精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1Where is Lucy' s father now?

[  ]

AIn the library.

BAt work.

CHome in bed.

2Where will the man be after 11:30?

[  ]

AHe will be at Sue' s home.

BHe will be at his brother' s home.

CNot mentioned in the dialogue.

3What' s the weather like in South America?

AIt is hot.

BIt is warm.

CIt is cold

4What did the woman want to get?

[  ]

AA cup of cold water.

BA cup of hot drink.

CA cup of hot chocolate.

5What are they talking about?

[  ]

AA set of cooker.

BSome basins to put food in.

CSomething like a washing machine.




6What are they talking about?

[  ]

AThey are talking about a second-hand car.

BThey are talking about a used machine.

CThey are talking about a new car.

7What's the probable result of the dialogue?

[  ]

AThe man didn't buy it.

BThe man bought it.

CThe man decided to discuss it with his wife before buying it.


8What did the woman lose?

[  ]

AA bag.

BA purse.

CA suitcase.

9Which of the following is right according to the dialogue?

[  ]

AThere is a pocket inside it.

BThere is a pocket outside it.

CThere's no pocket.


10What are they talking about?

[  ]

AA dress.

BA hat.

CA pair of shoes.

11Why does the man think it a pity?

[  ]

AIt is cheap.

BIts quality is not good.

CIf looks bad on the woman.

12Why didn't she buy it?

[  ]

AIt' s too dear.

BIts color doesn't suit her.

CIts color will fade when it's washed.


13What is the woman reading?

[  ]

AThe Travels of Marco Polo's Father.

BThe Silk Road.

CThe Travels of Marco Polo.

14When did Marco Polo leave Italy?

[  ]

AIn 1217.

BIn 1271.

CIn 1275.

15How long did Marco Polo stay in China?

[  ]

ASeventeen years.

BSeventy years.

CSeven years.

16.When did Marco Polo arrive in Venice?

[  ]

AIn 1275.

BIn 1295.

CIn 1271.


17What does the sentence Behind every successful man there is a woman mean?

[  ]

AThere is a woman standing behind every successful man.

BWomen's support to men is a most important factor of men's success.

CEvery success depends on women.

18Who wants to be as successful as man?

[  ]

AAll women.

BEvery woman.

CNot every woman.

19Which of the following still exists in the US today?

[  ]

AMen can get the best jobs but women can' t.

BWomen can't get equal pay for equal work.

CBoth A and B.

20Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]

AMen support women in the women' s liberation movement.

BThe government supports women in the women' s liberation movement.

CWomen want to have the same chance for success.



Text 1

M: How is your father, Lucy? Bill told me he is ill.

W: He' s much better now. But the doctor says he' ll have to stay in bed for a few days before going to work.

Text 2

W: Hello.

M: Is Sue there?

W: Um. I' m afraid she' s out.

M: Oh, it' s Joe speaking. Could you ask her to give me a ring at my brother' s? She' s got the number.

W: OK.

M: I' ll be there till 11: 30.

W: Right. I'll let her know.

Text 3

W: More coffee?

M: Please darling. Well, Dave and Jane are in South America now.

W: Lucky things. I bet it' s hot.

M: Let' s look in the paper.

W: Here we are 83 degrees Fahrenheit!

Text 4

W: It' s done it again.

M: What happened?

W: Oh, I put coins in and pressed the button for hot chocolate.

M: And?

W: Look! A cup of cold water. This thing is always going wrong.

Text 5

W: Ah! This is new.

M: That' s right. Just bought it actually.

W: How good are these things?

M: I think they' re great. You can put some food in and it' s cooked in no time at all.

W: It seems to be easy to use.

M: Yes. There' s a timer and you use very little electricity so it' s cheap too.

Text 6

W: Um, yes. It' s in pretty good condition really. I only use it to go to work and back.

M: Yes, but the body' s rather rusty, look at these bits here. It needs a lot of work.

W: Mmm. But it' s got a new battery and um, three new tires. Oh, and it' s just had a service. The engine' s almost perfect.

M: All right. I' ll give you $ 2 000.

W: Oh, no. It's worth a lot more.

M: 2 000 in cash. Take it or leave it.

W: Um. I' m sorry. I' d rather wait for a better offer.

M: OK, it' s up to you.

Text 7

M: Good morning , Madam.

W: Morning. I just came in to see if anyone has handed in a bag I left on the number 52 bus last night.

M: Can you give me a description?

W: Of course. It' s blue, quite large with a zip on the top.

M: OK.

W: There' s a pocket on the outside and it' s got a tear down one side.

M: Right, I'll just check for you.

