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[1] People today, in all this new world of technology and thinking, have lost sight of what a true friendship is. So, though I own my best friend Jenny, I thought I would help the world out a little and explain what real, true friends are.
[2] Friends don’t have to be exactly the same. They have similarities but __________________. The key to opening up the world of friendship is not only to expand on similarities but to accept each other’s faults, because you can’t ever judge your friend.
[3] Friends have to argue! No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Because if you agree on everything, either the government has expanded cloning subjects or someone isn’t being true and is trying a little too hard.
[4] You have to be comfortable together. Otherwise, you just aren’t going to click. If you feel uneasy around the person then something isn’t quite right.
[5] Friends love unconditionally. They have their little angry moments but what’s done is done and all is forgiven and forgotten. Why let something that happened in the past ruin the happiness you could have in the future?
[6] Believe in love at first sight because there is the same thing happening in friendship. Some people think that you have to know someone really well to become good friends. Trust me, it’s not true.
[7] These are only a few of the basics. Just remember, friends are forever. But only if you keep it that way. Don’t disrespect your friends, love them instead.
76. What is the best title of the passage? (no more than 6 words)
77. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
Make up with your friends after the quarrels and don’t let the sadness last long.
78. Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no more than 8 words)
79. Please list three of the writer’s viewpoints on friendship. (no more than 10 words)
①______________________ ②_______________________ ③________________________
80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into Chinese.

76. True Friends / Friendship/What Is Friendship
77. They have their little angry moments but what’s done is done and all is forgiven and forgotten.
78. they also have their differences
79. ① Accept differences ② Argue ③ Love unconditionally ④ Believe in love at first sight
80. 相信恋爱中的一见钟情吧,因为友情也是如此。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共35分)
Fairview Elementary School, Modesto, California, with some 1,000 students from kindergarten through sixth grade (about 80 percent of them Latino), has long suffered from discipline (纪律) problems, poor test scores, and a near total lack of parental involvement. The difficulties aren't surprising given that many of the parents -- immigrants who work on farms or in factories -- speak little or no English.
Since 2002, Fairview Elementary School has been a First Amendment School, one of 97 developed across the country by the First Amendment Center. The idea behind the five-year-old program: To keep America strong, children must be trained to respect many points of view, weigh complex issues, and understand the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution (宪法). As students learn good citizenship, the theory goes, they'll develop the skills and attitude to do well academically.
Fairview students enjoy" freedoms" other kids might envy (they voted to abolish school uniforms, for example). But the children don't just exercise rights. They also accept such responsibilities as speaking up during class discussions, and keeping the school clean and safe (Fairview is rated the cleanest of 33 schools in its district). In one departure from tradition, there’s no hand-raising in class. "Instead," says teacher Deborah Supnet, "we teach them to listen for when the other child stops talking. "Call it an exercise in respect.
Last year, the number of students evaluated advanced in math increased, from 15 to 30 percent. And Fairview graduates in their first middle-school mid-term exam averaged B grades; 96 percent passed all subjects. Particularly encouraging to Principal Rob Williams, the school now has an active parents' group, Parents With a Voice. One of those parents, Laura Malagon, praises the program for convincing her to play a more active role in her children's school fife.
Fresh ideas that are making the grade
The 76. ______
Students of Fairview Elementary School used to have trouble 77, ______
themselves and getting good grades.
Their parents didn't get actively 78. ______ in their children’s school life.
The strategy
Students are trained to 79. ________ different opinions and get a better
80. ________ of the freedoms.
Students learn to be good 81. ______ and improve their 82._______ per-
The signs of
Students 83. ________ on more responsibilities.
A(n) 84. ________  number of students do well in math.
Parents take a more active 85. ________ in their children’s school life.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
Even British People Can’t Speak English Properly
There are different regional accents across the UK, and a number of regions have several different dialects, that is, they have their own unique vocabulary and grammatical phrases. There were at least six different accents born to London the last time I counted.
Worse than that, it is not just where a person is born in the UK that decides their accent. For example, a language and its accents often vary across class or level of education. Another example is how language can differ among age groups in the UK. The words and pronunciations used by young people in the UK can be radically different compared with those used by adults.
Yoof culture
The word ‘yoof’ is a slang spelling of ‘youth’. Some people consider ‘yoof’ to be a negative term, since its pronunciation is easier and lazier than ‘youth’. Other people see the term as positive, because it describes how young people are creating their own language, concepts and identity. When people find it difficult to understand their children, the children can say more things than without censorship(审查,检查) of their parents. In this way, young people are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression. They are creating a ‘yoof culture’.
It is not possible to come up with a complete list of words used by yoof. By the time the list was completed, it would be out of date. New words come and go like fashions. However, a few features of the yoof style of language are as follows:
◆instead of saying something like ‘That’s good!’ or ‘I understand’, yoof will use a single adjective like ‘Safe!’, ‘Sorted!’, ‘Sound!’, ‘Cool!’ or ‘Wicked!’.
◆instead of ‘He then said no!’, yoof will say ‘She was like: no!’
◆Instead of ‘She’s attractive!’, yoof will say ‘She’s fine!’ or ‘She’s fit!’
◆Instead of ‘I don’t care!’, a yoof will say ‘Whatever!’.
New social and political language
Certain groups of society feel threatened by ‘yoof culture’ or by the British working classes having more social freedom. As a result, a negative term now commonly used in the UK is ‘chav’. It is insult and is meant to describe someone who is uneducated and anti-social (e.g. ‘He’s a chav!’). A young person who wears a jacket with a hood(风帽,头巾) (after all, it rains a lot in the UK) is sometimes called a ‘hoodie’. It is a negative term and suggests that the young person is interested in committing crime.
Where does that leave us?
Learners of English often feel that the best test of their English is how well they can talk to a native speaker. Yet learners should not worry about communicating with native speakers so much. Research conducted by the British Council shows that 94 per cent of the English spoken in the world today is spoken between non-native speakers of the language. In fact, when we think about ‘international English’, there is no such thing as native or non-native speakers. The UK no longer owns the English language. 

