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                            Out of the cold 

   There are no known cures for colds and the flu,so cold and flu prevention should be your goal. The most effective way of preventing the flu is to get the flu shot. 36 But there are other techniques you can employ as well. Here are some tips you can use to help prevent colds and the flu naturally:

   Put a box of tissues(纸巾) wherever people sit. Place tissue boxes strategically around the house,at work,and in the car. 37 Then anyone who has to cough or blow their nose can use them in a way least likely to spread bacteria.

   Leave the windows open in winter. Not all of them,but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time. 38 

   Add green tea and an apple to your morning break. Recent research by food nutritionists at Auckland University in New Zealand,found that eating food rich in (类黄酮) could lower the risk of adults catching a cold by as much as 33%.39 Eating five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day in a variety of colours is a great way to make sure you get enough flavonoids in your diet.

   40 The knuckle(指关节) is less likely to have viruses than your fingertip. The eye provides a perfect entry point for bacteria,and the average person rubs his eyes or nose or scratches his face 20-50 times a day,making fingers particularly good at spreading bacteria.

   A. It works better than anything else.

   B. You need to make them widely available.

   C. Use your knuckle to gently rub your eyes.

   D. Fresh air does wonders for chasing out bacteria.

   E. Never come into direct contact with viruses and bacteria.

   F. They are found in green tea,apples,blueberries,red wine and cocoa.

   G. When you feel a cough coming,use a tissue,then throw it away immediately.



36. A.由_上一句 The most effective way of preventing the flu is to get the flu shot 可知,打流感针比其他方法更有效。

3T7. B.由上一句 Place tissue boxes strategically around the house, ,_at work,and in the car 可知,应该把纸巾放到伸手就能够到的地方。

38. D.把一两扇窗户打开的目的是让新鲜空气进 来,所以D项符合语境。

39. F。本段主要说明类黄酮的重要性,F项中的 They指的就是类黄酮。

40. C.由下一句 The knuckle is less likely to have viruses than your fingertip可知,本段小标题应该 是C项。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第53期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   There's a new kind of bullying on the block. Rumors(谣言) ,threats , exclusion(排斥) ,and the lot have recently been accompanied by an equally dangerous but less overt(明显的) method of tearing other people down: body shame bullying.

   Body shaming can affect anyone — regardless of gender or weight — and it's been observed as a growing trend appearing in school cafeterias.

   So what does this mean exactly? Kids and teens are pressuring one another to skip lunch or eat much less food than they want. With judgmental looks and nasty comments,students intentionally make their schoolmates feel ashamed of how much they eat,leading some kids to go so far as to buy lunch and then throw it away.

   In a recent survey of over 5 ,000 Canadian middle and high school students,researchers found that teens who reported being bullied were more likely to skip meals. The bullying took place online or in-person. As scientists have previously linked bullying with depression,anxiety,and eating disorders,it's not safe to brush off an occasional meal pass as an isolated incident; it's likely to become a repeated self-destructive behavior.

   To help fight against this form of bullying,researchers suggest that schools prohibit students from hanging out in the cafeteria if they’ re not eating,requiring parent permission forms if a student wants to skip lunch,and simply asking students what they ate for lunch,which may encourage them to discuss the issue.

25. Body shame bullying .

   A. mainly hurts young girls

   B. not only affects fat people

   C. is less dangerous than threats

   D. is a traditional kind of bullying

26. Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word “nasty” in Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Unfair. B. Brief.

   C. Unkind. D. Helpful.

27. What can we' infer from Paragraph 4 about body shaming?

   A. It can be very harmful.

   B. It always takes place in-person.

   C. It can be good for people's health.

   D. It doesn’ t always cause missed meals.

28. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

   A. Different forms of bullying.

   B. A discussion about bullying.

   C. How to avoid body shame bullying.

   D. What parents should do to stop bullying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I went away to college,I chose to go to a large school in another state in an attempt to never again see those popular girls,the ones who drove quiet girls like me headlong into the arms of dusty books.

   Since I didn't know a soul at this university,I volunteered for a dub to make friends. That's how I ended up one winter evening standing outside the student union,waiting for the night's famous speaker to drive up. My assignment was to escort (护送)her to the auditorium where her fans eagerly waited to hear Maya Angelou,author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

   As showtime neared,Angelou's car pulled up. When its door opened,Angelou and a female friend exited,each wearing head-to-toe fur coats. I nervously guided the pair inside. Angelou was ready to sweep onstage,but first,there was her fur coat. I offered to babysit it backstage to make sure it was safe.

   “No,” she said. She looked out at the audience. “You need to get out there and live."

   So I found a front-row seat and heard,for the first time,a book come alive in an author's own voice. The audience clapped and cheered as they went along on the ride of this performance.

   I wish I could say that my life changed then. But out of college,I went deeper into my interior self,taking a job that required little human contact. A few years later,I became a newspaper editor,which required talking to "many people. For those times,I depended on index(索引) cards. But I reminded myself that Angelou hadn't used notes.

   Today,I'm in my 50s. I am speaking comfortably about what I really know to be true. I get out there now and live.

24. What kind of person did the author use to be?

   A. Brave. B. Kind.

   C. Careless. D. Shy.

25. Why did Angelou decline the author's offer to take care of her fur coat?

   A. She wouldn’t trust a stranger with it.

   B. She thought it was the duty of her assistant.

   C. She wanted the author to enjoy the performance.

   D. She thought it was safe enough to put it backstage.

26. Soon after graduating from college,the author.

   A. found a job as a newspaper editor

   B. kept shutting herself in her own world

   C. changed a lot under Angelou's influence

   D. felt more confident when speaking in public

27. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Get out there and live

   B. The night I met Angelou

   C. Speak from your inner self

   D. My friendship with Angelou


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It is the first day of high school. And with it'so often,comes nervousness — especially for students making the leap to high school.