Text 8

W: How do I look?

M: Not bad. Does it fit all right?

W: Er, it's a bit tight round here.

M: I really like the color. It suits you.

W: Mm. The trouble is the color will run when it' s washed and then I' ll never wear it.

M: Pity, as it' s reduced in the sale.

W: Oh, never mind. Let' s try somewhere else.

Text 9

M: Belinda!

W: Ummm… just a moment…

M: What are you reading?

W: The Travels of Marco Polo. It' s terribly interesting…

M: Let me see it. Oh! What lovely pictures!

W: Yes. Look, this is Venice. It' s a beautiful old town in Italy.

M: Oh yes. That' s where Marco Polo was born, isn' t it?

W: That' s right. And he and his father and uncle left Italy in 1271 and arrived in China in 1275.

M: What a lovely journey!

W: I know. They traveled by ship and then along the famous “Silk Road”.

M: Four years! And who' s this?

W: Kublai Khan. Marco Polo worked very hard for him.

M: I think they stayed in China for a long time.

W: Um… seventeen years. And then they had a really difficult and dangerous journey home. They arrived in Venice in 1295.

Text 10

  M or W: People used to say: “Behind every successful man there' s a woman. ”

  Some women still like making their husbands and sons successful. But some women want more for themselves. They want good jobs. When they work, they want good pay. They want to be as successful as men.

  Today the best jobs are still given to men. Even when women do the same work, they are often paid less than men. Women want these things changed.

  The women' s liberation movement was started by women who didn' t want to stand behind successful men. They wanted to stand beside men, with the same chance for success. The movement is quite new, and many American women do not agree with its purpose. But it has already made several changes in women' s lives----and in men' s lives, too.



科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What will the woman do?

[  ]

A.Go to the movie.

B.Go to the concert.

C.Go to call Jerry.

2.Which rule is not included in renting the room?

[  ]

A.No friend visiting.

B.No pictures on the wall.

C.No dancing.

3.What is wrong with the woman?

[  ]

A.She had a stomachache.

B.She got a fever.

C.She had a headache.

4.Why does the man congratulate Miss Anderson?

[  ]

A.Nobody knows.

B.She'll have a baby.

C.She'll get married.

5.What does the man think of the clothes?

[  ]

A.They are fashionable at the moment.

B.They are very ugly.

C.They are too old to wear.






6.Why did the man make a telephone?

[  ]

A.Find a friend.

B.Order the dinner.

C.He can't open the door.

7.What time did the dining room close?

[  ]




8.What did the man do at last?

[  ]

A.Make a call to Room Service.

B.Go to another restaurant.

C.Eat at home.


9.What did the man do?

[  ]

A.To advertise a furnished flat.

B.To buy a unfurnished flat.

C.To rent a furnished flat.

10.How big is the flat?

[  ]

A.It's about 102 square metres.

B.The family of 4 or 5 can live in it.

C.It has 3 rooms and the central heating and the cooking.

11.What's the rent of the flat?

[  ]

A.$ 1080 a year.

B.$ 90 a month without gas.

C.Less than $ 1500 a year.


12.What's the matter with the man?

[  ]

A.Headache and a sore throat.



13.Why didn't the man tell the woman?

[  ]

A.He thought it didn't matter.

B.He thought they might disappear after a night's sleep.

C.He ate some medicine.

14.What did the woman advise him?

[  ]

A.To take some medicine.

B.To lie down and take a rest.

C.To see the doctor.


15.Where is the object placed?

[  ]


B.In a box.


16.Where did a person wear it?

[  ]




17.What kind of thing is it?

[  ]

A.A balaclava helmet(头盔)

B.A pair of sunglasses.

C.A rain hat.


18.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The population is over 500 million.

B.It is within 14 minutes trip by car from Leeds and Liverpool.

C.It is about three and a half hours by car from London.

19.What kind of traditional industries does Greater Manchester have?

[  ]

A.Fishing and farming.

B.Flight engineering and transport.

C.Gold mining and cotton manufacture(制造).

20.Where is Greater Manchester?

[  ]

A.In North East England.

B.In the 230 miles north of London.

C.In the south 187 miles of Edinburgh.



科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.He is inviting the woman to dinner.

B.He is cooking evening meal.

C.He is putting forward a good idea.

2.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a hospital.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a bar.

3.Whom are they talking about?

[  ]

A.A lady.

B.Cleaning ladies.

C.A teacher.

4.Why didn't the man buy some bread?

[  ]

A.The woman forgot to buy it.

B.The woman forgot to tell him to buy it.

C.The woman didn't remember to buy it.

5.How much money does the woman need?

