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Jamie Oliver has been invited by Gordon Brown to prepare a banquet at No. 10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect times when trade and industry are far from prosperous and the rate of employment is decreasing.

Downing Street sources say Oliver, the well-known chef, will cook using “honest high-street products” and avoid expensive or “fancy” ingredients (材料).

The prime minister is trying to avoid a repeat of the embarrassment last year when he sat down to an 18-course banquet at a Japanese summit to discuss world food shortages.

Obama, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other leaders will be served by apprentices (学徒) from Fifteen, the London restaurant Oliver founded to help train young people in poverty in order to make a living by mastering a skill.

Brown wants the dinner to reflect the emphasis of the London summit, which he hopes will lead to an agreement to lift the world out of recession. “To be invited to cook for such an important group of people, who are trying to solve some of the world’s major problems, is really a privilege,” said Oliver.

“I’m hoping the menu I’m working on will show British food and produce is some of the best in the world, but also show we have pioneered a high-quality apprentice scheme at Fifteen London that is giving young people a skill to be proud of.”

The chef has not yet finalized the menu, but is expected to draw inspiration from his latest book, Jamie’s Ministry of Food, which has budget recipes for beef and ale stew (啤酒炖菜) and “impressive” chocolate fudge cake.

49. The underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “_______”.

A. business       B. opposition           C. discussion           D. depression

50. What can we learn about Oliver from the text?

A. He is a well-known American cook.        

B. He is invited to attend the G20 summit.

C. He has founded the Fifteen London.      

D. He is one of the apprentices serving leaders of the G20.

51. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Oliver is honored to be invited to cook for the G20 leaders.

B. Altogether three presidents are mentioned in the text.

C. President Barack Obama offers the cut-price menu.

D. The menu for the G20 dinner banquet has been decided.

52. What is the Fifteen London?

A. an apartment in London                               B. a luxurious restaurant in London

C. a restaurant as well as a training center                D. a famous avenue



49-52   DCAC




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let's see how she's getting along.

My Diary

MONDAY: I'm officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I've soon got seven friends. I've never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.

TUESDAY: I've received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it's just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.

WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum's on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!

THURSDAY: There's a message from my boyfriend, “so, it's over then, is it?” Obviously I haven't changed my settings to show I'm “in a relationship”, and I haven't even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search  and now every one can see it on their news feed.

FRIDAY: Time to update my status: “Work is boring. Can't wait for the weekend!” Oh, look, I've received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now “like” this status.

SATURDAY: Good news! I've got 100 friends. But wait! Someone has “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.

SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it's time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I've got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .  

In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page says he's a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.

1.Why did Jamie's boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

A. He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.

B. She showed in her Facebook that she was still not dating anyone.

C. Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.

D. He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.

2.Which of the following is expressed in this article?

A. Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie's time and energy.

B. Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.

C. Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.

D. Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.

3.What does the word “un-friend” mean in “Someone has ‘un-friended' me!”?

A. Being unfriendly to others.

B. Having a quarrel with somebody.

C. Removing a name from the friend list.

D. Ending friendship with somebody.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

A. Steve was Jamie's boyfriend in the university.

B. People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.

C. Jamie's mother saw her dancing on the table last night.

D. Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.

5.It can be learned from the passage that the writer's attitude towards Facebook is _________  .

A. subjective           B. objective            C. negative           D. positive



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let’s see how she’s getting along.

My Diary

MONDAY: I’m officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I’ve soon got seven friends. I’ve never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.

TUESDAY: I’ve received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it’s just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.

WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum’s on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table from last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!

THURSDAY: There’s a message from my boyfriend, “so, it’s over then, ;is it?” Evidently I haven’t changed my settings to show I’m “in a relationship”, and I haven’t even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search ‘ and now every one can see it on their news feed.’

FRIDAY: Time to update my status:“Work is boring. Can’t wait for the weekend!” Yeah, that about sums it up. Oh, look, I’ve received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now“like” this status.

SATURDAY: Good news! I’ve got 100 friends But wait! Someone’s “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.

SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it’s time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I’ve got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .

In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page says he’s a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.

1. Why did Jamie’s boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

    A. He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.

    B. She showed in her facebook that she was still not dating anyone.

    C. Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.

    D. He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.

2.Which of the following is conveyed in this article?

    A. Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie’s time and energy.

    B. Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.

    C. Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.

    D. Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.

3.What does the word“un-friend” mean in“Someone’s ‘un-friended’ me!”?