Different (72)   of education

Different age groups



科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Some time ago, two navy officers made a journey to the deepest point on the earth. The two men went down seven miles to the__1__of the Pacific Ocean inside a small steel ball to find out if there are any__2__of life.
They set out early so that the ball would come to the surface in the__3__and so be easily found by the mother ship. The divers began__4__at dawn and soon afterwards the ball__5__under the surface of the water.
__6__, the temperature dropped to freezing point and the men trembled inside the ball. They kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone__7__how they felt. At a depth of 3,000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut__8__from the outside world. At 30,000 feet, the men were shocked by a sudden loud__9__- even the smallest hole in the ball would have__10__instant death. Luckily, it was only one of the outer windows__11__had broken.
Soon afterwards, the ball__12__the soft ocean floor, raising a big cloud of "dust" made__13__different kinds of small, dead sea animals. Here, powerful lights lit up the __14__water. The men were surprised to see fish swimming just above them, quite__15__ by the very large water pressure. But they did not__16__to leave lights on for long, as the great__17__from them made the water boil. Quite__18__, the telephone began working again and the weak__19__ clear voices of the officers were heard on the mother ship. After a__20__of thirty minutes the men began their journey up, arriving three hours later.
1. A. foot          B. base         C. bottom       D. tip
2. A. marks         B. signs        C. signals       D. messages
3. A. evening        B. night       C. secret        D. daytime
4. A. diving         B. rising       C. traveling      D. preparations
5. A. disappeared    B. floated       C. threw        D. flew
6. A. In time        B. On time      C. At times      D. At one time
7. A. guiding       B. realizing      C. describing     D. imagining
8. A. down         B. over         C. off           D. out
9. A. voice         B. noise        C. explosion     D. shout
10. resulted         B. suggested     C. meant        D. saved
11. A. where        B. that          C. which        D. whose
12. A. touched      B. visited        C. attacked      D. landed
13. A. of           B. from        C. up of         D. into
14. A. green        B. blue          C. dark         D. hot
15. A. unbelieved    B. unchanged    C. uncovered     D. untroubled
16. A. use          B. need         C. dare          D. think
17. A. light         B. heat         C. pressure       D. sound
18. A. unexpected    B. uncovered    C. unknown      D. uncontrolled
19. A. or           B. and          C. but           D. either
20. A. living        B. stay          C. rest          D. break


