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Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing   41 was something she picked up by herself. After her first   42  , teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM.   43 , writing stories was simply a   44 interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商).     45 , they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long   46 and paid Tracy a $50,000 in advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for   47  writer.”

  48 Tracy’s characters (人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes   49  readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could   50  the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”

“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have   51 when things come to me  52  .” Once, she was wondering how to complete a    53  set in ancient (古代的) China.   54 the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese  55 . It came without her having    56 it.

Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained   57  by her fame. She lives in the same   58  she lived 27 years ago — although in a more comfortable home. There’s more room for   59 in her life----and it wasn’t just   60 .






































A.a foreign

B.a popular

C.an unusual

D.an unknown



A.Even though

B.Now that

C.Just because

D.Except that









A.make up

B.connect with











A.for no reason

B.from a distance

C.by accident

D.as gifts

















































21.C 前后照应逻辑推理 注意与后句的比较。作者不仅仅只是单一的写作了,作者的生活中有了更多的机会或空间来享受生活的多样化(variety)。网上下载,此题原


为C(joy欢乐),笔者认为有所不妥,joy缺少比较前提,前文并没有作任何铺垫。joy与success和work一样与后句的it wasn't just writing不形成对立关系。

1.C 前后照应 不仅仅只是写作(writing)。注意与文章前面her writing skill,a part-time writer for IBM,writing stories was simply a personal interest的相一致。reporting,luck和fun与文意不符。

【解析】Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。他的写作技巧怎样,他的作品有什么特点,他为什么会这样?文章会告诉你。

1.D 词义比较前后照应 Tracy Wong是一位著名的美籍华人作家。其写作技能(skill)是自学的。后文大部分谈到了她的技能与技巧。skill技能,技巧;experience经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历;practice实践,实习;method方法。

2.A前后照应词义比较 从后文作同位语的teaching disabled children和对立项a part-time writer for IBM,这里指的不是义务(duty),努力(effort),任务(task),而是工作、职业(job)。

3.B 词义比较逻辑推理 指Tracy Wong所处的时期(then)。instead代替,表示对立意义;normally正常地, 通常地;certainly的确,表示对情况或事情的肯定。

4.C 前后照应词义比较 当时,写作是个人的兴趣爱好。后句sent three of her stories to a publisher 有所暗示。A. general普通的,一般的;deep深奥的, 难懂的;personal私人的, 个人的;lively活泼的, 活跃的。

5.A 词义比较句法功能词汇用法 出版商对她的作品感兴趣(interested),随即向她提出建议。Interested="As" they were interested;Encouraged的逻辑主语应是Tracy,而不是出版商;anxiously(忧虑地, 不安地)和seriously(认真地, 真诚地)通常不作句子性副词用,故不能出现在这个位置上。

6.B 前后照应词义比较 出版商加以她把三个故事合起来成为一篇长故事(story)。film,program和article没有存在的前提。

7.D 逻辑推理词义比较 对于Tracy这样一个尚不受大众欢迎的(popular),普通的(unusual),外国的(foreign),没有名气的(unknown)小作家,这是不小的一笔钱。

8.A 语句连贯前后照应 虽然她的故事人物令人感兴趣,但……。注意前后句之间的转折关系。now that既然,表示原因关系;;even though即使,即便,表示转折关系;just because就是因为,表示因果关系;except that 除了……之外, 只可惜,表示排除意义。

9.C 词义辨析 她的那些关于超自然故事有时让/使(leave)读者感到不自在,心神不安。find发现,找到;turn转动,变成;leave使某人处于某种状态,置某人于某种状态;hold把握,保持。

10.B 前后照应逻辑推理 作者的母亲认为作者能够沟通来世阴间。后句"She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago."有所暗示。make up弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理;connect with连接, 联络;control控制;explain 解释, 说明。

11.D 逻辑推理语法规则 但是作者也确实有这样的感觉(feelings),机会(chances),事件(events),或时刻(moments)。因为紧接在后面的when引导的表示时间的定语从句,修饰前面的moments,故选D。

12.A 词义比较前后照应 有时某些事情无缘无故(for no reason)地,而非碰巧(by accident),从远处(from a distance),作为礼物式(as gifts)地发生在作者身上。由后文中的Once, she was wondering how to…有所暗示。

13.C 逻辑推理,前后照应,词义比较 作者一直在纳闷如何完成一个以古代中国为背景的布景场景(scene)的故事,而非描写(description),指示(pointing)或谈话(talk)。

