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     Jan. 7, 2008 — French President Nicolas Sarkozy would marry his girl friend, former supermodel 
Carla Bruni on Feb. 8 or 9, media reported Monday.
     The report said that in December — less than a month after Sarkozy met Bruni — he gave her a
 heart-shaped diamond engagement ring.
     Carla Bruni, Italian singer, former model and girlfriend of France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, holds
 the hand of her son Aurelien while wearing a pink heart-shaped ring during a visit to the ancient 
Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008. French newspapers reported that Sarkozy would marry her early
 in February.
     Sarkozy and his wife of 11 years, Cecilia, divorced (离婚) in October. Their marital (婚姻) problems became well known in May 2005 when she appeared in public at the side of event organizer Richard 
     A marriage to Bruni, a one-time star of the catwalks who is now a singer, would be Sarkozy's third: 
He divorced his first wife, Marie, in the late 80s — after he had met and befriended Cecilia. Political
 analyst Dominique Moisi said that a Sarkozy proposal to Bruni could be part of his desire to head off 
any future arguments, and the speed of their visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008 
would fit with his personality as a busy man in a hurry.
     "Apparently, he's going to marry her, so the problem will be behind him," Moisi said. "He will increase
 the opportunities to travel with her, and to say to the French, 'You see, I must remarry ... You need a
 first lady.' "
     Bruni, an Italian-born French citizen, has dated famous men including Mick Jagger and Donald Trump. She has also reportedly been linked to singer Eric Clapton and actor Vincent Perez.
1. Sarkozy's second marriage was held _____.
A. in 1996 
B. in May 2005
C. once he divorced Marie 
D. 11 years later than the first
2. What is the correct order of Sarkozy's marital history?    
a.Long marriage to Cecilia.
b. Visiting ruins with Bruni
c. Getting divorced from Marie
d. Giving Bruni a diamond ring
e. To marry the former supermodel    
A. c-a-b-d-e
B. e-d-c-a-b
C. c-a-d-b-e
D. a-c-d-b-e
3. The possible purpose of the last paragraph is _____. 
A. to provide some unknown stories about Bruni's love affairs     
B. to show uncertainty about the former supermodel's loyalty    
C. to imply that past experiences have little effect on a person    
D. to prove Bruni one of the most popular and attractive females
4. Which would be the best title for the news? 
A.  Bruni, France's first lady 
B. A third marriage to fail 
C. France to have first lady 
D. President's new girl friend

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051




    This Thursday, Irena Sendler will be honored for her work as a smuggler(偷运者). During World War II, the Polish social worker smuggled nearly 2.500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto (聚居区). She gave them new identities, found them safe places with good-hearted Christians, and kept the children's real names buried in jars in her neighbors' gardens. (The play, Life in a Jar, based on her story, is being performed.) At 93, Sendler lives in a Warsaw nursing home and is too weak to travel to Washington D. C. to receive the 2003 Jan Karski Award for Valor and Compassion from the American Center of Polish Culture. One of the children she saved will accept the award for her.


    You risked your life to save the children.

    I was taught by my father that when someone is drowning, you don't ask if they can swim, you just jump in and help. During the war, everyone was drowning, but mostly the Jewish children.

    How did you persuade parents to give up their children?

    I had to answer honestly that 1 didn't even know if we would get past the guards.

    What was the mast frightening moment?

    When I saw a priest (牧师) in charge of an orphanage for Jewish children in the ghetto walk with them out to be killed. The children were in their best Sunday suits. The priest was killed with them.

    How did you get the children to behave as yon smuggled them out?

    I told the older children to act as if they were sick and sometimes gave the younger ones a sleeping pill. They were told to remember their new names. I also told the children to tell guards they had only been visiting a servant in the ghetto and were going back to their real homes outside.

    Did you tell your own two children what you did?

    I never told them. Only when my daughter went to Israel did she learn all about me. I thought it was only normal to do so. And it was a very painful subject. It was always on my mind that I couldn't do more.

—Samantha Levine

1We can learn from the passage that Irena Sender ________.

    A. will go to Washington to accept the award with her daughter

    B. was caught a few times while she was rescuing the Jewish children

    C. told those parents that their children's lives would be guaranteed

    D. saved thousands of Jewish children at the risk of her own life

2The expression “everyone was drowning” can best be replaced by “________”.