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
For almost 18 years, my mom has given time from her life to devote her care to my growth. She has ashed  36  clothes. She’s planned doctors’ appointments  37  all parts of the body, cut hair, taken icures, bought presents,  38 vacations and basically kept a small boy’s life  39  smoothly.
When I was 12, I got into  40  arguments with my older and wiser parents. The   41 never led a any achievement for me, but I still took part. Many times strong feeling of anger caused tears  42  to in my eyes by the end of the quarrel with them.   43 , I’d return to my room and stay for as long as my parents allowed. Then I’d  44  a knock and hardly manage a weak, “Come in.” My mom, acting as a peacemaker,   45  slowly enter and sit next to me on the bed. I’d again try to  46  what I had said was true,  47  this time less angrily. Then mom calmly, strictly and lovingly showed to me her voice of   48  . After that she’d hug me and I’d stop crying; all would be  49  in my family again.
Hugs will  50  be her trademark(标志): warm hugs for goodnights, good-byes and a thousand other such situations. “You’re never too old to  51  your mother.” I’ve heard those eight words since I came to the world. They ring true. For some reason, those words possess the unbelievable  52  to reduce anxiety, cool an angry head,   53  fears and put wrong things right.
Perhaps my mother, now worthy of the title “Mom” can  be an example to mothers everywhere. Being a mother is not so  54  . Any female has the ability to become one. The challenge isn’t in becoming a “mother”, but instead , a “mom”. Mine does that quite  55 .
36.A.Dirty    B.expensive  C.warm       D.old
37.A.on        B.for       C.in      D.about
38.A.prepared   B.taken     C.spent D.enjoyed
39.A.advancing B.changing   C.running    D.developing
40.A.unfit     B.casual       C.unfair       D.silly
41.A.quarrels    B.doubts      C.complaints       D.puzzles
42.A.dry      B.go        C.well  D.take
43.A.Crying     B.Blaming   C.Shaking    D.Whispering
44.A.take     B.make     C.hear  D.get
45.A.might       B.could     C.should      D.would
46.A.admit          B.prove          C.conclude   D.debate
47.A.so        B.or        C.but    D.for
48.A.advice      B.reason      C.demand    D.courage
49.A.active       B.right     C.comfortable     D.friendly
50.A.forever     B.finally      C.even  D.actually
51.A.touch          B.love     C.hug   D.comfort
52.A.ability      B.confidenceC.influence  D.power
53.A.lose      B.share     C.overcome  D.express
54.A.difficult    B.sad       C.boring      D.disappointing
55.A.carefully   B.perfectly   C.formally   D.Normally