14.B 词义比较逻辑推理 突然(suddenly),门铃响了。surprisingly令人惊讶地;suddenly突然地,表示突发性行为;expectedly不出预料地;fortunately 幸运地。

15.B 逻辑推理气候照应 邮递员手里拿着有关中国历史(history),而非烹调(cooking),医学(medicine),戏剧(play)方面的书。前面ancient China有所提示。

16.D 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 书来得很是蹊跷,作者先前知道(know)、意识到会(realize)有这样的书,但没有送(send)出去过,更没有预定过(order)。按常识道理,没有预定,邮递员不会送东西到家来,更何况是自己想弄的东西。

17.A 逻辑推理,词义比较,前后照应 虽然作者已经出版了45本书,可仍然没有由于名誉而有丝毫改变(unchanged)。由后文although in a more comfortable home 说明unmoved不妥。Excited和determined与文意不符。    

18.D 逻辑推理常识运用 作者也许在原先的城市(city),原先的房子(house)居住,但不能是原先的生活(life),而是以与27年前同样的生活方式(way)生活着。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing ___36___ was something she picked up by herself. After her first ___37___, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. ___38___, writing stories was simply a ___39___ interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商). ___40___, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long ___41___ and paid Tracy a $50,000 advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for ___42___ writer. ”

___43___ Tracy’s characters(人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes ___44___ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could ___45___ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago. ”

“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have ___46___when things come to me ___47___. ” Once, she was wondering how to complete a ___48___ set in ancient(古代的) China. ___49___the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese ___50___. It came without her having ___51___it.

Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained ___52___ by her fame. She lives in the same ___53___ ___ she lived 27 years ago — although in a more comfortable home. There

s more room for ___54___in her life ’t just ___55___.

36. A. skill     B. experience  C. practice      D. method

37. A. duty     B. effort  C. job     D. task

38. A. Instead B. Normally   C. Certainly    D. Then

39. A. general B. deep   C. personal     D. lively

40. A. Interested     B. Anxiously   C. Seriously    D. Encouraged

41. A. film     B. story   C. program     D. article

42. A. a foreign      B. a popular    C. an unusual  D. an unknown

43. A. Now that     B. Even though     C. Just because       D. Except that

44. A. find      B. turn    C. leave   D. hold

45. A. make up      B. connect with      C. control       D. explain

46. A. events   B. chances      C. feelings      D. moments

47. A. for no reason       B. from a distance        C. by accident D. as gifts

48. A. description   B. pointing     C. scene  D. talk

49. A. Surprisingly B. Suddenly    C. Expectedly D. Fortunately

50. A. cooking       B. history       C. play    D. medicine

51. A. known  B. sent    C. realized      D. ordered

52. A. unchanged   B. excited       C. determined D. unmoved

53. A. life       B. city     C. house  D. way

54. A. success B. work   C. joy     D. variety

55. A. writing B. reporting    C. luck    D. fun


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing __1__ was something she picked up by herself. After her first__2__, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. __3__, writing stories was simply a __4__ interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher (出版商). __5__, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long __6__ and paid Tracy a $ 15,000 advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for __7__ writer.”

__8__ Tracy’s characters (人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes __9__ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could __10__ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”

“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have __11__ when things come to me __12__. “Once, she was wondering how to complete a __13__ set in ancient (古代的) China. __14__ the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese __15__. It came without her having __16__ it.

Though she has published 45 books, Tracy has remained __17__ by her fame. She lives in the same __18__ she lived 27 years ago -- although in a more comfortable home. There’s more room for __19__ in her life -- and it wasn’t just __ 20__.