[  ]

A.Five pounds.

B.Ten pounds.

C.Eight pounds.





6.Why is the man talking about the delayed bus?

[  ]

A.He is really angry about it.

B.He wants to talk to the woman.

C.He is eager to go to a film.

7.What is the woman's name?

[  ]





8.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Language teaching.

B.Radio programs.

C.Foreign languages.

9.What other languages besides English do we teach over the radio?

[  ]

A.German, Spanish and French.

B.Portuguese, Swedish and French.

C.Japanese, French and German.


10.What are they discussing about?

[  ]

A.How to spend the weekend.

B.Where to go this evening.

C.What to do on Sunday evening.

11.What aren't there that night according to the man?

[  ]




12.What do they finally decide to do?

[  ]

A.To see a comedy.

B.To watch a new play.

C.To go to a dance party.


13.Where does the woman plan to go?

[  ]

A.Up north.

B.Mary White's.


14.Where does Bob invite her to go?

[  ]

A.To a bar.

B.To a film.

C.To Mary White's.

15.Who do you think is Mary White?

[  ]

A.An experienced doctor.

B.Their friend.

C.Bob's sister.

16.How many people will go?

[  ]





17.What questions do the students of English always ask?

[  ]

A.Can I question Americans?

B.Can I communicate with Americans?

C.Can I speak to Americans?

18.Who says “in the hospital”?

[  ]




19.What is the main idea of this monologue?

[  ]

A.There are too many differences between American and British English.

B.British and American English are two different languages.

C.American and British speakers share the same language.

20.How many differences are there between the British and American English?

[  ]






科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1.Why did the woman have to walk?

[  ]

A.There was something wrong with her back.

B.Something happened to her bike.

C.She got up too late to catch the bus.

2.What's the most important thing they should take?

[  ]

A.Food.  B.Water.  C.Camera.

3.When will the woman visit the man's school?

[  ]

A.Monday afternoon.

B.Tuesday afternoon.

C.Tuesday morning.

4.What will the man do?

[  ]

A.He will help the woman to tidy things up.

B.He will help the woman to move things.

C.He will go to visit the woman's new house.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.They are talking about activities after class.

B.They are talking about a class outing this weekend.

C.They are talking about playing games after school.





6.What is the woman doing?

[  ]

A.She is warning the man to drive slowly and carefully.

B.She is talking with the man about her driving experience.

C.She is learning to drive.

7.What's the result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The policeman punished David.

B.Nobody saw him, so he drove away.

C.He stopped in front of the traffic lights.


8.What's the profession of the woman?

[  ]

A.A famous sports star.

B.A famous politician.

C.A famous singer.

9.Why didn't the woman want to go back to her former school?

[  ]

A.Because she hated all the teachers there.

B.Because she was not a good student at that time.

C.Because she was busy working.


10.What's wrong with the woman?

[  ]

A.She's got a headache.

B.She's got a fever.

C.She's got a running nose.

11.What is the cause of the problem?

[  ]

A.She has a cancer.

B.She has a cold.

C.She has overworked.

12.What should she do to solve her problem?

[  ]

A.Take some medicine.

B.Have an operation.

C.Stay in bed for a day or two.


13.What did Laurie tell the man?

[  ]

A.She has a friend.

B.She has a card for sale.

C.She has a friend with a car for sale.

14.What kind of car is it?

[  ]

A.It is not smaller than that one.

B.It is a small foreign car.

C.It is an old car.

15.How many miles does Laurie think the car has?

[  ]

A.About twenty-five or thirty thousand miles.

B.About twenty or thirty thousand miles.

C.Over twenty-five thousand miles.

16.What do you learn about the conversation?

[  ]

A.A used car for sale.

B.Laurie will buy a car.

C.The woman has bought the car.


17. When does the store close on Mondays?

[  ]

A. All day.

B. At six p.m.

C. At nine p.m.

18. How much is the sale price of the one-hundred-eighty-dollar men's suits?

[  ]

A. Eighty dollars

B. One hundred and twenty dollars.

C. One hundred and fifty dollars.

19. How many kinds of items of winter clothing are on sale?

[  ]

A. Thousands of items of winter clothing.

B. One thousand items of winter clothing

C. Hundreds of items of winter clothing.

20. Which store made this winter clothing sale advertisement?

[  ]

A. Northside Shopping Center .

B. Harrison's.

C. Master Charge.



科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What do we learn about the girl?

[  ]

A.She has changed her mind.

B.She thinks that the English teacher is strict, too.

C.She thinks that their English teacher has different opinions about them.

2.What does the woman ask the man to do?

