Kate would be absent from school that day.
D.Peter brought hunting knife and matches with him.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011广西北海合浦县教育局高一下学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Miss Gorgers taught physics in a New York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. She said to them, “Now I have a brother in Los Angeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the same time you were 75 feet away, listening to me from the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you and for what reason?”
Tom at once answered, “Your brother. Because electricity travels faster than sound waves.” “That’s very good.” Miss Gorgers answered, but then one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gorgers said, “Yes? Kate.”
“I disagree. Your brother would hear you earlier because when it’s 11 o’clock here and it’s only 8 o’clock in Los Angeles.” Kate said.
Miss Gorgers was teaching her class         .

A.how to telephoneB.about electricityC.about time zoneD.about sound
Miss Gorgers raised this question because she wanted to know whether         .
A.it was easy to phone to Los Angeles
B.her student could hear her from 75 feet away
C.her students had understood her lesson
D.sound waves were slower than electricity
Kate thought Tom was wrong because         .
A.clocks in Los Angeles showed a different time from those in New York
B.electricity was slower than sound waves
C.Tom was not good at physics at all
D.Tom’s answer had nothing to do with sound waves
Whose answer do you think is correct according to the laws of physics?
A. Tom’s.       B. Kate’s.        C. Both A and B.    D. Neither A nor B.


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市2010届高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读表达


第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共35分)







Native Tongue

At first Kate thought the Romanian girl could not speak and understand English. Nadia would not reply to anything Kate said. Kate was in charge of showing Nadia around on her first day at Buckminster Grade School. Kate could not figure out why the school had put Nadia in a class where she could not understand what people were saying.

“Why did they do this?” Kate wondered aloud. “I mean, you can’t learn if you can’t understand the teacher.”

Nadia’s voice was a whisper. “I understand English. I will learn.” Nadia’s English was perfect.

Kate was perplexed. She couldn’t understand why Nadia did not like to speak. Then she realized that moving to a new country probably wasn’t the easiest thing to do. There were hundreds of unfamiliar and unusual things to learn all at the same time.

“There’re a lot of new things to learn, huh?” said Kate.

Nadia nodded rapidly. In a quiet voice she replied, “Many things people say, I do not understand. I have been speaking English and Romanian all my life, but I do not know what some children are saying. For example, yesterday a boy asked if I could help him find the USB port on a thin black box he was carrying. Isn’t a port a place for ships? I was confused.”

“Don’t worry,” said Kate. “You’ll figure everything out in time. You see, that thin black box was a computer. A USB port is a place where you can connect other machines to a computer.”

Nadia and Kate were quiet after that. They took notes while the teacher gave a maths lesson. To Kate’s surprise, Nadia put up her hand and offered to answer questions at the blackboard.

Nadia handled every question the teacher gave her. Some of the questions were really difficult, and no one understood what was going on except Nadia and the teacher. When the teacher said that Nadia answered everything correctly, the whole class clapped their hands.

Nadia was smiling when she sat back down next to Kate. “Some things,” she said in a normal voice, “are the same all over the world.”

56. Where did Nadia come from? (Within 5words)

_______________________________________________________________________________57. What made Kate perplexed? (Within 5words)


58. Please explain the phrase “figure everything out” in English. (Within 10words)


59. Will you please give the reason why Nadia always kept quiet? (Within 15words)


60. Did Nadia change a lot after her stay in America, what are they?  (Within 20 words)



