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第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,共30分) Bcxly language is the quiet,secret and most powerftil language of all!It speaks 36 than words. According to specialists,our bodies send out more 37 than we realise. In fact,non-verbal communication (非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really 38 . And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化) . Indeed,what is called body language is so 40 a part of us that it^ actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.

41 , different societies treat the 42 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having 43 contact (接角虫) even with friends,and certainly not with 44 . People from Latin American countries,

45 , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore,it's possible that in 46 , it may look like a Latino is 47 a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving 48 . The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep 49 —

which the Latino will in return regard as 50 .

Clearly,a great deal is going on when people 51 . And only a part of it is in the words themselves.

And when parties are from 52 cultures,there's a strong possibility of 53 . But whatever the situation,the best 54 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be 55

36. A. straighter   B. louder

   C. harder   D. further

37. A. sounds   B. invitations

   C. feelings   D. messages

38. A. hope   B. receive

   C. discover   D. mean

39. A. immediate   B. misleading

   C. important   D. difficult

40. A. well   B. far   C. much   D. long

41. A. For example   B. Thus

   C. However   D. In short

42. A. trade   B. distance

   C. connections   D. greetings

43. A. eye   B. verbal

   C. bodily   D. telephone

44. A. strangers   B. relatives

   C. neighbours   D. enemies

45. A. in other words   B. on the other hand

   C. in a similar way   D. by all means

46. A. trouble   B. conversation

   C. silence   D. experiment

47. A. disturbing   B. helping

   C. guiding   D. following

48. A. closer   B. faster

   C. in   D. away

49. A. stepping forward   B. going on

   C. backing away   D. coming out

50. A. weakness   B. carelessness

   C. friendliness   D. coldness

51. A. talk   B. travel   C. laugh   D. think

52. A. different   B. European

   C. Latino   D. rich

53. A. curiosity   B. excitement

   C. misunderstanding   D. nervousness

54. A. chance   B. time

   C. result   D. advice

55. A. noticed   B. treated

   C. respected   D. pleased

36. B 37. D 38. D 39. C 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. D 51. A 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. B

36. B解析:由首句句意“身体语言是所有语 言中安静、秘密而又最有力量的语言”可 知,本句应表达“身体语言比口头语言更有 说服力”,所以本题选择louder。

37. D解析:根据上文的“身体语言是最有力 量的语言”可知,我们的身体传递出比我们 意识到的更多的“信息”,所以messages符 合句意。

38. D解析:本句句意为“实际上,非言语交 际大约占我们真正意思的50%”。所以使 用mean ,表示“意思是,本意是”。

39. C解析:上文说到身体语言在交际中的 作用,本句则说明身体语言在跨文化交流 时的重要作用,所以使用important。

40. C解析:我们所说的身体语言在我们的 生活中占了如此大的比重,但实际上往往 未被注意到,言外之意是身体语言在生活 中如此常见,以至于常常被人们忽视。“so much a +名词”的用法很多,结合句意可 知,四个选项中,只有much跟“ a +名词” 连用合适。

41. A解析:由于下文作者给出了一个实例 来说明不同文化背景的人在“个人空间” 方面的不同习俗,所以此处使用for exam-ple,意为“例如”。

42. B解析:下文举的例子与“个人空间”有 关,所以此处使用distance ,表示“距离”。

43. C解析:由下文描述的挪威人不断地后退 可知,北欧人不喜欢与其他人有身体上的 (bodily) 接触,所以C项正确。

44. A解析:与前面的even with friends构成 对比,此处应表示“陌生人”。

45. B解析:与北欧人的习俗构成对比,拉丁 美洲人喜欢肢体接触,所以选择on the other hand ,表示转折。

in other words 换句 话说;on the other hand 另一方面;in a similar way 类似地; by all means 当 然可以 ,用 所有方法。

46. B解析:由于习俗不同,所以挪威人与拉 丁美洲人在谈话(conversation) 时,就会出 现拉丁美洲人追着挪威人说话的情形。因 此,选择B.

47. D解析:根据上题解析可知,拉丁美洲人 追着挪威人,所以使用following。

48. A解析:谈话过程中拉丁美洲人一直在 靠近挪威人,所以使用closer。

49. C解析:挪威人由于不喜欢与别人靠得 太近,所以只能不停地后退,所以C项符合 题意。

50. D解析:挪威人的后退在拉丁美洲人的 眼中是一种冷漠(coldness) ,所以D项 正确。

51. A解析:这一段是对上文的总结,在人们 交谈(talk) 时,有很多事情在发生着,所以 A项正确。

52. A 解析:根据上文的陈述,当来自不同 (different) 文化的人聚会时,很有可能会产生误会。

53. C解析:文化背景的差异带来的应该是 误解(misunderstanding) ,所以C项正确。

54. D解析:面对误解,作者给出的应是最好 的建议,所以使用advice。

55. B 解析:treat others as you would like to be treated是一个俗语,意为:用你希望被别人 对待你的方式去对待别人。所以使用trea-ted

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修3外研版 > 周测月考卷4 阶段性测试(一)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,共30分)

I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended,but I can still remember something about the 16 celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not 17 much from the war,though,like most children of my age,I often saw 18 houses in the streets and the very big 19 lorries passing through. But both at home and at school I had become 20 to the phrases “before the war” and “when the war is over”. “Before the war”, obviously,21  had been better,though I was too young to understand why,22  there had been no bombs then,and people had eaten things like ice cream and bananas,which I had 23 heard of. When the war was over we would go back to London,but this meant very 24 to me. I did not remember what London was like.