   But inside the Theodore Roosevelt High School gym for freshman orientation (迎新会) , at least some of those nerves had turned into excitement.

   Juniors and seniors were leading ninth-graders through team-building activities,then walking them through their class schedule. And before they left,students planned on exchanging phone numbers to text questions later on.

   The new initiative(行动) is part of a nationally known program called Link Crew,which started at Roosevelt and was adopted as a district-wide high school program this year.

   What's unique about this initiative is the yearlong focus on peer mentoring(同龄人指导) that goes far beyond the first few days of lockers that won’t open and classrooms that can't be found.

   The idea is to build up friendships and school spirit and encourage ninth-graders to meet new friends or join activities that interest them.

   Roosevelt Principal Kevin Biggs said ,“Our freshmen will be more comfortable around peers than they will be around adults."

   Groups are designed so students meet individuals with different backgrounds and cultures. And they'11 continue to meet during the school year,attending a football game or school dance together.

   The new program is expected to develop friendships and peer-to-peer support,from helping each other through a breakup to talking through concerns about fights with friends.

   “A lot of times,students can talk to students about things that they may not feel comfortable talking to an adult about,” said Ally son Vukovich,the district's community partnership coordinator (协调者) .

   “It really changes the culture within a building,” she added, “so upperclassmen find some ownership about what goes on in their school."

25. Which word can describe the feeling of the freshmen in Theodore Roosevelt High School?

   A. Nervous. B. Afraid.

   C. Proud. D. Excited.

26. What do we know about the new initiative?

   A. It lasts through a year.

   B. It is adopted throughout the US.

   C. It was put forward by Kevin Biggs.

   D. It paired adult mentors with freshmen.

27. What's the main purpose of the new program?

   A. To develop students’ sense of responsibility.

   B. To help freshmen adjust to life in high school.

   C. To help students learn about different cultures.

   D. To teach students how to get along with others.

28. What's Allyson Vukovich’ s attitude towards the new program?

   A. Worried. B. Doubtful.

   C. Uncaring. D. Supportive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat,determination and hard work.

要求:1. 针对该话题谈谈你的看法;

   2. 举例说明理由。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                       Bury Trip — 24th July 2015 

We will be leaving Homerton teacher campus at 13:45. Please be at the front of the college 10 minutes early. If you are late you may miss the coach and not be able to go!If you miss the coach,you will not receive repayment!The coach is planned to arrive in Bury at 14:30,although this is dependent on traffic. You will have free time to explore and we will meet at the same location where we arrive at 17:15 to return to Homerton by approximately 18:00.

                        THINGS TO DO 

Visit the Abbey(修道院) 

The remains of this historic monument,which originally was a shrine(圣所) to Saint Edmund,a Saxon King,are well worth a visit. The Abbey is also surrounded by beautiflil gardens,and is located next to the St. Edmundsbury Cathedral.

Have a drink in The Nutshell 

This charming little bar is officially the smallest pub in Great Britain. Good things come in small packages though,and The Nutshell serves some of the region's finest drinks,as well as having fascinating historical items and photos.

Go around the brewery shop 

At the Greene King shop you can taste and buy some of the local beer,as well as food such as chutney. There are also clothing and other great gift ideas available to buy.

Several attractions are listed,but feel free to explore on your own. A Course Assistant will be around to help you throughout the trip but they will not act as a guide.

21. Those who miss the coach .

   A. can catch another coach

   B. can ask other teachers for a ride

   C. won’t get their money back

   D. are supposed to go by themselves

22. What do we know about the Abbey?

   A. It is now in ruins.

   B. It is located near a garden.

   C. It was built by Saint Edmund.

   D. It is known as the St. Edmundsbury Cathedral.

23. The visitors are advised to .

   A. take a self-guided tour

   B. find a local to serve as a guide

   C. follow the Course Assistant in the tour

   D. visit the above-mentioned attractions first


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sally: Rebecca,is humour an important thing for you? 61. your best relationships with people who share your sense of humour?

Rebecca: Yes. I think it's also very important to not only laugh at jokes and things in the world but also to laugh at 62.(you) .

Sally: Have you ever made friends with someone 63. didn't laugh at any of your jokes?

Rebecca: I don't think I could be friends with someone 64. that because a sense of humour and 65.(personal) are very important to me. It's also very important to me 66.my new friend gets along with my old friends. 

Sally: And do you think there's a big difference between American humour 67.British humour?

Rebecca: I don't know if there's a big difference,but there's 68. (certain) a difference. I think British humour is a lot more dry and irdnic (讽刺的) than American humour which tends 69. (be) “laugh out loud” kind of humour.

Sally: What kind of American things make you laugh?

Rebecca: I would say more slapstick(打闹剧似的胡闹) and maybe not 70. (intelligence) humour.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The workers were the truck with fresh vegetables.

   A. covering   B. loading

   C. replacing   D. fighting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   Last summer I did some fruit-picking. It is pretty hard work,though. I had to start in 7 am and picked for a good eight hours. But it was such cheerful and full of fun. Some of we had guitars,so in the evenings [ ! we had barbecues and played a bit music together. I only got about $80 a week,but at the least they gave me all my meals,and the food was not that awfully. Basic accommodation was also supplying. Still,I’m afraid I won’t be going fruit-picking this summer,because V ve got a temporary job in town what pays better.