    A. everyone was involved in the war

    B. all the people were drowned

    C. people were facing danger and death

    D. Jewish children were being killed

3Which of the following could NOT be expected when Sendler was smuggling the Jewish children?

    A. Some children were told to pretend to be sick in front of the guards.

    B. Some children pretended to be returning home after visiting servants in the ghetto.

    C. The children were asked to remember and use new names instead of real ones.

    D. The children pretended to be brothers and sisters from one big family.

4Sendler didn't tell her own children what she did in the war because ________.

    A. she thought it was the most frightening experience

    B. the topic was too painful and heartbreaking to mention

    C. it was already recorded and made known to the public

    D. she planned to bury the secret in her heart until her death



科目:高中英语 来源:启东中学作业本  高二英语(下) 题型:050


  A terrifying example of the sea's power saw about 200,000 people die in 12 different countries last week. The devastation (毁坏) was caused when a massive earthquake sent tsunamis (海啸) smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines.

  Communities in Sri Lanka. Indonesia, Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Africa have been destroyed by the monster waves. Whole towns were imply swept aside by the power of the water. Cars, trains and buildings could not survive (幸免), let alone the people who stood in the way.

  The earthquake measured 9.0 on the Richter scale (里氏震级) and occurred off the coast of Indonesia. It was recorded as the fifth strongest since 1900.

  Scientists said the quake was as powerful as a million of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan during World War Ⅱ. “This may be the worst natural disaster in recent history because it is affecting so many heavily populated coastal areas," said Jan Egeland, a UN official.

  Because such waves rarely happen in the Indian Ocean, there is no system in place to warn coastal communities they are about to be hit.

  Tsunami is Japanese for “harbour wave.” They are usually caused by a sudden rise or fall of part of the Earth's crust (地壳) under the ocean. Tsunamis often happen in oceans and they are most common in the Pacific. Normally a tsunamis includes a series of waves.

  Tsunamis can be very long-as much a, 100 kilometres-and be as far as one hour apart. They are able to cross entire oceans without losing much energy. One of the most striking facts about tsunamis is that an earthquake on one side of the Pacific Ocean can cause giant wave, and destruction on the other side.

  When the ocean is deep, tsunamis can travel unnoticed at speeds of up to 800 kilometres per hour. They can cross the entire ocean in a day or less.

  The wave may only be a few metres, high in the ocean but when it is near the shore and reaches shallow (浅) water, the wave builds up very quickly in height. Witnesses (目击者) in some areas of Indonesia reported seeing up to 10-metre high waves crash into the shore.

1.We can infer from the passage that fewer people would have died in the South Asian tsunami ________.

[  ]

A.if there had been warning system along the coast

B.if the earthquake had happened off the coast of Thailand

C.if the tsunami had happened in the day time

D.if the tsunami had happened in the deep ocean

2.What surprises people most about the tsunamis is that ________.

[  ]

A.it lasts a long time

B.it travels a long way

C.a tsunamis on one side of the ocean can cause destruction on the other side of the ocean

D.it builds up a high wave

3.Which of the following is NOT true of the South Asian tsunamis?

[  ]

A.It was caused by a serious earthquake off the coast of Indonesia.

B.It was caused by the strongest earthquake in the world.

C.People didn't expect such a strong tsunamis would hit them.

D.It may be the worst natural disaster in recent history.

4.Which of the following is the best title for this article?

[  ]

A.What Is the Tsunami?

B.South Asia Was Hit by the Strongest Earthquake.

C.Mother Nature Displays Anger.