What I remember now 25 V-Day was the afternoon and the evening. Some boys and girls were collecting 26 and building an enormous bonfire. We stood and watched them for a time,and then I went home and 27 myself in with my key and waited for my parents to come back from work.

It was May and still broad 28 when my mother arrived,and my father came in about an hour later. After dinner I said I wanted to 29 the bonfire,so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very 30 , and somehow people had collected some old clothes to 31 ‘‘ Hitler ” with the moustache they had put on top of it. Just as we arrived,they set light to it. The flames 32 soon. Everyone was cheering and shouting.

I stood beside my father until the 33 started to go down,not knowing what to say. He said nothing,either. He had 34 in the First World War and remembered everything he had experienced. At last he said,MWell,that*s it'son. Lefs hope that this time it really will be the 35 one. ”

16. A. war   B. victory   C. Christmas   D. birthday

17. A. suffered   B. learnt   C. heard   D. read

18. A. crowded   B. rebuilt

   C. bombed   D. enlarged

19. A. modem   B. old

   C. railway   D. army

20. A. used   B. devoted

   C. engaged   D. related

21. A. food   B. things

   C. houses   D. news

22. A. except that   B. now that

   C. for fear that   D. in order that

23. A. never   B. hardly

   C. only   D. already

24. A. much   B. little

   C. great   D. important

25. A. about   B. on

   C. for   D. during

26. A. money   B. wood

   C. information   D. clothes

27. A. showed   B. allowed

   C. let   D. called

28. A. early   B. daylight   C. dark   D. warm

29. A. see   B. light   C. find   D. put out

30. A. high   B. hot

   C. dangerous   D. far

31. A. draw   B. paint

   C. write   D. dress

32. A. disappeared   B. happened

   C. rose   D. came

33. A. sun   B. moon   C. fire   D. noise

34. A. fought   B. worked

   C. grown   D. changed

35. A. best   B. worst   C. first   D. last


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 15.I'd like to buy a house which is modem,comfortable,and in a quiet neighbourhood.

   A. in all     B. above all

   C. after all   D. at all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

24. (2013 •新课标 II ) Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent properly in this hos- pital.

   A. can be the patients

   B. can the patients be treated

   C. the patients can be treated

   D. treated can be the patients


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

31. (2013 •山东) I stopped the car a short break as I was feeling tired.

   A. take   B. taking

   C. to take   D. taken


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

卡面短文有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地 方增加、删除或修改某个单词。

增加:在画处如一个漏字符号(A ) ,并在其下面写 上该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后 的词。

注意:1. 每紅错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不 计分。

   Two years before,I travelled to Brazil and I rented for a car. Unfortunate,I had an accident and hit another car,and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two week. I called my parents,so I did not tell them what had happened. I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was so farther away,and that my mother

   would not sleep if she knew. Therefore,I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil. As a result,nobody knew truth. I still think that it was the right thing to do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. —Why didn't you come to my party?

—I meant ,but I had an unexpected visitor.

   A. to         B. to have

   C. going to   D. having gone to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. She failed in the final exam because of con- centration on computer games these days.

   A. for the first time   B. for the last time

   C. the first time   D. at the first time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   For many managers, “team building” means two days spent doing role-playing exercises in a conference hotel far from head office. But perhaps a more effective way to build teams is simply by playing real team sports,such as soccer,cricket or softball.

   David Clark,a project manager at Atisreal UK,is one of the organisers of the company's two soccer teams. He says the main point is fitness but it also has another advantageIt gives the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers (同等地位的人) from other departments. It builds cross-company relationships. ”

    Louise Aston,a human resources director,takes a similar view,pointing out that as well as bringing disparate divisions together,sport cuts through hierarchies (等 级制度) .Not only does it promote health,it can knock leadership on the head. The person who's iest at soccer could well be a person who works in the warehouse (库 房) . Then his confidence will be built.

    Another reason why companies would like to promote team sports is that they are relatively cheap. Peter Mills,chief health officer at Vielife,says, “The contributions a company might make towards running a sports team—paying its league fees,for example —are pretty small compared to other expenditure in the field of well-being.

   However,he warns,there is a potential downside. Sports are,by their nature,competitive and not everyone is good at them. “There are people who can be a bit self-conscious and you need to ensure you don't marginalise (忽视 ) them. The emphasis is on sports such as scxcer and netball,but with a recognition that not everyone likes sweaty exercise,there is also chess,” he adds.

50. How many advantages of team sports are mentioned in the passage?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

51. The underlined part “bringing disparate divisions together” in Paragraph 3 might refer to“

   A. building cross-company relationships

   B. cutting through hierarchies

   C. promoting health

   D. bringing fun to the employees

52. We can learn that by cutting through hierarchies,

   A. the ordinary employees may be more confident

   B. the employers’ positions will be threatened

   C. everyone will be equal regardless of sex,age and income

   D. no one will be prejudiced inside the company

53. The disadvantage of team sports is that .

   A. people who like sports are too competitive

   B. someone bad at sports might not feel at home when playing sports

   C. self-conscious people are not competitive

   D. chess is not included in the team building programmes

54. The purpose of the passage is to .

   A. introduce the meaning of “team building”

   B. explain why team sports is a new way of “team building”

   C. narrate the characteristics of the team sports

   D. stress different people have different characters