1. A. skill   B. experience     C. practice D. method

2. A. duty     B. effort    C. job      D. task

3. A. Instead   B. Normally  C. Certainly     D. Then

4. A. general    B. deep      C. personal    D. lively

5. A. Interested   B. Anxiously   C. Seriously  D. Encouraged

6. A. film       B. story  C. program   D. article

7. A. a foreign   B. a popular   C. an unusual   D. an unknown

8. A. Now that    B. Even though  C. Just because  D. Except that

9. A. find   B. turn      C. leave    D. hold

10. A. make up    B. connect with    C. control    D. explain

11. A. events     B. chances    C. feelings    D. moments

12. A. for no reason  B. from a distance 

    C. by accident D. as gifts

13. A. description   B. pointing     C. scene   D. talk

14. A. Surprisingly   B. Suddenly

   C. Expectedly     D. Fortunately

15. A. cooking    B. history   C. play    D. medicine

16. A. known     B. sent     C. realized   D. ordered       

17. A. unchanged  B. excited   C. determined  D. unmoved     

18. A. life   B. city       C. house     D. way

19. A. success    B. work      C. joy  D. variety

20. A. writing  B. reporting    C. luck   D. fun


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing ___36___ was something she picked up by herself. After her first____37____, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. ___38___, writing stories was simply a ___39___. interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商).___40____, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long___41___and paid Tracy a $ 50,000 advance. "A pretty money," said the publisher, "for___42____writer.”

      ___43___Traey's characters(人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes___44___readem uneasy: those about the supernatural. "My mother believed I could___45___the afterlife world," she told a close friend. "She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago."

      "Can I? I don't think I can," Tracy said with a laugh. "But l do have___46___ when things come to me___47___. " Once, she was wondering how to complete a ___48___set in ancient (古代的) China. ___49___the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese ___50___. It came without her having ___51___it.

     Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained ___52___by her fame. She lives in the same ___53___she lived 27 years ago - although in a mom comfortable home. There' s more room for___54___in her life - and it wasn’t just ___ 55___.

36. A. skill         

B. experience

C. practice

D. method

37. A. duty         

B. effort

C. job

D. task

38. A. Instead       

B. Normally

C. Certainly

D. Then

39. A. general       

B. deep 

C. personal

D. lively

40. A. Interested     

B. Anxiously

C. Seriously 

D. Encouraged

41. A. film          

B. story

C. program    

D. article

42. A. a foreign

B. a popular

C. an unusual

D. an unknown

43. A. Now that     

B. Even though

C. Just because

D. Except that

44. A. find            

B. turn


D. hold

45. A. make up      

B. 'connect with

C. control

D. explain

46. A. events        

B. chances

C. feelings

D. moments

47. A. for no reason  

B. from a distance

C. by accident   

D. as gifts

48. A. description    

B. pointing

C. scene    

D. talk

49. A. Surprisingly    

B. Suddenly

C. Expectedly

D. Fortunately

50. A. cooking     

B. history

C. play      

D. medicine

51. A. known     

B. sent

C. realized    

D. ordered

52. A. unchanged    

B. excited      

C. determined

D. unmoved     

53. A. life          

B. city

C. house   

D. way

54. A. success       

B. work       

C. joy    

D. variety

55. A. writing       

B. reporting     

C. luck  

D. fun



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing ____ was something she picked up by herself. After her first____, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. ____, writing stories was simply a ____ interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher. ____, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long ____ and paid Tracy a $ 15,000 advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for ____ writer.”

   ____ Tracy’s characters are interesting, her stories sometimes ____ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could ____ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”

      “Can I ? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have ____ when things come to me ____. “Once, she was wondering how to complete a ____ set in ancient China. ____ the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese ____. It came without her having ____ it.

     Though she has published 45 books, Tracy has remained ____ by her fame. She lives in the same ____ she lived 27 years ago — although in a more comfortable home. There’s more room for ____ in her life — and it wasn’t just __ __.

1.A. skill             B. experience                      C. practice    D. method

2.A. duty          B. effort                        C. job                  D. task

3.A. Instead                  B. Normally        C. Certainly             D. Then

4.A. general                 B. deep             C. personal             D. lively

5.A. Interested              B. Anxiously         C. Seriously             D. Encouraged

6.A. film            B. story             C. program              D. article

7.A. a foreign                B. a popular         C. an unusual           D. an unknown

8.A. Now that      B. Even though              C. Just because D. Except that

9.A. find                     B. turn                         C. leave                D. hold

10.A. make up                B. connect with     C. control              D. explain

11.A. events         B. chances               C. feelings             D. moments

12.A. for no reason   B. from a distance               C. by accident         D. as gifts

13.A. description            B. condition                C. scene              D. talk

14.A. Surprisingly            B. Suddenly                  C. Expectedly          D. Fortunately

15.A. cooking      B. history            C. play                  D. medicine

16.A. known         B. sent              C. realized    D. ordered       

17.A. unchanged            B. excited                      C. determined          D. unmoved     

18.A. life                    B. city             C. house              D. way

19.A. success      B. work                         C. joy                  D. variety

20.A. writing         B. reporting                   C. luck                    D. fun