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Two old beggars were sitting on a busy corner. They watched helplessly as scores of people walked by, some purposely ___36___ them and others too caught up in their own cares to even notice their __37__. Every so often, a __38__woman or a small child would drop a few coins in the __39__ which lay in front of them.
As the crowd began to die down, they started to __40_ their things and head for their evening shelters. Just as they were getting ready to leave, they noticed a man walking toward them. He was obviously a _ 41   man ----they could tell that from his finely tailored business suit.
The first beggar whispered to the second with _____, “ He’s coming our way!”
The two tried not to look ___43____ at the man as he stepped closer to them, but they couldn’t ___44___ gazing up with anticipation (期待) as he reached into his pocket and took something out.
“Trunk” was the only sound they heard __45___ what looked like a piece of hard _46__, wrapped in tissue paper hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man __47__ and continued on his way, not making a backward glance.
“How insulting (侮辱人的)!” said the first beggar. “He could have __48___ left us a few coins or a spare bill, but he mocks (嘲弄) us with a piece of rock candy. Who does he think we are ----__49___? There’s no way we can even eat this ---------we have no __50___.” He picked up the object and threw it into the gutter(排水沟).
“I haven’t had anything like this for ages,” the _51_beggar thought. “I can’t chew it, but I can suck on it for while, and the sugary juices will stay in my _52__ for a long time. How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet.”
With that, he _53_ the white tissue paper, but to his _54__, there was no hard rock candy inside. _55_, into his fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars.
A. aiding
B. abusing
C. abandoning
D. ignoring
A. existence
B. situation
C. appearance
D. expressing
A. young
B. kind-hearted
C. beautiful
D. police
A. hats
B. hands
C. pockets
D. bowls
A. give up
B. cover up
C. pack up
D. build up
A. healthy
B. wealthy
C. kind
D. generous
A. confusion
B. determination
C. excitement
D. amazement
A. calmly
B. happily
C. sadly
D. directly
A. help
B. avoid
C. stop
D. prevent
A. because
B. as
C. since
D. though
A. cake
B. candy
C. coin
D. bill
A. quit
B. declined
C. turned
D. resigned
A. easily
B. hardly
C. suddenly
D. finally
A. students
B. children
C. adults
D. old men
A. hands
B. teeth
C. bowls
D. money
A. angry
B. second
C. old
D. wise
A. pocket
B. hand
C. mouth
D. hat
A. threw
B. undertook
C. unfolded
D. wrapped
A. satisfaction
B. surprise
C. horror
D. disappointment
A. However
B. Fortunately
C. Therefore
D. Instead


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Jane’s mother worked on the farm from dawn till dark, which just could make ends meet. To make Jane live a   21  life. Mother was very carful about spending money.   22 , Jane didn’t understand her. Every day Mother was busy with her  23   while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves. 
One day, Mother realized Jane was unhappy and even  24  to her, so she decided to go   25 with Jane to make Jane happy.
On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were   26  in white clothes, the manager advised them to buy ski clothes. He said   27 there was an accident, they might be easily  28  in their ski clothes. Mother couldn’t   29 them, so she refused.
Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing happily on the   30   when suddenly the snowfield began to  31 . It was the snowslide(雪崩). They ran a long way and  32   the snowslide finally, but they couldn’t find their way. Later, a helicopter was flying above,  33 people on it couldn’t see or hear them. Jane was  34   because she had hurt her head seriously and  35 dropped on the snow. Just then an idea struck Mother. She pierced (刺破) her wrist  36  and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield. A red SOS was on the snow. At last Jane  37 , but Mother died.
Every time I   38  the blood dropping onto the snowfield, I feel   39 . I believe anyone who hears the tragedy will  40  Mother for her selfless love to her daughter.
21. A. happy         B. healthy            C. busy              D. meaningful
22. A. Moreover      B. However          C. Anyway            D. Though
23. A. writing         B. housework         C. work              D. research
24. A. unfriendly       B. loyal              C. kind               D. cruel
25. A. skating              B. dancing           C. hiking             D. skiing
26. A. all             B. both              C. either              D. every
27. A. now that         B. in case            C. as though          D. even if
28. A. searched         B. examined          C. found             D. caught
29. A. pay             B. manage           C. afford              D. stand
30. A. mountain       B. farmland          C. playground         D. snowfield
31. A. change         B. melt              C. shake               D. jump
32. A. escaped          B. passed             C. experienced         D. overcame
33. A. but             B. so                C. since               D. while
34. A. in despair        B. in danger          C. in peace            D. in ruins
35. A. hair            B. blood             C. tears               D. jewels
36. A. carefully        B. slowly            C. immediately         D. hardly
37. A. cried           B. died              C. woke              D. survived
38. A. find out         B. think of                 C. suffer from         D. come across
39. A. satisfied        B. curious            C. anxious            D. painful
40. A. admire          B. envy             C. reward             D. thank