D.A Terrible Disaster.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Jan. 7, 2008-French President Nicolas Sarkozy would marry his girlfriend, former supermodel Carla
Bruni on Feb. 8 or 9, media reported Monday. The report said that in December---less than a month after
Sarkozy met Bruni-he gave her a heart-shaped diamond engagement ring.
     Carla Bruni, Italian singer, former model and girlfriend of France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, holds the
hand of her son Aurelien while wearing a pink heart-shaped ring during a visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins
of Petra Jan. 5, 2008. French newspapers reported that Sarkozy would marry her early in February.
     Sarkozy and his wife of 11 years, Cecilia, divorced in October. Their marital (婚姻) problems became
well known in May 2005 when she appeared in public at the side of event organizer Richard Attias.
     A marriage to Bruni, a one-time star of the catwalks who is now a singer, would be Sarkozy's third: He
divorced his first wife, Marie, in the late 80s-after he had met and befriended Cecilia. Political analyst
Dominique Moisi said that a Sarkozy proposal to Bruni could be part of his desire to head off any future
arguments, and the speed of their visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008 would fit with
his personality as a busy man in a hurry.
     "Apparently, he's going to marry her, so the problem will be behind him," Moisi said. "He will increase
the opportunities to travel with her, and to say to the French, 'You see, I must remarry… You need a first
     Bruni, an Italian-born French citizen, has dated famous men including Mick Jagger and Donald Trump.
She has also reportedly been linked to singer Eric Clapton and actor Vincent Perez.
1. Sarkozy's second marriage was held _____.
A. in 1996
B. in May 2005
C. once he divorced Marie
D. 11 years later than the first
2. What is the correct order of Sarkozy's marital history?
a. Long marriage to Cecilia.
b. Visiting ruins with Bruni
c. Getting divorced from Marie
d. Giving Bruni a diamond ring
e. To marry the former supermodel
A. c-a-b-d-e
B. e-d-c-a-b
C. c-a-d-b-e
D. a-c-d-b-e
3. The possible purpose of the last paragraph is _____.
A. to provide some unknown stories about Bruni's love affairs
B. to show uncertainty about the former supermodel's loyalty
C. to imply that past experiences have little effect on a person
D. to prove Bruni one of the most popular and attractive females
4. Which would be the best title for the news?
A. Bruni, France's first lady
B. A third marriage to fail
C. France to have first lady
D. President's new girl friend


科目:高中英语 来源:0103 模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Jan. 7, 2008-French President Nicolas Sarkozy would marry his girlfriend, former supermodel Carla
Bruni on Feb. 8 or 9, media reported Monday. The report said that in December---less than a month after
Sarkozy met Bruni-he gave her a heart-shaped diamond engagement ring.
     Carla Bruni, Italian singer, former model and girlfriend of France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, holds the
hand of her son Aurelien while wearing a pink heart-shaped ring during a visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins
of Petra Jan. 5, 2008. French newspapers reported that Sarkozy would marry her early in February.
     Sarkozy and his wife of 11 years, Cecilia, divorced in October. Their marital (婚姻) problems became
well known in May 2005 when she appeared in public at the side of event organizer Richard Attias.
     A marriage to Bruni, a one-time star of the catwalks who is now a singer, would be Sarkozy's third: He
divorced his first wife, Marie, in the late 80s-after he had met and befriended Cecilia. Political analyst
Dominique Moisi said that a Sarkozy proposal to Bruni could be part of his desire to head off any future
arguments, and the speed of their visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008 would fit with
his personality as a busy man in a hurry.
     "Apparently, he's going to marry her, so the problem will be behind him," Moisi said. "He will increase
the opportunities to travel with her, and to say to the French, 'You see, I must remarry… You need a first
     Bruni, an Italian-born French citizen, has dated famous men including Mick Jagger and Donald Trump.
She has also reportedly been linked to singer Eric Clapton and actor Vincent Perez.
1. What is the correct order of Sarkozy's marital history?
a. Long marriage to Cecilia
b. Visiting ruins with Bruni
c. Getting divorced from Marie
d. Giving Bruni a diamond ring
e. To marry the former supermodel
A. c-a-b-d-e
B. e-d-c-a-b
C. c-a-d-b-e
D. a-c-d-b-e
2. What did Moisi really intend to inform the readers?
A. The president will spend more time staying with Bruni
B. Sarkozy is good at balancing state and personal affairs
C. It is not easy for President Sarkozy to seek a new love
D. It is a doubt whether the marriage would have a bright future
3. The possible purpose of the last paragraph is to _______ .
A. provide some unknown stories about Bruni's love affairs
B. show uncertainty about the former supermodel's loyalty
C. imply that past experiences have little effect on a person
D. prove Bruni one of the most popular and attractive females
4. Which would be the best title for the news?
A. Bruni, France's first lady
B. A third marriage to fail
C. France to have first lady
D. President's new girl friend