[  ]

A.To Wait for a minute.

B.To call her number.

C.To give his exercise book right now.

3.How long was the man late?

[  ]

A.Half an hour.

B.Twenty minutes.

C.Ten minutes.

4.What is the man's father?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.A writer.

C.A doctor.

5.How's the weather today?

[  ]



C.Both A and B.





6.Who are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.A doctor and his patient.

B.A teacher and his student.

C.A man and his wife.

7.What is the woman's problem?

[  ]

A.Too thin.

B.Too fat.

C.Too old.

8.What does the man tell the woman to do?

[  ]

A.Eat more.

B.Sleep more.

C.Eat more and do more exercise.


9.Who is the man?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A foreign visitor to the school.

10.How long has the girl learned English?

[  ]

A.Five years.

B.Five and a half years.

C.Six years.

11.Where are some of her problems in the book?

[  ]

A.On the last page.

B.On the last page but one.

C.On the last page but two.


12.What will the girl do this afternoon?

[  ]


B.Have a piano lesson.

C.Go out with her boyfriend.

13.What does her brother do every afternoon?

[  ]

A.Play basketball.

B.Play football.

C.Play golf.

14.How will the man feel when they are out?

[  ]





15.When was Cambridge founded?

[  ]

A.In 1209.

B.In 1309.

C.In 1219.

16.How are the streets in Cambridge?

[  ]




17.How is the traffic in Cambridge?

[  ]

A.Lots of people and bikes are in the streets.

B.Lots of people and cars are in the streets.

C.Lots of school buses are in the streets.


18.How old is John the day after tomorrow?

[  ]




19.How many people mentioned will give John presents?

[  ]




20.Who will give John the best presents?

[  ]

A.His brother.

B.His father.

C.His grandpa.



科目:高中英语 来源:听力专项练习 题型:001









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1.What does the man say about the pancake?

[  ]

 A.He hasn't had .any pancakes.

 B.He thinks the first pancake is better than this one.

 C.He'd like the same kind of pancake as the last one.

2.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

 A.She wants to congratulate .

 B.She doesn't believe it .

 C.She thinks the man is going to be a father, too.

3.What should the woman do right now?

[  ]

A.Try to get up.

B.Cook, supper.

C.Stay still .


4.What's the woman's profession?

[  ]

A.She ,is a teacher.

B.She is an operator .

C.She is a journalist .


5.Why doesn't the man go with the woman?

[  ]

 A.He tries to be honest.

 B.He doesn't like to do the same thing as he did yesterday .

 C.He gets tired of picnic .






6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Teacher and student .

B.Doctor and patient .

C.Wife and husband .


7.What does the man tell the woman to do?

[  ]

A.To stop walking.

B.To take it easy .

C.To give a few tests .



8.What's the man's problem?

[  ]

 A.He borrowed a book but he can't find it .

 B.He can't find the book he wants .

 C.He needn't come every day to look for the book .

9.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a library .

B.In a shop .

C.In a classroom .


10.What does “reserve” mean?

[  ]

 A.When the book comes in they will keep it.

 B.When the book is returned they will let the man know .

 C.When the book is back they will keep it for the man and let him know.


11.What causes the riot?

[  ]

 A.The extra math homework .

 B.The new rule of staying at school until 6 o'clock.

 C.The rule of cutting out sports .

12.What are the students doing now?

[  ]

 A.They stay at the school until 6 .

 B.They are giving low grades .

 C.They are refusing to enter the classroom .

13.What will the man probably do with the riot?

[  ]

 A.He will cut out all the extra classes .

 B.He will solve the problem .

 C.He will fire all the students .


14.What is the woman planning to do?

[  ]

 A.Attend the game .

 B.Watch the game on television.

 C.Watch the game in the stadium.

15.What does the man miss when watching a game on television?

[  ]

A.Watching the ball.

B.Experiencing excitement .

C.Cheering for the game .


16.What is the man obviously planning to do?

[  ]

 A.See the game in person .

 B.Insist on the woman's going with him .

 C.Watch the game on television, too .


17.What is the speaker doing?

[  ]

 A.Giving a research report .

 B.Making everyone know about the work they are doing.

 C.Giving everyone information about the meeting and himself.

18.What do we know about the lectures?

[  ]

 A.The lectures will be from 2 to 4 .

 B.The lectures will be offered this term.

 C.The lectures will be about the research interest.

19.What is the speaker?

[  ]

A.A student .

B.A guest .

C.A researcher .


20.After the speech what will probably happen?

[  ]

 A.A student will tell the others about his interest .

 B.Professor Watson will give another speech .

 C.Students will go to the notice board .