    A.  Being unfriendly to others.

    B.  Having a quarrel with somebody.

    C.  Removing a name from the friend list.

    D.  Ending friendship with somebody.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

   A. Steve was Jamie’s boyfriend in the university.

   B. People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.

   C. Jamie’s mother has seen the photos of her dancing on the table.

   D. Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.

5.It can be learned from the passage that the writer’s attitude towards Facebook is ______  .

    A. approval          B. objective           C. negative        D. positive



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Jamie Oliver has been invited by Gordon Brown to prepare a banquet at No. 10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect times when trade and industry are far from prosperous and the rate of employment is decreasing.

Downing Street sources say Oliver, the well-known chef, will cook using “honest high-street products” and avoid expensive or “fancy” ingredients (材料).

The prime minister is trying to avoid a repeat of the embarrassment last year when he sat down to an 18-course banquet at a Japanese summit to discuss world food shortages.

Obama, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other leaders will be served by apprentices (学徒) from Fifteen, the London restaurant Oliver founded to help train young people in poverty in order to make a living by mastering a skill.

Brown wants the dinner to reflect the emphasis of the London summit, which he hopes will lead to an agreement to lift the world out of recession. “To be invited to cook for such an important group of people, who are trying to solve some of the world’s major problems, is really a privilege,” said Oliver.

“I’m hoping the menu I’m working on will show British food and produce is some of the best in the world, but also show we have pioneered a high-quality apprentice scheme at Fifteen London that is giving young people a skill to be proud of.”

The chef has not yet finalized the menu, but is expected to draw inspiration from his latest book, Jamie’s Ministry of Food, which has budget recipes for beef and ale stew (啤酒炖菜) and “impressive” chocolate fudge cake.

64. The underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “_______”.

       A. business        B. opposition            C. discussion            D. depression

65. What can we learn about Oliver from the text?

       A. He is a well-known American cook.        

       B. He is invited to attend the G20 summit.

       C. He has founded the Fifteen London.      

       D. He is one of the apprentices serving leaders of the G20.

66. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

       A. Oliver is honored to be invited to cook for the G20 leaders.

       B. Altogether three presidents are mentioned in the text.

       C. President Barack Obama offers the cut-price menu.

       D. The menu for the G20 dinner banquet has been decided.

67. What is the Fifteen London?

A. an apartment in London                                     B. a luxurious restaurant in London

C. a restaurant as well as a training center           D. a famous avenue


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Jamie Oliver has been invited by Gordon Brown to prepare a banquet at No. 10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect times when trade and industry are far from prosperous and the rate of employment is decreasing.

Downing Street sources say Oliver, the well-known chef, will cook using “honest high-street products” and avoid expensive or “fancy” ingredients (材料).

The prime minister is trying to avoid a repeat of the embarrassment last year when he sat down to an 18-course banquet at a Japanese summit to discuss world food shortages.

Obama, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other leaders will be served by apprentices (学徒) from Fifteen, the London restaurant Oliver founded to help train young people in poverty in order to make a living by mastering a skill.

Brown wants the dinner to reflect the emphasis of the London summit, which he hopes will lead to an agreement to lift the world out of recession. “To be invited to cook for such an important group of people, who are trying to solve some of the world’s major problems, is really a privilege,” said Oliver.

“I’m hoping the menu I’m working on will show British food and produce is some of the best in the world, but also show we have pioneered a high-quality apprentice scheme at Fifteen London that is giving young people a skill to be proud of.”

The chef has not yet finalized the menu, but is expected to draw inspiration from his latest book, Jamie’s Ministry of Food, which has budget recipes for beef and ale stew (啤酒炖菜) and “impressive” chocolate fudge cake.

49. The underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “_______”.

       A. business        B. opposition            C. discussion            D. depression

50. What can we learn about Oliver from the text?

       A. He is a well-known American cook.        

       B. He is invited to attend the G20 summit.

       C. He has founded the Fifteen London.      

       D. He is one of the apprentices serving leaders of the G20.

 51. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

       A. Oliver is honored to be invited to cook for the G20 leaders.

       B. Altogether three presidents are mentioned in the text.

       C. President Barack Obama offers the cut-price menu.

       D. The menu for the G20 dinner banquet has been decided.

52. What is the Fifteen London?

   A. an apartment in London                                B. a luxurious restaurant in London

   C. a restaurant as well as a training center                 D. a famous avenue