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Police in the Russian city of St. Petersburg were today searching for a rare missing leopard which was stolen yesterday when thieves attacked a TV producer and drove off in his luxury Mercedes 4×4.
The amur leopard, which was in the boot, is one of the world’s most highly endangered species, with fewer than 45 left in the wild in Russia’s remote far east. About 300 others are captive in zoos around the world.
According to its owner, Mikhail Barakin, the thieves were wearing masks. They attacked him and his driver, throwing both of them out of the vehicle, shortly after they drove to St. Petersburg with leopard from Moscow.
“She’s a female leopard cub and she’s incredibly tame,” Barakin told the Guardian this morning. “She’s just over a month old. The leopard was brought up in captivity.”
He went on, “We had been driving all night with the leopard in a travel cage. The plan was to take her to the vet. My driver and I were in the process of setting the leopard in the trunk of my Mercedes…when three masked assailants attacked us. They managed to get away with the car. My suspicion is the theft was done to order.”
Barakin said the leopard, a present from a Moscow businessman, was far more valuable than the stolen Mercedes. He has offered a £85,400 reward for its safe return, and says he is prepared to drop all charges if the thieves bring the animal back.
The leopard was to have been housed in a purpose-built enclosure on a country estate outside St. Petersburg, he added. Barakin said he had hired a specialist to look after it, and was planning to use the cub in TV commercials.
36. We can infer from the passage that the three assailants ______.
A. probably came for the leopard                                 B. would return the leopard safely
C. didn’t know there was a leopard in the car                D. were known to Mikhail Barakin
37. The leopard was believed to be more valuable because ______.
A. it was already tamed                                          B. it could be kept as a pet
C. it would be used in TV commercials                    D. it was an endangered species
38. Mikhail Barakin drove the leopard to ______.
A. put her in a bigger place                                    B. use it in TV commercials
C. put her in better care                                          D. keep her in the zoo
39. If the thieves brought the leopard back, Mikhail Barakin would ______.
A. send them to prison                                           B. give them a reward
C. give them the car as a reward                              D. not charge them
40. The underlined word “boot” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ______.
A. a special cage                                                    B. a type of shoe
C. the trunk of a car                                               D. a kind of camera


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last week, while visiting my dad with my daughter, we went to a restaurant for dinner. When we were seated, my dad asked the waitress if there were any soldiers eating at the restaurant. Then waitress said there was a soldier having dinner with his friend. My dad told the waitress to tell the soldier and his friend that their dinner was paid for! He also said that he did not want to be known as the benefactor(施主).
Then waitress later commented on my dad’s thoughtful behavior saying that she had never seen anything like this before. At a local college, she had studied opera and so she used this to thank my dad by performing a piece from The Pearl Fisherman. Her voice brought me to tears because it sounded perfect!
After a while, the soldier appeared at our table (I don’t know how he knew my dad paid the bill for him.) and said that he would be sent to the front the next morning and that he could not leave this country without saying “thanks” to my dad. My dad replied that it was he who wanted to say “thanks”. They shook hands as the soldier left.
Before we left, the waitress came by again. She did a magic show as another way to show her “thanks” to my dad. Her show was really great. My dad left her a note with email address asking for her next performance time in addition to a $ 50 tip.
Everyone witnessed something exemplary in the human spirit that night. I can only hope to see more of this in the future.
46. My dad offered help to the soldier and his friend in the restaurant probably because________.
A. he wanted to thank them for all they had done
B. he wanted to know more about then
C. he wanted the waitress to thank him
D. he wanted the soldiers to know his kindness
47. The waitress performed The Pearl Fisherman in the restaurant because____.
A. she was asked to perform to the guests
B. she wanted to show off her wonderful skills
C. she wanted to show her respect and thanks to the author’s dad
D. she wanted to attract more and more guests
48. What did the soldier do in response to the author’s father’s kindness?
A. He gave something to author’s dad.
B. He gave a big tip to the waitress.
C. He said thanks to the author’s dad in person.
D. He did a magic show for the author and her father.
49. The author considered her father’s action to be ____.
A. funny        B. understandable         C. worthless            D. honorable
50. The passage mainly tells us that we should ____.
A. learn to be grateful to others      B. find ways to thank others
C. try to learn from each other               D. respect soldiers and waitresses

